
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · ゲーム
161 Chs


During the three days of punishment from Rhea, I felt an incredible peace in my sleep. Despite being monitored by Ascendant through CCTV cameras that provided a view of my room, silence and tranquility became faithful companions when my body fell into a comfortable sleep.

The God Tablet, containing all the policies and commands I had created, continued to function as I input, even when I was asleep. The room, locked with Ultimate Magic, felt secure, becoming an impenetrable fortress for anyone, including Rhea herself. Although punished, I at least had full control over the world that continued to spin outside as the God Tablet represented me.

Ascendant, despite having access to surveillance through CCTV, remained faithful to the command not to interact with me. Its existence was limited to observation and ensuring that everything went according to plan, including checking the context of the God Tablet and its supervision of me. I could sense its passive presence, like a loyal guard staring from behind the screen.


[Yes, Your Majesty.]

"Why can't I access this thing?"

[Apparently, it's bound to Sir Valtor, so only he can access it.]

"Hmmmm, such a unique device." I woke up from my comfortable sleep, went for light warm-up exercises before engaging in not-too-intense training. After sufficient exercise, I took a refreshing shower.

I sat on my desk chair and read a book to pass the time. When I reached the middle of the book, I came across a unique phrase that gave me an idea.

I pulled out the Omnipotent Formula, Dominion Equation, God Engine Formula, and Perfection Source. Before creating, I first made a synergy.

The Omnipotent formula as a representation of the creation formula, God Engine Formula as the systemization of the creation, Dominion as the activation and control of the creation, perfection as an enhancer of the creation as I input, creating the Cosmic Forge. Even though I couldn't access Kalimdor because Ascendant was taken by Rhea, I created my own Cosmic Forge. Father Oblivion would be proud of my invention.

The Cosmic Forge, a magical device that creates harmony between cutting-edge knowledge and magical wonders, showcasing greatness through its spectacular form. Its smooth surface, seemingly made of a fusion of futuristic metal and pure energy, presented a design that was both captivating and mysterious.

The main part of the Cosmic Forge depicted a complex pattern involving typical symbols of each formula that formed the essence of this device. Human eyes would be mesmerized by its complexity, as if inviting the observer to delve into the hidden secrets of each symbol engraved with nano precision.

Its control panel, elegantly located at the front, displayed a sophisticated interface. Utilizing high technology, this panel allowed users to manipulate each formula with unlimited precision. Smooth buttons and responsive touch sensors provided a comfortable and efficient user experience.

The internal structure of the Cosmic Forge was designed with nano precision, creating a perfect balance between the four main formulas involved. Perfectly integrated nano engines executed creative processes with high efficiency, producing unlimited works of art with limitless capabilities.

The core part of this device was equipped with cosmic energy that seemed alive. Light moved through its internal structure, creating a dazzling light show along with the creative activity taking place. It seemed like a window to the world of unseen dimensions that could only be reached by this advanced tool.

Everyone in the control room watched me create the Cosmic Forge in just 3 minutes, already beyond logic and science. Rhea chuckled at my creation, the pride of a mother seeing her son create something beyond his abilities and knowledge, a personal achievement and source of pride for her.

"As expected from my son."

[Your Majesty, may I go help Sir Valtor with his invention?]

"Ascendant, my son is currently grounded. Nobody will visit or aid him. That's my order. If you disobey my order, it's the same as disobeying him."

[I apologize, Your Majesty, but...]

"Yes, you can record it in your archive."

[Your benevolence shall be remembered by me, Your Majesty.]

"Good, now be quiet and observe." I nodded, looking at the Cosmic Forge, then activated the authority in my save data.

[Editing Save Data.]

I pondered for a moment and looked at the capabilities of my eyes. I thought I needed to enhance them further.

Rage Spectrum. Trigon Eye. Sauron Eye.

These three passive abilities could be considered as fuel for the abilities of the Arch Devil. Now the question was, what was the source of that fuel itself? Rage symbolized Emotion, Trigon symbolized Evil, Sauron symbolized Manipulation.

I input Rage Spectrum into the Cosmic Forge, and suddenly something interesting appeared.

[Please input the material : .....]

[Dark Devil Shadow]

[ Creating the material.... Complete ]

[Rage Spectrum Evolved into Sin Spectrum: The Eye passive ability allows the user to become stronger by tapping into the sins, vices, etc., of oneself and others. This can result in unlocking specific abilities related to the corresponding sin or vice, enhancing the user's overall abilities.

Main Passive - The Seven Deadly Sins:

1. Envy: Heightened awareness and perception, gaining insights into the strengths and weaknesses of others.

2. Gluttony: Absorption of energy or power from defeated opponents, temporarily enhancing physical and/or mental attributes.

3. Greed: Enhanced resourcefulness and adaptability, the ability to manipulate surroundings or gain advantages from the environment.

4. Lust: Charismatic influence, the power to manipulate emotions and desires, potentially leading others to act in your favor.

5. Pride: Self-empowerment, increased strength or abilities proportional to one's achievements or perceived status.

6. Sloth: Time manipulation, allowing the user to slow down or speed up the perception of time for themselves or others.

7. Wrath: Unleashing intense, uncontrollable anger and aggression, significantly amplifying combat abilities and destructive power.

Secondary Passive - Other:

1. Bloodlust: Heightened combat skills and increased physical prowess when engaged in battle, fueled by the thrill of combat.

2. Cowardice: Stealth and evasion abilities, the power to blend into the surroundings or escape unnoticed.

3. Discord: The ability to sow chaos and confusion among opponents, disrupting their coordination and communication.

4. Fraud: Illusion manipulation, creating deceptive images or scenarios to mislead and confuse adversaries.

5. Heresy: The power to manipulate beliefs and ideologies, potentially turning allies against each other or converting enemies.

6. Ecstasy: Inducing altered states of consciousness, affecting the emotions and mental state of others.

7. Lie: Deception and illusion, the ability to create false information or disguise one's true intentions.

8. Murder: Empowerment through the act of causing harm or death, gaining strength or abilities based on the severity of inflicted harm.

9. Revenge: Increased strength and resilience when seeking retribution, the ability to harness the power of vengeance.

10. Thievery: Stealth and dexterity, with the capability to steal and utilize aspects of opponents' abilities or attributes.

11. Violence: Unleashing destructive force and enhanced combat abilities, particularly effective in aggressive confrontations

Accept ? Yes< No ]

I took a moment to ponder, truly a powerful effect. I couldn't possibly reject Sin Empowerment because its impact is incredibly potent in implementing the Omega Effect. The Omega Effect is powerful too, I admit that, but Ayin is superior, Erasure, while Omega represents the End.

Since Omega controls what has been predetermined or, in this logic, what remains, the end, has already happened. So, I need a name that is the opposite of that. But that's for later; next are Sauron and Trigon, but just looking at the Evolution of Rage is already beyond logic for me.

Chaos Eye and Evil Eye? Or perhaps False God and Satan Eye? What's the difference? But fuck it, playing around and find out. I pressed "Yes" on the machine.

[Data Updated]

I placed Trigon Eye into this device.

[Please input the material: ...]

[Lightbringer of God]

I hesitated, putting this material into Trigon Eye. Malevolent deity ? Screw it.

[Trigon Eye Evolved into the Malevolent Eye: A manifestation of a malevolent deity embodying destructive aspects of godhood, this evolved eye possesses the ability to unleash powers of dread, decay, entropy, and malevolence with a simple gaze, bringing chaos and destruction to its surroundings.

Malevolent Eye Abilities:

1. Dreadful Gaze: The Malevolent Eye's gaze instills a profound sense of dread in those who meet its stare. It induces fear and unease, disrupting the emotional and mental well-being of the affected individuals.

2. Decay's Touch: A touch from the Malevolent Eye accelerates decay in living organisms and the surrounding environment. Organic matter ages rapidly, and vitality diminishes, leaving behind an aura of impending demise.

3. Entropy Manipulation: The Malevolent Eye wields the power of entropy, manipulating the fundamental forces of disorder. This ability can induce chaos in both the physical and metaphysical realms, creating a ripple effect of disruption.

