After defeating Voldemort and freeing the wizarding world from his clutches, Harry was ostracized and labeled as the new Dark Lord. A belated help from Albus Dumbledore offered him a new chance at life, a new home to call his own, a new world to make a name for himself. Strong-Powerful-Shinobi Wizard Harry, Strong-Naruto, no pairings as of yet. Story written by Corruptmonk who is a great author with several great stories that you should check out. Unfortunately this story was abandoned but maybe I can adopt it and continue his legacy? Stick around to find out
Harry/Hari's personality:
I've seen a few people mention that Harry/Hari's personality is cruel, sadistic, evil, etc.
If you put it into perspective, he isn't really. Let me try to explain.
Before Voldemort's demise, Harry's personality is that of a lamb being prepared for the slaughter. Due to the lack of time and environment to grow into his potential, he has always been suppressed to the point of being weak, naive, an uneducated. Even forms of emotional response wasn't properly developed that even Love and care was alien to him to a degree.
The sudden change to his personality upon entering the Elemental Nation is because of two factors:
Factor 1 - Freedom. Because of the lack of freedom he had back in Britain, Harry/Hari is now wallowing in that freedom, to do things that he wanted to do. Freedom to express himself, freedom to showcase his abilities without in fear of his enemies finding out, and most important, freedom to what he wanted to do without conforming to the desires of others. He isn't evil; hardly. He is just enjoying the freedom from being an emotionally-deprived human. You might say that he just went to the extreme.
Factor 2 - Expression. This might still jive with the above factor but Harry/Hari wasn't able to properly express himself while he was still in Britain. Even to his friends, he always matches his lifestyle to that of his peers. In the Elemental Nations, however, he can express himself freely. His sadism is the result of freedom, expression, and most importanlyt, the training he went through. Let's just say that Anko had a bigger impact on his thoughts and emotional pattern that the other tutor/trainers he worked with.
I think I ranted long enough. Enjoy
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Naruto.
Chapter 6: A Month of Hellish Training
Hari made do with his promise to the Hokage of training Naruto from the ground up. He planned on training Naruto by following the methods of his tutor and training partners while he was learning the shinobi arts with a few refinement of his own to make sure that Naruto became a balanced, all-around fighter.
Hari wanted to avoid overspecialization at all cost. He wanted Naruto to be adaptable, yet powerful in his own right.
After the explanation of the Kage Bunshin, the rest of the time before lunch was spent discussing how Naruto was 'trained' in the Academy so Hari could discern the trouble areas that he needed to focus on.
When that was done, Hari immediately ran a diagnostic spell on Naruto in order to determine the state of the boy's physical health so he would know what to do and avoid during training.
The result was exceptional Hari decided to improve on the physical training regimen to really boost Naruto's physical abilities, a balance of both speed and strength, similar to his own build.
The result of the diagnostic spell showed that Naruto was a very healthy boy (thanks to the healthy food Hari's elves fed the boy every day) though some potions were needed since the boy was a tad on the short side.
Also, there were irregularities to the boy's muscular development that needed to be corrected.
Naruto's upper body muscles were undeveloped, a testament that he didn't do much during the scheduled training spars in the Academy. The blonde's lower body muscles were developed properly thanks to the impromptu races the boy had with his pursuers after each successful prank.
In other words, Naruto's speed was where it should be for a Genin but his strength was nowhere near acceptable.
Chakra-wise, the boy was a powerhouse with reserves that would rival a Kage due the potency of his chakra. This was the reason why Naruto could bring out that much shadow clones without killing himself which shouldn't be possible since a Kage could only make 10 clones at most before passing out from exhaustion. Thanks to the boy's chakra potency, he wouldn't have this problem ever.
Hari immediately attributed the chakra potency to Kyuubi since bijuus were known to be living chakra themselves and Naruto's chakra coils adapted to the injection of bijuu chakra since infancy.
