
Wizard: Release my wife

Denis finds himself in Giriama world searching for his kidnapped wife. Despite being afraid of the dangers hidden in the mysterious world ahead, he ventures into the unknown where he was welcomed by his newly found family. For years, the Ereng Clan had concealed themselves behind magical portals in hopes of protecting both worlds. Denis finds himself in the center of it all........

Emmy_logz2 · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Strange family

In his drowsy situation be felt his body being carried by someone

'Oooh no. Don't eat me. I am still alive" the words were playing on his mind as they carried him away. In the end, he completely lost consciousness and was unaware of his surroundings.

Towards the outskirt of the woods, a tall figure in faded black clothes carried an unconscious man on his back. There were no signs of creatures around them. Everything seemed quiet and serene, but the dark clouds still covered the whole area. The figure followed a man-made path with stones on either side of the path to make it visible as a path. There were strange patterns drawn on the stone in white chalk.

A green flowered plant was arranged in a certain manner that somehow makes a pattern. The man walked the path until he came where he climbed steps made. Before him was an old mansion. The moment he reached the end of the steps, the door opened on its own, and he entered. He threw Denis on the sofa in the large living room.

The living room was huge. From the door on the right side, there was a huge display area with different weapons hanging there. Right after the weapon segment, there were bottles of varying kinds with different content. Some were liquid, some were powder, and others seemed like dried leaves placed on the bottles.

The man proceeded to remove his huge black jacket and hung it behind the left side of the door. He then went ahead and hung the weapons he had on him on the display platform. He then took out a bottle half-full of powder and placed it on the bottle segment. He removed his boots. The boots were very special. They were black in color, but the fore of the boot was made with sharp objects.

The boot on its own was a weapon. In case you missed your weapon and attacked, you could throw kicks at the enemy and have them down.

When the man turned again without the jacket, he looked young and very handsome. In some ways, he looked like Denis. He looked sharp and type of 'no nonsense' man. Inside he walked back to the sitting area. There were several huge sofas in the room, which showed it was a huge family home.

There was a staircase leading upstairs from the corner of the living room. There were also rooms downstairs. At that moment, one of the rooms downstairs opened, and an old woman came out. She looked beautiful even with grey hair.

"You found him," she asked the man who went to sit next to the unconscious Denis.

"Yes. He was lucky he had reached the burier. A step late, and he would be food to the crawlers. He was paralyzed. I think one of the crawlers got him."

"Get me the antidote," the old grandma said to her grandchild. He walked to the bottle section and came with a bottle full of green liquid. It looked really disgusting.

She did not waste a minute and opened Denis's mouth and poured a mouthful in his mouth. She closed his nose forcefully, and at that moment, Denis opened his mouth to breathe and swallowed the content. He also choked. In seconds his body was back to normal, and he jolted up in a fighting stance.

"Don't you dare come close to me? Stay away from me?" He shouted in the room that the people upstairs had come down. Grandma could not hold her laughed and laughed loud so was the man that carried him earlier from the woods.

"Come down, child, you are safe here. Nothing can harm you. You are home in Giriama. I am your grandma. Mildred Ereng." Grandma said while smiling. She was happy to see her grandchild after so long. He was born when the others brought conflict because the father was from a different world.

"I know you have so many questions, but we have enough time. You can ask anything you want when you have rested," Grandma Mildred said, tapping the space besides indicating for him to sit down.

"How did I get in here" Denis held his head and furrowed in pain, asking

"Your cousin Aaron Ereng brought you here. I saw you when you arrived, but I could not pinpoint the exact location in the whole of Giriama.." Grandma said to him, pointing at Aaron, telling him she knew he was coming.

"We knew you landed at the forbidden woods. I am surprised you survived all by yourself." The moment Denis saw the person speaking, he almost went crazy. "You! Where is my wife? You crazy Levi." Denis jumped up to the young man that came speaking from upstairs. Levi looked surprised and wanted to dodge, but he could not compare to an angry love-stricken man missing his kidnapped wife.

"What do you mean? It wasn't me. I don't know what you are talking about?" He tried to explain, but Denis was holding him tight on the neck. He was almost choking.

"Come down, Denis; it wasn't him. You must be the wizard." Grandma tried to reason, but Denis could hear none of it

Aaron came from behind and struck Denis on his head, and he dropped down unconscious.

"Why did you do that" Grandma asked, not happy about what happened. "He had just woken up a few minutes ago. For God's sake, Aaron, couldn't you just separate them?" Grandma rebuked Aaron so much

"Come on, Grandma. I have no time for such drama. I have to go back for evening rounds."

"Who is the visitor?" A young girl in a short flared skirt black, and a woody jumper walked down the stairs asking

"Your cousin…Denis… from the other world," Levi said, choking in between his words.

"You are talking about him as if he is not your cousin." The girl said to him, smiling going to the man lying on the ground

"He looks like an older version of you, Levi" She continued observing Denis some more. Aaron moved and carried Denis on the sofa before heading upstairs to shower before going for evening rounds. The herbs always gave him an itchy sensation each time he used them. That's why he never wants to go to the forbidden woods. It's always dangerous without the right weapons.