4. Malevolent Influence: The Malevolent Eye emits an aura of malevolence, affecting the emotional and psychological states of those nearby. This malevolent influence weakens the resolve of opponents, making them more susceptible to fear and despair

Accept ? Yes< No]

I know it. Dread can already instill Absolute Fear with just a casual gaze, Decay can accelerate your growth towards a mummified state, Entropy basically alters reality, Malevolent makes the surroundings have more disturbing thoughts winning.

[Data Updated]

Finally, Sauron Eye. The most unique and highly manipulative and cunning eye. I truly can't wait to see the power of this new addition, coupled with Dream Imagination, I might create something entirely new, where everything seemingly metaphysical can be manipulated, imaginative can be turned into reality, and vice versa.

[Please input the material : .....]

[Dream Imagination, Absolute Dominion]

[Sauron Eye Evolved into the Doom Eye : eye ability grants the wielder absolute control over everything, be it living or non-living, natural or supernatural, through blinking, intense gazes, or simple peek. The user can effortlessly manipulate the "controls" of individuals or objects, bending them to their will. This includes granting extraordinary abilities or commanding compliance. A single glance or gaze can enforce complex instructions, bending anything and everything to the user's desired.

For Specific Ability >

1. Ocular Domination: The user can control the actions and decisions of individuals or objects with just a glance. This extends to both living beings and inanimate objects.

2. Mindful Commands: The ability to issue intricate and complex commands through the user's intentions, conveyed through words, intense gazes, or even a simple peek.

3. Empowerment: The power to bestow extraordinary abilities upon individuals or oneself. This could include enhanced physical attributes, advanced skills, or even supernatural capabilities.

4. Puppetry: The manipulation of the "controls" of living beings or objects, turning them into puppets under the user's command. This allows for precise control over specific body parts or functions.

5. Environmental Influence: The capacity to affect the surroundings with a mere gaze, inducing chaos, destruction, or alterations to the environment.

6. Irresistible Willpower: The user's commands are absolute and irresistible, leaving no room for defiance. Entities under the Dominion Eye's influence have no choice but to comply with the user's directives.

7. Non-Verbal Control: The ability to exert control without the need for spoken commands, relying solely on the user's focused gaze or willful intent.

8. Rapid Manipulation: The speed at which the Dominion Eye can impose control, allowing for quick and decisive actions in any situation

Accept ? Yes< No]

I knew it again, fucking overpowered. Should I use this to become a Villain? Well, being a Side Villain is good, being a hero is bothersome, being a villain always gets bothered by annoying heroes during your peaceful time. Being a side character in someone else's story is better, without plot interruptions or anything.

Now, I am the Author of My Own Story.

[Data Updated]

The active ability now, the Omega Effect is a result of the Omega Force I possess, do I need to enhance the Omega Force ? No. Should I just combine Ayin with Omega ?

[Please input the material : .....]

[Omega Force, Seraphim Holy Light ]

[Oblivion, born from the fusion of Omega Effect and Ayin: Eye Active Ability possesses the capacity to annihilate anything and everything, transcending immunity and targeting aspects ranging from Powers and Life or Death to Space or Time, Definition, Concepts, Memories, Possibilities, and Miracle Manipulation. This eye ability extends beyond mere erasure, allowing the user to selectively eliminate specific elements, overturn unbreakable laws, and abolish governing principles across time, space, logic, physics, systems, concepts, dimensions, boundaries, phenomena, powers, principles, hierarchies, and statuses. Through the act of erasure, the user gains the ability to reshape the very nature of existence, altering reality's functions and making it crumble into nothingness by abolishing the foundational elements holding it together

Accept ? Yes< No]

"Father," I felt happy looking at the result of my creation, the Oblivion Ability. I pressed Yes, and a new notification appeared.

[Arch Devil Eye ready to be evolved, please take out your eye and put it into the device]

I removed my eye from its place and placed it into the device.

[Arch Devil Eye Perfected.... 10%....17%....21%....36%....49%....67%....82%....95%....100%]

[Perfecting Complete]

I observed this new eye with awe due to its captivating beauty. The cornea, seemingly carved with crystal finesse, presented a clear and sharp view. The clarity gave an impression of purity, like an invaluable gem. Every form of light reflected beautifully on the cornea's surface, creating a dazzling sparkle.

The iris of this eye, with its glittering maroon, added grace and warmth to the gaze. Like beautifully woven red silk, the iris brought a sense of warmth and strength. The maroon-red color seemed to be a window to a deep soul, reflecting uniqueness and inner power.

The pupil, a mysterious black hole located in the center of the iris, seemed to hold all the secrets and mysteries. It became the focus of the beauty of this eye. In darkness, it invited exploration into the depths of the soul, discovering stories and experiences that had been lived.

Its lens, like a sophisticated camera lens, enhanced sharpness and clarity of vision. This lens captured every detail of life, forming an image that was vivid and real. In every focus, an infinite beauty radiated, creating a captivating and meaningful painting.

"Wow, truly beautiful." I reached for my eye, but unexpectedly, the eye came to life. As if wanting to interact with me.

"So naughty," as I tried to chase its gaze, I suddenly found myself in front of it, and it entered my eye socket.

"Still too easy to read," like an energy explosion, my eye emitted a large and fiery aura. I felt the burst of energy from Sin Spectrum, Malevolent, and Doom exploding within my eye.

I sat down and tried to control it through meditation, all in just 3 days. Due to the No Tribulation effect, the side effect of this power is Null. It increased the passive eye strength and its abilities tenfold, making my new eye's power exceptionally "special." This is just a fanfiction, where the author usually exaggerates everything.

[Lucifer Eye: The Devil's eye blessed by Satan as one of their kin. Satan Commentary: nice eye bastard]

With a smile on my face, I sat down to try something new. My new eye gazed gently, and suddenly, there was a distortion in the virtual world. As if a distortion occurred in the virtual world, CCTV screens, computer monitors, projectors, and visual media screens scattered throughout the Mothership were filled with static noise despite it still showing normal system. Every form of visual technology around me was affected, creating a tense atmosphere in the room.

These screens witnessed when reality seemed to start crumbling within them. This distortion was not limited to CCTV only; every form of visual technology around me was affected. Computer monitors turned into blinding static tracks, projectors emitted strange flashes of light, and visual media screens seemed to display another world unreachable by human reason.

Along with the intense visual distortion, the Mothership seemed to experience a mysterious energy disturbance. Static radio noises and television sounds echoed throughout the Mothership, creating a symphony of chaos that shook every space.

The blood-red color enveloped the lights around the room, adding a sense of strangeness and tension. This power not only instilled fear but also permeated every visual aspect within the Mothership, as if breaking the boundaries of reality and logic contained in technology.

"Enough," Rhea exclaimed, and instantly, everything returned to normal. The static noise subsided, visual distortions disappeared, and the reality of the Mothership returned to control. Nevertheless, a mysterious smile still lingered on my face. Like someone contemplating after showing a new and astonishing power beyond the understanding of logic and technology. While sitting on the bed, I swung my legs casually, indicating that I had just demonstrated a small fraction of the potential of my new eye.

"Apologies beforehand, My Son was just testing a new ability similar to North Demon ability, Distortion. If you experience Trauma from it, we apologize in advance. Thank you for your attention."

"Valtor, you naughty child. Look at what you've done." I pretended not to care, staring into the Abyss with the ceiling as an intermediary. I glanced at my door, turning it into a distortion gate that could make people with weak wills go insane just by looking at it.

I dozed off for a moment and then woke up again, slept again, woke up again. Physical stretching was the same, as was meditation or yoga. Reading books was boring because I could read all the books on my shelf simultaneously. However, looking at my creation, the Cosmic Forge, observing it as thousands of irregular formulas danced there.

I swung the pendulum of the Cosmic Forge just to see funny numbers generated. I was literally bored. I wanted to see dead bodies, kill many people, commit severe war crimes, and more hideous things. I also wanted to be productive and more so... I wanted to go to other worlds. Nikke's world was good, but with Rhea's watchful eye... Eye... Omniscience eye... I forgot about my Azure eye ability.

I flicked the pendulum of the Cosmic Forge and then retrieved data from my save data.

[Please input the material : .....]

[Absolute Dominion, Immaterium, Lightbringer of God ]

[ Eye of The Azure Evolved into Ouranos Eye : is a passive eye ability with omnipotent properties, shaping reality based on the user's desires. It ensures the capture of absolute truth, impervious to manipulation or deception, establishing itself as an all-encompassing god eye.

