
Winter Black

Just a Harry Potter fanfic. The Mc is born as a black and will rise house black to its full glory. Won’t be reading the comments sorry, but do I care not. Hope you like it read if you want or don’t your time. Ohh almost forgot something will belong to other authors like J.K Rowling Ps. This is a boy not a girl I pretty sure the name winter is a boy or girl. For the last time winter is a BOY.

LunarWolf121 · 書籍·文学
13 Chs

12 Grimmauld Place

"It's about time you meet your ancestors. From your father side of the family." My mother said I guess she was talking about the portraits since most of house black is dead or in Azkaban.

If I wasn't around the black family would either be absorbed into house Potter or Malfoy. Though it is most likely Potter since Sirius would be released in the future. He might even become lord, but now he can't become lord since the previous heir son is still alive.

I will have to invite Andromeda and Nymphadora back into the family. "Mother, I will go see my other side of the family. I don't know how they will respond, so I will be going alone. Please don't try to come with. We both know house black probably has dark objects lying around every corner. The heir ring will protect me, but we don't know if your lord ring can protect you from all the dark spells since it's not the ring of the Black family." My mother sighed she knew I was right and couldn't say anything.

"Alright I will drop you off in front of the building. Though I know it's around grimmauld place I don't know the exact location. That is because of the Fidelius charm cast on it. Your father told me it was around a grimmauld place. So that if it ever changes heir or lordship I will still know the general location." I guess that's why she doesn't know that it's at 12 grimmauld place.

My mom opened a gate for us to walk through. Yes I taught my mother some of the spells I made. Though I keep some of the for myself. When I saw the old house it looked like the show though a little less dirty because I came here earlier.

As soon as I entered a old looking house elf came in font of me. "What are you doing in the ancient and noble house of black." Kreacher said which I still look at him. This was one of my for time I saw a house elf. Their is any house elf on the island. I'm pretty glad my ancestors blocked house elves from coming in.

They probably new how dangerous house elves were. "I am the heir of house black. The son of Regluas Black and Olivia Black née Ashwood." I told the old house who looked shocked at the mention of his old master. "Kreacher will show you to lady black." Kreacher said which I just follow the old house elf. Soon we came to a portrait of Walburga Black my grandmother.

"Hello grandmother I'm very disappointed in you." I said with a disappointed face that your parents give you when you did something wrong. "How dare you I don't know who you are, but you must be the son of Sirius to talk to me like that." Walburga said which I smiled.

"No I am the child of Regulus Black." I said which shocked her she must not have known about the marriage. "My son died long ago he didn't have children." Walburga said with conviction. "You must not have known your son he got married. Than he died for unknown reason which I'm thinking is because of the dark lord. Unknowingly before he died his wife Olivia Ashwood was pregnant with his child." I told Walburga who couldn't believe it.

"The reason I'm telling you is became of how you ruined your family. You are the reason of house black fall. You were the one to convince the blacks to join the dark lord. Know most of the black family is ethier left, dead, or in Azkaban. I bet you didn't know Voldemort real name is Tom Riddle. He is actually a half blood." I said breaking the whole world of Walburga.

"I'll talk to you later grandmother. I need to reactivate the wards on the house. I left towards the lord room where the ward stone was at. The black family was a sad sight. I would need to get some more house elves for the clean up. After activating the ward stone I went to find Kreacher. I want to find a certain locket.


Taking a week long break before I start writing year one. I plan on each year to be 10-20 chapters long. This was just the early life. I will be editing during this next week . Trying to fix the grammar and other mistakes I made.