When Hari had a test spar with Naruto, the wizard-turned-shinobi couldn't help but palm his face and refrained from rushing to the Academy and electrocuting the instructors there.
Naruto was as graceful as a bulldozer thanks to his brawler-style taijutsu that the boy created himself due to the instructors teaching him wrong.
Hari cursed the high heavens since he was really going to start from scratch.
Thanks to these facts, Hari finally came up with a training program that he immediately informed the blonde.
First, he needed to teach the boy to relax because a shinobi couldn't afford to be on a regular sugar-high since that would result in the boy's death especially in the battlefield. This was easily done because meditation was a mental art and the clones could easily do this while the original indulged in physically-demanding activities.
Second, Hari informed Naruto that while his clones were working on the mental aspect of training, he would personally train Naruto physically to achieve above average strength and speed. The evil chuckle Hari gave off after mentioning this fact scared Naruto out of his wits.
Hari was channeling Anko without him noticing.
Third, he needed Naruto to control his over abundant chakra reserves since learning jutsus without proper chakra control would backfire and cause accidents ranging from the jutsu blowing up on his face or cause a large enough explosion that would level half the village.
Both Hari and Naruto at the mental image that statement produced.
Done with the evaluation, the next step was shopping in order to get rid of the hideous orange jumpsuit the boy was wearing. Not only was it detrimental to his life as a shinobi, it was an eyesore. It had to go much to the boy's protest.
Such was the case; Hari dragged Naruto to one of his favorite shops in the village that he knew would treat the boy with respect because to the burden he carried. There, Naruto was subjected to an hour and a half of clothes shopping that made the boy cry and beg for it to end.
After an emotional hour and half later, Hari finally had Naruto kitted out in an acceptable shinobi outfit that would do for the time being. The wizard-shinobi knew that the boy would come up with his own unique clothing style once he got rid of the immature side in the blonde.
For a stamina freak like Naruto, clothes shopping was torture.
In the end, Naruto walked out of the clothing shop decked in black cargo pants with multiple pockets, a blue muscle shirt that showed off his physique and an orange Uzumaki swirl adorning the back. Hari had to agree to that little orange in the outfit to get the boy to shut up. Naruto decided to wear his hitai-ate on his forehead, for now.
To complete the uniform, Naruto chose to opt for a pair of boots instead of the usual sandals which according to the boy was cooler and more comfortable. Hari couldn't help but agree since sandals made your toes visible to your enemies who could easily cut them off.
A prospect that Hari didn't want happening to him; and by extension, Naruto.
When Hari asked Naruto how it felt to have brand new clothes, the boy answered that it was great.
After a brief mind probe, the wizard-shinobi found out that Naruto chose to wear the orange monstrosity of a jumpsuit since that was the only thing he could afford. He wore it every day for four years to the point that he begun to like it, even the color.
Hari was happy that Naruto adapted not because he wanted to, it was because he was forced to. He knew right there and then that the boy would be able to survive his training method.
Since they had plenty of time to spare, Hari brought Naruto to a shinobi-only shop and had the boy kitted out on the necessities, ranging from shurikens to ninja ropes, as well as reinforced pouch and holsters for his weapons.
The boy asked him why he was paying for everything.
Hari smoothly answered that question by telling the boy that the cost of his outfit was already covered because he got paid from apprehending Mizuki and protected the Forbidden Scroll.
It was a lie of course but it worked on such short notice. He made a mental note to tell the Hokage this alibi just in case the blonde decided to ask the old man.
Naruto was in hell, literally and metaphorically.
His new sensei immediately jumped into the hubbub of training him from scratch in the second day of their meeting. Despite the fact that training was brutal, he wouldn't want it any other way.
First, he was given a set of chakra weights to improve his strength and speed. It should have been tolerable but his sensei started him off at 50 pounds each totaling to 200 pounds on top of his body weight. He had him run laps and do muscle building exercise from morning till noon while his 100 clones were given various task to improve his mental capabilities.