Its core strength lies in materialization, allowing Unity of Solaris manifestation of energy and matter through focus from Mental, Spiritual, Physical. Users can manipulate reality, influence events, create powers, and even bring imaginative constructs to life or exist. This power extends beyond psychic abilities, encompassing magical, reality-warping, molecular, and energy manipulation.

Materialization differs from mental projection by utilizing external sources to create energy and matter, bringing entities to life. It exceeds teleportation, allowing for broader manifestations within the user's dimension. Ouranos Eye, when fully unleashed with a vivid imagination, becomes an immensely potent force with the capability to shape reality itself

Accept ? Yes< No]

I thought so, Azure Eye has been the ace up my sleeve all along, making all the implementations I've done in this world a reality, turning the impossible into reality.

[Data Updated]

Next is the Odin Eye. An All-Seeing Eye in the most literal way possible. What can I do with this? But, well, it is what it is.

[Please input the material : .....]

[All Father Of Hope, Absolute Dominion, Immaterium ]

[ Odin Eye Evolved into Nun Eye : an extraordinary eye ability that transcends the limits of perception. This ocular power allows the user to observe, view, and watch everything simultaneously, without any restrictions of time, space, or dimension. It extends beyond the boundaries of existence, enabling the viewing of realities that lie outside the entire fabric of being, including dimensions that shield against conventional observation.

The Nun Eye unveils the intricate connections and relationships that bind all entities and lives together. It possesses the unique ability to delve into the thoughts and dreams of every creature, entity, demon, god, or eldritch horror, regardless of their existence or nonexistence. The user can peer into the boundless emptiness, where isolated and locked entities dwell, gaining insight into the depths of nonexistence.

Similar to an unending stream of water, the Nun Eye lays bare the entirety of existence and nonexistence before the user. Every possibility, from what is to what isn't, what might be to what might not, what could be to what could not, what can be to what can't, and what won't be, is visible and exposed. Nothing can remain hidden from the all-encompassing gaze of the Nun Eye.

Accept ? Yes< No]

Great, before it was Omni-Creation, now it's Omni-Science. I need the implication of active abilities for Aesir, Silver, and Agamotto. Aesir undoubtedly represents Order, Silver is Life, and Agamotto... I need Father's aid for that, so I prefer to upgrade the other two first.

[Data Updated]

Alright, Aesir now. Even though Aesir symbolizes Chaos, I must be more careful in balancing Hell, Heaven, and Mortal. the three celestial realms of existence.

[Please input the material : .....]

[ Seraphim Holy Light, Lightbringer of God, Devil Dark Shadow, Absolute Dominion, Immaterium ]

[Aesir Eye Evolved into Trinity : an active eye ability that transcends the boundaries of perception. Trinity's Main Ability is its power to create and generate a Nexus Point, a dimensional hub that stands as a gateway to an array of realities by focusing specific place will create breach portal to connect those realities. Functioning as a dimensional oasis and anchor point, this Nexus Point intertwines realms and acts as a conduit for profound interactions.

Trinity takes the connectivity effortlessly, establishes connections between any realm or reality, whether for a fleeting moment or a lasting bond. The Nexus Point becomes a crossroads where objects, forces, and even individuals can traverse. its unique ability to bridge not only different realms but also the tangible and intangible. It creates a link between the physical world and the world of dreams and fantasies, forming an intricate connection that allows the land of dreams and imagination to seamlessly interact with the realm of matter and substance

Accept ? Yes< No]

This is bad; the 12 Zodiacs won't be useful... In that case, let's salvage them. I will create my own defense with those 12 Zodiacs, along with Asura Basic, Muay Thai, and Xing Yi Quan. 12 Celestial Form.

[Please input the material : .....]

[ White Phoenix Force, All Father of Hope, Absolute Dominion, Immaterium ]

[ Silver Eye Evolved into Seraph : active eye ability possesses the extraordinary capability to create, shape, and manipulate Aether—an ethereal celestial element believed to course through the veins of the universe often considered the very breath of gods, grants the user dominion over elemental, cosmic, spiritual, transcendental, and primordial forces. 

Seraph Eye, as the conductor of Aether, extends its influence to manipulate everything associated with goodness. The wielder becomes a cosmic force for benevolence, spreading peace, love, and kindness across the vast tapestry of existence. As aspect of goodness can exist anywhere goodness finds a home, endowed with monumental capabilities. The scope of Seraph Eye's abilities is as limitless as the user's commitment to promoting virtuous ideals. Whether banishing malevolent entities, bestowing good fortune upon individuals or places, or nurturing virtues within people stands as a radiant force embodying boundless positivity and the unwavering pursuit of goodness throughout the cosmic expanse

Accept ? Yes< No]

Ah yes, the benevolent eye. I'm gonna abuse this eye for "things". Buckle up, mentally deranged villainess; papa is coming after you. I'm gonna clap and pat—no, I mean catch you all, mutually and consensually.

Last but not least, Agamotto Eye. This eye is the hardest one, but I have a good thing.

[Please input the material : .....]

[ White Phoenix Force, All Father of Hope, Absolute Dominion, Immaterium ]

[ Agamotto Eye evolved into Celestia : an extraordinary eye ability with the unparalleled ability to manipulate anti-powers. This unique capability places the user in command, allowing them to cancel, erase, or annihilate other powers, exerting dominance over forces that oppose and nullify a spectrum of abilities.

At the outside of Celestia Eye's potency lies its mastery of anti-magic, a formidable force capable of nullifying and destabilizing nearly all forms of magic. It extends its influence to disrupt the very essence of magic, rendering mages powerless and incapacitated. The wielder can wield destructive effects upon magic users, ranging from debilitating their magical prowess to the ultimate termination of their existence. Anti-Magic, channeled through glance. However, its sole purpose is the systematic nullification of magic in all its manifestations, source, derived from enigmatic. This unravelling of intricate spells, deft manipulation of anti-magical energies to obliterate magical forces, and a myriad of other possibilities.

Accept ? Yes< No]

Anti Magic and Anti Power, the Null branch of erasure too, huh? Great, then. Now, let's combine everything.

[Arch Angel Eye ready to be evolved, please take out your eye and put it into the device]

I plucked my eye from its place and placed it into the device.

[Arch Angel Eye Perfected.... 10%....17%....21%....36%....49%....67%....82%....95%....100%]

[Perfecting Complete]

The eye now capturing my focus, an indescribable beauty. Its cornea, as crystal-clear as it could be, radiates an extraordinary elegance. Like untouched snow, the cornea reflects light with a clarity that mesmerizes the heart. Dancing with sunlight, it becomes the curtain opener to the beauty of the world.

The iris of this eye, an infinite sky-blue, portrays depth and freedom. Like the vast expanse of the blue ocean, the iris creates a sight that imparts a sense of peace and the beauty of nature. The sky-blue emanating from within becomes a window to profound feelings, like an endless sky.

Its pupil, a black dot amidst the blue sky, adds mystery to this gaze. As if harboring the secrets of the universe, this pupil invites me to explore eternity and darkness. In its beautiful darkness, it becomes the center of an untold story, challenging to be studied with curiosity.

The lens, like a beauty-enhancing camera lens, amplifies the natural charm of this eye. In every detail, this lens captures life with an unimaginable sharpness. Speaking through images, it creates a story full of colors and beauty.

The sky-blue color of the iris, along with the clarity of the cornea, creates a synergy that is truly enchanting. The harmony between the soothing color and captivating clarity gives this eye an eternal beauty. In this splendor, my eye is not just a vision organ but an artwork depicting the beauty of nature and invaluable uniqueness.

[Data Updated. Twin Eye of the Lord has been updated into Eye of Twin Angel. Seraph Note: Congratulations]

I waited for this eye to tease me, it seems like I hoped for more. The eye stayed silent, then I took it and placed it into my eye socket. Like before, the same energy explosion, only this one felt more comfortable than Lucifer Eye. I only needed 3 hours to control and manage it well. Combined with Supercharged power and no tribulation, the rejection of this power was easy.

Submissive and hyperactive.

Troublesome but worth it. The third eye? Later, it's time to sleep. I tidy up Cosmic Forge by forming it into a radio; I play Iofi again for a comfortable sleep.

