
Chapter 4 White Wolf

All was silent when a small snarl grabbed the attention of all those present. The black wolf turned its back on Michael as it looked at one of the four that stepped away from the pack.

A white wolf, that Michael had not been able to see against the snow covered forest, came out from behind the others. It approached him and as it neared the fire Michael could see its eyes. They were a shocking turquoise blue standing out brightly against its snow white fur. It looked as if the Alpha black wolf would rip the white wolfs throat out. The Alpha lunged for an attack but the white wolf jumped in the last second landing between Michael and the other wolves. Michael's hand that was not on the hilt of his knife that was in his pocket. He felt the familiar but unnatural warmth of the crystal he found back when the blast of magic threw him through the alley. The wolves were now fighting fiercely back and forth. Where the Alpha looks to have the advantage the White Wolf would create an opening to advance on the Alpha. This went on for what felt like an eternity to Michael. He was not sure what was going on in front of him. 'For some unknown reason this white wolf seemingly protecting me, at least that is what I hope is happening because the alternative was that there was a civil dispute amongst the ranks and soon those wolves attention would be back on me. Which means I either use this distraction to get away or I trust that this mysterious white wolf is trying to protect me.' He was so lost in thought that he did not sense the Wolf that had snuck up behind him and was now fast approaching. In a panic Michael hand grasped the crystal in his pocket. Warmth spread through his entire body and he heard a buzzing in his head. Soon the buzzing calmed and he could hear a voice.

The Alpha attacked again but this time the white wolf pushed him back farther away from Michael. He went to stand to flee from the approaching wolf, when a voice grew loud in his head.

"Do Not Move." it was a female voice.

Michael stayed perfectly still when suddenly the White Wolf ran towards the Alpha at such a speed and jumped off him pushing him back into the pack. The white wolf flew the air coming straight at Michael.

"DO NOT MOVE" the voice screamed

Sailing right over his left shoulder the white wolf landed on top of the Wolf coming up behind him. It landed with a sickly crunch as it cried out in agony before crumbling to the ground in a dead heap.

' Who was that', Michael thought. He did not make a sound for fear of drawing the attention of those wolves that surrounded him.

"It was me," the white wolf turned its head slightly making eye contact with Michael.

" Now if you would please stay as still as a dead mouse so that I can get rid of these assholes."

'What the hell is happening, did that white wolf just talk to me? I need to get out of here and fast'

"I said Stay Quiet! The more you move the more problems you cause. Alpha Black will see any movement from you as an advance. So please be a good boy and just stay where you are. By the way my name is Snow if you please. I so much prefer it to "that white wolf". I can hear your thoughts since you were wondering."

'Wow' was all that came to Michael's mind as he saw the Alpha lunge again and Snow narrowly avoided his bite as she clamped down hard on his throat.

The Alpha Howled in pain so powerful it echoed through the trees as on eerie quiet fell over the forest.

All the wolves in attendence became deathly silent.

'Snow did you just kill your Alpha?' Michael dared not move so he was hoping she could still hear his thoughts.

'Yes' was her only response as she walked over and placed the alphas body at Michaels feet.

Michael was not sure what was happening he was always good with animals but he never really studied them so their inner workings were a bit unfamiliar to him.

'What happens now? Should I run? What should I do?' Michael was frozen in place with uncertainty.

Their Alpha was being beaten in one on one challenge meaning Snow was now the new Alpha.

'Bow to me but not too low. I am pledging myself and this pack to your service. There is a power in you unlike any I have encountered in my 560 sum years on this plane of existence.'

'I am nothing special Snow, There is one I seek that is far more special than I. When I find her I hope to protect and guide her but I am not certain what drives me to this quest but it's not worth you or the others risking their lives for me. I am certain this path is filled with dangers that I could never promise to protect any that follow me. I'm not even sure what just happened.' Michael was at a loss confusion written all over his face.

' Dear, look at me' Snow said as she walked closer to him and focused one of her turquoise eyes on his looking straight into his soul. She then took 3 steps back before her face contorted in pain as she fell to the ground. Popping and cracking sounds came from her disfigured form as she thrashed on the ground. Slowing her form changed and she stood to her two feet as an extremely beautiful woman with long white hair just past her breast which were left erect as the winter nights air caressed her exposed body.