His vaunted stamina was put to the test and even found lacking much to his chagrin. He had to push himself to the limit since his sadistic sensei kept launching lightning bolts in his direction every time he slowed down.
After being electrocuted a few times, he learned his lesson and persevered.
Speaking of his clones, they were divided into three groups of 50, 25, and 25. He could have easily made more but his sensei was adamant to stick to 100 clones to avoid damaging his brain.
The first fifty clones were tasked to meditate. When he asked his sensei why such a number, he was told that the number of clones would speed up his learning of the mental arts faster. He couldn't deny that because when he dispelled these clones by the end of the day, he felt calmer and able to focus easily compared to his previous countenance. He was still hyperactive but he can somewhat control it now. It was slow but he'll get there soon enough thanks to his clones.
The second group consisting of 25 clones was given the task to do the Tree Walking exercise to help him control his chakra. Naruto was annoyed because his sensei kept laughing when his clones were blown off the tree because of channeling too much chakra for the exercise.
At the end of the day, after dispelling this group, he was able to make it up halfway up the tree no problem though he needed to reach the top and try to maintain the tree walking exercise without stepping on the ground for two hours before his sensei deemed him proficient. His sensei informed him that he would be deemed a master of Tree Walking if he could fight while sticking for two hours non-stop.
It cemented the belief that his sensei was a sadistic bastard. He didn't voice it out loud though since he wanted to avoid those lightning bolts of his.
The third group composed of the last 25 clones was given various books for them to read, ranging from history to mathematics; and from chakra to elemental affinity – basic books on general education and shinobi arts. He was wrong when he first thought that his sensei was joking in teaching him everything he should have learned in the Academy. He shouldn't have doubted the guy much to his chagrin.
When one of his clones complained that it didn't want to read, it was promptly zapped by a barrage of lightning that left a crater where the clone stood.
Needless to say, no one complained after that.
In order to give Naruto the time to assimilate the information, he was given a day off after a day's use of clones so he could adapt to the large amount of information crammed into his brain.
Of course, Naruto demanded that he could do it every day but shut up and relented his sensei informed him that he was a professional medic-nin, and doing the Shadow Clone Training Program every day would turn his brain into mush and end up a vegetable residing in the hospital.
The only saving grace to that command was giving him the use of a single clone during rest days if he ever needed one to do something outside training.
When he asked when they were going to start doing missions, his sensei just informed him to wait for the right moment since he needed to catch up to his peers in terms of shinobi knowledge. Naruto didn't complain because his sensei punctuated his point by raising a hand cackling with lightning when he was about to open his mouth to complain.
The day without clones were focused on a day of taijutsu where Hari taught Naruto Tai Chi. However, Naruto found the style to be too soft for his taste since he was, more or less, a front-line fighter.
Since strength, and eventually, speed was his forte; his sensei introduced him to a style called Kung Fu, an esoteric martial arts that mimicked the style of animals to produce unique fighting moves.
With the use of five shadow clones, with blessings from his sensei of course, he read the books that his sensei offered on Kung Fu and eventually decided to learn the Tiger style since he found the direct strength attacks to his liking while having enough defensive moves to keep him alive in a taijutsu fight. A group of clones was allocated to learning the various katas while he physically trained under his sensei's watchful eye and the Lightning Finger of Torture and Doom.
This leg of the training continued for a month until his sensei informed him of revisions to their daily schedule.
"Alright, Naruto-kun, because of your month-long training in the physical arts, as well as passing the proficiency test I gave you in terms of shinobi knowledge, we are going to revise your schedule to incorporate something new." Hari began as he stood in front of his…apprentice.
"Hai, sensei." replied Naruto, making Hari proud that his charge was learning to relax and focus instead of jumping around like a kid on sugar high.