I clean myself again, then wear my too-tight pajamas. I then sleep, covering my body with a blanket. I glance at the door and create an Anti-power, making the door difficult to open by any means. Distortion as an enigmatic and Anti-power as an ever-changing locking mechanism.

I build my own fortress; I create an alarm from materialization and quickly fall asleep.

"He falls asleep so fast." Rhea smiles seeing me sleep with a smiling face. Although she sees me asleep like a dead person, not moving, snoring, or anything, complete shutdown.

Some people want to sleep with me, especially since my bed is king-sized, custom-made for enduring orgies, hard mating presses, intense sex, and very easy maintenance without the need to change the spring bed or foam because the material of this bed is pure clouds. Pure clouds.

When I sleep, we arrive in Tara where my Avatar welcomes them kindly and warmly, unlike me, who is a bit arrogant and proud. This Avatar is polite, full of gentleness. A kind and benevolent ruler who always welcomes everyone with comfort and joy, just like Oberon. Oberon is a good teacher, the best fairy to ask to sit down contemplating life.

But everyone sees it, especially knowing that it is an Avatar, understanding that it is a Fake Me designed by a Tablet, but that falseness is very sweet to enjoy and too beautiful to become reality, contrasting with me.


"Oh my, such action, good job."

Duality at its best.

"You can enjoy what is here; I have to return to my place. I beg your pardon." Like a king, my Avatar leaves by interacting with some residents along the way with love and tenderness.

"If only the Doctor was like his Avatar."

"How is it possible? Enigmatic as he is, it only depends on mood and his sanity."

"True, true."

I wake up from my bed and look at the calendar; 1 week and 2 days have passed; we are now going to Victoria. I try mind communication with Ascendant.

[Sir, thank you. You finally reach me.]

"Shhh, I need you to go with me to a different world, especially I need new technology skills for Cyber Artisan."

[As you wish.]

"Don't make an obvious remark." I duplicate Ascendant, God Tablet, and the ring on Rhea's finger without her notice. The ring and the tablet return to my hand as I pause the world, then complete. Time to escape Rhea's watchful eye.

[It's nice to return back, Sir.]

"Yes, leave a decoy in her; I pretend to be dormant."

[Understood, creating decoy... complete.]

"Good, now, Nikke, I need new nanotechnology to complement Cyber Artisan." I open a portal and enter it.

I opened this tablet and modified it slightly to form the All Powerful Tablet into the All Powerful God Card. The design is similar to the Sensei Blue Archive Adult Card, but instead of golden, I prefer a porcelain color.

[Sir, it seems we have company.]

I heard Rapture approaching, so I grabbed Lilith, prepared to unleash John Wick mode. I began to fight like a guerrilla, running while shooting weak points on all the Rapture creatures. One bullet, one exposed weakness; with three bullets or less, I finished them off for good. Supreme Combat and God Armament assisted me in this endeavor.

[6 o'clock, we have Nikke watching over us.]

"Pilgrim or Heretics?" My bullets reflected off each Rapture, and the accuracy was already precise. Destreza was an improvisation I used with the pistol; everything needed to be measured and calibrated in terms of angles, pivot points, elevation, and degrees.


"I see." I executed Irene Skill 3; it was exaggerated but perfect in execution. Irene could actually do this, but she lacked the agility for it; it's sad, to be honest.

"I need to find Lord Rapture." I took out the Adult card, activated it, and found all Rapture locations, herds, and the position of Lord Rapture. Tyrant was not my problem.

I ran quickly, leaping over various obstacles and whatnot. Consider it a workout. Until I found a deceased Commander nearby. I cleaned his body, stitched his wounds, and gave him a proper burial.

After providing a proper burial, I saluted the fallen commander and looked at the mass-produced Nikke, now in a shapeless state. I took out their equipment and buried them like soldiers.

Even though I knew I could revive their bodies with the Amulet, the Heretics were watching, and I didn't want to use my trump card. Talking about being cautious.

After properly and respectfully burying them, I fixed their weapons, finding several missile products: a sniper, machine gun, and shotgun.

I quickly modified these weapons, creating a system with two modes: A and B.

Mode B was Sniper Shotgun, with an auto rail targeting volley. It fired direct energy bullets that targeted enemies with 100% accuracy on weak points.

Mode A was Machine Gun Shotgun, with a burst shot capability that fired 20 bullets per second. The bullets were light-based and had special electronics capable of disabling Rapture or Nikke upon impact.

Both modes had Special Attachments. Mode B had Supercharged, which increased the number of Bullet Volleys depending on how long it was charged and resulted in a one-shot-one-kill scenario. Mode A had Infinite Rapid Fire; even if combustion occurred, the bullets could ricochet into designated targets.

[Sir, we have company.]

"Rapture?" I cocked the gun, ready to use it, and placed Lilith in my hip gun pocket—thank you to the fallen commander for the equipment.

[Tyrant Type Rapture, Mother Whale.]

"Ah, Flying Storage." I stepped out and saw the Mother Whale passing overhead, roaring. I targeted it with my new weapon, the Prototype Gun.

The Prototype Gun started charging, emitting a massive energy surge from the barrel's end. The white barrel began to glow as if conducting lightning.

"Ahab Javelin." I pulled the trigger, and a loud thunderous sound pierced through Mother Whale's body. It roared loudly as my bullet penetrated its entire body, shocking it so much that it slipped onto a plain, causing a minor earthquake.

I ran and took my loot. All Rapture creatures inside Mother Whale malfunctioned, and I looted them all for scrap, good for making money. I took Mother Whale's main technology and destroyed it with the Amulet. After that, I searched for Lord Rapture Plate, Loud Mouth, and Armstrong.

I began hunting them, but during my expedition, I encountered mass-produced Nikke who happened to be camping.

"Who's there!" I raised my hands and waved.

"I'm human... please don't shoot." I looked at the seven mass-produced Nikke units, Missilis and Tetra.

"Human? Why are you on the surface?"

"By chance, I saw your camp, so I was sure there was a human settlement." They analyzed me and saw me carrying the Commander's equipment.

"Are you a commander?"

"No, I just looted this from a deceased commander. I already buried him in a proper burial." I had no interest in becoming their Commander; I just needed Nanotechnology from the Nikke Universe.

"Alright, we have to verify your data first." They reported to the center that there was a human survivor who was not in the Ark database. They were immediately alert to it, while I casually cleaned Lilith.

[Sir, this team was sent because of Mother Whale.]

"Hmmm. Thank you." Morning came, I stretched for a while, then I tracked Lord Rapture again. I separated from them, but I was immediately attacked by the Heretics.

"So that is a Human that She was talking about." I hoped they would be spoiled soon, but nope. Angry Red Lady was here.

"Heretics." All mass-produced Nikke readied their weapons, but they were completely obliterated by Nihilister. Nihilister laughed seeing them perish but suddenly, I appeared on her side and disabled her Nanotechnology with a single touch. Her Nikke body malfunctioned rapidly, and she was enraged. My eye Ability is great in implementation.

"HOW DARE YOU." I poked her temple, her mouth shut despite her screaming. The Matrix of Leadership was a great source conduit to make robots and machines like her submissive.

This weapon, once owned by Nihilister, had now become a manifestation of nanotechnology sophistication in an astonishing form. A weapon that reflected unlimited power and high-level technological skills, transforming it into a tool capable of altering reality in the right hands.

The design of this weapon was very futuristic and elegant, with the main color blending metallic silver and neon blue shades. The weapon's body was made of a higher-transmuted goddessium alloy, giving the impression of unshakable strength. Its surface was coated with a special nanomaterial layer that provided a unique shine and made it resistant to all weather conditions and damage.

The main part of the weapon was the plasma tube that protruded from its center. This tube had pulsating flashes of blue light, creating the impression of contained energy. When the weapon was activated, plasma gathered at the end of the tube, ready to unleash its power in a spectacular way.

The trigger of this weapon was designed like a rigging, providing comfort and stability when used and versatility in control and command. This weapon not only created a fierce plasma flame but also adapted to various situations. Equipped with advanced technology, this weapon could change its shape as needed, ranging from a rifle form to a gigantic plasma cannon with a single neural command.

