
WMMAP - [S1] Shelter You - (愛)してる

"Expectation hurts you know..." "I know... And I know if there was another me in another universe, he wouldn't miss your birthday. He would stop whatever he was doing and come to you with the snap of his finger." "...what are you getting at?" "He would force you to go to bed with his magic because he wouldn't want you to stay up late. He would tuck you in and would stick around even if you fell asleep."

HeliosRedSun · アクション
5 Chs

Chapter 4

Athanasia's POV

"Athy! Breakfast is almost ready! Will you please come downstairs? You are going to be late!"

I clearly heard what Lily said. Yet, I just lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling above.

Whatever happened yesterday still lingers in my head. How would I even shake off that thrilling occasion?

Everything had a silver lining. The good part was, that I finally got to have a puppy. 'Raven' was the only name that came to my mind when I found him, and it was logical too. It symbolized the color of his fur.

The not-so-good part was, that I met an old acquaintance. I thought we would have exchanged more words, but that was not the case.

What a small world.

Then the worst part.

My savior was nothing more but a narcissist. Was that even a good term to describe my... rescuer? Obviously, he wanted lots of attention with all the commotion he made yesterday.

A glimpse of Lucas' odd expression deliberately became visible in my head.

It was as if something bothered him. I did not know him well enough to make an assumption. After all, we only spent a few hours together yesterday.


I shrieked when Lily came to my room.

I did not even know at what time she got here. My eyes were questioning her arrival, but when I saw how her eyebrows wrinkled,

I thought it would be better if I displeased my nanny a little less. The chocolate cakes would not bake themselves.

And cookies too.

"I will be there in a couple of minutes!!"

I jumped out of my bed with a sheepish smile. Lily's frown made me giggle further.

"Please be quick. I will wait for you in the dining room," she said before exiting.

Done with my morning routine, I headed to the ground floor in my usual uniform. Quietly as I sat down, though my eyes were scanning for a particular fluff ball. Should he be somewhere in the house?

Lily placed my breakfast in front of me. Running out of time, I asked her once I was done with my meal.

"Would you mind if Lucas joined you on your way to school?"

My hand, which was reaching for the utensils, paused. Of all the names, she mentioned that guy.

"Why?" I asked.

"Your school is not entirely far from here. Maybe you two will keep each other company along the way rather than go alone."

"Well, I don't mind. But, he is probably still sleeping in."

I lied. It was just I did not want to listen to Lily's morning lecture.

"Good morning to you too."

Unsure of the familiarity of the voice, I looked at Lily. She just smiled and pointed at the living room. I followed the directions and saw an unwanted guest.

Our eyes did not meet. Though he Knew I was staring at him because he was smiling, almost disgustingly, at my dog.


As he lifted my puppy into the air, my lips parted, and ready to lash out at him.

But then...

"Hi, there," Lucas greeted me, his eyes still darted on Raven as he wrapped a bandage around the puppy's paw. He scoffed, putting Raven back on his lap.

I thought he had ill intentions. But then, he exceeded my expectations and perhaps a little trust.


"I am still sleeping in, huh? Said someone who woke up late."

"But What are You doing here?"

"Getting to know my neighbor?"

"There are other people in this area too. Go away!"

"Nah, I prefer this house."

"You can't just enter people's houses whenever you want! You creep!"

"But, someone invited here me."

And that was all the reason I needed to whine to my godmother.

"Lily! Why would you let a weirdo like him in?"

Lily sighed, "Athy... We talked about that last night. It would be nice to show him a little appreciation."

His vivid snicker was inviting my attention.

"Appreciate me," he said while wiggling his eyebrow at me.

I massaged my temple, soothing myself not to lose my temper straight in the morning, then turned to Lily.

"Did he threaten you to let him in?"

Lily was not pleased with my choice of question, and I was not even close to finishing what I wanted to say.

"Is that how you see me?"

Lucas interrupted my thoughts, and it made me look tediously at him.

"I asked Lily. Not you, so shut up and get out."

He snorted, probably as a refutation to my warning. My squinted eyes were judging the way he ruffled my dog's head roughly.

The puppy was growling and snarling at him, disliking the way Lucas was messing with him. But the way Raven sank his teeth into Lucas' hand calmed me down a little.

I would have appreciated my boy more if he had taken a chunk of Lucas' hand.

But that was not the case. My mouth gasped open slightly as Lucas levitated my dog into the air.

The grimacing teeth of the puppy disappeared as a chill ran down my spine when I saw the way his lips curved, practically threatening.

"Wah—What are you doing to my dog?"

