
Wizard in Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf world with a Harry Potter wizard in it. **** I only believe in pleasure and absolute power, no matter what method is used. I will have no regrets, so judge me all you want. But know one thing, your ideas are not mine. I, Damon Black a wizard is just watching Teen Wolf with his aunt but got called to check on the veil. Never did he expect that someone he put a green hat on will attack him and yeeted him in the veil with so many auror and unspeakable around. He then got transported into Teen Wolf. **** -WARNING- -English is not my primary language and I don't have an editor, so there will be mistakes. -Some chapters may seem different than others as I am still experimenting. --If you have a weak stomach don't read this, as there will be cruel scenes in the later chapters. Remember you have been warned. **** This is inspired by a fanfic I read years ago. Tried contacting the author but he/she doesn't seems active anymore. I do not own Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, or any of its characters and content, this is just a fan-fiction.

sofnya · テレビ
8 Chs


It was late at night. I am driving on the road following Allison's car stealthily. 'Stalker much.' I thought as I continue to follow the car and waiting for her to bump into a dog, while thinking should I approach this.

'Should I make a move now and just make Scott watch

Or should I just take her later, when his feeling for her is at its peak, and just let things happen, for maximum emotional damage?

I think the answer is obvious. While I'm at it I'll make Scott kill on his own free will without my mind magic influence.'

As I was thinking that I see Alisson's car stop and she get out of the car and then check the front of her car. When she look at it, she became hysterical and didn't know what to do.

Stopping my car just behind her, I got out of the vehicle and walk towards the front. When she sees me she starts to run towards me and starts saying with a frantic look on her.

"Please help, I hit a dog, Im sorry I didn't see it, I just look away for a second to change my music and this dog just comes out of no..."

"Relax, relax let me take a look at it first" I interrupt her trying to relax her as I go to the front.

I can hear the dog's cry as I am walking forward. When I got to it, I saw a dog whimpering on the ground.

I kneel down, pretending to check on it, as I already know what is wrong with it with just a glance.

"I think its legs are broken, we should take it to the vet to make sure."

"But it's already close to midnight, they might be already closed." Allison said a little calmer with someone's presence beside her.

"Let's still go check, as there might still be someone inside, let's go." I said that as I pick the dog up and place it in my car and drive off while Allison is following behind me.

'Now that I think about it if I remember right this dog was in distress and didn't want Allison to touch it. So how the fck did she get it inside her car?'

As we were driving it suddenly rain heavily. When we arrive at the vet, and Allison immediately gets out of her car and bangs at the door to see if there are people inside, but not as hysterical as in the original.

When I saw the door open, I got out and take the dog inside the building. Placing the dog on the table, I get out again for a second to get my spare hoody. After getting it I hand it to Allison.

She looks at the hoody for a second and then at me. She places her hands in the hoody and then when I do my magic, I just make her not do anything physical with Scott in the future. Or suggesting that she is not ready yet, that she is a new girl in town or something. Then add an extra fail-safe, to make sure it happens.

'I wanna see what will Scott do after being denied multiple times and suddenly after just a short time after their break up, he sees her making out with another guy.

Would he transform and kills everyone? hehe That, I want to see.'

I let the eye contact between us last a little bit longer than necessary. Scott, seeing this frowns a little. After a while, I take my hands off it and smile at her.

"Thank you, but what about you? You're also wet from the rain."

"I'm good, I have a spare tee in the car." After saying that, I left and go back to the car. 'Damn, I'm going back and forth.' I chuckle to myself a little.

I just waited in the car and still not changing my shirt. Its to make a few more points to Allison. A few moments later the rain stopped, and I think to myself 'Is this plot armor? Does Scott have perv luck?

Did it just rain in the og so that Scott can see Allison changing? Now that I think about it more, the dog is dry when it was inside the car. So did it just rain heavily when Allison get out of the car and stop a few moments later?

But, thinking about it more, I guess he use all his perv luck in this scene, as he got pretty with unlucky with girls later.'

Moments later, Allison come out, as she was walking she got called by Scott. He said something and she looks at my direction for a second and turn around again to Scott.

After their talk, Allison goes beside my car as I put down the window.

"So how's the dog?"

Allison seeing me still wearing my wet shirt was stunned for a second. "Why are you still not changing your shirt?"

At that, I just stay silent and smile at her.

Seeing this, she just sigh and mutter a quiet "Thank you"

Then inform me about the dog's situation. After talking about it for a few minutes, she asks for my contact number. Giving it to her, she again thanks me, hurrying me to go home so that I can change my clothes and say goodnight to each other, then goes inside her car and leave.

