
2. Rescue

The city of Ammerdam, once a bustling metropolis, now lay in ruins, a silent testament to the ravages of war. Its desolate streets, lined with the skeletons of buildings that once touched the sky, echoed with the memories of a world lost to chaos. It was within this graveyard of civilization that a team of scavengers moved, shadows flitting through the destruction, searching for remnants of the past that could ensure their survival in the present.

The team, a motley crew of survivors each bearing the scars of their own stories, was well-versed in navigating the dangers of the post-apocalyptic landscape. They were drawn to Ammerdam by tales of a fierce battle, one that had supposedly turned the tide of the war at great cost. Such places were often rife with salvageable technology, valuable both for its utility and the secrets it held.

As they picked their way through the debris-strewn streets, the sharp-eyed among them spotted an anomaly amidst the desolation—a battle site, eerily preserved in a sheath of ice. It was as if a moment in time had been frozen, capturing the last stand of warriors long gone. The ground was littered with the wreckage of exoskeleton suits, the advanced armor of the combatants, now rendered useless by the violence of their final confrontation.

Intrigued and cautious, the scavengers approached, their breaths visible in the cold air that emanated from the ice. Among the ruins of the battlefield, one exoskeleton suit, in particular, caught their attention. It was crushed, bearing the unmistakable signs of a devastating blow, yet it was encased in a large, almost pristine casing of ice, setting it apart from the others strewn about the site.

This suit, despite its damaged state, seemed to pulse with a latent energy, as if the remnants of the battle still lingered within it. The ice that encased it was not merely frozen water but appeared to be imbued with a kind of magic, shimmering with an inner light that captivated the scavengers.

The leader of the group, a seasoned veteran of the wasteland with an eye for valuable tech, signaled for caution. Such preservation suggested that this suit—and perhaps its occupant—had been at the center of whatever cataclysm had befallen this place. The ice, unnaturally cold and hard, resisted their initial attempts at chipping it away, further evidence of the extraordinary circumstances surrounding this find.

Realizing the potential significance of their discovery, the team set to work with renewed purpose, employing every tool and technique at their disposal to access the suit. They speculated about the identity of the warrior within, pondering the possibility of retrieving not just technology, but perhaps even data logs or recordings that could shed light on the final moments of the battle.

As they worked, the air around them seemed to thrum with the echoes of the past, a silent whisper of magic and loss.

As the scavengers labored to breach the icy tomb, the air crackled with an almost palpable tension. The ice, infused with a magic long thought lost to the world, resisted their efforts, each chip and crack revealing the depth of the power that had sealed Amelia within. Finally, after hours of painstaking work, the ice gave way, shattering into a million glittering fragments to reveal the crushed exoskeleton and its occupant.

Amelia lay there, a figure of both strength and vulnerability, her body suspended in a state between life and death. Despite the grievous injuries that marred her form and the exoskeleton that had been her armor now a prison of twisted metal, there was an undeniable aura of resilience about her. The scavengers, hardened survivors of a world that had forgotten the meaning of mercy, were momentarily taken aback by the sight. None had expected to find a survivor, especially one still clinging to life amidst such devastation.

With the realization that she was alive, the dynamics of the discovery shifted. The scavengers, initially driven by the prospect of salvaging valuable tech, now found themselves in the role of rescuers. Yet, as they extracted Amelia from the remnants of her suit, they were oblivious to the true nature of her identity and the power she wielded. Magic, once a cornerstone of the world's wonders, had become a thing of myth and legend, its truths lost in the aftermath of the cataclysm that had reshaped their reality.

Amelia, even in her comatose state, seemed to radiate an ethereal quality, a residue of the potent magic she had unleashed in her last stand. But to the scavengers, this was merely a curiosity, an unexplained phenomenon in a world that had ceased to wonder at the existence of the inexplicable.

The decision was made to transport Amelia back to their base, a fortified enclave where the remnants of technology and humanity coalesced in a fragile semblance of civilization. The journey was fraught with danger, the roads home as perilous as the ruins they navigated. Yet, they carried their precious cargo with a determination born of a newfound purpose. Amelia's survival was a miracle in a land where death was the only certainty, and it imbued their mission with a sense of urgency.

Upon their arrival, Amelia was placed under the care of the community's medic, a skilled practitioner who had once been a doctor in the world before. The medic, accustomed to treating injuries inflicted by the brutality of their new world, found himself puzzled by Amelia's condition. Her injuries, though severe, were healing at a rate that defied logical explanation, a testament to the lingering magic that coursed through her veins, unbeknownst to those who sought to aid her recovery.

As word of the mysterious survivor spread throughout the enclave, speculation ran rampant. Who was she? How had she come to be found in such a state? And what significance did her survival hold for the future of their community? Yet, for all the questions that swirled around her, Amelia remained locked within her own mind, trapped in a coma that was as much a result of her physical injuries as the monumental exertion of her magical abilities.

In the days that followed, the scavengers would find themselves looking to the silent figure of Amelia with a mix of reverence and curiosity. In her, they saw the embodiment of a world that had once been, a reminder of the marvels that had been lost. And though they knew not of her past or the powers she possessed, they sensed that her arrival marked the beginning of a new chapter in their struggle to survive and rebuild amidst the ruins of a forgotten world.