
Wizard King

Old Title: Godfather and Godson Sirius Black was always said to be a playboy. What if he taught his godson a bit of his trade. A more mature and savvy boy-who-lived heads off to Hogwarts for his fourth year. Advance Chapters: https://www.patreon.com/Mark_Ward Website: https://markwardfanfics.wordpress.com/ Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/pYg27q6Zwz

Mark_Ward · 書籍·文学
180 Chs

Chapter 52: Welcoming Feast

Since it is the holiday and in the spirit of it, I prepared an erotic marathon of EIGHT whole full length chapters of a variety of sex scenes over this long holiday week. With different girls from Hermione granger, Tracey Davis, Daphne Greengrass, and more. So check out my pa/ treon for more!


"So that what I have been doing all summer," he concluded with as he sat back in his seat and enjoyed the pleasant ride as the Thestrals pulled the carriage ever closer to Hogwarts.

"I... I just can believe that you did all that. And Professor Dumbledore.... how could he? Isn't he the leader of the light, the greatest wizard of the century! Why? No, how?!"

"All questions I do not know," Harry answered with a shrug. "How knows what going on inside the blimey old goat's head."

"Harry," she said in her a disappointed tone, "you can speak like that."

"What am I suppose to worship at his feet just like everyone else?" he asked with a snort. "Not happening at all. I can call him whatever names I want after the childhood he made me have."

"I know that you must have gone through a lot," she said as she gave his hand a tight squeeze with a concerned motherly look on her face. "But," she added as her face hardened, "if you do not watch your tone young man, I will have to use some soap to clean your tongue."

"Yes, mother," he said with an eye roll.

"And don't mother me," she finished with.

Chuckling he took out an amulet from his Lord ring, and presented it to her, "What is it?" Hermione asked as she turned the necklace in her hand.

"It's a mind protection amulet," he answered, "just like the name says, it protects your mind from mental invasions so your thoughts are protected."

"Why would you give me this..." she began, but he cut her off with a stern look.

"Nobody can know this little secret especially Dumbldork, and his most favorite type of magic is Mind Magic so you need that beautiful brain of yours protected."

Blushing at his compliment, she nodded her head and put the amulet around her neck. "Do you plan on sharing this with Ron?" she asked, bringing up his best mate.

"No," he said with a shake of his head, "I only got this one and we don't want Dumbldork to be on us, let him think we are sweet innocent little lambs for him to play with as he wishes while we scheme his eventual downfall to ruination."

Giving him a long look, he asked with a shrug, "What?"

"You sound a bit scary, Harry."

Bending down on to the floor of the carriage, he grabbed her hand and looked her right in the eye, "You know I would never hurt you right?!"

"Yea, but I never knew you had this side of you," she said with a wary rustle.

"Well, I guess you learn something new every day about your friends and foes alike. I am hard on my enemies and kind to my friends, that's just who I am," he declared as he lifted her chin up in a slow manner.

"I guess you will have to be," she said with a nod.

"Anyways, we can include Ron into the secret after I teach you a bit of Occlumency and maybe a bit of Legilimency."

"I heard of that," she said in excitement being herself when something new and fascinating was brought up. "That some pretty advance stuff."

"Yea, well I had a pretty good teacher and access to the Potter and Black Library."

"No way," she said as she looked near enough to jump out of her seat, "does it compare to Hogwarts library."

"I would say they are much, much better. I found some pretty advanced stuff, and Magics I never even heard about or dreamed about for that matter."


"Yeah, and I won't mind taking you there during the holidays and summer."

"You would do that," she exclaimed as she gave him one of her signature tight grip hugs.

"What are best friends for," he said as he returned the gesture since there would be no way he would miss out on feeling gup her body. "Its a date, what do you say?"

Breaking away, flushed a bright pink and just nodded her head since she clearly didn't want to try herself by speaking out.

"Great," he said then looking out the window, Harry could see Hogwarts coming nearer, its many lighted windows blurred and shimmering behind the thick curtain of rain.

"Anyways, thanks for believing in me, Hermione," he voiced with an appreciative nod.

"Like you said, what are best friends for," she replied with a sweet smile.

Lancing his fingers through hers, he looked up at her in the eyes, "Still it's nice to have someone in my corner."

Nodding her head, before anything she gave her a light peck on the cheek, "Thanks," he whispered to her breathlessly.

For a moment he could have sworn he say steam leave her ears, and she squeaked out, "Harry, you can't do that!"

"Do what?" he asked innocently as if he didn't have a clue what she was talking about.

"Do... do what y-you just d-did."

"Oh, that light peck?" he asked in false surprise, "What that was just a show of my appreciation, and it was nothing more than something between friends, right?"

"I guess so..." she finally said, "Yea, it was nothing than something between friends," she convinced herself doing all the work for him.

"Now," he continued, "if you are wondering how I would kiss someone I had an interest in, let me show you."

Before she could process what he just said, he had her chin up and broke in with a very deep kiss toying with her tongue and getting a real taste for her as he brought forth the full range of his capabilities.

