
Winter Black

Just a Harry Potter fanfic. The Mc is born as a black and will rise house black to its full glory. Won’t be reading the comments sorry, but do I care not. Hope you like it read if you want or don’t your time. Ohh almost forgot something will belong to other authors like J.K Rowling Ps. This is a boy not a girl I pretty sure the name winter is a boy or girl. For the last time winter is a BOY.

LunarWolf121 · 書籍·文学
13 Chs

Chapter 1

I was lying on the couch reading manga on my phone like I usually do when I am bored. Like any other day I could hear the sounds of cars going by. The sound of sirens on an ambulance the bustling of the city. You could hear the heavy rain coming down. The thunder in the sky. I wasn't really worried I was safe in my house.

Until it went silent nothing but boom boom boom boom. I didn't even have time to react as lightning came straight at me. In the blink of an eye the lightning already penetrated my body. I knew I was dead, there was no way I would have lived.

In front of me was a beautiful goddess that had unmatched beauty. "I guess I would really die if I met a goddess as beautiful as yourself." I bow down to her with as much manners I could have. "You don't have to bow to me." I hear a sweet angelic voiceI lift up my head. "So why did I come here? Is this where you are judged to go to heaven or hell." I asked her as I looked her straight into the eyes. "No, I will be sending you to the world of 19845 or better known as Harry Potter." I was happy that I didn't have to go to heaven or hell. Heaven should become boring really quick, and hell should be enternal torture no wanting to do that.

"Ok I will give you a gift since it's been a long time since I reincarnated a person into another world because of my mistake." The goddess said that I didn't miss that last part. Though what should be the point to argue I was already dead. A blue screen comes in front of me like those systems.

Appearance: what the person will look like in the next life

Bloodline: can choose the bloodline or create a new bloodline

Three wishes:a wish is you can get anything you desire

I chose the appearance of Sung Jin Woo. Since I mean why not just look at him. He has a great body and girls are all over him.

For a bloodline I merged the bloodline line of Veela, wampus, dragon, basilisk, and phoenix. I got the charm of a Veela blood. The natural legilimency of the wampus cat. The mana heart of a dragon for infinite mana. Eyes of a basilisk the ability to turn things to stone with a glance. Tears like a phoenix with the ability to heal any wounds.

For wishes I wanted to all speak that way I can read, speak, and write any language. My second wish will be cloth manipulation. I don't know if I could block the killing curse. So I will wear an enhanced scarf. It should be able to hold up. I read that a physical barrier could block it. For my last wish I wish I want a godly level of control over my mana.

"Know that you are finished, I will reincarnate you into the world. I hope you have a good time. We shouldn't see each other for a long time." The goddess said as my vision got darker and I finally saw nothing.


I was in a dark, soft, wet space. I could hear voices but couldn't see anything. It was like my eyes couldn't open at all. Soon I opened my eyes and it was bright. It was like being in a dark room for years to finally be brought into the light. I have no shame saying I cried like a baby.

"Congratulations Ms.black it's a boy." I stopped crying when I heard this. I looked up to see a beautiful woman. She had long black hair with deep green eyes like a forest. She had a happy smile that would make you love her at first sight. "I'll call you winter from your jewel blue eyes like snow." As she said this she kept the smile on her face.

The nurse took me away to let my mother speak who I know whose name is Lisa Black. That was the name of my new mother.