"Good, the schedule will be as follows. For Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, we will be going to continue with your physical regime since you need more speed and strength for your Tiger style. This means full-sprint around the training field for two hours and another two hours for muscle training. Afternoon will be spent sparring using clones; we will alternate between ground spar and tree spar to add to your experience and chakra control. Understood?"
"Hai, sensei." Naruto replied with a nod, this time, there was a hint of a smile on his face. The boy was definitely a glutton for punishment which Hari definitely liked. "So since I'm going to be sparring with clones, does this mean that this will incorporate a form of teamwork exercise?"
"You're correct and very good in catching that one." praised Hari which made Naruto grin. "To continue, the morning of Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays will be spent doing D-rank mission. However, we are going to do it with a little bit of twist. Instead of you personally going on missions, you will assign a group of clones to do it for you. During those days, you will create 15 clones, 3 for each team. Each team will grab their mission from the Mission's Office. I already cleared this with the Hokage. I won't be supervising your D-ranks so I want you to make use of what you learned from the books to properly make a report. Understand?"
"Hai, sensei." Naruto agreed before realizing something. "Ano, Am I going to overpower the clones since it would be possible that they might encounter something during missions that would cause them to dispel?"
"Very good, boya. You're going to do just that. I think you already have enough control over your chakra to properly distribute the chakra to your clones equally?" Hari asked with a raised eyebrow. He learned during the first month that overpowering a clone allowed it to withstand a few hits before dispelling.
"Yes, sensei though I want to ask you if you could check on them just in case so I can correct errors if there is one." Naruto pointed out. "My chakra control may have improved but it isn't to your level yet though I kinda doubt if I could reach your level considering what you told me about my chakra before training."
"No problem and thanks for the suggestion. I will do just that." Hari said with a nod, pride clearly in his eyes. "Now, while your clones are doing missions, you and I will continue with physical training, however, I will introduce to you a chakra control exercise, called Water Walking. However, instead of 25 clones, I want you to only use 5 clones. I don't want you becoming too dependent on them. Besides, I want you to slow down in using your clones since I don't want to damage your brain. Sunday is a rest day, same as usual. Understood?"
Naruto nodded, already memorizing the new schedule and itching to try it out.
Hari was currently in the shinobi section of the Mahora clan library eyeing the seven large scrolls in front of him.
These were no ordinary scrolls. These were Summoning Contracts for different animals that he collected over the years. Two of them he got from the shinobis he fought (and gifted it to him as payment for sparing their lives) while the rest were thanks to the tireless efforts of his elves scouring the Elemental Nation for such contracts ever since he learned of the Monkey Summoning Contract that the Hokage possessed (the Hokage was smug that Hari didn't have a contract so the Mahora Clan head vowed to prove him wrong, which he eventually did).
The contracts he had were Bear, Tiger, Wolf, Hawk, Cats, Crow, and Falcon
The reason why Hari was eyeing the scroll was due to his plan to give Naruto a gift after surviving his second month of 'Hell Training', as the blonde dubbed it. He was quite proud of his student since the boy became a totally new person under his tutelage.
Another reason for giving the boy a contract was to offset the lack of teammates. Despite the fact that he had the ability to create hundreds, if not thousands, of Shadow Clones with his potent chakra, they wouldn't be able to survive a prolonged battled and their skills were similar to the original so enemies could still predict what they would do.
With a summoning partner, Naruto could incorporate a variety of team-based strategies for both offense and defense with ease.
If Hari was honest with himself, despite that this was his first time to teach a student, he was quite proud of the blonde. He knew that Naruto was just a temporary apprentice since the boy's real master would be continuing the boy's training soon according to the Hokage.
Also, Hari discovered that he was quite fond of teaching. If he didn't leave wizarding Britain and got labeled as a Dark Lord, he would have taught DADA at Hogwarts. He amended that if he Britain didn't do what they did, he wouldn't have found a home in the Elemental Nation. All-in-all, it worked out perfectly with him finally coming out on top.
