
with the lights on

Cocked by my hot bodyguard because my husband is too busy and too small to satisfy me. The fact that its a dangerous game makes it even me fun.

sexpun · 都市
9 Chs

chapter 8


What was going through my head was Don was a highly desired man because of him being rich. He obviously thinks I would wait for him because of his class. Who knows he could even be cheating on me right now!

Is it wrong who me to do the same? No it isn't.

I don't really know if he is though. But I'm going to assume he is and run with it.

I need dick, and if am not getting it in my marriage, I'll find it elsewhere.

But as of right now, let me just flirt with this bodyguard right here.

When i fell on him, he held me as he got up from the chair.

"Madam, are you okay?"

"Stop calling me madam. My name is Elissa. Now come and dance with me!!!!"

"Madam I don't think I should..."

I did not care, I was already pulling him to the dance floor.

He just stood there awkwardly.

I turned around put his hands on my hips for him and started grinding on him.

I had my hand on his neck as i felt him on my butt.

I kept grinding just to keep feeling him there and maybe measure in my head how big it was.

Suddenly someone pulled me from him.

"What are you doing?" I said looking at Tammy annoyed.

"Saving you from doing something you'll regret!" She then turned to Sebastian.

"Lets go. We are getting her out of here and you take her home!"

I resisted but me being drunk was making me too sloppy to even have the strength to pull my hand away.

I started laughing at myself as she led us out of the club with my bag in her hand.

Sebastian went ahead of us to bring the car out of the parking lot to the entrance of the club where we waited for him.

"Why did you do that tammy? I was just starting to have fun!..."

"You mean sexually harassing your bodyguard?"

"I was not sexually harassing him.... And how do you know he didn't like it?"

"Sigh! Elissa look. I know you may be too drunk right now to even understand what I'm saying, but give Don a little more time. Marriage isn't easy. It's not a walk on the beach. Forgive him and wait for him to sort his business out, yeah?..... I believe it will be better soon. Mine was shit too and now I can honestly say I'm happy. This is an impulse talking Lissa, don't listen to it. You love Don and if you cheat on him, you will regret it."

"Haha! You're so cute when you look serious!"

She rolled her eyes giving up on me.

She got me into the car.

The back seat.

"Get her home safe."

"I will." Sebastian answered Tammy as he drove off.

I stared looking at the car ceiling and around. It looked so dark here.

Very well dark.

I leaned in to Sebastian's seat and hugged him from behind touching his stomach.

"Why are you so ripped?" I asked as i kept feeling his abs.

Something my hands had been dying to do.

"Madam, let's concentrate on driving you home."

"Call me Elissa..."

"Madam I ....."

"Nah ah! Elissa..."

"Okay.. Elissa. I think that..." He stoped his sentence right there when he saw me get in even closer, almost out of my seat.

My hand was now on his neck as if i was chocking him.

"Maybe i should come seat there next to you, here you're too far for me to kiss you."

I felt him get tensed. He looked really nervous.

"Mad... I mean, elissa. I need to concentrate on the road."

"Then do that, I'll kiss you quietly."

"No....., I mean..... You are a distraction."

"Is it a good distraction or a bad one?"

The hand that was still on his stomach slipped on his thigh and very close to his dick.

"Oh my god.... Okay, we are almost there. Just let me drive to home and then we can talk about this."

"But I don't want to wait.." I said whining.

"Please Elissa.."

I stared at his side profile for a while then leaned back to my seat.

Sebastian had to carry me out of the car as i kept laughing like a maniac.

"Are you taking me to my room?"

"Yes i am.." He said as he took me up the stairs.

"Why are you so cute though. You're giving me temptations.."

I saw him gulp hard his saliva and I started laughing at how I was making him so uncomfortable.

He opened the door and got us in the bedroom.

The moment he put me on my bed, i grabbed his collar and pulled him to me.

Our lips were touching and i was just staring at him and him back at me.

After 10 seconds of intense eye contact, I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him.

Because of how rough and needy my kiss was, I couldn't tell if he kissed me back.

So I decided to slow down, and when I did, I felt him kissing me too.

That just made my already hot body hotter and I could feel my clit throbbing. Like it got a heartbeat.

I was getting horny.