
With a System In a Parallel World

Boruto the son of Naruto, inside whom the otsutsuki god (momoshiki) resides, and tries to control Boruto completely. Boruto has the power of the Jougan and the karma,and does not lead a common life now as he has killed a god. But suddenly one day as he fights an overpowered villain he gets the power of a goddess and a strange system appears in front of him. He then is given the role to save his world connected to another world.

JAINIL_D_OSWAL · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Boruto Captured? Naruto, Ryujin, And Sasuke To The Rescue!


In the previous Chapter: Sasuke treats the kids to Ramen, suddenly an earthquake occurred, and a Black Hole apppeared which sucks only Boruto in it.

Boruto gets sucked into, what is said to be known as the 2nd Dimension or the 2nd World, surrounded by rocky and hilly terrains, there was an unknown person with medium-short white hair, two blue markings stretching from the tip of his forehead along his eyes, up to the chin. Boruto was in a panic, he asked "Who are you?, Where am I?", the person replied "My name is Suizen Otsutsuki, the greatest Otsutsuki and the God Of Jougans, this is the 2nd dimension, Boruto Uzumaki, you are now an Otsutsuki, as you have the power of the Jougan", Boruto interrupted him and said "No! I am not an Otsutsuki! My name is Boruto Uzumaki, and I am the person who will be a Shinobi."

Suizen replies "So I knew that was your reply, I have to kill you now, and you are also not worthy of being an Otsutsuki or have the Jougan". Boruto says "Just try it!", Momoshiki says "Fool don't provoke him!, he is the strongest being in all the worlds, he is the one I fought against and lost". Suizen started his attack so fast that Boruto is not able to keep up with his speed, he strikes into the right of Boruto taking out his Jougan. Boruto groans a lot in pain with his eye bleeding.

Meanwhile, In the Hidden Leaf Village, Sasuke finds out where Boruto was taken, as he has a lot of information about The Otsutsuki's. All the kids and Sasuke go to the Hokage's office to meet Naruto, Sasuke explained the situation to Naruto. When Naruto and Sasuke were leaving to save Boruto, the kids asked if they can come too, Naruto replied "This is too dangerous for you kids to come, I promise you I will bring Boruto back". Sasuke and Naruto go to the 2nd dimension with the help of Sasuke's Rinnegan. When they reach they see Suizen, Sasuke says "So I knew it, the Black Hole Teleportation is a jutsu only the God of Jougans can do."

Naruto says "Even if he is the God of Jougans, the strongest being I will save Boruto, and defeat him, we will together, Sasuke let's beat this guy up!" Sasuke says "Yeah".

Naruto asks Ryujin to give him some of his strength, Ryujin gives some of his chakra to Naruto, and he looks like a Dragon in Human form, when Sasuke saw Naruto in such a form he felt the masssive amount of chakra which Ryujin gave to Naruto, Eventhough Ryujin gave a small proportion of chakra, it was as much as the chakra of a tailed beast. The first word which entered his mind by seeing Naruto in such a form 'Chaotic Duo'.

Naruto goes behind Suizen in such a speed that no one could catch up to him, he produces a water style wind Rasengan, Sasuke attacks Suizen using his Susano'o from the front, Suizen dodges the attacks and the Rasengan aimed at him hits the ground, Sasuke gets surprised as the Rasengan destroys the whole piece of ground, Suizen teleports behind his target Boruto using his Jougan, Naruto chases Suizen and they finally start matching their speed. No one could see Naruto and Suizen clashing. Meanwhile, Momoshiki says "So you lost your Jougan and right eye, To help you I will convert myself into a chakra fruit eat it and when you do I will become your eyes. This fruit has the bloodline of all the occular powers present in all the Shinobi worlds not only yours. You will also get the power of your Jougan back.

Boruto says "You won't die after this right?", Momoshiki replies "No I won't, I will still be able to talk to you, but I will live inside you as your eyes." Boruto agrees to it and eats the Chakra fruit given out by his karma, controlled by Momoshiki. He then feels a sudden pain in his body. To Be Continued.....

There will be another new character coming soon. Be ready for more updates!

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