In just a span of two months, the old hyperactive, loud-mouthed, stamina-freak Uzumaki Naruto was replaced by a calm, focused, and smart Uzumaki Naruto that was well on his way to become a fine shinobi.
In terms of strength and ability, Hari ranked Naruto as mid-Chuunin but if you couple his lack of experience into the mix, he was only mid-Genin at best. Nothing a few C-rank missions couldn't fix which he would be taking soon and let Naruto handle the job with him acting as a guide.
Back to the topic, he was eyeing the Summoning Contracts in front of him and contemplating what to give to the boy. At first, he decided to give Naruto the Tiger Summoning Contract since it would fit well with his taijutsu style and mindset.
Another potential contract for the boy was the Bear Summoning Contract which he already signed as his own. He didn't bring them out that much since there were not support-type summons who preferred to bulldoze their way through their opponents using fangs, claws, and brute strength. I
In Hari's case, he didn't bring them out as of yet due to the lack of opponents that could give him a challenge.
Despite the lack of activity in his reality, he rather liked the bears – silent, down-to-earth, and very practical, not to mention good conversationalist. When angered, they were monsters in their own rights with the boss towering over the Hokage Mountain with ease. He summoned him once and he was practically scared out of his wits when he saw the size of the claws and fangs the boss of the bear clan possessed.
In the case of animal summons, bigger was definitely better.
He shuddered when he remembered those razor-sharp teeth that could easily dice him to chunks in one bite.
Unable to decide which animal was which, Hari finally came into the conclusion to just let the boy pick for himself. He made a mental note to bring the boy to his clan compound later if time permits.
Aside from the contract, certain truths needed to come out and this was the perfect time to air them out.
Uzumaki Naruto was currently in his home, relaxing since it was a Sunday and there was no training on a Sunday.
As he lounged around in his comfortable sofa, he couldn't help but think back on the changes that happened to him ever since he became an apprentice of Mahora Hari, a person that Naruto looked up to like a surrogate parent or something similar to a brother.
Naruto couldn't believe how his sensei changed him for the better. Heck, he couldn't believe that he changed. Period.
Before, he resigned himself to be a mediocre shinobi because he had to do everything on his own after noticing that the Academy instructors, except for Iruka-sensei, wasn't giving him the time of day. In fact, all of his skills were all self-taught.
The only thing that he could be proud off was his large chakra reserves and stamina.
Then Hari-sensei came into the scene.
He was depressed at first when his cool Jounin-sensei showed him his Academy record but was surprised when his sensei all but said to ignore it. Instead of leaving him to improve on his own (expecting only a few advice to guide him in the right direction), his sensei personally took a hand in his training and made use of his strength to turn him into a person that he was today.
Naruto visibly winced when he remembered his first month of training. It was brutal, to say the least. The chakra weights were a big hurdle to overcome but overcome it he did because he didn't want to get electrocuted by his trigger-happy sensei who was just too attached to those lightning jutsus of his.
Besides, because of the advanced healing factor his body had in spades, hard training would help him improve faster than taking it slow. Naruto couldn't deny that his sensei was right in all aspects of his training. He never steered him wrong and Naruto liked him that way. He might be brutal to the point of being sadistic, which he was, but he was honest to a fault.
Aside from the physical side of training, his sensei also took the time to teach him meditation to help calm him down and control his natural sugar-high thanks to his vaunted stamina; guide him to learn the things that he should have learned in the Academy, and of course, help him control his above average chakra reserves.
He liked his sensei because Hari never sugar-coated anything. If Hari-sensei found something wrong then he would point it out (with lightning bolts added into the mix to drill it home) and help him correct it. Hari-sensei was honest and didn't like to play around with words.
In fact, his sensei even mentioned his 'tenant' and his sensei wasn't even bothered by it, as if treating the bijuu he contained a fly that needed to be ignored.
