
Woke Up In The Manga "Kingdom"

Rinko suddenly wakes up and discovers himself surrounded by strangers, and from the looks of it, soon there will be a battle.

WN89 · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs


243 B.C

Rinko sat at his kitchen table eating breakfast with his family while listening as his daughter talked to her mother about how her spear training has been going. Proud of her Rinko would occasionally join in and mention how great she would be once she grew up. Watching his family his mind started to wander, he couldn't help thinking how it had already been 12 years since he's arrived here.

It has been a year since Baou, having been stationed near the Zhao border for a few months he was now finally able to spend time with his family once again. He was glad to see how happy his family is right now and couldn't help thinking about the future, soon Qin would face threat after threat from various counties.

Qin was weak right now, its king had yet to stabilize its authority, and the kingdom was divided, once Qin had might generals whose presence alone would strike fear into other countries making them think twice about attacking Qin. Now, sadly only Ou Ki has left but thanks to Hou Ken everyone now knew that the old General from King-Sho's era was now past his prime! rumors spreading out all across the country were claiming that Ou Ki was recovering at home while some claimed that he had passed away thanks to the fact no one has seen the old general in months.

Rinko knew that Ou Ki was alive and that right now Shin, Ten, and Kyou Kai were spending time with the old general in his home city. Shin managed to get himself promoted to a 300-Man commander and just like in the story all those close to him were eventually talked into joining him. Rinko was a bit sad that he couldn't talk Kyou Kai into joining him but he knew that likely without her Shin would end up getting himself killed.

Rinko thinking about their situation now thought there was a good chance that the three might end up becoming even more powerful compared to their novel counterparts! for months now the three had been training under Ou Ki who had now outlived his novel counterpart and was patiently recovering at home while keeping himself entertained toying/training three potential youths. Kyou would often send reports back to update him and she always seemed eager to soak up as much knowledge as she could from the old man!

Rinko wished that she was here training the assassins but he knew that the old man had years of experience and was a monster on the battlefield and didn't blame her, eventually she would return and she would bring her new experience with her and use it to train the assassins.

Rinko having earned himself a bit of fame at Baou was now appreciated more in the Sei faction and had been allowed to start attending their faction meeting, he was too low down to be allowed to speak at these events but he was able to learn valuable information, like the fact that the one faction everyone thought would never betray Sei side the Royal Harem! (under the control of Sei's Mother) joined Ryo Fui Faction!

Rinko was one of the few besides the young king himself who wasn't surprised by the news that shook the faction a few months back. Rinko from his past life knew that Sei and his mother were not on good terms and that Sei's mother was once Ryo's lover before he sold her to a Qin prince.

Rinko knew that soon Qin would invade Wei and so he got up and went to train.

242 B.C

Rinko and 5,000 men were marching with a large host made up of 250,000 troops! Qin's goal was to invade Wei and claim the Sanyou region! if they managed to gain control of this region they would be bordered by many countries. From this one location, they would be able to use it as a staging area to attack different countries. So now a host number 250,000 under the command of Mougou who earned a lot of fame claiming many cities with his last campaign.

Rinko riding his horse was enjoying the nice weather when he noticed a large camp ahead of him, it seemed the Qin forces had decided they had marched long enough today. As he rode into camp he noticed a small commotion going on. Drawing closer with his men he came upon three 300-Man Commanders! Shin from the Hi Shin unit, Ou Hon from the Gyoku Hou Unit, and Mou Ten the 300-Man Commander of the Gaku Ka Unit!

Rinko could hear the three debating which of their Units was the strongest. Deciding to show off a bit Rinko decided to march his men toward the three commanders and as they were in a heated debate he marched his army in between the troops of Shi, Ou Hon, and Mou Ten. Rinko as he rode by the three, quickly waved at Shin and slowly rode away with 5,000 troops following after him. Rinko deliberately arranged men in a long line that made them seem endless as they marched past the three.

(A few days later)

Rinko now stood up staring up at the tall walls of Kourou city as his men ran forward to position ladders. Mougou split the army into three sections to attack different targets at once as they advanced into Wei, MouGou leading an army of 80,000 decided to attack Kourou.

Sadly Rinko and his troops have been sent in with the first wave on the western wall, Rinko knew from his past life that Kourou city would beat back the MouGou army for eleven days! his troops being sent in the first wave would likely end with most of them being wiped out...

Rinko gritted his teeth seeing the men start raising the ladders quickly ran forward and grabbed onto one! soon his body was raised high into the air and quickly approaching the top of the city wall! Upon reaching it Rinko let go and dove into the ranks of enemy soldiers before they could react!

