
Wizard in Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf world with a Harry Potter wizard in it. **** I only believe in pleasure and absolute power, no matter what method is used. I will have no regrets, so judge me all you want. But know one thing, your ideas are not mine. I, Damon Black a wizard is just watching Teen Wolf with his aunt but got called to check on the veil. Never did he expect that someone he put a green hat on will attack him and yeeted him in the veil with so many auror and unspeakable around. He then got transported into Teen Wolf. **** -WARNING- -English is not my primary language and I don't have an editor, so there will be mistakes. -Some chapters may seem different than others as I am still experimenting. --If you have a weak stomach don't read this, as there will be cruel scenes in the later chapters. Remember you have been warned. **** This is inspired by a fanfic I read years ago. Tried contacting the author but he/she doesn't seems active anymore. I do not own Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, or any of its characters and content, this is just a fan-fiction.

sofnya · テレビ
8 Chs


In the year 1995, In California near there was a thick fog, It was so thick that you can't even see your outstretched hands making it hard to even go outside, and it's been like this for almost a week now. A basket in front of an orphanage that had been left out there for days now. Inside of it a baby that seems to not be moving at all is in it. On this fateful day, the thick fog are forming a mini tornado surrounding the baby and as it goes on, the fog becomes more and more transparent. As time pass, the baby seems to absorb the transparent fog. And after that, did the sky relent, and as it started to clear it also came with a cry of a baby. Then with the cry of the child, the doors to the orphanage started opening and came out a woman. When that woman come out he saw a baby in a basket, she then pick it up along with the baby and take them inside.


A few days later, with a start Daemon woke up. 'That damn c*cked, I should have let him watch as I fck his wife and daughter while he lay there bound and eating cruciatus curse.' Taking a pause, he inspects his surrounding and said. 'The fck, don't tell me I'm in a giant village.' He then inspects himself and comes to a realization 'Im a fcking baby!'

He then immediately checks if he can still use magic or not by making one of the pillows levitate 'Good, I still have my magic.' He seems to be inside a crib, trying to stand up to take a higher vantage point, but with his weak arm his legs. He is even having a hard time rolling. 'Damn, who would have known that going in that veil will make you a baby, but if so where is Sirius? And did one of the unspeakable take me, I'm going to be an experiment on? Sht!'


5 years pass, and I figure out that I was in an orphanage in a different place on Earth. I tried sending patronus messages to all the people I know I could trust, I even tried calling for mine and my family's house elve, but to no avail, no reply comes back. With not much to do, I just make sure that I can use all of my magic spells, well, the ones that are not deadly and flashy, as they will destroy this orphanage not that I care, but better be safe than sorry. I can put a suggestion in the matron so that I can practice it outside or in some secluded area, but I don't need it yet at the moment, my hands are already full with all the other spells, runes, alchemy, and such, not to mention a chance of being found out by another magical being that a toddler is playing with Fiendfyre. So knowing if I can or cannot do big flashy spells at the moment is not much of a difference.

As I just finishes checking if I can make rune magic, I hear a howl. Looking out of the window I saw a clear sky and a full moon. 'Hmm, is that a howl of a werewolf?' Being a mercenary has its perks, one of them is different kinds of experience, and one of those is being able to differentiate a werewolf howl from a normal one. 'Looks like this one is looking for a pack in this area'.

With that thought in mind, I stood up and goes to the window, after opening it I jumps right out. As I was falling I immediately cast a disillusionment charm, and turn into some transparent ghosty fog, and flies away to where I heard the howl.

As I get there I saw a human shape silhouette sitting on a tree branch. Without even finding out if he was the werewolf I immediately fire a petrification spell on it. Seeing it falling I didn't do anything and just land beside it. What I saw was a middle age man in a homeless getup. I look into his black eyes that glow blue for a moment and dive into his mind.

What I saw was somewhat interesting, this guy is part of a pack but falls in love and bang his alpha's woman. When the alpha finds out he imminently tries to kill him, and he's been on a ran for many years now. But that's not the interesting part, it is the part that the werewolf system is made out of. It seems similar to the one I watched before going on that veil mission in the ministry while having Andromeda between my legs, Teen Wolf.

'It's different from the werewolf system that I know of, is this the system in this country? Not to mention muggles being a hunter and hunting supernaturals being, ha, what a joke, werewolf that I know of cant be killed just by pure wolfsbane, it needs magic to go along with it to make it effective and that is just for them returning to being a human and has really no effect in killing them unless, of course, you can chop off their heads completely. Only magic and another supernatural creature can kill them. Not to mention that I seem to be in the past, as not much muggle technology is around.'