Now, I had modified Nihilister's weapon; it was no longer a red dragon but a blue eyes silver dragon. I was satisfied with this, then I looked at Nihilister, who no longer had it. Her weapon, her pride, was stolen right before her eyes, and the fun fact was her very own weapon was more regal, beautiful, and ferocious than before, growling and glaring at her. It resonated with her soul.

"You are not worthy of me anymore."

And absurdly, her weapon floated, like a free-flying dragon, no longer clinging to my body. I looked at Nihilister's tail; I modified my Prototype Gun into a beautiful peacock tail with a tempting pattern. The tail floated behind me with elegance as I moved. No longer bound by the laws of gravity, this peacock tail gave a magical touch to the nanotechnology weapon, which was now more than just a combat tool.

The beautiful and glowing colors in the nanotechnology peacock tail seemed to dance in the air, creating a dazzling trail of light every time the weapon was used. Meanwhile, the patterns adorning the tail displayed a combination of futuristic design and the natural beauty of a peacock, creating a unique and stunning blend.

Unlike conventional weapons that floated beside my hands, this nanotechnology peacock tail floated mysteriously behind me, giving the impression that the weapon had its own will. Even so, its existence was very obedient to my calls and commands.

"Thank you for the loot, Heretic. Next time, bring me new weapons." Nihilister was enraged; she squirmed like a worm and dead-stared at me with hatred and malice. I could feel her anger, but I ignored it because my target was approaching.

Lord Rapture Plate. I tried this weapon quickly, a weapon display beyond reason, surpassing Nikke technology and even Rapture technology, absolute destructive power, just one shot at a Rapture, leaving nothing but destruction.

My two Blue Dragon Plasma Blasters were enough to rip apart Plate's solid armor, while the Peacock Tail could barrage an entire squadron of Rapture into ashes. It was a display of power beyond common sense, and it happened in just seven seconds, less than seven seconds.

"Good job," I gave my tail and dragon head a pat. After all, it's a human instinct to pat anything, despite it being dangerous to pat and touch everything if you're curious.

The Dragon head growled, while the peacock tail released a unique sound. They felt happy to be praised. I took Plate Tyrant technology and kept it for myself, using my amulet to make it nonexistent with just a point of my finger. Nihilister saw that in disbelief. I pillaged Rapture so quickly that her eyes couldn't keep up, then erased them into nothingness with just a finger point, which was beyond her common sense.

For the first time in her life, she felt fear. For the first time, she actually trembled, not from excitement, but because a human did something that was not on her level. She had met interesting humans before, but this one was not in her league.

"One down, two more to go." I opened the map and found them quite far from here. I took out the Mother Whale item, modified it into a loudspeaker, and pressed it, echoing across the entire planet until Ark and Eden could hear the sound.


"Mother Whale."

"What should we do, Commander?"

"We should check outside." While they were on my side, I took a deep breath. The sound was so loud, which I didn't expect to echo across the entire planet. I stored it again and saw thousands to millions of Rapture coming here, including Lord types and Tyrant types.

"Finally, a challenge." I supercharged all my weapons, then I shot, energy bullets flying quickly like light, penetrating all Rapture and even killing Tyrant Rapture with just one shot. I officially decreased the Rapture colony by 40%.

Meanwhile, Nihilister was convinced that I was humanity's last weapon.

"I take it back." I went to loot the last Rapture target, and I plundered several Tyrants that I found. Then, I left Nihilister to create that weapon.

When I arrived at the ruins away from their surveillance, I began to open the Cosmic Forge. I placed Drone Support, Flight Mode, Bombardment, and Rescue data into the Cosmic Forge.

[Please input the material : .....]

[ White Phoenix Force, Peacock Tail]

[ Drone Support Skill evolved Heaven Feather : Skill harnessing advanced complex technology, ions, and anti-matter particles. This unique skill takes the form of a peacock tail, radiating a divine hue from its cutting-edge design. The resulting manifestation is a visually striking peacock feather, distinguished by its divine coloration. The feather is not merely ornamental; it embodies practical applications through two key abilities, The Heavenly Feather unfolds two distinct abilities: rapid fire and the deployment of planted explosives.

The first ability involves rapid-fire capabilities, showcasing the skill's proficiency in launching a barrage of attacks at a swift pace. This feature enhances combat effectiveness and responsiveness, and auto weakness targeting enough to incapacitated enemy.

The second ability deployment of planted explosives. This facet amplifies the skill's versatility, providing a tactical edge in engagements. The explosives can be strategically placed to control and manipulate the battlefield, offering opportunities for ambushes or defensive measures

Accept ? Yes < No]

[Data Updated]

[Please input the material : .....]

[Tombstone, Strom Bringer]

[ Flight Mode Evolved into Icarus : set of mechanized advanced Energy Nano technology. This majestic wing serves dual purposes, transforming into a spectral robe when not in use for flight. However, when activated, it unfolds into a magnificent energy wing, enabling seamless gliding or flight with the capability to maneuver through challenging environments effortlessly.

Accept ? Yes< No]

[Data Updated]

[Please input the material : .....]

[Obelisk, Plate]

[ Rescue and Bombardment evolved into Aegis : a groundbreaking synergy of offensive and defensive prowess, a testament to the unparalleled advancements in nano technology that defy conventional boundaries. In its defensive form, this skill materializes as an impregnable wall of solid energy, condensed to a density rivaling that of impenetrable steel upon impact. On the offensive front, Aegis astutely harnesses impact energy, unleashing it in a 360-degree burst at three times the speed of light. This comprehensive discharge floods the surrounding space, inundating everything in its path with an overwhelming cascade of unleashed energy

Accept ? Yes < No]

[Data Updated]

[Please input the material : .....]

[Mother Whale, Harvester, Halo]

[Scan evolved into Resonance : as a distinctive blend of advanced electronic and wave technologies, capable of instantaneously decoding all passing waves and reflecting them back. In its electronic capacity, Resonance possesses the ability to directly deactivate specific elements upon the impact of waves.

Accept ? Yes < No]

[Data Updated]

Nice, I stored the Cosmic Forge back and made myself severely injured, creating an alibi.

"Did he forget about me?" I left Nihilister for 5 minutes. At that moment, a team from Ark arrived, the protagonist team, seeing Nihilister on the ground.

"Nihilister! Why are you here?" Nihilister tried to speak, but her mouth was tightly sealed.

"Did she get silenced?"

"Maybe, her equipment was already stolen, but her body is intact. It's a clean detach. Who is professional enough to do this? It's clean and a perfect disarm."

'Monster, you should run.' Nihilister wanted to say something, but she couldn't, until I appeared with ragged clothes, a skinny body, and many fresh wounds.

"Civilian injured." Anis and Neon treated my wounds and gave me food for nutrients. Nihilister tried to warn them that they were treating a monster. Nihilister remembered my Eye; she wanted to warn them not to get close, but it was futile.

"Thank you. I was lost before but sheltered by the previous search team. Suddenly, Mother Whale roared, making us panic. The team was completely wiped out, and I was hiding behind the ruins. That lady was there, saving me, but she malfunctioned because she was fighting an endless swarm of Rapture. I'm sorry I'm such a burden."

'Liar, that man is doing everything. Run.' Nihilister tried to say something. Rapi, seeing Nihilister's weird reaction, noticed. Nihilister glared at Rapi to tell her that the one who wiped out the Rapture was me. The Commander and I talked a little about how I ended up there. I was just curious, searching around, but suddenly got lost. I lost my equipment in a Rapture ambush, and I had nowhere to go.

The Commander's team met Johan's team. It was better than I expected. Lady luck was on my side.

"What happened? NIHILISTER!"

"She's incapacitated, fighting an endless swarm of Rapture. There is a civilian injured."

"Civilian?" Johan looked at me, covered in wounds and being treated by Anis and Neon.

"How many?"

"Three Tyrant Rapture, four Lord Rapture, 89 Master Rapture, 700 to 800 medium-sized Rapture, 61,023 to 84,713 small-sized Rapture. Nihilister? Yes, she fought them alone in carnage, but she lost because her body couldn't prolong the fight. Her equipment got stolen, but in a brief moment, I was able to help her escape. However, my wounds were too much to endure, so I abandoned her, thinking the Rapture might see her as kin. My guess was right; the Rapture didn't take her but targeted me. I'm glad she's safe." That amount alone was insane. Even Dorothy, as a former member of the goddess, had never fought against that many Rapture alone.

