
Chapter 8 Unconscious The Cure

*Lillian POV*

"Well Doc we start by looking at poisons."

" Poison??? what leads you there? I have not even told you what happened yet." Doc was getting truly frustrated with Lillian. He came here for answers and it seems all he was going to get from her was more questions he did not know he even had.

" Foresight remember" I said it with a rather sarcastic tone because this conversation was becoming daunting on my nerves. I had to remind myself to stay calm and talk this through with him because I needed his knowledge of medicine.

" Okay let me explain. I brought you down here because I have foreseen the involvement of a great number of the pack including some elders and the Beta. I have seen their involvement in the packs destruction, which has yet to take place. Snows death means the death to any who oppose Beta James. That prick of a man will drag our pack through the mud and destroy any and all good within our ranks.We needed to hide because that asshole James poisoned Snow with Dragon's Wart."

"Dragon's Wart ??? ..... Impossible..... That is only found in the dragon caves of the Gravienia Mountains ( Gruh-ven-e-a). There is no way anyone here could get their hands on that it was last seen in the world over 1000 years ago." he said in disbelief.

" You would be correct that it is rare and so leads our impossible challenge to find the unfindable cure."

I looked at Doc straight in the eyes with the intensity of a lion. I needed to make sure he knew how serious this was and we are running out of time.

"Okay, tell me what you know

and lets go from there" the doc said.

"Well I know that there are records kept from the time frame in which the last exposure to Dragon's Wart was once housed in the pack library but I found only two books when there used to be over 20 recounting that time. I have brought them here and have been scouring over them in hopes of finding something useful. At this time I only have a few entries that I found note worthy they are marked. I also know we are running very low in time and I believe Snow only has 17 hours before the damage from the poison is irreversible so we must make haste. Let me know what you think." I said as I handed over the books with the marked passages.


Doc and I have been staring at books for at least 5 hours.

"Its right here." Doc was pointing at a small section hand written in the margin of an old herb remedy book. Pictured on the page was a stunning white orchard that looked like a white fairy with drops of blood. It was called The Elf Star and it only grew in one place in the world, in the highest branches of The Guardian Of Shanuas Forest, that lay in the heart of the Great Elven City kept secret from the world except a select few and I am one of them. So I knew exactly where this plant was found and that it only bloomed every 1000 years under the Red Moon as the moon passes between Mars and earth giving it a rare red glow encircling it.

'When is the next Red Moon? I need to find out.' I thought to myself.

"Wait! Doc what is that bit there?" I asked pointing towards the margins of the page on the outer edge. Squiggly elegant lines that looked like words but none that I could recognise.

" I wasn't quite sure myself I think it's written in what appears to be Latin but it's not the words flow more smoothly and there are markings there I do not recognise. See the bit in the passage that talks about mixing with other plants." Doc was pointing to where the passage was.

" Yes, do you see that?" Lillian asked pointing at a picture of a plant hand drawn next to the words. " Do you think Yarrow is the blending agent we need? It makes sense, Yarrow buds are used by white witches in healing potions but also by dark witches as a very deadly poison. So we must be careful when preparing it. Do you happen to have knowledge of astronomy?" I asked while piecing together the puzzle that is saving Snows life.

Snow...the daughter I never had.

I have loved her as my own and I have tried to help her bare the burden that Alpha Black thrusted upon her the moment he took her virtue by force and every time he laid a hand on her since that day. She saw that innocent flame burning inside Snow get snuffed out by that evil man. She has been bidding her time just waiting for this exact moment when Snows power was unmatched by any here. What she did not suspect was the Betas reach for power but with the help of her foresight she was able to at least make haste with finding a cure as she unable to stop Snow from being poisoned. Though Lillian was so stricken with grief from this she fought harder to save her precious Snow.

Thinking back on her premonitions She realised there was a big gape of time she could not see and still more time in the coming hours.

" Doc..... can you tell me what happened when Snow was brought in. What exactly happened.?"

" Well, before some warriors brought her in unconscious, there was a link from her informing me of the fight between her and Alpha black and how she would be coming back to the pack house with a human and to make sure the pack knew not to harm him. But before they could arrive Snow linked me again to get prepared as the human had collapsed due to an unknown element on their journey and she was rushing him in." Doc said as he recalled what took place just mere hours ago.

Before Doc could inquire why she was asking she cut him off.

" HUMAN????"

"What Human???"

"Why was Snow with human??"

Lillian's mind was spiralling. She had not foreseen a Human on their lands. She could not foresee this human at all. She had never encountered anyone she could not foresee.

' Who was this man and why is he hidden from my sight?'

