
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · ゲーム
161 Chs


is a sight to behold, combining a formidable presence with advanced technology and striking aesthetics. Its massive metallic silver body stands at an awe-inspiring height of approximately 150 meters or 492 feet, emphasizing its imposing stature on the battlefield. The sleek silver hue, reflecting light and adding to its futuristic appeal, showcases its mechanized construction and reinforces its robotic nature.

Accentuating its sleek body are vibrant neon blue lines and patterns that run along its frame, highlighting key structural features and adding a dynamic visual element. These neon blue accents represent the advanced energy-based weapons and cutting-edge technology integrated into it's design. They pulsate with power, indicating the immense energy that harnesses for devastating attacks.

it's eyes glow with a fierce and piercing red intensity, symbolizing its power and aggression. The fiery red gaze sends shivers down the spines of its adversaries, conveying the imminent danger they face. These glowing red eyes serve as an indicator of it's activation and readiness for combat, instilling fear in all who meet its gaze.

Additional splashes of vibrant colors adorn it's frame, emanating from glowing energy emitters and vents strategically placed on its shoulders, chest, and other key areas. These vibrant hues of electric blue and pulsating purple signify the immense power and energy that it harnesses. They create an aura of raw power, showcasing it's ability to unleash devastating attacks and overpower its opponents.

its has many capability from Offensive Power are Shoulder-Mounted Supercharged Laser Cannons, Eye Maser Cannon, Hyper Charged Maser Cannon in mouth, Enhanced Wrist Rocket Launchers with rapid fire system, Mecha Tail.

Freezing and Immobilization are Upgraded Absolute Zero Cannon, Integrated Absolute Zero Field , Alpha Roar.

Close-Quarters Combat are Plasma Gauntlet, Upgraded Hyper Laser Blades, Supercharged Artillery Fists.

Defense and Protection are Smart Reinforced Armor and Charging Defensive Barrier

Mobility and Flight are Enhanced Flight Capabilities, Stabilized Jet Back Thrusters, Advanced Anti-Gravity Flight Mode.

Sensing and Tracking are Enhanced Sonar System and Quick Assistance Intelligence

The three of us sat and looked at this, Closure was out of breath at how amazing this robot was.

"What's its name doctor?" Closure looked at me excitedly while Kal'tsit sat on my lap.

"Mechanized Enhanced Combat Hybrid Assault Geared Offensive Deployment, type ZILLA" They both looked at me then I got up from my chair and spread my arms.

"Mechagodzilla" All of the Celestial Workshop's equipment returned to their positions and the Mechagodzilla stabilized.

I did the printing, Kal'tsit made the fusion element while Closure programmed it vigorously.

Although they are not as strong as me so sometimes they rest when tired while I am busy making iron and various MechaG body assemblies. Although I know that I still haven't used the Sentinel construct. I will wait for them to fall asleep first.

"I'm tired, good night" I went first to my own room in this Celestial Workshop, Kal'tsit and Closure were still busy looking at their masterpieces.

"Dr. Kal'tsit, Amazing isn't it?"

"heh, That is Valtor for you. this will be ground breaking history of robotics, Those Rhine labs will be gouging their eyes out. maybe he has something in his sleeve"

"Why do you hate Rhine Labs Dr. Kal'tsit?"

"Rosmontis creator, Loken Williams in there, I know the Intel from Silence and Mayer. I hate them until they give him pain, I want that man to die for what he did to Rosmontis" Closure looked at the angry Kal'tsit but Closure sighed and patted Kal'tsit on the shoulder.

"Violence is not an answer"

"but a suggestion, and the answer is yes" Closure looked at Kal'tsit with a strange look, then Closure used her Vampire Art which Kal'tsit immediately exhausted without realizing it.

"Dr. Kal'tsit?" Closure pretended to panic and helped Kal'tsit sit up.

"Im too tired Closure, Can you bring me to my bed" Closure helped Kal'tsit and then put her on the bed we had created, I was comfortably sleeping on the other bed then Closure grinned, a vicious smile where these red eyes saw me as prey.

"When the doctor is asleep, Nobody can wake him up. Amiya says, Doctor has amazing body that so tempting and Warfarin Says Doctor blood is so tasty even satisfied Warfarin Blood need, Compare all blood in blood bank, Doctor blood is more tasty than entire blood banck combine, Lets prank him" Lambda recorded this then Closure saw myself very defenseless, I with a very handsome face in the photo by Lambda.

"Okay, Ada. keep calm, You will unravel what behind those clothes" Closure opened my shirt and saw my navel and my skin which was so radiant, Closure nosebleed seeing this Lambda photographed this clearly, Then Closure fell down for a moment and the blood from her nose continued to flow, Closure got up and wiped the blood on her nose then tear off my shirt, displayed my chest which was amazingly charming Closure immediately nosebleed heavily then Lambda photographed it all from all sides.