After what felt like an eternity, he broke away and asked with a mischievous grin, "now that was a real kiss between lovers right?"

"Yes," she replied breathlessly as her mouth open and closed replaying the kiss in her mind, "yes it was"


"What happened to you?" Harry asked in pure shock, as he took a seat at the Gryffindor table. The feast had yet to begin as new students were lining up to get placed in their respected houses. Before him was Ron who changed, if that was the word he could use, over the month since he saw him at the World Cup.

With an actual height of 6 foot 2 inches, he was hunched over so instead, he only stood at 5 foot 10 inches. His limps were disproportionate, one of his eyes was larger than the other, and all in all he looked like some hunchback monster.

Laughing at his expense, Fred who was sitting across from him with his twin clarified, "he tried to make himself taller with some potions."

"But he came out as a monster," George guffawed.

"Why would you do that?" Hermione asked in an admonishing and sharp tone, "messing with magic, especially on your own body is just plain stupid and dangerous!"

"I think I know why?" Harry spoke up as he gave his friend a sad shake of his head.

"Well it's none of you concern," the redhead hunchback growled as he stomped off to where Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas were seated. With a wearily sigh, he put Ron out of his head, Ron was always envious of others and looked at what they had instead of his own.

Deep down, he imagined he knew that, but as an affection starved child, he latched on to the first person that showed him any amount of friendship. Now he looked back on their friendship and saw how toxic it was, as the self-serving boy contributed nothing and in some cases even held him back.

It was then he began to really doubt it and if it had been all worth it.

"Hey, Harry!" Neville greeted him as he took the seat next to him where Ron just sat.

"Hey to you," he greeted right back as they shook hands, "how was summer?" he asked. He could see the old chubby boy was now growing up to be the man he would be as he was a lot taller, losing a bunch of baby fat, and even gaining some muscles.

"My gram has been letting me run some of the family greenhouses which has been really exciting learning from some of the Sprites that work there. Plus my uncle has been instructing me in some battle magic and dueling which has been very painful," he said the rest as his mood sunk.

"Really," Harry said with a bit of excitement plus trying to comfort the boy, "I have been learning some battle magic and dueling as well!"

"Must have been god awful, huh?" he asked as he perked up.

"Nah, it's been great actually," he said as he remembered all the exciting mock battles he did with Sirius.

"Yea, I guess for you it would work out," the Longbottom heir uttered with a depressed sigh.

"Come on," Harry said, "I know it must have been worth it, look at you, you might actually catch some of the girls eyes this year."

Going crimson in the face, he stammered out, "I... I don't know if... Really?"

"Yea, mate, what is there not to love, you're attractive and strong now plus the heir to a Great and powerful House."

Just then the rest of the students pilled in and the sorting began.

"Hey, Harry!" Lavender Brown waved at him as she sat down with her bestie, Parvati Patil.

"Hey, Neville," she then said which had the boy tongue tie and blushing like a pure maiden.

"Hey, Lav," he greeted her back calling her by her pet name that she insisted on then at the front of the podium Professor Mcgonagall began to call names.

"Is true you guys had all that fun at the World Cup?" Parvati Patil inquired.

"Yep, there was Harry like a shining knight as he cut down that vile villain Barty Jr. Anyways who names their child that?" Lavender wondered out loud getting off topic.

"Is that what you have been telling people?" he asked with a raised eyebrow directed at the brown haired witch.

"Well you did uncover him, plus you defended some Veela and took down like a dozen Death Eater by yourself. So how cares if I embellished a bit."

"I still can not believe you did that," Hermione muttered with a shake of her head.

"I am so jealous," Parvati whined, "its not fair that daddy had work at the embassy!"

"So your dad is the Indian Ambassador right?" Harry asked, trying to make some light conversation with her.

"Yep, and he is always busy, but noooo he isn't when sweet and smart Padma needs him."

Awkwardly coughing at the land mine he step in, he was happy when Lavender asked in a disgusted tone, "when did we allow trolls into the school?" as she pointed to Ron.

Chuckling, Hermione clarified, "its Ron, he did some dangerous experiment on himself."

"Harry, guess what? Guess what?" Colin Creevey, a third year to whom Harry was something of a hero gushed out.

"Yea, what is it?" he asked, humoring the boy.

"My brother is starting!"

"Er — good," Harry said seeing how excited the boy was, nearly jumping up and down his seat. "Let's hope he gets into Gryffindor, huh?!"

"Wonder where the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Neville mused out loud who was looking up at the seated teachers.

They had never yet had a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who had lasted more than a year. Harry's favorite by far had been Remus, who had resigned last year. He looked up and down the staff table. There was definitely no new face there.

The thought was no sooner out of his mind then the doors of the Great Hall opened and silence fell. A man stood in the doorway, leaning upon a long staff, shrouded in a black traveling cloak. Every head in the Great Hall swiveled toward the stranger, he lowered his hood and Harry saw the scarred one eyed face of Alastor Moody.

However when he used his Magic Sight on him, he got the face of someone else, Barty Crouch Jr.

Now this was very curious indeed.

