
Wipe Out

All humans come from a kingdom in another dimension to earth but that memory gets wiped out. But what if there were some humans that remember their glorious life in that world while living among the human kind. What will that create?

victory_amaraegbu · ファンタジー
1 Chs

The Hunt for my Kind....

It starts out in a clam neighborhood. The camera goes through into a regular house. Inside of a room a young teenager lies on the floor with blood allover him.

He wakes up in shock! Looking every where unaware of the situation...

Suddenly a group of soldiers break into his house and run up to his room, bursting through the door, finding it empty. when they look towards the window the young adult has hopped on the a motorbike with a traditional samurai young looking boy.

They quickly ride away...

"Quickly! contact unit 2!"

They ride through the city...

"Who are you?!

"A friend of your friend...

"What do you want?!

"To keep my promise..

"Promise!...WHAT promise?!

"Lets get this straight...I'm not doing this for you..

"What are you talking about?!

"Shut up! and focus! We're not safe yet! They're still on our ass!

After reaching another part of the city they come across a road block a head of them with a lot of soldiers waiting for them.


They aim...

"Hold on!

draws his katana sword out, while he grabs his waist and does a sonic slash that cuts through reality and opens a gate as they drive into it to another destination.

They park at a near by clam area while they walk through some trees and grass

"Who are you?

Tobi: My name is Tobi

"I see..

"Why are you helping me?

"What's going on?

"Why are the Task force looking for me?

Tobi: They're not just after you, they're after every one like you...


Tobi: I'm apart of an organization that recruits specials kinds of people?

They're walking as they talk

"Which organization?

Tobi: Wipe Out

"I've never heard of it?

Tobi: That's because they don't want people to know?

"What's going on?

Tobi: every thing will be clear over time, but for now I have to get you to your friend as promised...


Tobi stops and looks back with a calming stare

Tobi: The one that brought you hope...

He's eyes open wide...

Once they make it to a spot where a small house it, two people wait near the house as they walk towards them...

"So this was the guy you were talking about, eh

"Who are these guys?

"He doesn't seem like much?

Tobi: These are agents of the organization.

Tobi: they're here to take us to our destination

"I hope he's worth it?

"What does he mean by that?

Tobi: (Sigh)

Tobi: We'll soon find out

The two agents touch they're shoulder and teleport away


It all started from a text.

The young adult walks through the streets of the city with his phone in his hand.

[ How's every thing Fee]

Alex: [ Just finished work, what's up? ]

[ Just wanted to know if you still are having those memories again? ]

Alex: [Yeah, I still am.]

Alex:[ it seems to be getting more clear, after I did some meditation ]

[ That's good! keep at it.]

[ As you keep going every thing will be clear and you'll remember who you truly are ]

Alex: [ Every time I keep seeing myself fighting people, like I'm a warrior or something... Its driving me crazy! ]

[ Just keep it up. Don't fight it and you'll get the answers your looking for and when you do, call me and we talk in person ]

Alex: [ Oh! also things keep phasing out..]

[ Huh? what do you mean?]

Alex: [ Some times I black out and wake up some where else ]

[ Oh that! That's called the bond. ]

Alex: [ Bond? ]

[ Your body is adjusting to the new changes your mind is going through. It happens when there is to much input form the memories of your life in that dimension]

Alex: [ ohh! ok, so what do I do? ]

[ don't over do it, when you feel dizzy, take... a... rest. Or that will happen ]

Suddenly the camera starts to distort wildly and once it does, Alex gets hit by a buss.

It goes back to Alex, Tobi and the two agents in a car driving to an H.Q

Alex: And that's how it happened.

Tobi: I see...

Alex: I... died right?


"Things like that can't kill us"

Alex: Then what can?!

Tobi: (sigh) Things will become clear...

"When he wakes up...

Alex: Wake up?

"Just focus, every thing will become clear?


Tobi: Because its hard to explain, But it will be clear later...

Alex: (sigh) Where are we going?

"To the H.Q"

After some hours of driving, they arrive at they're destination


Inside they walk through the lobbies with a couple of scientist and agents walking around

Alex: WOW!

Tobi: You weren't expecting this, eh.

Alex: Yeah, its...big!

"Follow us there's something we need to show you"

Alex: ok?

They walk all the way to a laboratory and in side are a bunch of tubes with water inside of them.

Alex: Woah, what is this?

Tobi: Where it all begins...

Alex: What do you mean?

"Look at that..."

He points at a capsule tube with water and a body inside, as he looks more carefully He sees himself...

Alex: That's...!

Suddenly every thing starts to crumble, shake and phase violently...The camera starts to move left and right while Alex starts to crack like glass.

Then it goes black...

"What is going on?

"Why is every thing so dark?

"So much question...But so little answers

"Who am I?

"Why is this happening to me?

"What's wrong with me?

"I hear voices...

"Whose voices are these?

"How's every thing going?

"Quiet well, this one is special

"The test didn't even take long. He's brain is more stable despite the situation we're putting him through

"He's vitals are also more stable than the other test subjects...

"that's good, we need to hurry up and report to the higher ups.

"We need to know why people like him still remember they're past life from the Kingdom dimension"

"But when do we pull him out, sir?

"When he's body has adjusted to the bond and gained all his powers from that life"

"yes sir"

"Hurry, the faster we do this the better we can get paid and the better he gets to save the world"

"Understood sir.

"Talk to him"

"Yes sir"


"Huh?! Whose there?!

"Alex, I'm Your Ally. I want to help you make it through this...

"Your going to have to trust me

"How can I? I don't know who you are!

"You want answers, I have them but your going to need to survive"

"Survive!? Survive what?

"If you want answers then you'll need to trust me and hold on"

"why should I trust you?

"Do you want your answers or not?

"I do!

"Then survive"


"ok, I will"


Suddenly a bright light starts to appear, it grows till it over takes the darkness