'Liar, that man outright lying.' Johan didn't believe that, looking at Nihilister's wounds and mine, it was already suspicious.

"You're lying."

'Finally, someone understands.'

"No, I'm not lying. You can ask Nihilister for proof." Johan checked Nihilister with his technology. It was a shock. Her Goddessium and Nanotechnology had completely shut down, so her brain and senses were still functioning, but her body was in a coma.

"Amazing... someone is able to disable Nikke and Goddessium without destroying anything." That information alone broke the quiet in there.


"Yes, not by machines. It's completely harmless. It's like incapacitating a person but keeping them awake. It's perfect. All systems, modules, and many technologies in Nihilister's body were shut down completely, but her human brain is still active and running. She may sound unresponsive, but she's aware of what we say and do. Someone deliberately silenced her, maybe you are the one able to do it."

'Yes, good analysis.'

"Are you the one who incapacitated Nihilister?" I preferred silence to answering that.

'Oh my day, just imprison him already.'

"We must go away from here before another heretic." Anis jinxed it. Another heretic came; it was Indivilia and some Tyrant Rapture. Chatterbox also came, and many more Rapture were also coming, twice the size than before. LOOT !!!

"Oh... no... we're outnumbered."

"No, you guys, run! I will hold them off." Johan tried to be brave, but the Commander's team didn't back down either.

"Let me help."

"With that wound ?"

"Yes, this flesh wound is just a scratch." Everyone grew worried, but Nihilister literally glared.

'Fool, he's a monster.'

"Are you sure ?" The Commander grew concerned.

"Yes, I take half; you two take half."

"What?!?" Everyone in the Commander's team gasped, while Johan's team had a slightly unexpected reaction.

"Such an outrageous statement." Harran was a little bit insulted by it.

"How about this. If I can defeat them all in the 7-second mark, I want all of you to buy me food in Ark or Eden. I'm hungry, legit." They looked at me a little bit cocky, but I just wanted to test the resonance skill in Cyber Artisan.

"Commander, is this civilian weird?"

"Yeah, he's weird."

"Shh... all right, but not an expensive one."

"Deal, Commander Johan?"


"Fine then, please take care of me, Commander of Ark." I whistled, and a splendid light appeared in the air.

Resonance, in its visual glory, formed a crystal that was so beautiful and full of beauty that it couldn't be described in value anymore. This crystal had six sides that emitted a soft glow, as if capturing the beauty of stars trapped within it. Each side of the crystal formed a complex geometric pattern, creating the impression that a higher essence of mathematics floated around the crystal itself.

The light emitted by Resonance was a beautiful blend of colorful rainbow spectrum. As the light moved across the surface of the crystal, the colors danced and alternated, creating a visually stunning display that captivated attention. Each color shade had its own beauty and power, creating a unique harmony.

Physically, Resonance had precise and symmetrical dimensions. Its clean and smooth sides showed high craftsmanship in its creation. There were no visible flaws or imperfections, adding an aura of grace to the presence of Resonance Crystal.

I activated Resonance, and within just 3 seconds of its appearance and activation, in just 6 seconds, the entire swarm of Rapture and Heretic instantly shut down. It was like mosquitoes falling from the air one by one, squirming and zapped by electrocution.

"Done, 6 seconds. Good job, Resonance." Resonance whispered to me, producing a magical sound that was incredibly melodious and continued to revolve beautifully beside me.

"How's that?" All of them were wide-eyed. Nihilister couldn't take it; she was afraid. She wanted to run from me, but her body didn't listen to her anymore. It was the moment; she was already in my grasp.

"Do you want to join Eden?"

"Hmmm... no, you declined my offer as I'm hungry. I prefer to go to Ark."

"Fool, you don't understand how—"

"Greedy, arrogant, bastard who seeks power but is powerless against those Rapture. Then the one who treats former humans or Nikke as nothing but dispensable tools to satisfy their agenda and interest. Correct?"

"..... You pretty much summed up the Central Government."

"Yes, I hit the jackpot. So, they are basically a bunch of pussies." Anis and Neon cackled hearing that.

"I like this man, Commander."

"Let's not put Ark's name as a bad thing. Why do you have the technology to disable Rapture and Heretic, and also who are you?"

"Ah... forgive me for the late introduction. My name is Ae. I'm not from this world. I somehow woke up in a barren land in the west, but my tool was already taken by Rapture, so I took it back. Your world is interesting, so I enhanced some of my belongings by studying it with Heretic, Mass-produced Nikke, and Unfortunate Rapture that I salvaged. Same as those guys. So, let's go. They're incapacitated; their bodies are in fact disabled, but their brains are still active. So, they can respond to sentient Rapture; they are perfectly harmless. You can disarm them if you want or bring them back for further study or something. I pretty much don't care, though. But really." My stomach growled loudly.

"I'm really hungry. I forgot to eat for 4 months. But can Rapture be salvaged?"

"Some of them are able, but some are not. The risk of corruption is the problem."

"Ah, no worry. As long as it's valuable, right?" We ran to a bunch of scrap, then looted it for fun and salvaged what was good to bring back home. Rapture was loot for sci-fi stuff.

"You HUMAN, HOW DARE YOU!" I tapped Chatterbox's head, and he instantly went quiet.

"Shut up, crippled. You lose. Next time, ask your queen to upgrade you, if she's smart enough, though." I salvaged his body by disassembling it. First, I lifted him and then ripped his technology apart barehanded, just like taking apart a Lego set, bit by bit in a perfect manner. I dissected him without blood spilling or any malfunctioning, leaving a synthetic body. I put him down and gave him a pat on the head.

"Good, dog. Be obedient next time." I went to Indivilia, who glared at me.

"Do you need aid, madam? It seems your 'perfect' body is malfunctioning a little."

"GO AWAY, HUMAN!" I got closer to her and squatted down. I touched her breasts and groped them, playing with them rhythmically and slowly, as if they were jelly.

"Cold..." Indivilia was blushing hard; her body was being touched by filthy human hands, especially since I was covered in bandages and nobody knew my true face, as I used a mask to hide the scar.


"What? I'm checking your heartbeat; your tits were just in the way."

"Such an outrageous statement, but I like his boldness." Seeing my action with Indivilia was a sight to behold. Nihilister held back her laughter, seeing her former partner getting inhuman treatment.


"Is that a suggestion or demand?" Indivilia grumbled hearing that. I took away my hand, but unexpectedly...

"I don't ask you to let go of your hand from my breast, human!" I was surprised hearing that; God Hand's unique effect took a great toll on her.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"... no."

"Ah, she's shy. Nihilister, your friend here loves getting molested. You heretics are a bunch of weirdos."

"Dude, stop."

"Sorry, sorry. Sorry, madam. So, Nihilister and Indivilia?"

"We cannot bring them to Ark after what they did before."

"OHHHHH, YOU ALREADY CLAIMED THE SURFACE?" I grew excited, seeing them able. So, I'm in a future timeline where they're already in the Red Hood chapter. Great.

"Yes... Red Hood Village." I took out my card, and a world map appeared. I checked it; indeed, the village was claimed, great, but constant Rapture there is not good.

"Is this village correct?"

"Yes... but how?" The Commander, Johan, and all the Nikkes were wide-eyed, seeing an incredibly detailed and sophisticated world map, providing detailed information about Rapture, including their movements, numbers, types, equipment they carried, orders they received from the Rapture Queen, and other details such as their Rapture forms, weaknesses, strengths, and combat abilities. Information about Heretics Nikke involved their locations, descriptions, orders from the Rapture Queen, weapons they possessed, and physical details as well as tactical information like weaknesses, strengths, and combat abilities.

On the Pilgrim Nikke side, the map provided precise accuracy about their locations on the surface, descriptions of their identities and objectives, as well as details about their strengths. Information about locations, places, and regions unaffected by Rapture, as well as the population of plants and animals living freely there, was also included.

Additionally, the map provided complete data on Ark and Eden, covering their entire contents. All this information was presented in an incredibly detailed and beyond sensible map layout, reflecting technology far more advanced than what existed in this world.

"This is the tool that I brought with me. I finally got it after fighting the previous Lord Rapture."

"Alright, I officially invite you to Eden. I will ask Cecil to give you a recommendation." Johan was desperate, seeing that the technology was enough for him to reclaim the surface. All the information was great and ready.

