
Chapter 23

His pallor was turning back to its creamy alabaster in increments. An encouraging sign to be sure, but why hadn’t he woken up yet? The long black hair was tangled badly and covered his arm like a tattered lace curtain. Solna wished Vius’ dark eyes to open with every breath. His husband was warm, at least. Radiated heat like nothing Solna had encountered before.

On Solna walked. Twilight started to settle in and the creatures that hid in the forest grew steadily louder with each step. Solna was almost positive they were going in exactly the wrong direction. Damn it all, he wanted Vius awake. An Archmage would have countless ways of finding their way with the power they held.

A boisterous voice shot through the gathering dark. Solna froze. Another followed it, a deep laugh, so low it sounded like a bear’s growl. It came again, louder, off to his right. Surely their attackers wouldn’t be out in the open for anyone to find.