"Keep calm, Keep Calm, Keep Calm. Little touch" Closure touched my chest and the softness of my chest made her gasp.

"Calm, Keep calm. how about taste test" Closure approached my neck then opened her mouth wide then she bit my neck where Celestial blood flowed, As Closure sucked my blood, her body immediately experienced extraordinary ecstasy until closure did not stop sucking my blood, Lambda photographed this quickly from every side until Closure pulled her mouth off my neck then felt herself panting heavily because of the sensation.

"That was greatest food I ever taste, Too bad Warfarin. You get snack while I play dish" Closure sucked my blood again until she forgot herself, Lambda took a picture of closure then crashed itself into Closure.

"i overdid, i wonder about this" Closure brought her lips to mine then kissed me, Closure kissed for a long time and Lambda photographed it in style Then closure finished kissing then licked her lips.

"Taste amazing, how about" Closure glanced at my pants then shook her head.

"No, its not appropiate. Next time" Closure left but then she kissed me again for the last time and then went to sleep.

The next day I sat at the creation table while the two people had returned to Rhodes island, I then used Sentinel Construct on Mechagodzilla.

an upgraded version of the mechagodzilla design with the integration of Sentinel Construct capabilities. Mecha Godzilla Offensive Power are,

Enhanced Sentinel Laser Cannons. The shoulder-mounted supercharged laser cannons have been further enhanced with Sentinel Construct capabilities. They now possess increased power, improved targeting systems, and the ability to adapt their energy output based on the enemy's defenses. These upgraded laser cannons unleash devastating beams of energy with precision and accuracy, capable of obliterating even heavily armored adversaries.

Quantum Beam Focalizer. The Eye Maser Cannon has been upgraded with the integration of Sentinel Construct technology, transforming it into a Quantum Beam Focalizer. This advanced focalizer concentrates energy into a hyper-focused beam that can penetrate even the most reinforced defenses, causing immense damage upon impact. The Quantum Beam Focalizer also possesses enhanced tracking capabilities, allowing it to lock onto multiple targets simultaneously.

Hypercharged Particle Cannon. The mouth-mounted Hyper Maser Cannon has undergone further upgrades and is now a Hypercharged Particle Cannon. This devastating weapon harnesses the power of unstable particles, generating a concentrated beam of energy that can tear through enemy defenses with ease. The Sentinel Construct integration enhances its destructive potential and provides improved energy containment, preventing any backlashes or power surges.

Rapid-Fire Rocket Barrage System. The wrist rocket launchers have been upgraded with Sentinel Construct technology, enabling them to unleash an even more rapid and devastating barrage of rockets. The integration enhances the launchers' reloading speed, targeting systems, and overall firepower. This upgraded system allows Mechagodzilla to saturate the battlefield with a relentless rain of explosive projectiles, overwhelming enemy defenses and leaving destruction in its wake.

Adaptive Plasma Whip. The Mecha Tail has been augmented with Sentinel Construct capabilities, transforming it into an Adaptive Plasma Whip. This whip-like weapon is composed of energized plasma, capable of morphing its shape and size according to Mechagodzilla's needs. It can strike with incredible speed and precision, delivering powerful blows, entangling opponents, or even emitting bursts of energy to disrupt enemy formations.

Mechagodzilla Freezing and Immobilization feature are,

Cryogenic Stasis Beam. The Absolute Zero Cannon has been further upgraded with Sentinel Construct integration, resulting in a Cryogenic Stasis Beam. This beam emits an intense cryogenic energy field capable of freezing enemies solid in an instant. The beam has increased range, potency, and speed, allowing Mechagodzilla to immobilize foes with greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Absolute Zero Shield Matrix. The Integrated Absolute Zero Field has been improved with the integration of Sentinel Construct capabilities, forming an Absolute Zero Shield Matrix. This shield matrix envelops Mechagodzilla in a protective barrier that nullifies incoming attacks by freezing or slowing them down. The shield matrix can adapt to different types of assaults and offers heightened resistance against energy-based attacks and projectiles.

Omega Roar. The Alpha Roar has been further enhanced through Sentinel Construct technology, evolving into the Omega Roar. This powerful vocalization not only restores mechagodzilla's systems and repairs damage but also emits powerful shockwaves that can disrupt enemy formations and weaken their defenses. The Omega Roar possesses an expanded range and impact, allowing Mechagodzilla to turn the tide of battle with its regenerative and debilitating effects.

For Close-Quarters Combat, Mechagodzilla go with brawler style including addition of equipment.

Plasma Impact Gauntlets. The Plasma Gauntlets have been upgraded with Sentinel Construct capabilities, transforming them into Plasma Impact Gauntlets. These gauntlets enhance Mechagodzilla's striking power and agility, empowering its punches and allowing it to unleash devastating energy-infused strikes. The gauntlets can generate kinetic energy pulses that can shatter enemy defenses and deliver bone-crushing blows.