Thanks to the improvement on his academic skills, he made a special point to branch out to other shinobi arts during his free time. He used a disguised clone (just one since his sensei allowed him) to study in the library and scope out some jutsus that would be useful in the field. His sensei tested him once and found out that he had an affinity for Wind techniques so he scoured the Konoha Library for wind jutsus.
He didn't find much, only two that he could actually use, since Konoha shinobis predominantly had fire affinity. He made a mental note to ask his sensei if he had some wind techniques in the library he mentioned a few weeks back.
He was brought out of his musings when a familiar red avian appeared in his living room in a burst of fire, a beautiful song filling the room.
"Welcome to my home, Fawkes." Naruto greeted his visitor warmly. He was introduced to the bird during his first month of training and couldn't help but be amazed at his sensei's familiar. Not only was the bird beautiful, Fawkes was talented as well – tears that could heal any wounds or poison, able to teleport anywhere, and carry heavy burdens with ease. "What can I do for you?"
Fawkes drifted down and perched on Naruto's shoulder and dropped a rolled up paper he was carrying with his beak on Naruto's lap.
Curious, Naruto opened it and saw that it was a letter from his sensei.
I want you to go with Fawkes and come to my home. There are a few things we need to discuss regarding the future of our team and apprenticeship.
Mahora Hari
Naruto looked up and nodded at Fawkes who trilled in happiness before disappearing from the room along with his blonde passenger.
Naruto's sight cleared to see himself standing in a beautiful living room. He didn't know where he was but he had this feeling that he was currently inside his sensei's home; a fact proven immediately when his sensei appeared in front of him accompanied by a soft crack. Naruto stared at his sensei in disbelief since he knew that it wasn't Shunshin or any speed technique he knew.
"Welcome to the Mahora clan compound, Naruto-kun." greeted Hari before sitting himself on the sofa and gesturing for Naruto to do the same. Seeing that his student was making himself comfortable, he decided to open up the day's discussion. "Thanks for coming on such short notice even though it's your day off but there are some things we need to talk about that would affect our future relationship as student and teacher."
"What do you mean, sensei?" Naruto asked in confusion.
"I know everything about you Naruto, from your childhood to that fur ball you're carrying in that stomach of yours. However, you don't know anything about me. I want you to halt all your questions and listen to everything I have to say. When I'm done, you can ask me anything, alright?"
Seeing Naruto nod in agreement, Hari immediately launched into his tale; similar to the ones he gave the Hokage. He also explained about his bloodline, Magic, causing the boy to look at him excitedly though it disappeared a bit when Hari mentioned that he didn't have the ability to use magic.
It was an hour later that a dumbfounded Naruto was looking at his sensei in a new light.
"Wait, you're telling me that you're the one who treated me when I was young?" asked Naruto in disbelief and saw Hari nod. "How come I didn't remember you?"
"Simple, using my magic, I blocked the memory of all our interaction together. It was necessary at that time since I didn't want you to look at me as nothing more than a sensei. I want you to grow into your emotions slowly as you continue to grow as a shinobi. It is normal for a person to have a different outlook when they are with someone familiar. I want to see and experience the real you before I unblock you memories."
"Can you return those memories to me now?" Naruto asked excitedly.
Hari nodded, pointed his finger at Naruto. A beam of white light flew from it and connected to Naruto's forehead. Naruto's eyes glazed a bit, a clear sign that he was processing the memories that made itself known inside the boy's mind, before realization dawned on his face.
"Whoah, what a rush." said Naruto before shaking his head. "You were the one who treated me when none in the hospital would give me the time of day. Thank you, Hari-sensei."
Hari smiled at his charge.
"No problem, kid. It was a pleasure. Ever since I knew of your burden, I didn't hate you. In fact, I made sure that I implemented certain…measures to make sure that you're healthy, safe, and comfortable."
Something clicked in Naruto's mind before leveling his sensei an accusing finger.