The man must have been using polyjuice potion but his arcane sight was able to see through all illusions and shapeshift.

He wondered if he should call him out right now on the spot, but it seem like he had a goal coming here in disguise and if there was a single person that could have him risking his head - it would be Voldermort.

It was obvious the psychopath had some scheme up his sleeve, but did he want to foil it right now. Playing out all the scenarios in his mind as the fake Moody made his way over to the staff table and took his seat.

Harry decided not to, this year he wanted to come on top of the madman and maybe destroy him for good, once and for all. To do that he would have to know what he is scheming, and come up with a plan to counter attack it and trap him instead.

Suddenly all their empty dishes filled magically before their eyes as food of different variety was laid out. He must have been so distracted he did not even notice that the old foggy said.

"Want some mashed potato?" Hermione asked, getting him fully out of his reverie.

"Yes," he said with a nod as he began o full his plate with food. Soon when the last crumbs had faded off the plates, leaving them sparkling clean, and everyone was sitting back in relaxed contentment.

Albus Dumbledore got to his feet again. Smiling around at them all, Harry just find his look hateful. "Now that we are all fed and watered, I must once more ask for your attention, while I give out a few notices.

"Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has this year been extended to include Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs.

"As ever, I would like to remind you all that the forest on the grounds is out-of-bounds to students, as is the village of Hogsmeade to all below third year.

"It is also my painful duty to inform you that the Inter-House Quidditch Cup will not take place this year."

Looking around at Fred and George, his fellow members of the Quidditch team. They were mouthing soundlessly too appalled to even speak.

Dumbledore went on, "This is due to an event that will be starting in October, and continuing throughout the school year, and am sure you will all enjoy it immensely. I have great pleasure in announcing that this year at Hogwarts we have the honor of hosting the Triwizard Tournament!"

Suddenly pandemonium broke out through the great hall as students were shouting and discussing about this new bout of news and others looked around in confusion not having a clue what was going on.

"I can't believe it," Hermione whispered breathlessly.

"I hope I am not offered up," Neville gulped as if he was a fish on dry land.

"SILENCE!!!" Professor McGonagall shouted which quickly had all the noise die down.

"Thank you, Minerva," the old man said with a nod, and Harry noticed how stiff back the woman was as she just briskly nodded.

"Well, some of you will not know what this tournament involves, so let me explain," he said as he went off on a long-winded speech about the history of the games and all that it encompassed.

"Now the other schools will be coming here which are made up of the well known ELEVEN Prestigious schools, us Hogwarts of course, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Castelobruxo, Durmstrang Institute, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Jordan Academy of Sorcery, Koldovstoretz, Shanghai Institute of Magics, Mahoutokoro School of Magic, Oceania Academy of Wizardry, and Uagadou School of Magic!

"So please be on your best behavior when they arrive, and show them who we are! Thank you, that will be all." Dumbledore sat down again and there was a great scraping and banging as all the students got to their feet and swarmed toward the double doors into the entrance hall.

"They can't do that!" George shouted as it seem that one of the rules to enter was that you had to be an adult, the age of 17.

"They're not stopping me from entering," said Fred stubbornly.

"Yeah," George said with a nod, and then they began to huddle up as they walked to their dorms and scheme up a plan to get in.

"You know people have died right," Neville spoke up feeling relieved that he was too young to enter but fearful for the poor saps who would.

"Well that has nothing to do with us," Harry said with a shrug, "if they are dumb enough to die for glory then that's on them."

"Of course you would say that," Ron said, butting in conversation as he came up behind him with Dean and Seamus.

"What's your problem?" Hermione asked with a scowling face.

"You don't get it dear?" Lavender asked innocently.

"He is jealous, sadly he has been allotted to be ugly for the rest of his life and Harry handsome," Parvati concluded with a vicious grin.

"That's... not t-true!" he shouted as his cheeks heated up, "why would I be jealous of someone who has no parents and isn't even wanted!"

Going silent, everyone just looked shell shocked at his words that came out of his mouth.

"Wow, low blow bro, low blow," Fred said with a sad shake of his head.

"I think we should disown him," George uttered out loud, "because he is clearly no little bro of ours!"

Slowly and very steadily walking up to him, as pure and unadulterated power radiated off of him like boiling hot waves. Harry came to a stop right before him and stared down at him like an insect at the bottom of his heel, and snarled out, "I do not want to EVER see your face around me. Whatever existed before between us, is FINISHED."

Taking a deep gulp as he took a hesitant step back in fear, Harry grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, "AM I UNDERSTOOD!!!"

"Yes, yes," he squeaked out like a pathetic rat which reminded him of an O so familiar rat that betrayed his family. Why didn't he see it before, he berated himself, the two of them were the same leeches sucking on the blood of their greaters.

"GO," he said to him like a dog at his heel, and following his command he ran out as if the devil was at his heel, tripping and falling on himself constantly. Giving the other two a hard glare, they followed after him with their tail between their legs.

From behind him, he could hear Lavender whisper, "Talk about Alpha male material."

"Tell me about," Parvati agreed.

Info on other schools: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Wizarding_school


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