Doc then started to link his nurse checking on Snow and The strange man with her.

' Izzy how are our patients so far? What are their Vitals? Any changes in their conditions I should be aware of?'

'Doc, They are both still unconscious but the Human has had 3 seizures. I'm scared if he has any more that he will not be able to wake up. His BP is 175/113 and his heart rate is 97 bpm. He has a temp of 104.9 and rising I have placed him on a cooling saline drip to help regulate his body temperature. There is not much change with Snow, BP is 145/87. BPM is 136 and temp is 109 ( Which as a werewolf is normal to be around 108 to 115) .'

'Thanks Izz. I will be returning shortly will you ruin a blood scan on the human looking for any poison or high levels of minerals in his blood?' Doc asked before he ended the link.

"Lillian, I must be headed back to see to my patients. Can you handle finishing this antidote?"

"Of course I can."

" Great, link me once you have finished and we will get it to Snow before our deadline." Doc said as he made his way to the door in preparation to leave.

" Doc...." Lillian paused after calling to him.

" Please be careful out there we do not know who we can trust we must keep up the facade that Snow is as good as dead even though it will surely throw the pack into disarray."

" Thank you for your concern Lillian. I will link you if anything changes" He said before finally walking out of the room and back up the secret stairs and into her study. He Took a few calming breaths and made sure no one could find the hidden door before he made his way to the exit of the House of Elders.


Once Doc left the room she jumped into action for ahe was not sure how far she could trust Doc.

She grabbed a bowl and filled it with water, once the water stilled she called out " Lexi " and touched her right index finger to the waters surface rippling the mirrored image as it shifted and changed colors until she could see her dear old friend. Lexi had showed her how to scry long ago if she ever needed her.

Lexi had a few exotic traits. Lavender eyes, and her pointed ears poking through her short silver hair. She kept it short so it would not burn as she plied her trade in metal working which was rare for an elf to have an affinity towards the hard metals of the world as most elves had an affinity for the finer arts, music, and plants.

She was always different from the others and had opted for life deep in the uncharted territory away from those of her kind. Lexi had met Lillian at a hidden lake near her home.


Lillian had taken Snow on a picnic that day she wanted Snow as far away from the pack House as possible so she took her to the most beautiful lake hidden deep in the forest outside of pack territory. It was a days journey there so Lillian brought everything they would need to camp for a few days.

*That Morning*

Lillian had heard the screams of a child and she found Snow covered in blood with broken bones unable to move in Alpha Blacks bed. She had taken Snow under the guise of her being dead.The Alpha was a drunk he would not remember...

That day haunted Lillian She wished she was strong enough to stand up to the Alpha but she was weak minded until she found her Snow. She was a child of 6 when Black took her to his bed and tore her to shreds. He had left her as good as dead with her insides all battered. But , Lillian saved her and now here she was smiling and playing in the cold water of the lake. Children were resilient and there will to find happiness in the smallest of things even after traumatizing experiences was truly a miracle.

Lexi had stumbled upon them that day giving everyone quite a fright but after talking and falling head over heels for the adorable little pup Snow. Lexi had invited Lillian and Snow to stay with her. Snow grew and was able to block the memories of her trauma. But one day about 6 years later she got lost after getting separated from Lexi and Snow ended up stumbling back onto pack territory where an omega snatched her and took her before the Alpha.

Back to the Scrying Bowl with Lillian

" Lillian what's wrong I felt something awful in my gut. Is our Snow okay?"

" Lex, we have a big problem here. Snow killed Black but James poisoned her with Dragon's Wart. I have all I need to make a cure but for one thing... Elf Star harvested on a blood moon...." Lillian said hope dripping from her words.

"Wow! Okay..... okay.. let me think. The Blood Moon was 3 years ago and if I remember right I had read long ago about the healing properties of Elf Star orchid when harvested on a blood moon." at this point Lexi began to rummage through some of her belonging in the background.

" Here!!!! Its Here!!! I knew I harvested some. Okay how long do I have to get it to you?" She asked Lillian.

" I need it Now! I can hear fighting outside I think something is wrong. Is there anyway you can transport it to me here in my underground lab?"

" Yes I believe so let me sign off here so that I can work the proper magic. you should have it in 5 minutes." She said as she prepared her spell.

" Oh and Lillian, ..... Keep our girl safe." was the last thing she said before the image cleared and the water stilled.

