
Chapter 29

One of the men came close instead, concern written all over his young face. “What of King Tylele? Did he make it?”

“Yes,” Solna replied. “He is very ill though.” He thought about it for a minute. “Please spread it around to the rest of your unit. Having you all ask me that question could get tiring too quickly.”

The guard nodded. “Of course, Sire. I’m pleased to do so.”

Solna sent him off with a glance.

Lanaut was his next stop, but he needn’t have worried. She sternly informed that he was daft to even ask if his guards could find a place to camp on her farm. Of course they could. Ida would love Lanaut’s no-nonsense demeanor.

That taken care of, Solna went back to Vius. Tomorrow. That’s how long he had to wait until Vius was with him again. Too long. He went about the rest of the day with impatience dogging his every step and slept fitfully under Vius’ slight weight.