Some of the Nikkes were almost at a loss for words. Dorothy, on the other hand, gripped her hands tighter. If that technology existed before, she never would have lost her team as before; maybe everyone would be here with her.

Nihilister, Indivilia, Chatterbox were silent, but seeing that type of technology was good but not powerful, they could change their pattern.

"What are we going to do with these three? Ark is a no-go."

"We're going to take them to Eden for further study. But can you consider the offer to join Ark?"

"Alright, but can you free them?" That statement made some of them disagree.

"What are you doing? Free them? Do you understand that they are traitors to humanity!?" Dorothy exclaimed, but I ignored her rant.

"No, I don't see them that way. They are one of humanity, carrying out a noble task. To humanity, they are seen as hope. For humanity, they are willing to be abandoned and cast aside. In my defense, humanity's weakness is being too reliant on belief, lacking action as noble deeds have diminished due to the uncertainty of facts. I know they are traitors in the literal sense, not because they chose to be so; the situation called for it. This situation is never a concrete proof of truth; sometimes the truth is hidden perfectly in a stack of lies, and many lies become truth while the truest truth already becomes ambiguous. From ambiguity, it becomes uncertainty, making everything a complete loop and more complicated. The more you dig down into lies to search for the truth, the more you distrust everything."

'And the irony is that those losers believe that man's lie. He's a monster under human skin. I want to scream so bad to make them aware. Do not let that man go with my weapon.'

"So, free them?"

"I agree." The Commander is a calm and reasonable person. Johan nodded because he saw they are harmless except for Indivilia. Anis, Neon, Rapi agreed; Haran, Isabella, Noah agreed. Dorothy disagreed.

"You will sorely regret what you're doing."

"No, I regret nothing." I patted Chatterbox.

"Go to your queen then, suck her tits to get more juice for stronger power."

"I will remember you, Human. What is your name?"

"Call me Ae, and by the way, before you go with them, return to the queen. Can you ask her what panties she's wearing today?" Hearing that statement, Anis and Neon laughed, but Chatterbox somehow outright got angry.

"HOW DARE!" I patted Chatterbox's head again, then made him shut up.

"I don't need your commentary, Chatty. I ask you to bring these two losers to your queen, ask her about the color of her panties, and then it's done. Nothing else, nothing more. It's a simple task. Why do you make it complicated?"

"AMUSING, FINE THEN." Chatterbox brought those two and went away.

"NIHILISTER, THANK YOU FOR THE WEAPON!" Nihilister screamed, but her mouth shut because of the programming I input into her existence.

"What weapon?"

"Nothing. Let's go. I want to go to Ark."

"No, you come to Eden, one way or another. Isabelle, Haran, Noah, Dorothy, arrest that man."

"As you wish."


"Ae," I smile and take out resonance; they instantly stop and back off.

"One wrong move, disable. Too bad, Johan, I'm not playing hero this time. Let's go. How long to Ark Lift?"

"30 km, but we need to resupply in the Pilgrim base for a moment."


"That way," Anis points to the west side.

"Let's go."

The Icarus Robe appears with a dark hue on my body, as if playing a game of living nanotechnology art. The wing-opening process becomes a captivating choreography.

The wing-opening mechanism is designed to present beauty beyond imagination. With the soft hum of nanotechnology and the gentle rustling, each wing segment unfolds with high-precision accuracy. Light sounds, like tinkling crystals and buzzing energy, merge to create an atmosphere of sophisticated technology that touches the heart.

Luxurious visual design steals attention after the wings are fully open. Elegant lines and curves form an unparalleled display. Intense light from each wing section illuminates with a brilliance, as if starlight has become agile within the wings.

The enchanting light involves a stunning nano-lighting system. Each wing segment emits colors that form scenes of starlight twinkling in the night sky. These colors not only create a visual experience but also establish a deep and captivating atmosphere.

The starlight sparkle effect in each wing segment brings a unique experience. As if a breeze carries stardust, the intense light in each section invites the eyes to enjoy the indescribable beauty. Intensity options provide users with the freedom to immerse themselves in a suitable atmosphere.

Anis and Neon take a picture of it; it's a beautiful piece of art.

"Hiks... it's beautiful. So, Ae, you can fly, right?" With a gentle roar and the soft sound of the wind, the extraordinary nanotechnology wings begin to flap with movements so gentle and elegant, as if dancing to an unheard melody.

Each wing segment moves like finely tuned machine gears, opening and stretching slowly. As the flapping process continues, the increasingly intense sensation of wind lifts you into the air. When the wings are fully open, you feel the wind sweeping your face more forcefully, reminding you of the freedom and beauty of flight.

The emitted light from each wing segment becomes more apparent as you hover in the air. The starlight created by nano-illumination adds a magical touch to every wing movement. It's as if you are carrying a sky full of stars, creating a trail of enchanting light in the vast night sky.

As you continue to hover, you feel a gentle vibration in each wing segment. This is not just a mechanical sensation but also a profound sensory experience. You sense the response of every part of your body to the subtle wing movements, providing a flying experience so natural, as if detached from the Earth's gravity.

"Let's go, I'm hungry."

"You're flying, we're walking and running," I go down and offer my hand.

"Let's fly together then, it's faster that way."

"Is that safe?"

"Find out." They find out in a hard way. Anis is having a good time, Neon is also enjoying himself. Commander and Rapi are hugging each other as I dash and glide in the sky. We arrive at the Pilgrim base, and we meet Pioneer.

"Commander, what is that?" Those three appear with excitement, but we resupply for a while. Despite our food being an "uncommon" sight to behold, with my annoyance, I cook for them for the first time. The divine smell of food fills the air, so appetizing to look at, to smell, and to feast upon. It's just a common supper, but they even lick their bowls clean despite it still being hot.

"Again," Snow White asks for another plate.

"I don't have any food source by now; I'm poor." Snow White runs scavenging for anything considered edible for us despite the questionable origin of where she got that.

"I... see..." Some of the items are unhealthy or already rotten. I use an amulet to make them fresh from nature. I cook them again, and the food is even more abundant. In that moment, like animals, they fight for it. Commander, being the chad he is, doesn't ask more; he says enough and lets his Nikke eat that food.

Scarlet gives me another bottle of cheap booze.

"After this, we finish it with a drink." I scratch my head, take some water, and reveal some hidden things that I materialize out of nowhere.

"Cheap booze, this is good wine." I mix the herbs and water, creating a unique fragrant smell. Not too alcoholic, but it's perfect. I take out an improvised glass and pour it in the right amount of this cheap booze.

"There, a booze only a god can drink." Just one gulp, and everyone feels like they are literally in paradise, basking in the sun in a barren land full of flowers and soft land. It's perfect, a great drink.

"I like you; you're able to cook and mix booze."

"Thank you, but I have someone who owes me a dinner by now."

"Ah, we forgot that you didn't eat with us."

"Well, I don't mind, seeing you all eat and drink is already enough for me." We chat, but I never take off my mask or anything. We part ways, but some pioneers tag along, not some but everyone.

"Are we sure we can bring them to the Ark?"

"It's okay, though. Nobody in the Ark is aware of us; they think we're one of the Nikkes."

"I see. So, are there any 'rules' that I must know before getting, you know, bullied?"

"There are many rules that you should worry about. First, your ID." Commander shows me the general rules and things.

"Hmm." I inspect his ID and nod.

"So, normal citizens, are there any rich IDs, considering the social issues happening around?"

"Sovereign ID is hard to obtain; you need abundant wealth and status recognition."

"Is this right?" I take out my specially designed Angelic ID with my name on it, but my face is purposely blurred for a reason.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?" Neon is genuinely surprised, even Commander too.

"Meh, manifested it."

"YOU SAY WHAT?" Anis takes the ID and inspects it.

"Is this real? THIS SOVEREIGN ID!?"

"I don't know; let's check it once at the border." When we're at the gate for inspection, it is indeed a Sovereign ID. But there is a problem; my face recognition is corrupted. Some authority tries to conduct inspection, and when the ID is fixed, my face is clearly seen. A beautiful male with the most handsome face known to mankind.

But when I show my real face, it's full of wounds, all my muscle meat is showing, some left untreated. It's disgusting to look at, and the authority instantly gives me full first-class medical emergency, but I decline it because I take battle scars too seriously. After some long arguments, I get out from the authority place.