Before long a bright white light appears before Lillian and the air crackled and popped with the displacement of an item from one area of the world to another. Soon the light clears and Lillian can see a glass jar with the Elf Star in front of her. She grabbed it and added it to the mortar and pestle with the mixing agent Yarrow. After mixing in a counter clockwise direction for 3 minutes she added it to the rest of the healing potion and waited for its smoke to turn purple to know it was done.

'Doc I HAVE IT!!!! It's READY'

**Third Person POV**

Before Docs hand could grasp the door knob to leave he heard a low growl from the other side of the door. He was quick to move out of the way of the door but before he could make for an exit hands had captured his feet. He felt the Nails elongate and enter his skin hitting the bones of his ankle before he could escape. He howled in pain filled with fear and determination to save his Alpha.

Nearby Warriors had heard a howl of pain and were on their way to the source. Rounding the corner leading to the House of Elders they all froze looking onto the scene unfolding before their eyes. Beta James had the pack doctor on the ground covered in blood. They were thrashing back and forth before the Beta finally sees the warriors and commands them to take the Doctor into custody. But none of them Moved. The doctor had saved all of their lives and the lives of their loved ones. He had birthed many of their children over the years and to act against him was not something they were ready to jump into to action for.

" DO YOU NOT HEAR ME?" The Beta Shouted at his men.

" TAKE HIM TO THE DUNGEONS NOW!" He was seething with anger at the sight of his men ignoring his commands.

Doc was struggling to breath as James squeezed his hands tighter around his neck cutting off his air flow. Doc had one option and that was to shift but being this close to James it will likely injure not just James but also Doc.But Doc had no other choice. The cracking of joints and the breaking of bones were heard by those in the proximity of the fighting and James finally let go of Doc allowing him to breath as he stopped his shifting form keeping his posture in one of alertness.

" There is no need for violence here. I am charged with the saving of our Alpha. Snow is gravely ill and I must Head back to save her. Please allow me to do my job and save your Alpha." Doc was speaking to the warriors hoping one of them would see the truth of the matter and let him go.

" That man that you all seem so keen on saving is the reason that your Alpha is dead."

Whimpers of pain was heard from the warriors. To them Alpha Black was a good leader and has kept them safe all these years it pained them that he was dead. Without fully understanding the events of the night the Warriors submitted to their Beta as he was their commanding officer and The Highest Ranking member of the pack at the moment.

" Take Him into custody Now" James spit at them like they were the most disgusting creatures alive. His Voice boomed with authority making all present bow before him.

At this point the scuffle had caused quite a scene for Elders and pack members alike had surrounded them. As the warriors took hold of the Doctor one of the Elders stepped forward.

" cough cough "

" If I may Sir?" Phil asked the Beta. He was tall for a wolf and had shirt brown hair speckled with silver. He was the leader of the Elders.

"There seems to be some confusion over who the Alpha is and as it stands my job to appoint that very authority I will have you take me and the Doctor to the hospital to see the condition of our Alpha."

It was a simple request to those bystanders but to James it was an inconvenience and a major set back that had his mind reeling all over again. Phil left James with very little wiggle room and had no other choice but to comply.

" Fine!" James Huffed.

" Bring them both" he ordered as he made his way to the Hospital.


' Doc I HAVE IT!!!! Its READY' Lillian linked Doc and said.

' James has taken over he was going to kill me why, I do not know. But, Phil stepped in and now James is taking us to Snow I do not know what he will do once Phil sees her at deaths door. Can you beat us there and give it to her?'

'I understand' was all she said before she ended the link. She took the cure and hide it in her bra before she made her way to the tunnels that lead from the House of Elders to the pack House and the hospital. She knew she was short on time and with the tunnels she could cut the time it would take to get there in half. Plus no one else knew that the tunnels were even here. With her wolf sight she would not need the light of a lantern. She set off in a run using all of her wolf strength to carry her to her destination. Lillian found the latch to the door that lead to the hospital basement and as quietly as she could she entered hoping to stay out of sight and she was successful. She found Snows room and entered undetected.

Seeing Snow like this pained her heart. Snow was so pale and hair was turning white she did not have long. Lillian took the dropper from the bottle and parted Snows lips placing three drops in her mouth. Through the closed door she heard Docs voice.

" She is in here." Doc said to Phil before he stepped up to the door to open it.

Lillian had no other choice but to stay so she sat down in the visiting chair next to Snow and began knitting to make things appear normal.

When the door opened Snow could be seen with tubes hooked up to her. She looked so fragile laying there. The steady beep of the machine let them know that her heart was still strong.

" Well what do we have here?" James said voice seething with anger.

" Lillian? I did not expect to find you here." It was Phil who spoke this time.

" I have raised Snow as though she were my very own blood. Where else would I be?" she said looking back down to her knitting, appearing as though she had been there all day.