"This thing is a dog? More like a mana potion to me," he smirked and put my dog on the floor.

My eyes followed the poor fluff ball who was trying to run away from the big bad guy.

"Anyway, we are 30 minutes away from the first session. Ready to go?" Arm extended on the headboard of the sofa with his leg crossed, Lucas reminded me.

It took me a while to process what he was wearing; a uniform matched mine.

"First, you pretended to be mute. Now you are deaf?"

I was a little startled by his remark.

"Hey! I heard you from the start!"

Having him as my neighbor was already a punishment from my past life. Breathing in the same room with him was suffocating enough. I let out an exhalation, eyes closed, praying to the non-existing magicians in this world that I would not have to share the class with him.

He was just so unlikeable.

"If you have time to argue, then you have time to eat. Finish up your food so we can go."

"Who asked you to wait for me?"

"She did."

He motioned to the you-know-who standing behind me, smiling in delight.

I did not know why she was happy about me having to portion my path with some idiotic neighbor to school, but whatever.

I pressed my lips together and went back to my meal, ignoring his chuckle because of my obedience.

For the record, I was doing this for Lily, not that insensitive bastard. Still infuriated by his presence, I distracted myself with the food instead, shoving them in as fast as I could.

"Easy there. Eat slower, or you're going to choke. It's not far from here."

"The only reason I would choke is because of your face."

"Is it so attractive that it can make you choke on your food?"

Narcissist, self-centered, insensitive, and the list was still going in terms of how I see him.

I said nothing as I had just finished my meal.

He seemed to notice that since our movements synced with the way we got up on our feet simultaneously. I grabbed my bag, and so did he, matching my pace to the door.

A playful idea just came up when I clutched the door's handle. Halfway exiting the door, I paused, turning around to see his face.

A smile danced on my lips when I saw the way he tilted his head sideways with curiosity.

Knowing he would follow me, I lured him into the bait. I took a step backward, eyes still locked with his.

The moment I made my full withdrawal, I slammed the door shut in front of his face and sprinted to school.

My small giggle died when I heard footsteps from behind.

He was casually jogging beside me while I was still sprinting.

"Are we playing tag straight in the morning? Because I'm down for it."

Slowing down my speed, I looked at him in disbelief.

"No— We— head— to school..."

I was cursing internally and trying to catch my breath at the same time.

The moment we reached our campus, my question started. "Where is your class anyway?"

He took a brief moment to think before turning to me with a straight face, "I don't know."


"Well, it doesn't matter. I am not here for school, anyway."

"Would you go to a restaurant and sit down just to tell the waiter that you are not here for the food?"

"Of course not."

"Would you go to— Ow! What gives!?"

I was glad that I ticked him off but did not expect him to flick my forehead like that.

"You are so noisy in the morning, huh? Sugar rush?"

"Well, I had some brownie this morning..."

"What kind of idiot eats sweet straight in the morning? Oh right. You."


Just when I was about to smack his head off, I heard a voice calling out to me. Turning around, I saw Ezekiel and Jeannette walking side by side.

"You two got here... together?"

How could I resist the urge to ask my cousin when she was a shy and insecure type?

She would not walk with any stranger, let alone a guy.

"Well... Long story short. We are like childhood friends," she tugged my sleeve lightly and whispered to me. "Please don't tell me you forgot about what I told you, Athy."

I was trying to process what Jeannette just said.

My cousin told me from time to time about a particular guy she was interested in, but the way she described him back then matched my imagination.

Ezekiel Alpheus.

Once that name clicked, I kept it in the back of my mind until it slowly faded away, not wanting to do anything about it. I had my reasons.

"We are more like siblings. Jeannette and I used to stay under the same roof as well when we were here. However, my father has to work in Obelia, which then we parted," Ezekiel explained.

I noticed a slight change in my cousin's expression, almost a hint of sadness.

"We exchanged letters when we were kids... But years later, he had gotten very occupied..."

I watched how Jeannette's shoulders sulked. She let out a startling gasp when Ezekiel patted her head lightly.

"I remunerated with the visiting last night, did I not?"

She nodded. As bright as morning dawn, her expression lit up into the cheerful girl she was again.

"I'm so glad that you are here again! I really am!"

I smiled at their endearing conversation, but it vanished when I heard a very noisy yawn coming from behind.

"Are we do— OOOF—!!"

Lucas let out a disgraceful cry when I elbowed his ribcage.

"That's it! I'm putting you up for adoption!" He yelled.

I rolled my eyes at his remark. That was what you get for interrupting people. And for what you did to my forehead.

