
Wizard: Release my wife

Denis finds himself in Giriama world searching for his kidnapped wife. Despite being afraid of the dangers hidden in the mysterious world ahead, he ventures into the unknown where he was welcomed by his newly found family. For years, the Ereng Clan had concealed themselves behind magical portals in hopes of protecting both worlds. Denis finds himself in the center of it all........

Emmy_logz2 · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Weird syblings

"What cousin. I don't have a strangling cousin. A cousin should not strangle you?"

"What? You were strangled?" The girl asked surprised "by him?" she went further to ask pointing at the unconscious Denis on the sofa

"That innocent looking man on the sofa strangled me." Levi said looking aggrieved by his sister's words

"Mary stop it. Give your brother a space" Grandma Mildred said to her looking at her aggrieved grandchild

"Come on grandma, you always come to his aid every time. Can't you just let him be? He will be spoiled" Mary complained to the grandma about her interference each time she teased her brother.

"You are too much"

"I had instructed Ingrid to prepare a room for Denis, I hope it is ready"

"Come on grandma, Ingrid was against the idea of bringing him back to the family. What do you think she will do when you tell her to prepare his room?" she asked her grandmother looking upstairs

"Where is she?"

"She must be practicing somewhere in the middle of nowhere. We believe she is upset you didn't listen to her advice about bringing a loser to the family"

"That's is none of her business. Everyone that has Ereng family blood, is a member no matter where their other halves comes from." Grandma Mildred became angry at her daughters' behavior

"Come on grandma. You know how she is. As long as Denis show her his capability, she will come around. She is not a hard nut to crack." Levi said sitting down looking at his sleeping cousin

Denis on the other hand was dreaming about his wife and everything that happened before she was forcefully taken from him

"Changing from his clothes, Denis wore nothing moving in the room while talking to Susan. Susan had already showered and was in bed reading a book waiting for Denis.

He took his toothbrush and stood at the door talking to Susan about what happened earlier before Levi came.

"Do you know I saw someone being hit by a car? I thought it was my imagination, but it came true. I am afraid I saw another vision if Levi told me was true. It will not be good." Denis said, going inside to brush

Susan became interested, got out of bed, and walked to the bathroom door.

"What did you see?"

"Well, I saw opening the portal, and a clawed animal emerged and took you before I could close it locked me out. I am afraid it may be true. When I take Levi to the cave tomorrow, please don't come," Denis said, placing the toothbrush in place standing before her. He stretched his hand to caress her face before bending down to give her a kiss.

"Nothing will happen. I will not go in the cave." Susan said, tiptoeing to give him a deeper kiss

The next morning they all went back to the hometown with Levi looking around in amazement.

"The first day I appeared at the cave, I went to roam around looking at the place. I have traveled to different places, and it's amazing how peaceful and advanced it is. I wish I could stay here long." Denis and Susan watched him blubber all the way

All of a sudden, a light appeared in the middle of the road, and a clawed animal emerged from it. Denis stepped on the brakes, and they all were hit on their heads. The steering wheel shortened and absorbed the energy produced from the sudden collision with the invisible wall.

"What the hell. Why has it followed me here? It's not supposed to appear here. No-no-no. Get out of the car. It will hit it," Levi shouted all of a sudden

"What's that?" Denis asked, getting out of the car. Susan got out and ran to him.

"This thing has been following me here since I left home. It's a mythological creature sent after me by a powerful Wizard. They want to kill me. They think I am the chosen one. I have been running all this time. Lie down." Levi said, lying down on the ground. Denis and Susan followed suit.

Susan was trembling. That animal was scary. The good thing was no one was on the road. It was their private road going to their homestead. The neighbors were further away.

"What should we do?" Susan asked

"Nothing. As long as it does not smell you, it cannot do anything to you. It's blind," Levi said, a slight flicker passed through his eyes.

"How did it find you then? And here." Denis thought of something and asked

Levi panicked a little before he shot up from the ground and threw Susan to the clawed animal, and followed suit

"I am sorry, but she is the only one who could save the Giriama continent from the dark aura. So she has to die. All of a sudden, Levi changed from being Levi to an ugly old man with sharp nails and dirty brown teeth. His laughter turned evil all of a sudden as he jumped into the emerged portal. Denis tried to follow them but hit his head on an invisible wall before disappearing...'

He shot up again standing looking at Levi. This time, he had his reasoning back.

"Why would the ugly old man have your information before taking my wife?" Denis asked the first question that came to his mind.

"I don't know man. I only know I was supposed to come to you through the portal but I was not able to. It was sabotaged." Levi tried to explain himself

"Then how did he know about what happened at the portal on my side. How did he know I sent distress call to you grandma? How did they know about you attacking Omar before he could completely entire Giriama? How?" Denis asked all the questions agitated

"What do you mean distress call? The only people who knew about the distress call you sent hear were the family members… unless we have a mole amongst one of the member. Which I find unlikely" Grandma tried to reason but she could not come up with the idea.