
Chapter Twenty Two


In the weeks that followed, I was forced to stay in bed and allow my ankle to heal. I did break the damn thing in two.

Mariam and I were friends again. The witch kept her distance and I was very grateful.

She thought I killed the men in the woods. They had been wolves before the boy killed them but I didn't tell anyone but Mariam about him.

He was my secret. My prince.

Six weeks after I snapped my ankle, I convinced Mariam to take me out and she did.

Fortunately, the witch wasn't around to deny me from leaving the house. She could be a bitch sometimes.

I took Mariam to the woods and she sat on a tree log, watching me as I walked to the bank of the frozen lake.

Winter had been merciless that year.

"I'm here," I whispered, wringing my gloved hands together. I hoped the boy would hear me.

I had wanted to come. From the moment I had left, I had wanted to come right back.