"Wait a minute. Everything was because of you. When I disappeared after being cornered by the mob, no mobs attacking my home, the food appearing out of nowhere, the changes in my home, and…and…MY RAMEN!" Naruto screamed the last part making Hari burst out in laughter at the indignant look on the blonde's face.
"Yes I did do all those things, boya." said Hari as he hit Naruto with a calming charm to the effect that it calmed the boy, seeing the confused look on the blonde's face, he decided to explain. "I hit you with a spell that helps you relax. Anyway, I did all those things for a reason Naruto. Since I couldn't adopt you because of the civilian council, I made sure to take steps to do the next best thing. Take care of you from afar. I charmed all your clothes so that you would be brought to the safety of your home if you feel extreme fear and panic. I warded your home so that no one with ill-intent towards you can enter. I had one of my house elves make sure that you're eating healthy so you won't grow stunted because of eating nothing but ramen due to the villagers hindering you from buying anything else. And most importantly, I changed all your furniture to make sure that you have a comfortable time living there."
"But why do all of those things, sensei?" Naruto asked with a confused frown on his face. He didn't know why his sensei was doing all of this for him. Sure, his sensei was kind, a bit sadistic, but a kind-hearted person but this was simply too much for an orphan like him.
"Simple, I experienced the same thing." Hari said simply, a look of disbelief crossed Naruto's face. "You see Naruto, in my world; there are certain people who are afraid of magic. One of these people was my relatives. When my parents died and I became an orphan, I was placed with my relatives since no one can take care of me at that time. They feared me, afraid what I would become so I was treated like a slave, beaten up, and abused. Your life is so similar to mine that it was scary, forced to live a life of squalor and pain because of circumstances out of our control. I don't want to see anyone suffer as I did so I helped you."
Naruto was silent as he digested his sensei's words, tears slowly forming in his eyes. Cannot help the raging emotions he was feeling, he launched himself and engulfed Hari in a tight hug who returned it. Naruto cried while mumbling 'thank you' over and over again with Hari simply patting the boy on the back to soothe his emotions. A few minutes later, Naruto was in control of his emotions that he shyly pushed himself away from his sensei and went back to his seat.
"Sorry about that, sensei. I don't know what came over me." Naruto apologized with a shy grin on his face.
Hari waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it. I certainly understand what you're going through." said Hari before grinning. "Anyway, I came here today for two reasons; one is to discuss some facts about future missions we will be getting; and two, give you a few gifts to help you become a powerful shinobi of Konoha."
Naruto was excited when he heard that his sensei was going to give him gifts. He grinned but stayed silent since he knew that his sensei was going to tell him something concerning missions. He was getting tired of doing nothing but D-ranks even though this resulted in his savings growing that he wouldn't have to worry about buying the things he wanted with some extras for necessities. However, he wanted something more fulfilling to do aside from chores. He was a shinobi after all.
"In terms of missions, according to the report I got from the Mission's Office, you have a total of 75 D-ranks under your belt, more than any Genin could ever accomplish in a span of two months and you did it alone. A worthy feat, Naruto-boya, if I do say so myself." Hari saw Naruto puff out his chest in pride and couldn't help but grin at the boy. "Since you have plenty of D-ranks under your belt, we are going to start doing C-rank mission. This is why I chose to give you two gifts." Hari waved his hand at the table in between them causing eight scrolls to appear - seven large scrolls and a small one.
Naruto eyed them speculatively, a curious frown on his face.
"What are these scrolls, sensei?"
"Your first gift is the small scroll." said Hari as he beckoned for Naruto to take it which the blonde did. "That scroll contains the instruction for a supplementary technique called Shunshin no Jutsu. I think you already know what this technique can do right?"
Naruto nodded eagerly and was about to open the scroll and start reading when Hari stopped him.
"Make five clones and give the scroll to them. Order them to go outside and train with that skill. I expect for you to master Shunshin in two hours. Understood?" Hari commanded in a voice that Naruto dubbed as 'Sadistic Sensei' mode.
