
Wolf Gwen appears

Donnie was on his way back with Vicky and his brothers which was awkward enough… Yet he had a strange feeling that something was wrong. Just then what sounded like a wolf howl, echoed through the sewers. 

                    "Ooook? Did anyone lose a dog?" Raph joked, but it was not funny.

      The howling sounded like it was getting closer, when all of a sudden a wolf that was fairly large came out of the shadows. Leo and Raph readied their weapons, but something was off about this wolf… like for starters, what was it even doing in the sewers and second, why wasn't it attacking? 

       In a flash, Vicky stepped in between the turtles and the wolf, "Guys don't hurt her! It's not what it looks like!"

         The wolf whimpered as she nuzzled Vicky's side. The guys lowered their weapons but Donnie just stared as if he couldn't comprehend how she could change so drastically. He knew it was Gwen. Her smell of fresh rained lavender was so obvious that it was hard to miss.

                  "So I take it that you know this wol-" Leo started but then Donnie stepped forward and looked the wolf right in the eye.

                 "Gwen… is that you?" He asked even though he knew the answer.

           The massive wolf lowered her head, walked over to Donnie and licked his hand in a fond gesture… almost like she was a huge dog. She was most definitely Gwen, yet to Donnie it didn't explain why she was a wolf or how Vicky knew it was her… perhaps she smelled her scent like he did?

         Leo walked over to Vicky who was nursing a headache in the kitchen at that point with some coffee, "How did you know it was Gwen?"

           Vicky sighed, "Well I guess there is no point in hiding our past… we are not blood sisters and we were adopted by a coven priestess when we were young. We have no clue who our parents are but we have a clue as to what we are and Gwen is a wolf walker which means she has a soul of a wolf and a human body. Every so often she needs to shift otherwise it can result in painful and random transformations…. Did I explain enough?"

        The boys were left gawking at Vicky's explanation while Donnie sat on the couch with wolf Gwen on his lap like a content house pet. Casey and April came into the room and saw Gwen as a wolf… one explanation later, everyone was on the same page. 

       Just as a wolf Gwen let out a huge yawn Vicky asked Donnie, "Hey Donnie can you take care of Gwen tonight since she's a wolf she needs to be near someone she trusts and… that's obviously you at the moment hehe. Don't worry the transformation lasts only till sunrise, you'll be fine."

          And with that said Vicky ran outta the room to sleep in the bedroom she was assigned. Leo looked at Donnie who was still in shock at the request and gave a thumbs-up and ran to his room that he now shared with Liz. 

          Raph scoffed, "Don't look at me, I'm the one who's couched remember? Speaking of… off my temporary bed nerds and get to your own room."

          Wolf Gwen let out a low growl but didn't budge from Donnie's lap, Donnie sighed as he said, "It's ok Gwen let's just head to my room. It'll be more comfortable there at least."

          Wolf Gwen leaps off of Donnie and wags her tail like an oversized dog.

           Raph snickered, "Dude, it's more like you have a pet dog instead of a girlfriend."

       A louder growl came from wolf Gwen as she menacingly approached Raph, thankfully Donnie defused the situation by calling Gwen and leading her to his room.