"It seems you two are getting along very well," Ezekiel commented.

"You think?" I asked while glaring at Lucas.

"And who is this?" Jeannette asked.

"None of your concern," Lucas replied emotionlessly, and I slapped his arm.

"Lucas! That is vulgar! She is my cousin!" I yelled at him, then turned to my cousin and smiled apologetically. "I have nothing to do with him. We are strangers."

This made him scoff.

"Said someone who casually addressed my name and even walked to school together."

"Was that the reason you were not at home when I went to your house this morning?" Ezekiel questioned while maintaining his smile.

"You went to my house... to pick me up? It's close to here though..."

"Well, I do not mind. It would be more convenient for you to join Jeannette and me."

"...What about Lucas?"

My concern for that guy was no longer there when I heard his snort.

He leaned closer and whispered, "Are you worried about me?"

The gap between us was so close that I had to shove him away.

"As if!"

I heard my cousin giggle as she stood close to Ezekiel.

"Which classes are you two in?" Jeannette asked as she looked at Lucas as a sign that she wanted to get to know him too.

I shot Lucas another warning glare, and he groaned before walking toward Ezekiel and snatching the document from his friend's hand.

"So?" I trailed, watching how his blazing red orbs skimmed through whatever paper he had.

The moment he redirected his gaze toward mine with a smirk, I knew it had something to do with me. I facepalmed and muffled my hand.

"Let me guess, you are in my class?"

"I thought you were stupid."

From a smirk to a grin, that guy achieved his goal.

His intention was mainly to piss me off. He heaved his eyebrow, provoking even more. I knew it was a trap, though my feet moved on their own.

As I was stomping onward, fists clenched, the bell saved his life. Before I could reach him, my wrist was grabbed.

Jeannette tugged me to walk with her, "Athy, come on! Or else we are going to be late."

I grumbled while walking to class, having the two guys follow behind closely.

The only things that kept me from snapping his head off were my class performance and my cousin's.

I could always get him next time.

As if the lecturer was expecting newly transferred students, he showed up earlier than we expected.

It was not our problem to deal with the two, so we went to our seats first. There was not much to say with the introduction for transferred students anyway since our lecturer was eager to start the lesson.

"Now, boys, go take the seats behind Athanasia and Jeannette. The rest of you, behave. I am going to get the textbook," said our teacher as he made his way to the door.

The whole class was surprisingly quiet for once. The only thing I could hear was some footsteps.

I lowered my eyes level to the ground when a wave of fiery arrows aimed in our direction as countless pairs of eyes averted at my cousin and me.

I was never good with the spotlight thingy, which was why I sat at the back.

Just then, a shadowy silhouette sheltered me from those gazes.

"Should I make them disappear?" he said in a dangerously low voice.

It was freezing cold, but I sensed a hint of warmth. Maybe it was because he was literally standing close to my desk.

"Just sit down," I whispered, eyes still stranded on the floor.

"But they are bothering you."

"They are not. You are just attracting more attention. And don't cause a problem on your first day at school. Now sit down."

"Lucas, please go to your seat. Our first session begins now," said our lecturer, who just came back with a textbook.

His voice was lurid, yet Lucas did not move from the spot.

"Lucas...! Go to your seat, you idiot...!" I intensified my voice while slowly turning to face him.

I heard him grunt in response and seated himself behind me. I thought my eyes were playing a trick on me because, for a moment, I caught him making a very weird face.

It looked as if he was... Pouting.

As everything calmed down, I lifted my attention to my cousin. I tried my best to constrain my excitement.

"Hey! I forgot to tell you! I adopted a puppy yesterday! Do you want to get him to the animal clinic together next week?"

"Oh, wow! For sure! I would love to meet the little guy!"

"Going somewhere?"

I turned around and glared at Lucas, which made him smirk at my reaction.

"I can take you there if you wish," his friend added.

"Athanasia de Alger!" I flinched when my name was called. It was my lecturer's voice.

But then my eyes saw a glimpse of something malevolent. Those certain crimson orbs were glowing red at the lecturer as I was turning back to the front.

"I will talk to you two after class," I whispered.

Once I sat properly, I prepared words of apology for my lecturer, but somehow, he avoided looking in my direction.

Did I piss him off that badly? I was hoping he would not complain to the head office about my misbehavior.

My dad was scarier than Lucas—

Wait... Was he glaring at the lecturer?

I abruptly whipped my body around. Ezekiel was smiling at me, as usual.

But it was unusual for someone to spend their first day at school sleeping in class.

Athanasia's POV end