
Witches Vs Werewolves

"My sweetest little treasure, don't be naive, you are either damned or dead in here, so now be good and scream your loudest for me." Persephone [Psyche] Charming found herself sent away into a strange highschool for troubled teenagers after commiting a crime worthy of hell back home. Soon enough the Witch began to realize these troubled teenagers were more dangerous than the worst of criminals. Especially the Crescent brothers who were more monstrous than animals. °°° "No, whatever you're gonna say, no, not now, not ever. Also get out of my room you psychopath, you'll get blood all over my sheets…. Why is there blood all over you?" She could no longer control her urge and asked. He really looked like a mess. So much blood that Persephone felt it was his. His face had a tear, and his hair was just…. Well that hair was always looking messy. At her words that smirk died. Replaced with a lost look. "Hm, you're being nosy." He said, coolly. "....." Persephone deadpanned. "You broke into my ROOM." She couldn't help the incredulity that filled her voice as she said those words. The reddish eyelashes fluttered, and then slowly but surely the eyes were opened. It was worse than expected. His red eyes were bloodshot, hurt, so many emotions going in a long and horrible roller coaster.  Persephone always thought Caspian was a straightforward person. Everytime she met him, he would always say or do whatever came to his mind. He looked like he was mad at everything whenever he was around, because he couldn't be bothered to hide his emotions. This kind of open person, when they were hurt, it was too obvious for the world to see. Persephone's throat bobbed as she swallowed. She didn't know why she was aggrieved by the hurt in his eyes. Anytime they crossed parts one way or the other Caspian always threatened her. Seeing the cool smirk on his face all those times, Persephone hoped it would be knocked off his face, but literally seeing that arrogant look away from his face, Persephone's heart was pumping really fast. This time she couldn't control her brain from allowing her hand to reach out towards Caspian, her fingers sinking into the mop of hair for the first time. Despite the unsettlement she felt at his hurt, she couldn't help the wave of satisfaction and the tremors of shudders that traced up her spine as her fingers sank into his hair. It was so silky, as she imagined it would be, so soft, it would entice anyone to keep touching. She has fallen down the rabbit hole so it couldn't be helped as she combed her fingers through his hair softly, her skin enjoying the tickling and electric feeling of petting his hair. She stiffened when she heard his sigh. It was actually not a sigh…. If she heard it correctly it was a moan, a soft and gentle moan. Persephone felt something thick had obscured her throat from swallowing as she heard the sinfully soft moan. She peeked away from the hair to his face. His eyebrows dipped into a furrow but the curve and contort of his features couldn't be misunderstood….. This was a look of satisfaction. "What happened to you?" She sounded like she had choked out the words. The reply was a bit late but it came. "I shouldn't have come here." Seeing the way she was petting his hair, enjoying every minute of it, enjoying him enjoying every minute of it, she indeed concurred that he should not have come to her. But she said, "But you did." A hand descended on the back of her head. "Yeah, I did." [Mature Content] [Slow burn]

Merci_Douglas · ファンタジー
117 Chs

Chapter 10

The hood. The crow. The magenta eyes. Ah, this was an unexpected development. I felt the healing wounds on my shoulder blades throb lightly at the sight of my blast from the past. My Mother had warned me several times that there were consequences for anything under the sun, and running and hiding from my past sins had it's consequences as well.

I was a freaking coward for not once questioning my parents when they sent me a way. I would have soon rather be shipped away from the home I had ever known when everything blew up in my face and blood covered my hands than face my mess.

The figure outside of the class was the consequences of my past sins. The thing I called my punishment, or perhaps you could also call it my hell. Either way it had come to find me, it had come to remind of what I had done, what I was trying to bury away in my consciousness.

I stood up from the chair. The figure with black hood on and magenta eyes similar to my purple ones. Tch, how bothersome. As I headed out of the class I could feel Stoner's confused eyes on me, but I ignored her and began my journey out of the main building of the school.

With each step I took towards outside my heart ached, and the wounds that were originally healing were beginning to throb and hurt like they did that day. My hands that held onto the pole edges of the stairs were covered in blood.

….. Just for a split second I saw those hands painted red but as I blinked they shuffled back, clean, and stainless. It was happening again, the punishments.

Reaching outside, I thoughtlessly approached the figure standing in front of me with burning eyes. It was right in my face, I made sure of it. It's magenta eyes looking at all from beyond that black abyss within it's cloak.

