
Chapter 17

Once all eyes were on him, Solna stepped to the very edge of the dais. He noticed his little brother, Aerat, only a couple of winters younger than he, with his small family tucked against the far front right corner of the dais. Anrah, his niece, was paying more attention to the citizens that waited for Solna to speak than what Solna himself was up to. Good. She was most likely to kill him for what he was about to do.

It was time.

“My great citizens,” he started, hands raised to keep their attention on him, “I regret to inform you that I am abdicating my throne.”

A roar of denial went through the hall, people instantly back on their feet. Solna smiled though. He loved his people.

Again, it took a while for the noise to die away and Solna didn’t waste the silence once it settled. “I must. Osaire has no heir and I have many, so I leave this kingdom in the steady hands of my niece, Anrah.” He gave his niece a jovial salute, and then looked back to the citizens. “Enjoy the feast!”