

Elsewhere, after arriving at the palace, they were surprised by the warm welcome home party that was to celebrate Araxie's new chapter in her life though she couldn't see anything because her face was covered up with cotton.

To keep Araxie away from any temptations that may lead her to uncovering her face and maybe see someone else instead of Trion, she was taken back to the king's safe room where she laid down on the bed, hoping to come out after Trion's arrival.

She couldn't wait for that moment when she would finally gaze at him, this time with no worries at all.

The rest kept downstairs enjoying the sounds of their favorite vibes until Neel showed up and shouted at the top of his lungs for the DJ to turn it off.

This action of his left everyone in wonders since his voice was unbelievably real to them.

In fact they had never seen that part of his. They always knew him as the coolest and very calm man of all seasons because he had always tried hiding his temper from everyone.

"Why's Neel so angry like this?

Wait! Is what I'm thinking real or it's just my imagination? I've sent Neel to take Araxie to the safe room and be there with her but.... this second Neel is coming from outside. No this can't be possible.

He could've asked but there were so many people in the room and yet he didn't want to get anyone so worried, moreover he wasn't sure if he was right- that's why.

Those people could've thrown words at Neel like...'why did you turn off the music and whatever but they didn't. His sudden change in his way of staring said something else.

"Where's that Martha?"that's all he asked that left people's mouth opened since they didn't know what he was talking about. "I've never heard that name before. I think he's lost his mind."someone said.

"I think he has been chucked by a girl called Martha and maybe his mind doesn't want to accept it."another one added.

Neel heard everything but chose to ignore because he was sure they didn't know what was really happening.

"I'm glad you're safe my king. I'm very sorry that I dozed off at the hospital and you had to come home without me. If something happened to you, I could never forgive myself."he was on his Neel apologizing.

"What are you saying? And what do you mean by I had to come home alone."

"Yes sir. You left me sleeping in the hospital room."

"I hope it's not coming true. No no.... I'm not ready for this shock."the king breathed inwardly before asking. "Are you trying to say that we came with a different Neel."

"Different Neel! What's that Sir?"

"If we left you at the hospital then who's that man that looks exactly like you. But wait, how can I trust you because I'm not sure if you're the real Neel or a fraud."

"I swear I'm telling the truth Sir. You can ask me anything of which you're sure that's it's only known by the two of us."

"That's a good idea. I think everyone should leave us alone but don't go very far because I don't trust this man at all. You should keep watching just in case."

"Alright sir."

"So sir, could you please tell me how I found out that Malinda is a witch. That's the biggest secret that my Neel has been keeping for years and it's only between him and I."


"I'm sorry that I'm going to remind you that painful incident.

Well, you and I had gone for a one week holiday and you were to attend the meeting at DMT because you wanted to discuss something important with Mr Bagonza but you changed your mind out of the blue and asked me to drive you back home in the middle of the night.

You told me you were feeling restless and frightened that something bad was going to happen to you so you needed to leave that place as soon as possible.

I remember I assured you that I'd keep you safe and nothing would dare happen to you but you didn't seem convinced that's why I did as you asked.

Both of us stood shocked when we found the whole backyard overcrowded by people and Malinda was busy sucking their blood but no one dared to make a sound and call for help. I remember when I asked, you told me that she had manipulated them. She had developed very long fangs and crawls. Her hair seemed like small serpents with her eyes gleaming like red fire flames. She looked really scary that you had to tell me not to scream out of fear and maybe wake everyone else because you didn't want them to know about her true colors. You knew they'd leave the palace immediately after finding out.

I still recall how you recorded her with your bead that Tia gave to you before her departure and it was the same recording that you used to blackmail her that you'd expose her in front of the committee members and she'd be expelled from the palace for good, all this made her confess to us that she's actually a witch and that's when she started acting like one without hiding it from us.

Do you still need any other proof Sir?"

"I'm very sorry Neel. I didn't mean to make you prove yourself to me but...."Mr Beryl was weeping.

"This is not the right time to fall weak sir. I have a feeling that Araxie's life is in danger and I'm certainly sure that, that woman Martha is behind everything.

You can't believe she made a fool out of us all when she actually didn't have any wounds on her body."

