
Woke up in a world of marriage

Wri_nonymous · 若者
2 Chs

C2: Unknown husband

"Faye, you okay?"

I woke up as I heard Lia's voice, the birds are chirping and my window was open,

"What time is it?"

"It's 10 am, and you passed out last night what happened?"

"Lia... I can't believe it"

"Believe what?"

"That I'm married without knowing it... And who am I married to? Haist, it's freaking me out"

"You're mom told you?"

"What do you mean? You want me to know it myself? Haist I thought it's a dream but I heard everything, I even feel the kiss!"

"No way... Really? I mean we are planning to tell you after your full recovery, but you seems fine now and you can walk correctly"

"But, Lia... Who is he? My husband"

My mom entered the room with a bowl of soup.

"Dear, you don't have to rush things your husband is busy and he knows your situation"

"Huh? You don't want me to meet him then"

"No, that's not the thing... The thing is he goes to an important meeting outside the country after your marriage"

"What? What was even that, I don't even had a clue who he was"

"It's okay Faye, you will meet him after everything is settled"

"Mom, Lia... Can I have a divorce paper?"

"Huh?! You still didn't meet him, why?"

"Why did you make me get married? I should decide it myself, besides I'm not ready for this"

I want to cry as I look down and saw the ring in my hand. The truth is i know the reason why they put me in an arrange marriage, I heard everything that my dad said when I was in the hospital. That time my mind was conscious but my whole body is paralyzed. But I only remember few words which is to save my father's company from its depth. But why? Why me? Why do I have to get married? What does it have to do with the company? I don't know what to say if I will meet my dad, I felt sad and angry at the same time.

I feel the warm hand of mom in cheeks as she lift up my face towards her.

"Dear, I'm sorry... I don't know how to react with this, but it's your dad he..."

"He trade me for the sake of his company...right?"

"Huh? How did you..."

"Mom... I'm in a coma, but can hear few words around me when my mind is conscious"


Lia said with a shock face.

"I even remember when Faye visited me on my birthday last year, she sing me a song"

"Yeah... I did, I'm glad you hear it"

She said as tears came running down her face.

"Dear, let's settle everything once your dad will come back."

Mom left us as we eat the bowl of soup.

"Hey, you said you heard my singing"

"Yeah? So what?"

"Did my voice improve?"

"Better than hearing a roaster choking"


"I'm kidding Lia, haha... At least I feel better now."

"I'm glad... You always feel better after making fun of me"

We laugh as we continue eating.

***1 week later***

"So, are you ready Faye?"

"I... Don't know... Maybe"

Lia hold my shoulders as she face me,

"Hey, you got this bestie... If you don't feel comfy in that house, I'm just one call away"

"Yeah right... Thank you"

"So girls... Hop in the car we're ready to go"

Mom said as she opened the door for us, Aunt Jen drive today, I don't know how I feel it's a mixed emotions but there's no way I would be excited nor happy because I don't even know the man I'm going to live with. Haist, I'm freaking out... By the way is he handsome? Hot?... No, I don't care if he's the ideal man of everyone, I just don't want to marry... Damn but it's too late. In his side, how did he react? Did he just accept the arrange marriage? Or is he feeling the same thing? Haist what ever, all I want is to meet him and tell him I want a divorce.

It took us 50 minutes until we reach the house.

I go outside the car and saw a bunch of men in black suit, this reminds me of my dad's bodyguards before. But none of their faces were familiar. Maybe it's my father-in-law's bodyguards. The house was big as our house, it's nice. Damn I don't believe my husband is richer than I imagined. Haist but I don't care, I want divorce... Divorce... Divorce.

"Uhm Faye? What's wrong? Why are your eyes stock on those plants?"

"Huh? Hehe I'm fine, go on"

Damn I don't even know what I'm doing, how can I talk to him about divorce if I'm out of my mind. We walk through the kitchen and saw a lady on her 50's slicing an apple, she face as and gave a smile and sparkling eyes.

"Oh dear Faye! I'm finally meeting you"

She quickly run towards me and hug me, I was out of words, is this my mother-in-law?

I saw Lia signaling me to smile, as I smile awkwardly.

"Ha-hi ma'am ... I'm Faye Mahldivier"

"Yes... Of course I know who you are dear, hello my dear Feli!"

She said as she hug my mom, they seems so close but I don't know her before.

"And you are Lia right... I'm sorry cause I told Geon to fetch my son just wait for him, let's have a tea and have a chit chat in the living room while waiting.

It's just me and Lia in the living room while Mom is with my mother-in-law in the kitchen,damn I don't even know her name. The atmosphere was a bit cold as we just sip our tea. We cannot talk loudly or laugh or tell a story for there are a lot of bodyguards surrounding the living room, it's a bit unlady like if we do so, I just look at Lia, and she is looking back at me, I know we are thinking the same thing. So we suddenly stand up and walk out the living room to the garden.

"Pew, that's awkward"

She said as we chuckled.

"You think the body guards will live with us?"

"Huh? No way... There's no way they will ruin a married couple's safe place."

"Lia! We're not not couple"

"Not couple but married? What's that?"

"I'm planning to meet him and after that discuss divorce"

"What? Are you serious? What If you will fall in love with each other?"

"Fall in love? What's even that? You know me well Lia, I'm not into those things"

"Yeah but, what I'm saying is give your married life a chance, test it first if it will work out or not"

I don't know what to do, maybe Lia is right, or not. But I'll see, maybe I should take Lia's advice.

We heard a motorcycle parking outside.

"Ladies, they're here".

I felt a sudden nervousness, damn why am I like this feels like I'm not ready to meet him yet.

- Thanks for Reading, support my story and I will upload more. Next chapter on saturday-