" Something is OFF here and I will not rest until I get to the bottom of it." James said as he motioned for the warriors but was cut off by Phil

" Doc tell me what is wrong with our Alpha Snow and if she has any chance of waking up."

"Of Course Phil, we believe she was poisoned but we have no clues as to what type of poison" Doc said withholding the truth until they can figure out how to handle James with minimum casualties. " We have tried multiple remedies and I need to do a blood culture to check her progress. If you would be so kind as to allow me to do my job."

" Yes by all means Beta lets allow the Doctor to do his job to save our Alpha." Phil turned and was looking directly at James.

James felt everyone in this room was against him so he linked the warriors and had then restrain Lillian, Doc, and Phil. The warriors took hold of them and before they could be taken to the dungeons, Phil spoke up addressing the Beta and all present.

"Please Beta" He said bowing his head in submission .

"Please allow the Doctor to keep working on his patients there are others here who need him now. Please I will not fight against you amd I will offer the support of the elders to find the answers you seek. If it is making sure the right person is in charge then you have my full support. But please don't let the members of this pack suffer for things we do not yet know. " Phil said anything he could to help keep James calm for he could see his eyes changing color meaning he was very close to losing control to his Wolf.

James heaved a heavy sigh agreeing with Phil that the doctor was needed and it was not wise to imprison him with out evidence of wrong doing.

" Let the Doc go he has patients to care for. as for the others take them to the dungeons. I am the Alpha now and anyone who questions that or questions me will join them in the dungeons.... do you understand?"

"Yes Alpha!" the warriors yelled as they carted off the prisoners to their dungeon.

Doc was still bowed when James shooed him away. Doc shuffled down the hall and once out of sight he ran to Snows' room only to find warriors outside both Michael and Snows rooms. Doc started towards Snows door but the door to Michaels room was flung opened as the Gamma came striding out covered in blood. Doc changes direction and approached Michaels door.

" No one enters without clearance from the Alpha." one of the warriors stated while barring the entrance.

" This is a Hospital and I am a Doctor if any see fit to stand in my way of doing my job I will report them to our Alpha immediately since I was just sent by him no doubt to fix what the Gamma has done." Doc said while showing his disgust for what he was sure just took place not minutes ago.

"Fine. You shall enter." the warrior had said as he stepped out of the way.

There was blood everywhere. Michael was still unconscious but there was power radiating off of him. He is a witch... That was all Doc needed to know to wake him up. After to train up his various cuts and bruises inflicted by the Gamma. He took out a potion given to him long ago by a white witch who told him he would know when to use it and he did. He poured the potion into Michaels mouth hoping that this will work when the machines next door alerted him to Snows Heart stopping.Doc made haste over to the next room. This time none of the warriors stood in hus way. He closed the door once he saw her eyes flutter with motion.

"Ah, your awake thank the Goddess. We were all so worried. Here let me turn the lights off to help your eyes adjust."

Doc wanted to share with her all that was happening but with the warriors just outside the door he could not chance it. He kept looking back at the door just waiting for the Beta to burst through knowing one of the warriors must have alerted him by now. But again he had to be careful with what he said.

"There that's better isn't it. You gave us all quite a fright. We have been working around the clock to find out what happened. Patrols have stepped up running round the clock. The human you had with you is still unconscious in the next room. I found some various berries and mushrooms on his person but none that would cause harm. I am sorry to say this Alpha but I have no idea what is wrong with him or you for that matter." Doc said while staring at the ground because he knew if she could see his eyes she would see only lies there. He wanted so badly to warn her but he was cornered and could not say anything that would rise the suspension of those listening.

" I understand Doc, Um..can you help me up I am still rather weak and I need to take care of a few things. "

Doc rushed to her side and gave her a helping hand making sure to look away when the hospital gown left her exposed.

She stood and made her way to the door not hearing Doc as he tried to stop her. Right after she left him standing in the now empty room Beta James enters looking wild his eyes were almost all black and his body was slick with sweat holding a dagger in his hand. He charged at the Doc only to stop when he saw the empty hospital bed where Snow should have been. James walked out leaving Doc shivering with fear as he knew he was as good as dead once the Beta realized the poison did not kill her.

James thrust open the door to the next room finding not just a fully alive Snow but a human who was still breathing which was impossible since he sent the Gamma here to end his miserable existence.

There is some Heavy abuse and **** within this chapter please use your better judgement when reading. Thank you all my Lovlies. This is a much larger Chapter but it encompasses alot.

Stephanie_Miller_3582creators' thoughts