I wasn't sure what I had initially planned to do when I came out to see it, because now I found my throat dry for a moment. Dry and wordless, I could only stare at the ugly thing that appeared at the lowest point of my life. It was funny when I thought back at that moment, if you asked anyone else maybe they would not dread this thing as much as I did but…..

Those people were naive. Just like I was at first. This figure was what taught me the utmost and binding rule of Sorcery— In the face of true horrors magic users were useless. Magic was a small fry fish in the face of life and death. Even better, I was a small fry fish in the face of life and death.

"..... Why….. Why must you be here?" It was stupid question because I knew why it was here.

It was my punishment, so it would follow me till the day I dropped dead.

Those magenta eyes shimmered with a knowing song. "Persephone….. Persephone is stupid." The voice was dry, and hoarse, something dreadful and awful to hear.

Persephone is stupid. I certainly was, no doubt, still I asked. "Why am I stupid?"

The magenta eyes began looking from my left eye to my right, as if it was earnestly searching for something. "Why else would I be here?"

Why else indeed.

"Someone is about to die." It's hand hidden behind the black robe began to rise, and then it pointed behind me. "Persephone will mourn many deaths here."

Cow! Cow! The sounds of crows screeching above me made me look up. They had been circling above us for a while but before my eyes settled they began to fly in the direction of the roof of the School.

What I saw was Caspian standing behind a black haired girl I recognized to be Blair from that night. He was holding her in a choke-hold, while she struggled on his grasp, eyes looking down at the long distance she would fall from if Caspian suddenly let go.

"Sorry, Persephone."

Shit. I glanced back at the thing that had just spoken, only to find that nothing was there. It wasn't even up for consideration, the compulsion that had before pushed me to involve myself in matters that never concerned me propelled me to begin to run to the top of the roof.

This was wrong. It had finally found me, and I was not sure if this was the natural order of things or if this was another punishment but I didn't even care. I had never stood back in the presence of wickedness.

Not when Hilda the cultist struck. Not when the bully of a teacher struck, not even when I messed up. I didn't care about other thoughts, I didn't care to weigh my options, I didn't care to even care, all that mattered was…..

Someone would certainly die if I didn't help. I didn't have enough skin to save everyone, hell as a matter of fact after how I messed up back home I didn't have any skin left to save ANYONE, but even then my burnt and charred skin placed a life above anything else, perhaps I would until my skin had turned to ash.

It was immensely stupid, but my legs didn't stop running upwards. I finally reached my direction.

There was somebody else besides me when I reached the roof. It was a boy with bronze-brown hair and bottled green eyes which were staring blankly, emptily at his brother.

Sin. He was speaking already. "Your ways are as crude as ever brother, Drusilla forced my hand so you must spare the witch."

I was heaving heavily when I reached the roof. The words coming from Sin's mouth were unexpected but Caspian's response was not so much.

I noticed Caspian roll his eyes even from the back view and when he turned his face I felt the creeping horror and coldness of fear from his appearance. Dark, his eyes had turned darker than any shade of red I thought existed. His smirking mouth had two canines which looked like jagged fangs that would belong to an animal….

A Wolf. I nearly recoiled from the beast-like appearance.

"Brother you expect too much from me, this Witch will die here and now." Caspian said casually.

Sin cocked his head to the side. "This is ridiculous Caspian, we have the right cards to tilt the power balance in this Prison, but you would murder our ace for petty reasons?"

Caspian blinked, a flitting light of questioning passed through his red eyes. But it was only flitting for a reason because it vanished the soonest it appeared.

"Don't be idiotic, Wolves don't negotiate with Witches and I am not a fucking Poker Card, Sinui!"

I tried. Fuck I tried but the magic didn't fill my fists fast enough to catch her when Caspian's feet kicked Blair in the gut and his other hand let go of her neck. Watching like I always did, Blair fell and fell, until I could only assume she fell into her death from my position.

Cow! Cow! The crows were screeching again. Someone had died. It was the girl that tried to drown someone in the name of Harrowing, still yet I couldn't stop the bile that grew from my throat.

I vomited.

Bits and pieces from Persephone's past. Yes the deaths have started, and yes pretty much expect Psyche to play hero a lot lol.

Merci_Douglascreators' thoughts