"Hai, sensei." barked Naruto before creating five clones without having to do hand seals. He had complete control of his chakra to a point that he could do some jutsus without hand seals, and practicing with the Kage Bunshin all the time made it possible to use the technique without having to do the necessary seal. He tossed the Shunshin scroll to one of the clones. "Alright, I want you to go outside and learn Shunsin. One of you dispel if you need more clones or when you're done with it. Perfect it to the point that we won't be needed seals to use them."
"Hai, Taichou!" shouted the clones before running out of the living room, eagerness and excitement on their faces.
Hari watched the clones in amusement for a few seconds before turning to Naruto who was looking at the seven large scrolls with obvious interest.
"The reason I want you to learn Shunshin is to simplify travel time and to have an escape skill to fall back on instead of using replacement jutsu all the time. It is time consuming to walk or run around the village to get to our destination so between your Shunshin and my unique form of transportation, we can go places easier and faster." Hari saw Naruto nod at his reasoning. "Now, these seven scrolls are called Summoning Contracts." Hari ignored the shocked look on the boy's face. "I got these contracts from enemy shinobis and having my house elves track them down for me around the Elemental Nation. So far, I have these under my disposal though I might be able to acquire more in the future if my elves can find them. According to their size, these are the master scrolls for the Summoning Animal they are attributed to. Now, the contracts are Tiger, Bear, Falcon, Hawk, Cat, Crow, and Wolf. I want to you pick a contract and sign it."
"Which contract did you sign, sensei?" Naruto asked curiously as he eyed the scrolls speculatively.
Hari could see that the boy was running scenarios in that head of his and already envisioning the strengths and weaknesses of each animal.
"Bear." Hari answered with a grin. "I picked the animal that fit well with my personality. Bears are lazy animals, laidback, and very protective. However, they become monsters to their enemies when cornered or annoyed."
"You forgot sadistic." murmured Naruto which Hari clearly heard.
"You said something, boya?" Hari asked with an evil glint in his eyes.
Naruto backpedalled and gave his sensei a nervous grin.
"Nothing, sensei. I said that bears suit you perfectly." He said before gulping nervously.
"I thought so." Hari nodded with a pleased grin on his face. "So, any idea what animal you want?"
Naruto grew thoughtful for a bit before answering.
"Well, I'm partial to the tigers. Bears aren't that bad since they are strength types like me, though I prefer tigers since I am familiar with their attack styles. Crows are scary, and I don't really like hawks and falcons that much though I can never deny the fact that having aerial support would be advantageous. Wolves are similar to tigers in a way and they are pack animals. So if you ask me, I would say Tigers or Wolves. I'll forgo bears since you already signed it and it would be best to have two different summoning animals between the two of us in case we need diversity."
"Very well thought-out, Naruto." Hari said with pride in his eyes that made Naruto happy for the praise. "Your reasoning is sound and I agree that Tigers or Wolves would suit you best. If you ask my advice, I suggest tiger since your style gives you an affinity towards them."
Naruto nodded.
"I agree, sensei. So how do I summon?" he asked eagerly.
Hari nodded and waved his hand towards the scroll on the desk, causing six of them to disappear back to his library, leaving only the Tiger scroll.
"I want you to open the scroll, sign your name using your blood as ink. Using your hand that you want to use to summon the tigers, place blood on your fingertips and stamp it down below your name. Once done, let's go to my training ground out back and I'll teach you to summon."
It didn't take long for Naruto to finish signing the contract. The two relaxed for a bit, talking, while enjoying the snacks provided by the elves (which Naruto found fascinating).
Hari gave Naruto a free pass to come and take advantage of his library when the blonde asked if he had any wind scroll to learn from. Hari allowed him entrance but only to the shinobi section and warned Naruto that he warded the magical section that would shock anyone entering there without his permission.
Naruto took the hint immediately since he knew of his sensei's penchant towards lightning.