
Kingdom of Aradon

At the same time in the Kingdom of Aradon

In the king's palace there was a meeting of aristocrats and military men which was planned by the minister of this country, you will say why by the minister and not personally by the king. Because the king of this country was a fool and he absolutely did not rule the kingdom, he was a dummy, the chief in the kingdom of Aradon was the minister, an old man of 60-70 years of age, his name was Karl

Karl "Dear friends, thank you for taking the time to come to the party. Today we celebrate that our king ruled our kingdom for 15 years.

Karl grinned as he said this, he almost laughed just like all the guests, only one person winced and got angry, it was the general of the northern army, which numbered 8,000 soldiers, calls from General Gray (In this kingdom there are 3 generals, at first each general had 10,000 soldiers but because of that that Gray did not want to obey the orders of the minister, 2000 soldiers were taken from him and divided between the two remaining generals)

15 years ago, the former king who ruled this kingdom died of an incurable disease. Before his death, he wanted his only son to be the next king. The king's name was Richard. Richard was a good king who was able to raise his kingdom from poverty even when the kingdom has no good minerals and only agriculture, he was able to raise his kingdom and make it one of the richest and happiest kingdoms in the eastern blue

But the aristocrat of this kingdom did not like it, because, according to the aristocrats, why give money to the people if you can spend it on yourself; Because of such opinions, the kingdom was divided into two fronts - the aristocrats and the king. But no matter how indignant the aristocrats were, the king had a well-trained army that could hold them back. King Richard was too kind and left the life of an aristocrat and did not take it from the hands of the aristocrats.

The aristocrats, realizing that they first needed to remove the army, began to bribe the soldiers, and it got to the point that two generals from the king's army at the very last moment of the hostility took the side of the aristocrats. Because of his anxiety, the king developed an illness that took his life.

Gray the general was devoted to the king all his life, he thought that the king's successor would be the same genius as the king himself, that he would be able to raise the kingdom even higher, but Gray could not be mistaken throughout his entire life, as at that time the king was abandoned, he was a fool who was grown like a flower in a greenhouse, he he didn't know anything, he couldn't even count, not much time passed when the minister managed to easily deceive the king and become the true ruler of the kingdom, after which the kingdom began to slide down

Gray looked into the eyes of the minister and the king, after which he left the banquet, rode out of the castle on a horse and with his guard returned to the northern part of the island, while riding on horseback, a soldier stood next to him. came up and said

Soldier 1 "The revolutionary army has contacted the general, they want to help us overthrow the king and the aristocrats. What are we going to do, General?

Gray "okay, after today I decided not to wait anymore, I won't wait for a miracle anymore, stop waiting, and too many people died waiting."

When Gray reached the military base, he called the revolutionary army.

Gray "Hello, I'm Gray, one of Aradon's generals"

The Dragon, the head of the revolutionary army, personally answered him: at the present time, the revolutionary army lacks a lot of things, but first of all, there is not enough food, if Drkon helps liberate the kingdom, food suppliers may appear, that's what the Dragon was thinking

Dragon "Hello, I am the head of the revolutionary army. Dragon, have you considered our proposal?"

Gray "I understand that nothing in the world is free and you have to pay, so what will be our payment for your help?"

Dragon "There is nothing more, I would like you to supply us with provisions at a 20% discount and also give our people shelter in your kingdom."

Gray began to think about the proposal: firstly, provisions, they can supply provisions because nothing can be done on their lands other than agriculture and cattle breeding, but he didn't like the second one, because if the world government finds out that Aradon is hiding the revolutionary army, they will destroy the entire island after 5 minutes of deliberation, Gray squeezed teeth and said

Gray "We accept your offer when the revolutionary army can help us?"

Dragon "First of all, thank you for your cooperation, after that our troops have already begun to move towards your kingdom, they will arrive there in 15-20 hours after that, you will be able to successfully capture the kingdom, but I want to warn you, we do not tolerate being deceived, see you soon"

After that, the Dragon looked at the man who was sitting next to the network, this was the commander who was in charge of the East Blue (fictional character), it was an old man, his name was Bron

Dragon "Bron, you heard everything, it's time for you to work"

Bourne laughed and replied

Bourne "don't worry, head, I'll do everything"

Dragon "Born"

After the dragon called him, Born looked at the dragon

Dragon "we have to win, if we don't win we won't have provisions, you have to understand this"

Bourne stopped and laughed and went on speaking

Bourne "what are you talking about dragon, I promise everything will be fine"

(Now the Dragon is in the eastern blue) Bourne began to gather troops and prepare to leave. But neither the dragon nor the Bourne knew that this kingdom was already doomed (HAHAHAHA OF COURSE doomed to fall under our main hero😈😈😈😈)

On the other side of the bell, Gray began to remember something and did not notice how a soldier entered his room

Soldier 1 "general what should we do?"

Gray opened his eyes and said

Gray "tomorrow the revolutionary army will come our way, get ready, together with the revolutionary army we will overthrow the king and the minister"

Gray's eyes burned with hope and he began to prepare for tomorrow's war. Time 3 am (Arthur's army will arrive at 11 pm)