
Chapter 3 Deep in the Forest


Deep in the forest stretching from the northern hemisphere to the far reaches of the southern part of the continent.

Most witches were your average everyday person with no special "gifts" . But, hidden through almost every culture were powerful "gifted" beings like him. Michael had encountered many of these people and many were good hearted souls only wanting to help their fellow man by using white magic. However, there was a group that were pure evil practicing a very old and dark magic. He had stumbled upon this group once back in Britain during his early 20's. Though pure luck and good timing were the only reason he is still breathing after that brief but violent encounter. As much as he would like to avoid any conflict, there was no way now. For some strange reason he was connected to the shift in power from dark to light because of his growing connection to this unknown woman.

He had found out at a very young age that he had powers beyond the basic healing, telekinesis, foresight, physic abilities, and elemental powers. By his family being mostly of the gypsy origin. they taught him to never reveal he had abilities above the mastery of one power. Though he was a master of many and still learning to control others that made themselves known to him a little over three months ago.

He could feel it all around him. Nature grew more vibrant and animals were acting without fear. This is new to Micheal, he saw changes like this all over as he traveled. He could see the elements had a newfound power in them allowing them to act in extremes. Michael saw a fire, started by lightning, moving over the waves of a dancing river. This was strange and wonderful he was blessed to be able to bear witness to the elements charged adventures. The animals were all acting strange as well. Along his journey as he walked through the dense undergrowth of an ancient forest with trees many of thousands of years old. There was an intense aura surrounding entire forest projecting a foreboding warning to all who came to close. Though upon his approach like the last time he visited this part of the land he was not at all affected by the strong aura. Since entering the forest seemed to almost cater to him. When he found he was thirsty fresh water would be around the next corner. Hunger was abated by various kinds of berries and mushrooms he found along the lush undergrowth.

Not long after the sun began to set, his achy muscles were needing as rest and he needed to find somewhere to camp for the night. It was best to find a spot that is easily protected from not only the elements but also to predators that came out at night. In a forest as old as this one magic was leaking from the roots of the very trees themselves. Magic hung heavy in the air here and was seeping into plant and animal life alike.

Just as his legs were about to give out he found a fallen tree. The trunk was larger than an average size home. It had been hallowed out and was covered in a soft lime green moss. He checked to make sure not to disturb any wildlife and once satisfied he started to make camp for the night. Traveling by foot it was best to travel light so he had the bare essentials. A small tent that doubled as a weatherproof coat and could also be used as a bag for the small items of use he had including the crystal he found two weeks ago..

As the light of the sun began to fade shadows began to stretch out towards him making him unconsciously shiver. There was an uncomfortable chill that invaded the air like a blanket laying over the forest. With this Michael built a fire to help abate to chilling air. After walking for soo long his clothes were soaked with the melting snow from the days heat. Now as the temperature drops his clothes are becoming stiff as they freeze. If he is to survive for the night he will need dry clothes and a hot meal.

He took a small metal pot from his belongings and placed it on some smoldering coals he had pulled to the side and began to melt some fresh snow that began falling right after the fire took off. He added some mushrooms he had procured earlier with some salt. He was never without salt it is something at every witch uses and it has almost unlimited capabilities it was a versatile mineral. He always carried it for it protection abilities, and here in this dark menacing part of the woods he was in, he decided to place a salt circle of protection around his site.

After eating he pulled a log close to the fire and sat sucking in the warmth of the blaze while snow fell heavily on to the area. He sat in silence listening to the crackling of wet wood as it burned. There was an eerie silence when movement caught his eye, his hand moved to the hilt of his knife at his belt.

Looking up there was a pack of wolves surrounding the campsite. Four steeped out of the shadows of the trees and began to slowly walk into the light cast by the fire. A huge black wolf stepped forward, away from the other three, and sniffed the air between us. 'I think he might be the alpha of the pack' the way they All looked worriedly on as he stepped closer to me. Looking back and forth between us the wolves expressions changed from worried to a protective stare that promised death if I should move the wrong way....