The sudden move took the Wei troops and before any of them reacted Rinko wielded his spear and sent all troops around him flying away! attacking any Wei soldier near him Rinkos spear moved so fast it left after images! he was so busy slaughtering the Wei troops that he didn't even notice as his panic-stricken commanders were the first to climb to the top of the city walls to support him!

The Wei troops seeing Rinko butchering any who came near him decided to deal with the Qin troops who had just managed to reach the top of the wall! if they could stop the flow of Qin troops from supporting the crazy Qin soldier they knew eventually they would be able to kill him after he tired. Sadly that hope was dashed as the first few troops attacked these new Qin soldiers, these men climbing the wall had gone berserk and were unstoppable as they surged forward to cut through any enemy between them and the Qin soldier deeper within their ranks!

Rinko covered in the blood of the Wei troops soon started to notice that the number of enemies attacking had decreased and soon spotted his commanders fighting all around him, soon more and more of his troops reached the top of the wall and it wasn't long before they had secured themselves a strong foothold near their ladders.

Rinko seeing that the troops had the situation under control took the chance to rest and recover his strength and started giving orders to his troops after enough of them had climbed up, they have removed all enemies near their ladders and now the rest of their troops could climb up unhindered, so he ordered the idle troops atop the wall to start pushing down the length of the wall and towards the next friendly ladder to help them clear it of enemies.

For the next few minutes, things were going well for them on the western wall until suddenly an unknown Wei soldier arrived and started cutting through his men, Rinko watched as one of his 1,000-man commanders attempted to stop this new enemy but after Rinko watched the two exchange a few blows Rinko knew he had to get involved or one of his commanders would die.

Rushing forward he was soon battling the Wei soldier and a fierce fight broke out! Rinko's spear moved at a blinding spear and he was just about to finish the enemy soldier when a sword came almost striking his side forcing him to dodge!

It seemed another Wei commander had arrived and was barking his name and rank but Rinko didn't care he quickly rushed forward before the enemy could finish, Rinko was now fighting two enemy commanders. The fight lasted a minute before Rinko was finally able to kill one of them with the second soon being killed after.

Rinko troops seeing him win erupted into a loud cheer!

Rinko having beaten his two opponents now had a chance to observe the situation around him and quickly noticed a small unit of 300 troops quickly cutting through the enemy ranks and heading toward the stairs that lead down from the wall, taking a second to see who it was he was surprised when he saw the Hi Shin Unit!

He watched as the Hi Shin Unit cut its way to the stairs, they were just about to reach it and head down to attempt to open the city gates from the inside when suddenly a large soldier confronted them!

Rinko watched as Shin fought this unknown soldier and soon he started hearing whispers that the enemy General in charge of the western wall had shown himself! Rinko hearing this was about to rush forward to help Shin! when suddenly he spotted Kyou Kai rush forward to join the fight!

Shin who was close to being beaten a second ago was now able to push the enemy general back thanks to the help of Kyou Kai. Even with the two of them fighting it was a tough fight, with Kyou kai often having to save Shin from a fatal strike! Rinko having drawn near could see that soon the pair wouldn't be able to hold on much longer...

The unknown Wei General had just sent Shin flying and then quickly managed to disarm Kyou Kai after sacrificing his left arm! he was just about to finish Kyou Kai with his sword raised high! it was just about to fall to end her life when suddenly a spear erupted from the chests of the Wei General!

Rinko pleased with himself attempted to pull his spear out of the Wei General but despite pulling with all his might he was unable to! looking at the Wei General he watched as the soldier slowly turned his head and stared back at him!

Seeing the pure rage on the face of the enemy general Rinko couldn't help sweating! the enemy general was totally enraged and swore in his heart that he would kill the blasted spearman who sneak attacked him! pulling the spear out of himself he started using it against the sneaky enemy! soon he had the bastard laying on the ground and was just about to end him! when his world spun upside down and he spotted his own headless body!

Rinko beaten and bruised on the ground watched as the troops erupted into cheers as Shin beheaded the enemy commander! slowly rising to his feet he watched as an eager Shin ran down the stairs leading to the gate down below with his troops right behind him. Rinko quickly ordered one of his 1,000 Man Commanders to follow after him while the rest kept fighting atop the wall.

It didn't take long before the west gate was open from the inside and in rushed the eager Qin troops, Wei outnumbered had managed to hold the city for a couple more hours before it finally fell. Once the last of Wei resistance ended the poor citizens of Kourou were ravaged! homes were looted and the poor women both young and old could be heard moaning in the night! it was a tearful night as families were torn apart...

Rinko refused to allow his men to participate in the raping of the city, although the men weren't allowed to participate he did reward them with wine and food, and a small celebration was held in his camp.

