
Wizard in Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf world with a Harry Potter wizard in it. **** I only believe in pleasure and absolute power, no matter what method is used. I will have no regrets, so judge me all you want. But know one thing, your ideas are not mine. I, Damon Black a wizard is just watching Teen Wolf with his aunt but got called to check on the veil. Never did he expect that someone he put a green hat on will attack him and yeeted him in the veil with so many auror and unspeakable around. He then got transported into Teen Wolf. **** -WARNING- -English is not my primary language and I don't have an editor, so there will be mistakes. -Some chapters may seem different than others as I am still experimenting. --If you have a weak stomach don't read this, as there will be cruel scenes in the later chapters. Remember you have been warned. **** This is inspired by a fanfic I read years ago. Tried contacting the author but he/she doesn't seems active anymore. I do not own Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, or any of its characters and content, this is just a fan-fiction.

sofnya · テレビ
8 Chs


Damon woke up, looking at the ceiling, then he looked to his left, then to his right. Seeing Olivia not around and looking at the window with the sun high in the sky. He just got back and stare at the ceiling and slowly sorted out his thoughts, as well as his plan for the day. If his timing is right, tonight will be the night that Scott got bitten. Demon got up and started to look around his room, it was big with a computer desk and the latest computer model on it. Then a bed that can fit 6 people, and a large tv hung on a wall on the other side of the bed. A hall that leads to 2 doors, one being the exit and the other to the bathroom. There's also a glass door on the side of the bed that leads to a massive terrace, and a mirror wall on the other side as it can also be a sliding door leading to the closet.

He went and stood in front of the mirror fully naked, as he look at it he said, "Good thing I keep my appearance in my original world." Damon has dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and fair skin with olive undertones. Damon also has a square jaw and a menacing bad-boy smile. His body is toned and lean but not overly muscular and bulky. He always appears very clean-shaven(Damon Salvador TVD). As he looks down at his little bro, Damon said, "Hehe, not bat at all" He even got the same lil bro as his other life, but his one got even bigger after that animagus experiment.

Damon grabs his phone and put on a boxer. He feels for Olivia's presence and with a will, he vanish and pop up behind her without a sound. Looking at her bare back and maid design apron he thought 'Naked apron!' He then lowers his boxer letting his hard lil bro free, he quietly got closer and aim at her wet pussy thinking to himself that his maid is lewd, then with thrust, he is in her.

"ahhugh" Surprise, Olivia got on her toes, and with her back making a curve while looking above with her mouth open, she didn't even get a word out, as her master just continue pounding hard her without saying anything.

A few hours later, we can see Damon sited on a table eating, while Olivia is holding a water jug struggling to walk. Holding on the wall and furniture for support, she arrives beside Damon and fills his glass with water. Damon looks at her and with a satisfied smile said "Sit down and eat beside me"

"Yess, master"

After eating, watching Damon's back as he walk away, Olivia stood up to clean the table, but before that still looking at Damon's back said, "Master, I would have to go out and finalize your registration to Beacon High School"

Glancing behind seeing Olivia still with wobbly legs he said "Are you sure you can do anything in that condition?" with a smirk he continue "Go ahead." before vanishing as ghostly mist spread in the surrounding before the faded a second later.


I'm driving around town with one of my cars in the garage a chevrolet corvette z06. After driving around town for some time seeing the hospital and the sheriff's department, I stop by a restaurant to grab a quick lunch. I then go to a tech store.

"Welcome" As I get inside a store lady greets me. When she get a look at me, I can immediately smell lust from her. 'damn, horny woman, would have taken her right here if she a 8 at least' I ignore her and look for a USB, after finding one and taking the highest capacity they had available. I immediately pay for it and leave, driving slowly to enjoy and see the town more in the direction the waiter told me about, it was to the Hale family house, and a few minutes later, I saw the house on the hill from afar. After parking the car and sensing if anyone is in the vicinity. I immediately turn into a mist, as I sense nobody in 3 mile radius, I still cast a disillusion spell on me just to be sure.

As I got into the burned-down house, I went straight for the stairs and removed a wooden tile, then took out a laptop, as I plugged it in, I open it and soon found what I was looking for. It's the Hales family bestiary, I may have experimented on many supernatural creatures, but the variety is not enough. Not to mention this bestiary comes from an old family, and being supernatural themselves, they should have got a record of most if not all magical creatures.

I put my flash drive in and started copying everything, I saw that's about 250+gb, that's quite big for just txt and pictures. I'm browsing through as it was copying, and I saw files about monsters and a few other secrets. As it will take hours to finish copying it all, I cast a ward to comply others to stay away, humans and non-humans all the same. After it was done I take it out and return the laptop to where it was hidden, clean my evidence that I was here, and then vanish. Appearing inside my car, I started it and continue with my joy ride until and got home a few minutes later.

After getting home, I immediately go to my bedroom, not even checking if Olivia is home or not, then open my computer and put the USB into it to review the information, about the monsters and started to research the bestiary while cross-referencing it with my experiment.

Time passed as I was looking at the computer I heard a knock, looking at the door I said "Come in" I saw Olivia opening the door, entering inside, and bowing, then stood up straight before informing me. "Good evening master, dinner is ready, I have also finished finalizing your transfer to the school. Master can start going tomorrow"

I look out the window and see that it is nighttime. 'Time sure flies, its already nighttime, speaking of time I should create spells that manipulate time. As I have already almost all the elements and even the higher ones like space, gravity, and such. The only reason why I didn't go into it is that I 'died' young, not to mention that it is the most dangerous element of all, hmm I should eat first before watching the event, as I remember it happened later in the night'

I nodded and said "Good work." Standing up, I start walking towards her. As she smile and said "Thank you master" with a bow.

'Heh, soo serious' as I'm standing face to face with her I said while smirking "Service me while I eat" I saw her serious face breaking she can't hide the happiness and blush she is having. 'hehe, always nice to break it from time to time outside our steaming session' I was thinking that as I get pass her and walk down stair.

"Yes master"


I walk around as the cops are running beside me, with dogs at the front, I saw Stiles getting found by his father as I walk past them as they seem to be in their own world as they just ignored me. As I continue walking I saw Scott walking and pumping an inhaler, a few moments later a hoard of deer ran pass him as he is on the ground struggling to get out of there. I'm amazed at how did the deer not even stomp him even once, I mean they just ran pass and over him. As I see Scott getting up, he takes his phone out and starts to look for his inhaler a few moments later he got scared as he saw a body with its lower half missing. I saw him stabling backward and falling to the ground as he roll, down to the mini hill he is standing on. I look at the body for a few moments longer 'Damn, such a waste, should I revive her? Nope, too much drama, it will become baggage that I have to get involved in, one way or another and there's no joy in that, I might have to think about it longer if the problem is somewhat fun, but no its straight forward get power back and revenge. Not worth the pssy.'

I walk downward to get close to the scene. I saw Peter in his wolf form with red eyes as he stare at Scott. Scott having seen him just stare at him like an idiot, then Peter jumps and tries to bite him. At that point I make them freeze, It's kind of like time freeze but it only works on sentient beings. As leaves, trees, and sky continue moving, they are just the only ones that are frozen. I use mind magic to make them freeze so that when I unfreeze them it will like nothing happen. At this point, I thought 'Should I it so Scott doesn't get the bite? Or should I alter him and take a different transformation?' Thinking about it for a few moments, I decided to let the plot continue, as Scott is the start and the center of the supernatural that's gonna happen in the series. So it will not be fun playing with just a few of them, I do wonder what will happen if he lost his anchor. hehehe

As I decide to let it happen, I unfreeze them and without even looking at what going on, I vanish. Appearing inside my bedroom, I saw Olivia on my bed covered in a blanket. And given our nighty activity, I'm pretty sure that there's nothing underneath. 'I should get myself some more maids in this town and turn them, as simply tasting only one flavor is starting to bore me, not that I'm not liking it, but variety will add more fun, and then turning them.' I think that as I got closer to my bed while inspecting the amount of magic power inside her. 'Not quite there yet, a few more months or years of ingesting my semen and she will have a transformation as I had.' My biggest experiment at the moment, will she turn and become a true animangus if she got more magic in her even without learning the spell or will she be just a strong werehuman? Well, enough about that, as I got beside my bed while Olivia's eye follow my every move. I yeet the sheet and grab her legs as I bring her on the edge of the bed and Insert my lil bro.


I'm getting into more details with the smut in future chapters.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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