As I was leaving I saw Scott looking at me with a frown on his brows. 'Pretty sure he is listening.' Smirking at him, I went home.


I entered my bedroom and saw Olivia on my bed taking a nap. Yeah a nap even though it's night, as with our nighty activity. Her sleep schedule is kinda messed up, awake at night and sleeps at daytime. Sometimes she will stay awake if she has an errant to go to, messing up her sleep schedule even more.

I can heal her with magic and potions but too much of it might have an effect on the experiment I'm doing with her, and with her human body, she might break sooner and later and I want my experiment to be pure as possible.

'I should really get myself another maid, as I don't want my experiment subject to break without completing the said experiment. Well, Olivia is already looking for some, as she advertises it online and contact agencies that deal with maids.

Why look for them yourself if they can just come to you themself? Speaking of looking for someone, I should find Malia and have her trained as a maid.

On second thought, I kinda like her wild personality. So let's keep her as a pet for now, and then when she got accustomed to society, that's when I train her as a maid.'

"But for now..." I said that as I walk closer to Olivia and my clothes vanish.

Silently taking the blanket off, I see Olivia on her side, I float and go behind her to not wake her up, then lube my dick with my magic and position it in her entrance. I aim and bury my whole length inside her. Waking her up with a D inside her asshole.


Going to school with my mat black Jaguar XKR, really is an eye-catcher. Getting out of the car, I feel people stare. I ignore them and go toward my locker, I see Erica walking in the hall. I give her a wave and a smile, making her wave shyly and smile in return. After putting and taking items in my locker, I go to my first period.

As I enter I hear "Hi" Allison said, I return her greeting as I sat down. She returns the pen and thank me again for last night. Which is an ambiguous sentence that has Scott turning to look at us, I just smile at him and continue chatting with Allison until the bell rang.

Nothing much happened in school as I got home, Ignoring Lydia who is waiting beside my car, and not expecting it to be mine as I had a Porsche yesterday, invited me again to her party. I can sense her biting her lip behind me as her lust overpowering the presence of the people around her and think to myself. 'Be gone thot, you ain't even worth my time, for now at least.'


In the forest on top of a tree, looking at the night sky, I smiled as I see the moon is already out. 'Tonight is a full moon.'

I then look down and see a coyote(Malia) playing around on the ground. I've been observing her for a few minutes now, and looking at her for a few more seconds I thought 'She reeks of lust' Checking the date and seeing that it is in the middle of January.

'ohh, right, mating season for coyotes is coming, as I remember it starts in late January, but it comes early on this one.'

I then jump down making my presence known to her, she looks up into my eyes as my iris becomes purple and bigger making the sclera not visible anymore, and my pupil becomes slit like that of a feline.

If one looks deeper into my eye they can see the space with some stars and galaxies in them. (photo in the comment section)

As she looks at me, I spread a little of my animal presence with some lust along with it.

Smelling and feeling that she howls for a while and then suddenly runs away. Conveying her intention to catch her as a test to mate.

I look in the direction she disappears into and blinks a few times with a blank face. I then sigh and thought 'Really a game of tag for a test, what are you a horse?'

I sigh and decide to play along with her, as I also want my animal spirit to run free once in a while.

With that, I willed my transformation to begin. 'Ahh, it's been a while since I take this form, how long was it? I think the last time I transformed is when I finish the ritual and checked out the changes that happened, but that was years ago.

After that, I really haven't had much use for it, so letting it out once again after so long feels liberating. Just like taking off your wet shoes and sock after you stepped on a puddle and being forced to wear them for hours, its so refreshing'

As I was thinking that, my body began to grow taller into a 7 foot, short white fur covered my body, and my neck sported out long white lion's mane as my original hair became longer and turns white, my ears then began turning into cat ears, my nails become sharper and feet become bigger turning into a lion's feet.(the cover, but only 7 feet(2.13m) high without the hair, only 1inch shorter than Shaq )

With my transformation complete, I began to chase Malia. Well, chasing is not really what I would describe it. As I was just running and parkouring, in two or sometimes in four legs, around her and enjoying my animal form after a long time.

After an hour of this, Malia stop in her tracks as she look around confused. She can clearly feel that the creature that she is testing can easily catch her making her lust increase even more.

But for some reason, it is just running around her in circle and didn't do anything to catch her.

With that, her eyes glow blue, lower her body and pounce in the direction she smells where the creature is. Thinking along the line that if it will not catch her, she will be the one doing it as her lust is already at its peak for this creature as she can feel that it was strong.

As I see Malia begin to head towards me, I play around with her trying to catch me for a few minutes and suddenly leap backward toward her startling her.

I grab and put her under me, I roar in her face. I can see her cowering and lust increasing even more.

Stepping back a little as she goes in a submissive pose, where her head is on the ground with arms on top of her head and butt rise up feet on the ground while whimpering.

In that pose, she began transforming into a human. Seeing this and seeing her wet cave I said "Dont mind if I do"

I whip out my hairless or furless dick while I move forward and squat a little, placing the tip on her pussy entrance, as she fell my rod on her entrance, she starts wiggling and rubbing it in her while leaking even more juice. I grip hard on her butt, spreading it further. Pushing my hip forward, she quivered as she felt me sliding inside her.

Feeling the barrier of her maidenhood, with no hesitation I push even harder in her breaking it with one big thrust, as her pussy is already dripping. "AHHHH!"

Malia keeps her hands on top of her head, grabbing her hair and scratching along the root depending on the pace as I grind my rod inside her.

Feeling that she is already used to it, I start picking up speed and deliver quick hard thrusts, making her body slap under me.

Her legs give in as she fell to her knees, I also kneel behind to position myself better while continuing thrusting. Her feet leap up and hooking it behind my knees as I lean forward and grab her boobs and squeeze hard.

With the soft melons on my hand, I keep thrusting as she throw her head back and scream out as she orgasm, and the extra wetness made the squelching noise grow loud as her mound was a wet mess.

Even while she still cumming I didn't stop the movement of my hips as I stood up while grabbing the back of her knees to lift her up.

She keeps having an orgasm as my not so lil bro keeps sliding and crashing inside of her. I lower my head and take one for her boobs inside my mouth, as I flick her pink nipple with my rough cat tongue, she began screaming louder.

A few hours later I was sitting with my back resting on my tree trunk, as I watch Malia's boobs bouncing in front of my face, as she continue to thrust my shaft inside her.

'Damn, with the full moon and with my magic, she can still keep going.'

And with a final thrust, she screams and we orgasm together. Afterward, she hugged me and rested for a little bit feeling relaxed. A few moments later she start to lick my face. "You do know that you're a became a human again right?"

Hearing that, she stop and nodded a little as tears strake down her cheeks before passing out in my arms with my rods still hard inside her.

Her body can still keep going, but her mind can't, with it blanking out multiple times and experiencing multiple orgasms along with the full moon and her turning into a human again, with all that and feeling relaxed for a moment after all of that, she passed out.

'She, must be tired...

But who cares, let me just change the venue first and take her along with Olivia, hehe'

Thinking that I stood up while changing back to my human form my rod is still in her, then teleport into my room, and as always I see Oliva in my bed, this time awake, "Good evening master, It's happy that you are successful with hunt" she said that as she look at Malia in my arms. "How would you like me to serve you this evening?"

Hearing that a lewd smirk appears on my face as I take a look at Malia, and seeing her dirty appearance cuz we have been doing it for hours in the forest.

As I was about to clean her with my magic, I hear my phone ring.

with that I look at Oliva and Imagining lewd things and had a change of plans. I give Malia to her and said "Take her to the bath and clean her well"

I pick up the phone on my desk and saw that it was Allison that's calling.


"Hello, Damon, sorry to call you this late at night but I have a little favor to ask you if it's not much of a bother?"

Hearing that, I kinda have an Idea of what is it but I still said "Sure"

She then explains about being left behind by Scott at the party and not comfortable going with a stranger that introduces himself as Scott's friend. She also said that she don't want to call for his parent as they might nag her.

"I didn't know Scott is like that, leaving behind his pretty date at the party. If I know that this would happen, I would have asked you to go somewhere tonight to prevent you from having this embarrassing and awkward experience. Anywhere but not in a party tho."

I said that as I was thinking 'So she didn't go with Derek, and with this and me in the picture as his 'love rival', I'll make Scott even more desperate to have her.'

"There might be some kind of reason why he left." She said that trying to defend Scott and continue in a small voice that sounded like she is blushing and a little down "Thank you, if I also know that this will happen, I wouldn't have come."

"Txt me the address and I'll be there in a couple of minutes" After saying that, I hang up and look at the direction of the bathroom 'I guess that 3some will be delayed, I should get something out of Allison for this'

With that, I drive to the address that Allison send me with my black and silver Audi R8.



I'll try to do a different POV from time to time, and hopefully, it will not be confusing.

As I am writing this, there are times when I think the scene will be good and give more details, if it's told in another POV, but I still force it to be in Damon's.

So, I'll try it nxt chap.

Tell me if you want the H scene to be longer.

Also, I'm warning you now, If you have a weak stomach turn back now, as there will be cruel scenes in the later chapters. As that is where the villain tag comes from.

Remember you have been warned.