After stranding there for a second, I grab the werewolf and turn us into a ghostly mist and travel back to the orphanage. Dropping him to the floor of my room, looking around to make sure that the silencing ward is still working. After making sure that it is still working, I sat down on my bed, and look that the werewolf thinking about what I should do with him. One good thing I did after learning that I can still do magic, is making the caretaker give me a room of my own. But still, looking around, finding the room too small for him.

'Hmm, I should make myself be adopted by some rich family, then try to make contact with my people, as I can't seem to find my mercenary branch in this area. There's also a chance that I'm not in my original world anymore.' I think that, as I look at the werewolf. 'Experiment it is then.'


11 years later inside a car a few days after my 16th birthday as I am reminiscing to myself about what I did and what I discovered in the past few years while looking out the road as I drive. First is making myself be adopted constantly so that I can switch to a much richer family, this is my 3rd and final one, as they are rich ass fck. With it, I also found out and come to terms, that I'm not In my original world anymore. I really am inside the tv series of Teen Wolf, well, not much change in my situation after finding that out, as I'm not really a big fan and just watch it to pass the time, like any other tv series I watch. But I'm curious tho, will the plot still be the same and will they really look like their respective actors? and most importantly what will happen if I mess with the plot for a bit, hehe, curious. I would be finding that out soon as I'm heading there.

My experiments also brood fruit, throughout the years, I've been catching supernatural creatures and experimenting on them. What I found is not that much groundbreaking. The bite as they call it, is just some kind of poison that will force you to be a water-down animagus, as the creature you turn into, is your original animal and if it's any weaker than a werewolf you'll automatically be one turn into a werewolf. The side effect of this is the unstable transformation as people here don't have that much magic power to support it. And if your magic power is too low, then you'll die instead of turning.

The thing that got me the most of my time though, is that even though it's a water-down animagus transformation. It's still one, not to mention that they turn into magical creatures even though a weak one it still is one. So I tried experimenting with it, making sure that it's safe multiple times, and as I am the only wizard in this world that can do an animagus transformation. I don't have a guinea pig, and after so many years, in making sure that it will be a success and safe multiple times. I got to turn my animangus transformation into a magical creature, although not much has a chance as I'm still a lion, but the quality and power it give me changed multiple times. I can even cast a spell while transformed.

Experimenting is not the only thing that I did throughout the years, I also tried to cast all my spells with great success. As well as ritual making me even stronger. Well, enough about that, I look down on the road and see a white hair bobbing between my legs while making an erotic sound. I grab her hair and push her down on my shaft hard as I shoot my cum inside her mouth. 'No gag reflex huh, Well, I wouldn't be surprised as we always did it when I have a chance. Not to mention my new animagus upgrade did to my normal form. Hehe, should I turn her to make it more wild? But I'm in the middle of experiment with her. A thought for the future.'

After a few moments, I feel her cleaning me up and making my pants proper, then saw her sitting up properly while putting on her sit belt, then take a good look at her, she has dark skin, white hair, and blue eyes and that skimpy maid uniform is tempting me to park the car and take her right here and there.

"Thank you for the meal, Master Damon."

"You're quite brave Olivia, going with me with just the two of us. Are you sure you can handle me alone without the other's help?" I said with a smirk while putting my hand in her tight.

"Serving you is my only reason for living master." I turn and look into her eyes to see her surface thoughts to see if she is lying or not. And what I saw made me satisfied. As it is, I didn't play with her mind, so it's quite amusing seeing someone loyal as her. 'Well, I did make a fail-safe in case she betrayed or go crazy on me.' with that, I look at the road again and saw a sign saying "Welcome to Beacon Hills"


This feels like an extension of the prologue. lol

Anyway MC looks like Damon Salvalor. I'm thinking about adding Hope Mikaelson, but just her character nothing else, NO tvd, No supernatural, No legacies, just her. If I ever decided to add her, she will just be a hybrid without the witch. At the same time, I also want this to be a pure Teen Wolf without other series, as I have that tv series ff plans in my head.

This is my first time writing, I mean I can't find an ff that I like and the ones that I like are still ongoing. So I just do it myself, although the one I envision in this ff is coming out as it is. Damn writing is hard, lol

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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