Dual Hyper Laser Blades. The Hyper Laser Blades have been further refined and improved with the integration of Sentinel Construct technology. Mechagodzilla now wields them in a dual-wielding configuration, maximizing their cutting power and versatility. The blades can emit concentrated energy waves, enabling Mechagodzilla to execute lightning-fast melee attacks that slice through enemy armor and defenses effortlessly.

Turbocharged Artillery Fists. The Artillery Fists have undergone an upgrade with the Sentinel Construct integration, becoming Turbocharged Artillery Fists. These enhanced fists amplify Mechagodzilla's striking force even further, allowing it to unleash devastating punches that can pulverize enemy defenses and incapacitate opponents with their sheer impact. The turbocharged punches generate shockwaves that can reverberate through the battlefield, destabilizing enemies and creating opportunities for follow-up attacks.

Its necessary Mechagodzilla need Defense and Protection.

Sentinel Shielding Matrix. The Smart Reinforced Armor has been further reinforced with a Sentinel Shielding Matrix. This matrix deploys energy-based shields that dynamically adapt to incoming attacks, providing Mechagodzilla with an impenetrable defense against various threats. The shielding matrix is capable of absorbing and dissipating energy-based assaults, deflecting projectiles, and providing enhanced protection against both physical and energy-based attacks.

Energy Conversion Barrier. The Charging Defensive Barrier has been upgraded with Sentinel Construct technology, transforming it into an Energy Conversion Barrier. This barrier not only shields Mechagodzilla during the battery recharge process but also converts incoming energy attacks into usable power, replenishing mechagodzilla's energy reserves. The Energy Conversion Barrier enhances Mechagodzilla's survivability during recharge periods and allows for sustained combat without the need for extended downtime.

for its firepower and size, Mechagodzilla need Mobility and Flight capabilities to add more versatility on battlefield.

Advanced Maneuvering Thrusters. Mechagodzilla's flight capabilities have been further improved with the integration of Sentinel Construct technology. The advanced maneuvering thrusters provide enhanced agility, allowing Mechagodzilla to perform intricate aerial maneuvers with unparalleled precision and speed. These thrusters enable Mechagodzilla to swiftly evade enemy attacks, reposition itself for strategic advantage, and maintain optimal control while in flight.

Stabilization Assist Modules. The stabilizers on the jet back thrusters have been upgraded with Sentinel Construct capabilities, transforming them into Stabilization Assist Modules. These modules enhance mechagodzilla's stability during flight and evasive maneuvers, ensuring that it can maintain control and balance even during rapid aerial movements. The Stabilization Assist Modules optimize mechagozilla's flight performance, allowing it to maneuver seamlessly in all directions with exceptional stability.

Quantum-Gravitic Flight Mode. The Advanced Anti-Gravity Flight Mode has been further enhanced with Sentinel Construct integration, evolving into the Quantum-Gravitic Flight Mode. This upgraded flight mode grants mechagodzilla the ability to manipulate gravitational forces, enabling it to achieve unprecedented speeds and maneuverability. Mechagodzilla can execute high-speed aerial dashes, gravity-defying maneuvers, and perform precise mid-air adjustments. The Quantum-Gravitic Flight Mode empowers Mechagodzilla with unparalleled mobility and aerial dominance.

As robot, Mechagodzilla need Sensing and Tracking system capability to adapt when its auto pilot mode activated.

Enhanced Quantum Sonar System: Mechagodzilla's sonar system has been upgraded with Sentinel Construct technology, resulting in an Enhanced Quantum Sonar System. This advanced sonar system utilizes quantum technology to detect hidden enemies with unparalleled accuracy. It can analyze enemy movements, predict their actions, and provide Mechagodzilla with real-time situational awareness, giving it a significant tactical advantage in combat.

Sentient Tactical Analysis Matrix. Mechagodzilla is equipped with a Sentient Tactical Analysis Matrix, an advanced artificial intelligence system that utilizes Sentinel Construct capabilities. This matrix processes vast amounts of data, including enemy behavior patterns, battlefield conditions, and tactical information, allowing Mechagodzilla to make instant and informed decisions during combat. The Sentient Tactical Analysis Matrix provides Mechagodzilla with superior strategical capabilities, enabling it to adapt to evolving situations and outmaneuver opponents with calculated precision.

"Need one adjustment" I then combined the Godzilla roar from 2019 Alpha roar, 2014 Roar, 1960 Roar, 2021 Roar. A little setting and winding and adjustment, Everything complete.

"Time to war"

~Godzilla Noises~

Violating someone on their sleep is not good, remember that. also i create Mechagodzilla for fun and giggle in arknight

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts