
Winter Black

Just a Harry Potter fanfic. The Mc is born as a black and will rise house black to its full glory. Won’t be reading the comments sorry, but do I care not. Hope you like it read if you want or don’t your time. Ohh almost forgot something will belong to other authors like J.K Rowling Ps. This is a boy not a girl I pretty sure the name winter is a boy or girl. For the last time winter is a BOY.

LunarWolf121 · 書籍·文学
13 Chs

Creating a battle scarf

Winter POV

"Kreacher I need you." I called the old house elf. Suddenly a pop came than I saw Kreacher right in front of me. "I want you to bring me the locket my father told you to guard." Kreacher lost hesitant but still complied with my wishes.

"Here you go young master." Kreacher handed me an old locket that had a radiant death energy from it. I first brought the locket down outside. That cast fiendfyre which started to burn the surrounding area. Luckily I can control the spell to some extent. Though I'm far away from adding abilities like checking if a person is loyal.

The locket slowly burned in the fire. I just watched as it slowly burned with a smile on my face. I would have to find a way to extract the soul out if I want to keep the object. I want to keep the Ravenclaw demia. The resurrection stone wouldn't be that bad either.

Putting out the flame I saw a crying Kreacher in the corner. I guess it's because his last master wish has been completed. Walking out of the black family house I opened a gate to my room. I wanted to play with Nyx and Hope. I walk in to see them both sleeping together. I really want a modern phone to take a ton of pictures. They are just that cute. I would have to wait until Apple makes them.

I take a long bath in a nice big japanese style bath. It looked like a bath house from old japan. It was large with enough room to swim inside. If anyone says that you are not supposed to take a bath because you are too old. Then that person is an idiot that has had the honor of having a good bath.

After taking a deep bath I came out of the bath and went to bed. When I got in bed I remembered how boring it was before tvs and phones. So I pulled out a book from the bookshelf and started to read until I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and had a hearty breakfast. I had about two years and some months until I had to go to school. The only thing left for me to do was finish my scarf and make contact with a spirit. That would increase my power to the level of a master.

It's time for the grind of the day. I got to the forge and gathered all the materials needed to build my scarf. Hammering and hammering the dragon scales til they turn into dust. Then combining them with my tears. To create a paste with a great hardness. That combined it with the extremely rare Acromantula silk. They are extremely hard to find. I would have to steal more Acromantula from Hogwarts to get rich by selling their silk. I was only able to get six feet for a thousand gold galleons.

Combining the silk with the paste was harder than expected. I had to not damage either or all of this would be a waste. After combining both of them the silk from white changed to silver. Then adding a lot of different materials so that it adds a lot of effect. For example I added gilly weed. So when I would be able to breathe underwater I would have to manipulate it to change shape into a mask that covers my mouth and nose.

After adding the final ingredient I was ready to do the last step adding the runes. The runes were written in many different types. It ranged from Norse all the way to Latin runes. This way if one were trying to tamper with my scarf. The different style runes would take them days to years to figure out.

I also added a self summoning rune onto the scarf. I could just summon it back to myself hahahaha. I also want to fly, but I never knew how Voldemort flew since J.K Rowling never specifically said how he did it. So why not allow it to change forms like turning into a hoverboard. I added some anti gravity runes to make it float. Nxt is adding auto cleaning, defense, heat resistance, cold resistance, etc.

Finishing off the runes I looked at my finished product. It gave off a pressure that could kill a normal person. Like a beast ready to defend, but also attack at the same time. I added some more runes to hide it. I didn't really think it would give off this much pressure like being in front of a dragon staring at me. It must have been all the predator ingredients like the horn tail dragon scales.

After adding the hiding runes the pressure release. Know it looked like a regular black scarf. I changed it to match my clothes. Wiping the sweat off my head I go to test out my new creation. Going into my training room I place the scarf a distance away. I turned the scarf into a shield. Then I shot a severing charm at the shield.

It did little damage, only a small cut which immediately healed itself. I then used a series of curses to look at the damage. Next was the attack. I let puppets surround me and let the scarf do all the work. Soon all the puppets' heads were laying on the ground. I wouldn't be surprised if this could withstand a bomb doubt a nuke, but it could limit the damage.

With all that done it's time to check the fun stuff. I turn the scarf into a surfboard. I was riding the air man. It was fun though I almost fell a couple of times. It reminded me of when I used to surf on the beach. I don't know if a broom could go against this.

I would have to add a sticky charm onto my feet when I ride on the board. That way I don't fall off if I get hit which is unlikely since. I could just create a dome from the board and block attacks. With all of this done I went back to play with Hope and Nyx.


Here's the knee chapter for today. I will have another tomorrow if I can.

Don't get trapped in the past, and look towards the future. A nice quote I found on the web.