Rinko was sitting at a small table inside his command tent looking over reports when out of the darkness behind him a small thin woman clothed in black quietly walked up behind him, she placed a short sword and dagger on the table and then knelt down, soon she explained that an unknown enemy managed to sneak past the soldiers and enter the camp, he avoids the patrols but eventually he was spotted by the assassin hidden around the area, she reported that five of the girls were killed before troops noticed the ruckus and forced the unknown enemy to flee, after explaining what happened the black-clothed woman faded into the darkness and left.

Rinko couldn't help sweating, there happened to an enemy soldier also named Rin Ko who served Ren Pa who was now a General of Wei having fled Zhao. Rin Ko was one of Ren Pas Four Heavenly Kings and was a skilled assassin!

From what Rinko remembered from his past life he knew that Rin Ko wasn't dispatched this early! if that assassin was here then tonight Qin would likely lose a few commanders, with the city in chaos right now, Rinko was sure that the assassin was having a field day picking off Qin soldiers...

(next morning)

Rinko struggled to get much sleep that night, every time he did he would dream of a dark figure walking up to him while sleeping and slitting his throat! he would wake up covered in sweat and quickly reach for his sword!

Eventually, morning came and he learned that a few commanders who had been wandering around last night having fun had been murdered, the soldiers had attempted to hunt down the killer but soon the army was on the march once again and the search was forced to come to an end.

(A few days later)

Rinko now stood outside the city of Kinriken, his troops were lucky this time and stationed further back in reserve. He watched as the Qin army attacked the city, it looked like the city would hold strong and it might take a few days until the city would fall. The troops were starting to become discouraged after being beaten back all day but suddenly there was a large column of smoke near the city and then suddenly a large siege tower was quickly pushed forward and latched onto the city wall!

Rinko watching knew that the Gyoku Hou Unit after having their glory stolen by him and Shin during the last battle was eager to make up for it and quickly brought out their siege tower! soon after the Gyoku Hou Unit exited the Seige tower and battled on top of the city walls, the city gates opened from the inside! the Gaku Ga Unit waiting outside quickly stormed in and soon their flag was hanging high over the city center! Wei troops seeing Qin flags had their morale plummet and it wasn't long before the city surrendered.

Sadly once again the poor citizens of the captured city were ravaged, despite having a few commanders assassinated during the night at Kourou a few too many eager commanders wondered around to enjoy plundering the city, once again as the sun rose a few of their bodies were discovered while some were never found, likely they were brought off and tortured for any information they knew.

Once again the troops searched for the culprit but before long the army was ordered to march on and left the city. Mougou ordered the army to march in a strong defensive posture and important generals were surrounded by elite troops! after hours of marching, the army had to make it way through a hilly terrain covered in dense woods, it was at this location that Qins General Ragen was attacked! soon after the commotion word spread through the army that the General had been killed!

Rinko having just heard the news was taken by surprise as a small force led by Rin Ko burst out of the woods near him! Rinko nearly had his head cut off when suddenly a dark figure leaped out and pulled his head down! the small female assassin from the night at his tent had revealed herself to save his life! sadly the poor girl became Rin Kos's next target and soon her head went flying!

Rinko quickly got to his feet and slipped in amongst his men, he watched as Rin Ko was attacked from all sides, sadly the troops were unable to stop Rin Ko from fleeing! soon word spread that another Qin commander had been ambushed, and another commander was also attacked but was saved by Shin from the Hi Shin unit.

(That night)

After a hectic day the Mougou army settled down for the night, the army had lost a general and a few commanders once again, to make matters worse news spread that Ren Pa was massing an army to face Mougou and that Mougou had never once managed to beat RenPa in a single battle! the morale in the camp was at an all-time low.

Rinko to raise the morale of his troops made sure he fed them well and mingled with the troops, every so often he would look out past the camp onto the plains to a barely lit campfire and knew that likely right now Shin was motivating the old General Mougou and encouraging him that all he needed to do was beat Ren Pa one time after that he could keep running from and refusing to fight, in the end, mougou would be the final victor and get the last laugh.

The next morning Mougou announced that thanks to the troop's hard work they would rest for one day and would be served better meals for all that they had accomplished! Rinko then remembered that Shin likely complained to the commander about their meals and how he shared a hare he had caught with the general (mougou disguised as a footsoldier). The troops have already fought two major battles and were eager for rest and soon the atmosphere improved around the camp.

Rinko to improve the troop's mood organized a small tournament among his commanders, the troops got to enjoy a good show and Rinko even awarded the last commander standing with enough booze to share amongst his men, and a small fortune as well.