
Winter Black

Just a Harry Potter fanfic. The Mc is born as a black and will rise house black to its full glory. Won’t be reading the comments sorry, but do I care not. Hope you like it read if you want or don’t your time. Ohh almost forgot something will belong to other authors like J.K Rowling Ps. This is a boy not a girl I pretty sure the name winter is a boy or girl. For the last time winter is a BOY.

LunarWolf121 · 書籍·文学
13 Chs


After leaving Flourish and Blotts I started to think of anything I might need. While I'm here I almost never go out unless doing business in the muggle and wizard world.

(Flash back)

Winter pov

"Mom, can I have some money I want to invest in some businesses." I asked my mother who looked at me suspiciously. "Ok I'll give you the money, but in turn you will have to give mommy a kiss." I kissed her on the cheek and took the money. Leaving the island I went to gringotts to turn the gold galleons into pounds.

The total amount of money I got was 50,000 pounds. My first goal was to invest in future big companies. For example Apple, Microsoft, Nike, etc. I wanted at least ten percent of all those. I'm the future you might think I'm crazy in the future ten percent of Apple is 95 billion dollars. If you add the companies I'll have trillions of dollars.

Though I doubt I'll ever need that much money. The only thing that might be fun is swimming in the money. That might actually be fun hahahahahahaha. Well back to business the other thing I want is to have my own business. Do I know how to run a business hell no.

Though with all the people in novels and fanfic doing it. This should be easy as pie for me. So let's go get started with my new company. Wait, I don't know what to make a company for damn.

I remember my grandfather saying if you don't know what to do, flip a coin. Reaching into my pocket and heading science and technology, while I have entertainment and social media. Flipping a coin in the air it started spinning until I caught it in my palm.

This will decide what type of business I will be doing in the future. I slowly opened my hand to see what it was. It shocked me a little, but I will still like doing this. The coin landed on tails I know right what a shock. I was certain this would be fun to do instead of all that technology and science. I always hated math and science in school. To me they were the embodiment of hell.

Why in hell's name would I need to know how to find the surface area of a sphere. Then you have science. Do I really need to know what every element on the periodic table is? Man did I want to kill my teacher when he said you have to write a twenty page essay on the elements. That demon probably got his off making people suffer.

Now let's stop talking about my horrible school life. So what should I think? I should publish Percy Jackson since it was the best until Harry Potter came out. I will make it a movie a year after I release book two. So I could earn money from books and movies.

It's time to publish some superhero movies from DC. The name of the company should be Ice inc. What a nice name I really love how it sounds. Winter ice never mind we will be changing the name. I don't want to people saying winter ice it just sounds stupid.

First thing to do is get a company main branch. I don't want it to be shot down like the twin towers so I'll make it in a dome type shape. Not like the pentagon, it was an actual pentagon. I will have to find a secretary. Every good business man needs a hot and smart secretary.

Best to use a different name since I'm under age. What about Lyon Asura Fallen. The logo will be a pair of black wings like a fallen angel. I will need to research how to make clones in the future. They will help a lot. Leaving a bank in London we're I stored my money. I had a completely different appearance.

Why would you be a metamorphmagus if you don't use the power? I looked around to find a place we're I could use gate. I was a nifty spell I made. If you doubt know what gate is I'll explain. It basically opens a door between two separate spaces connected allowing the user to travel between them.

A lot better than apparition where your insides are turned inside out. I want to try to recreate many different abilities, techniques, and Justus from anime. I was planning on using the fourth hokage flying thunder god technique with runes. Unlike gat you could instantly teleport to where you put your maker. Through the gate all you have to do is be there. With flying thunder god you only can go places your markers are. Still flying thunder god is good for combat unlike gate unless you can instantly cast gate in seconds.

I look up to see two hooded males harassing a female. Damn what a cliche sees a hero who wants to go save her. To bad I'm not that type of person I'll let a dumb person goo do it. Walking away I could hear the screams of the woman behind me. Damn I am really starting to hate my conscience.

I ran and punched the first guy in the gut while I kicked the other in the nose. I did not stop my physical training. I don't work out like crazy, but I have the physique of an Olympic athlete. It certainly helps to have mana with you to heal your wounds faster.

"So miss, I think my work here is done." I walked away from the woman and the knocked out hoodlums. "Please don't go, I can't walk and they might wake up before I can go." The woman said damn that conscience of mine. I picked her up in a princess carry and started walking to the police station.

"What is your name? I didn't expect someone from Korea to be here in London." I forgot I was in my form of when I would look like when I was an adult. "My name is Lyon Fallen, my mother is from China and my father is from Britain." I wondered why I was saying all of this to a complete stranger. "Thank you Lyon for saving me. My name is Olivia Husk." Olivia said I wonder if it's because she is pretty.

She had long blond hair with hazel eyes. She could be a model in the future with her figure. "So Olivia, what do you do for a living?" I asked, trying to bring up conversation. "I'm a secretary though no one is firing me since I only just came out of college, and not a lot of people are hiring females." I forgot this isn't 2020 anymore. There is still an extreme level of racism and sexism. "Good thing I'm looking for a secretary." I told her who looked shocked. Probably because most people don't hire women.

"I'll give you my business card. The building won't be done for a year or so. Though I'm looking for employees." I said what she started to think. "I will think about it." Olivia said, which I just smiled.

My eyes changed into golden eyes. I used legilimency on her to find out what she was like. When my eyes turn into the eyes of the wampus. It boosted my legilimency up a level. I already mastered legilimency because of a certain professor and head master. This makes me a grandmaster in legilimency.

Once inside her mind I was able to find out that she was a gray person. She was good but not overly good. She wouldn't care if her enemy died. The perfect secretary to have.

After dropping Olivia off and exchanging contact information I left. My business will really start to kick off. First though, since I have a year I will publish some books. That way by the time the main branch is ready I will be able to create some movies right away.

Flashback end