
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · ファンタジー
350 Chs

There's Superman Here

Eleazar ended up getting caught up in a hard afternoon of drilling.

Sweating under the sun, he was not let go until late in the evening.

"Finally, we're mixing up the set days."

In his dorm room, showered, he breathed a small sigh of relief.

It's not torture to have to pick a time when you're not feeling well to do physical training.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he closed his eyes and felt the mental space.

"Well, the recovery is almost complete."

Spirituality infused slowly throughout the body, and soon, a surge of power flowed through the body.

Taking a deep breath, he then tilted his head and slowly exhaled another mouthful of cold white air.

In the frost that filled the air everywhere, Eleazar turned his head and looked coldly out the window at the full moon.

Monsters, your nightmare is back!

Venting the killing intent that had been suppressed for days.

Regaining his composure, he flipped through his magical guidebook and read over his herbal knowledge again.

Dr. Robert's treatment did work, and following the normal recovery process, one would not have been able to recover that quickly.

This person's experience with various methods of using herbs and matching ingredients is at the top of the heap.

But a man of such great skill has had the worst of luck.

Eleazar sighed slightly as he thought back to the experience the doctor had recounted this afternoon.

This is the helplessness of the lower-ranked transcendentals.

The human body has limits... If they don't find a way to raise their limits, and just rely on their willpower and potential alone to tough it out, their path to transcendence will soon come to an end.

Most low-ranked Transcendents could only take 3-4 magical potions in their lifetime, their various abilities were not organized into a system, and even their spirituality was pitifully small.

To become a high-ranking transcendent, one must raise the limits of the human body with the help of various rituals and experiments, and these underpinnings are generally only available to large organizations.

For example: the Nature Cults, who hold complete, high-ranking Sequencers who can be trained to digest more than a dozen magical potions - the Nature Guardians. What druids, hunters, shamans... And so on.

To defeat their arch-enemy, the Church of the Seven Flags had developed its ultimate ritual, and then raised god-like acolytes, each of whom could take more than 50 copies of magic potions, thus possessing the capital to fight against the 'Shadow Council'.

With the Great War looming, the Church's research on transcendental rituals stagnated, and when they realized that they were already at the limit of what could be done in the rituals and could not be raised any higher, they turned their heads and began to research human experimentation, and then... Inhumane human experimentation, face to face.

Only 2-3 children from an entire orphanage managed to survive the trial, the rest were poisoned to death.

They are orphans who had nothing to lose, were robbed of everything by monsters, were reborn in the grass, and were given the name Witcher because of their innate hatred of monsters.

The most horrific record for these inhuman bodies, which were completely subverted by the Poison Trial, was taking 104 servings of the magic potion.

Relying on this terrifying power, the Church ended the Dark Ages in one fell swoop and ruled the transcendental world of the time.

Mission accomplished, they were abandoned by the Church with an unknown attitude, and the Witcher was orphaned once again and scattered around the world, some of the Seeds who had managed to escape assassination and liquidation secretly leaving behind a hidden legacy...

Closing the book of magic guides and thinking back over the weighty history, Eleazar slowly closed his eyes.



The next day, Eleazar adjusted his mindset and joined in the hustle and bustle.

Opening of the Games.

Not only did the college open its campus for outsiders to visit, but it also brought in a band to play music, and so it came to be a busier scene than the school season.

The whole campus was packed with people, those in charge of reception and maintaining order were busy on their feet, and the security guards who stayed in some important places to watch over them were also anxious, constantly blocking the outsiders who were trespassing everywhere and guiding people to the real stage.

That expansive playground was ready for anything.

Although it is said that they are only some very common sports, but still let everyone watch with great interest, encouragement, and cheering to the sky.

By the time Eleazar squeezes in, the match has been going on for ages.

The side with the most intense shouts of cheer at this point was the 100-meter hurdles.

They Fell into the end of a slightly fat boy, whose knees were broken still running forward, but because of injuries and their jumping ability was poor, the back simply did not cross the fence, straight forward charge, where the fence was knocked down, far from looking like a bulldozer in the elimination of obstacles.

"That much of a fight?" Eleazar looked dumbfounded.

The finish line was quickly crossed by a tall, skinny boy who greeted the cheering crowd with his arms raised high in the air and his shoulder armband reading Law.

A crowd soon poured out to embrace him and chant victory.

"Congrats to Law's on another 3-point haul!"

Two emcees in the stadium were covering the event and constantly enlivening the atmosphere.

They also had a scoreboard by their side that sorted the rankings of all the disciplines from highest to lowest.

Eleazar squinted and looked away.

The history department is outside the top ten, almost at the bottom.

"Good, it can be done without effort."

Eleazar shrugs.

Being pulled so far ahead of the pack, even if he could win a game by crushing it, it wouldn't matter.

Suddenly thinking of something, he glanced at the ranking of the Astronomy Department again.

Hiss... Third place!

Eleazar's eyes flickered.

"Uh, it's kind of bad..."

At this point, the rearranged hurdles began to race again, this time in the girls' division, with more than a dozen valiant girls standing in order in the inner and outer circles.

All hands at the ready, bugle gun raised.

The girls' match was much more interesting, and there were loud cheers all around.



With a gunshot, everyone takes off.

But the match started with a surprise when a girl with a back ponytail performed a very classic flat-footed drop.

"Player #2 is down early!"

Eleazar searched through the remaining players and was surprised to find that the leader was actually from their history department, the... Dragon Descendant.

How could a mere mortal outrun Superman, she ended up crossing the finish line with a crushing advantage.

A few people around him jumped up and cheered, and he turned his head to see that it was a fellow student from one of the departments.

"Luna-senpai won again, she's amazing!"

Eleazar finally learned the Dragonborn's name, and it sounded as if he was of a higher grade than himself.

Next, this schoolmate went on to the next program.

Eleazar finally begins to realize something is wrong.

This superwoman, who signed up for almost every event and then came out on top in all the women's events, was crowned the first.

Their history department continues to rise in the rankings!

Eleazar slowly opened his mouth wide.

Next, in the women's shot put, another figure surprises him.

Eleazar couldn't think for the life of him why Fina had signed up for the program.

It was a contest of pure strength, and it was also clear from the soft force with which she used to hit herself, where she had any explosive power.

In the end, she lost to Supergirl by a significant margin.

Losing the match, Fina's face grimaced on the spot, and she swept a hard glance out into the arena, where Eleazar, who was applauding, froze her hands on the spot.