"What. But we saw the wounds ourselves, didn't we?"

"It's a long story Sir. We need to go to Araxie before they can do anything harmful to her."

"Oh no! I can't believe this is happening. How could I risk her life like this. I hope she's safe in the room."the king breathed as the two of them headed upstairs to the safe room.

They couldn't help it but to break in tears after finding blood and torn out pieces of Araxie's dress but she wasn't anywhere in the room.

"I can't believe this. How'd we tell Trion that she's gone missing!"

"Don't worry sir. We'll find Araxie no matter what. We'll bring her back safe and sound.

I think I have to leave. I have to get to them before they can harm her. I have a feeling that they're up to something very big."

"I'm coming with you."the king hurried to say but Neel didn't want that. How would he use his magic in this man's presence. He had to look for an excuse that would stop him from following him up but what?

Looking seemingly thoughtful for some minutes, Neel remembered Araxie's friend, Tia. This is going to work but would she listen to me like she does for Araxie?- he hoped she would.

Walking away from the safe room, Neel went outside so quickly hoping to find Tia somewhere in the compound and luckily for him, Tia had come to deliver some message to him concerning Araxie's situation.

Being magically superior, Tia had sensed that something wrong was going to happen to her friend, Araxie and it's the reason she came to be with her in the room so she saw everything but unfortunately she had no way she would share it with Neel or anyone else apart from Trion and Araxie who knew her so well.

She could've informed Trion but his face was still covered up with cotton as well. There was no way he could've looked for her without removing the cotton from his face and that would mean he was going to see someone or something else and not Araxie. All that would mean that the bonding was a waste of time and that was something Tia never wished to happen.

"Thank God you're here. I really need your help ma'am. Actually, your friend Araxie has gone missing.. I'm sorry about that but don't worry because I'm going to look for her. I'll bring her back no matter what happens but I need you to help me and stay here with the king till then. I know you can do it, won't you?

I don't know if you're getting me because it's my first time speaking with the bird.

Please try to get the king occupied so I can leave him behind. I don't want to put his life in danger as well."Neel himself found it awkward that he was busy pleading with the bird for some help but he had nothing else to do.

He was standing impatiently waiting for this bird's reply when Tia dropped Araxie's earrings and the engagement ring that Trion gave her last night.

"W-where did you g.. get these? Tell me Tia. How did you find these?". It was like he expected her to talk.

Knowing that he was a witch and he would figure everything out by himself, Tia simply left her feather behind for Neel before she flew inside to be with the king.

Without telling anyone Neel left the palace to find Araxie since he already knew the location where they were holding her captive.

He had seen everything just with the touch of Tia's feather.

"Don't worry Araxie. I'm coming over to save you. I swear I won't spare anyone for getting you involved in this."he breathed.

Just like that he was inside the old abandoned castle where he expected to find Araxie and her abductors.

The old house was so big that it took him some good time to check its every room but he was left in shock when he didn't find Araxie.

His shoulders had fallen while he wondered if Tia's feather really showed him everything.

He was going to leave when he saw some writings on the wall. They were written in bloody red.

"Hi Neel,

I knew you would follow me up after how you questioned me at the hospital. I must say you're incredibly lucky that I chose not to kill you.

The only reason I didn't do that is because you didn't expose me years ago despite knowing all about me.

You were my best friend and I trusted you more than anyone but now, it looks like you want to be on my bad side and I'm sure you know what it means and how I can be when dealing with my enemy.

So, I'm advising you to stay out of this matter and let me do what I came for because no matter what you do, I'll make my mission come true.

I can see how you're acting like you don't feel anything about this girl when actually you're dying inside because you can't bring yourself to confess your love.

I guess we're even here. You'll get to know about my secret and I.... I already know yours and I'm sure Beryl won't like it if he finds out that you're in love with his favorite soon to be daughter-in-law.

I'm not telling you this to threaten you. I'm only trying to remind you your rightful place and you know it's not good to cross your limits.

Yours partner in crime,

Malinda (Martha).


I love you so much guys. Thanks for your precious time and support. I really appreciate.

I'm nothing without you guys and I must say that you really make me proud every day. Keep the love growing.

Sending you the warmest kisses and hugs. I love y'all.