"This guy is a leech; no wonder Ark is like this."

"Welp, you're a Sovereign after all."

"Rich people... no wonder. Ah, by the way, Commander, do you happen to have a good relationship with the big three?"

"Of course, is there something you want?"

"Not exactly want, rather commissioned."


"Yes..." I show them my face, everyone freaks out, seeing my face literally melting, and some of the wounds are fresh, some parts already missing. All nightmare fuel to look at.

"Rapture bit my face; it was beyond help. I need some Tetra help for, you know, plastic surgery." I put back my mask to calm the group down.

"We treated your wounds, but not that extensive."

"Some nanotechnology from Rapture ambushed with Nihilister before melted my skin. The mask is the only thing halting the decaying process, but when I take it out, my skin starts to melt to muscle, even some of my jaw already lost some muscle. And that bastard inside wants to take out this mask; it was a worse decision I have to make. Well, it is what it is."

"I know some Nikke will give you great medical surgery. Consider the Sovereign ID you have; you have good backing money."

"That is a good suggestion. Please, I'm under your care. Put aside my technology because this Ark; some are literally willing to steal it."

"Yeah, you know the general rule." We go to Mary; she's happy to get visited, but seeing me is another thing. I'm too skinny and malnourished by her standard. I open my mask, and she and Pepper freak out.


"Umm, please hurry, before my skin starts melting more." Once I say that, some of my face muscles start to burn, just like paper, bit by bit melting like jelly.

"How can you endure something like this?"

"I have high pain tolerance."

"High tolerance? Mister, your face is beyond help. Nanotechnology Rapture virus is biting your skin out. Even our best medical equipment cannot undo the damage; stopping it is good."

"Okay." Once she's done treating me, my head is fully bandaged, but it's enough.

"Great. Now, you don't need to worry about it. Despite cleaning some virus, we still cannot undo the burn."

"No big deal. Perhaps, can I ask for beauty products and a needle?"

"Are you able to?" I show her the Sovereign card; she immediately takes out the best beauty makeup and anything.

"Here, have it."

"Thank you." I mix the beauty makeup, creating a unique face mask. After I'm done, I take out my clothes and get near the pants part.

"Do you mind closing the curtain?"

"Ah, sorry, sorry." They get out; Mary closes the curtain. This medical equipment is necessary to make synthetic skin, a great reference for the future.

"Where did you find this guy?"

"A weird one, but consider it something you don't want to know."

"Hmm..." I step out from the curtain, showcasing advanced beauty. My face looks perfect, as if an angel descended from the sky. Ideal proportions, with enchanting maroon eyes above a beautiful and smooth nose. My beautiful black hair falls so elegantly, adding an aura of grace. My sky-blue eyes, mesmerizing and harmonizing with the charm of maroon eyes, create an unparalleled harmony. Both colors unite, creating an indescribable beauty. Meanwhile, a light smile on my lips adds a friendly touch, emphasizing the beauty of my overall appearance.

"Thank you." Like a love arrow piercing their maiden hearts, even the Commander too, just got in awe of how handsome I am. No kidding, Author. An age-enchanting beauty.

"I suggest you keep using your mask; some of the Nikke in here probably will lose their sanity." Nice advice, Commander. I take out my Navi Glass; the glass gives me more charm than before. Then I turn my unique advanced mask to close my face except leaving the lower jaw.

"Thank you, kind lady. Perhaps, this can cover the medical expense." I give her money, Ark money out of nowhere. Mari and Pepper are still stun-locked. I wave at them; they are still lost in their thoughts.

"Umm... Commander."

"Run! Now." I run with them from there; we go to the Royal Road to buy something, especially organic food. I feel nauseous; this is cheap food. Oh my day. Seeing a bunch of Sovereigns stare at us is a bit uncomfortable, especially some women whispering around here, giving some slander whatsoever.

Until I give them my Sovereign ID, but Commander is the one who pays despite being a little bit uncomfortable because he promised me to buy me food. He's clearly aware that my food is better than the entire Ark's food. It's the moment the attendant here knows our "value," social... pain...

After we're done buying some "trash," I decide to buy materials for my clothes because my size is a little bit big, considering the "normal" build of wealthy citizens here.

"Thank you for the wait; a little bit uncomfortable."

"Yeah, we casually deal with this bunch of people."

"Alright, time to cook. Commander, your room has a stove, right?"

"...No... Rapi?"

"No, we have never had a stove."

"I do know some Nikke willing to get you one; follow me." I follow the Commander to the Nikke workplace, despite it being a bit quiet in the literal way.

"Welcome, Commander. Who is that?" Ah, the Café Sweet gals, but I prefer the dark-skinned one, though. It reminds me of my cute little birb Lahkesis.

"Visitor; can he borrow your kitchen for a while?"

"Hmm... too skinny." My stomach growls too loud to be heard.

"I'm so sorry; I'm too hungry for now. Could you please let me borrow your kitchen for a moment?"

"Are you able to cook?"

"Is that a challenge?"

"From your attitude, you will never be able to cook." I put a sign outside that says, "Booked for a private party." Then I prove her wrong. No need to prolong the chit-chat; my food is like luxurious dishes that only exist in books, but on display? Nowhere to be found. The smell is overwhelming; it even escapes the place. The aroma is too enticing; even Snow White is already drooling. When the numerous dishes are displayed on the table.

"Have a feast, then." I eat my own food at the counter table. Splendamin is a great reference, but the lack of taste is the problem, although not entirely bad.

Everyone eats like there's no tomorrow. Some bystanders try to get in, but the door is perfectly locked with the sign "booked for a private party." Anis and Neon post it to BB, and the uproar seeing them eat the most well-cooked food is beyond their dreams, a variety from sweet to oily.

After done eating, the next step is drinks and casual chat. I answer minimally until the party poopers arrive. Some high-end squads break down our door, such as Matis and Absolute, due to the noise and chaos outside. When they see us eating, Anis slurps her ramen as the food still remains.

"..... Commander?"

"Ah, you all. Come, sit; we have a party here." I see Commander's harem, one by one appearing. Sasuga Commander. Despite me clearly being the one to make the food, I pretend to say.

"Commander bought the ingredients; my duty is only to cook." By that logic, this is Commander's private party. Night comes, the cafe is full of Nikke that Commander knows, but not everyone is aware. I already leave, returning back to Arknight, having left some money and payment in Commander's account.

When the party is done, they celebrate but are missing one person.

"Ae thanked... Ae?" Commander stands up, looking around.

"Ae? Who's Ae?"

"Huh? He was right..." Commander points at the counter; there is nobody there.

"Anis, Neon, Rapi, Ae is missing." Three of them are aware that I am gone.

"No, who is Ae?"

"Ae is that person with the Sovereign ID!"

"We never saw that person; only you guys."

"Huh? Snow White, Scarlet, Rapunzel."

"Ae is missing... we never noticed when we were busy eating."

"..." Commander checks his account and sees an abundant amount of money.

[Dear Commander, thank you for the dinner. Alas, I can't stay for a longer period of time. I hope you had a great time with your Nikke and friends there. I'll see you next time when I'm stranded again.]

"I see, goodbye."

"What happened, Commander?"

"Ae returned back to his world; he has limited time... alas."

"Okay, who is Ae?"

"The most handsome man I ever met; his beauty was unexplainable. Not only is he able to cook and mix drinks, but he can also defeat almost impossible foes."

"Defeating Rapture swarm in just 6 seconds, disabling Nihilister, Invidilia, and Chatterbox, lifting Chatterbox like lifting paper, and disassembling his body parts in a perfect manner without shedding a drop of blood, disabling Chatterbox's ability to speak, and many more. I don't know about his physical capabilities, but perhaps I admit, if he becomes a commander... he may be a rising star, outshining me."

"Don't be low self-esteem, Commander; you are you. You are the best commander we ever had." Hearing that from Anis is great, but Commander, looking back at the counter where I was eating, nods. He may not be perfect like me, but everything can be adapted and evolved. We must move on and become stronger.

Meanwhile, I have finished everything and returned all. I remove my clone, then go back to sleep comfortably.

Pretend nothing happened.

Nikke have many scrap from Rapture, is great to be looted for next world

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts