
Windbreaker : Lunacy

Being reborn in Windbreaker was one thing, but at least I got some perks to back me up when it comes to facing off those big guys in the future. I'm so going to get steamrolled on. Whatever, I'm not going to be a coward like I previously was. I'll rush out into this world hoping for a better future.

InsanePole · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Tasteful Omurice

" You must be the change you wish to see in the world. " -Mahatma Gandhi


Miyamoto Musashi POV:

"Jeez, yesterday was rough," I rolled around my bed as I slowly touched my chest and stomach, which still ached. "Those guys could throw punches."

Placing one of my hands on the floor, I pushed myself up until I was standing, turning my attention to the clock that hung above the door leading to the kitchen. I frowned as it was still far too early to be waking up.


Why did I have to discipline my body to wake up at this time? I guess I have some time left to get ready before I head out with Fukushi. The idiot was always jumping and bouncing every single hour of the day. I just don't get how he has that much energy in him. He must have a big breakfast every morning, but he's so skinny. It's probably from all the coffee he drinks.

I swear, with the amount of coffee he drinks, he's practically funding the industry by himself. He's drinking at least fifty bottles of it a day. He's going to crash one of these days, that's for sure. I just hope I'm not around when he does, as he gets pretty aggressive when he's tired and groggy.

Grabbing some random clothes by me, I walked into the bathroom. I hated cold showers, and yet I always took them. It was natural for me; it made me feel at peace. A cold shower to me was like a warm shower to others. Maybe I had come to be used to the cold rather than the warmth. Either way, I never showered for long as it felt like a time-waster.

Leaving the shower, I dried myself before putting on my clothes. The shirt was nothing special, just something from Southpole. The jeans were from Berksha, and the shoes I planned on wearing were DC. I also had a hoodie somewhere, most likely a brown MMA elite hoodie that I recently thrifted from a nearby thrift store.

Sighing, I left my room and headed for the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of water, I took a sip before heading to my shoe rack. It contained a lot of beat-up shoes. I grabbed a pair of black DCs and put them on before heading out, as I just got pinged by Fukushi, a smile coming to my face as I stared down my stairs to see him jogging in place.

He smiled and waved at me, "Well, if it isn't Mister Fashion Icon." He chuckled at me as he took his headphones off. "Where are we headed for breakfast this time?"

Walking down the stairs, I couldn't help but laugh when he called me a fashion icon. "Probably going to run by Kotoha's," I nodded, remembering that she was known for her omurice. "I heard she cooks some good food."

Fukushi stared at me before raising his finger to his chin, "Hahh, you think she cooks good?" He questioned me, causing me to give him a small nod. "Well, I'll trust your words, Mush."

Turning to him, I gave him a smack on the back of his head. "I told you to stop calling me Mush, you dumbass." His body almost collapsed forward due to the hit, causing him to stumble with each step. "Seriously, where did you come up with that nickname?"

He grinned at me, "I made it up when I learned you hated mushy peas." He stuck his tongue out at me before running off. That idiot was always up to no good. It's been a while since I had mushed peas, so how can he still remember? That stupid idiot.

I started running after him. It wouldn't be so bad to get a morning run in as well. The town was nice, especially after what those guys at Furin have been doing recently. Real good stuff, so I'm not surprised at why Nirei liked them so much. He kept a notebook on every fighter, right? So does that mean he has one of me? I gotta find out what he thinks of me and learn everything from that notebook, as it has helped through rumors.

That means if people are fearful of me, which I doubt since I've got that idiot with me everywhere I go. Damn him, why do I have to enjoy his company? He's nothing but an energetic guy who seems to be my friend, although I'm glad he is my friend. He's helped me through every issue, no matter how big or small, and he always seems to have a solution to it.

"Hey, Miyamoto!" I slowed down as I saw an old man flagging me down. "Can you help me get to Kotoha's?"

Hearing him, I simply smiled as I crouched down and offered my back for him to climb. "Get ready for a fast ride, old man. I'll make sure to get you there in record pace." The second I felt him climb on, I raced off, feeling rocks get kicked up from under my feet with each step I took.

"Was it a left or straight ahead?" "It's five shops down, Miyamoto." Hearing the old man, I simply nodded as I kept running, only to see Fukushi had already arrived and was waving me down. I would've drop-kicked him if I didn't have an old man on my back. Damn that lucky idiot.

Sliding my feet to the side, I came to a rapid stop before the door of the shop. Lowering my back, I dropped off the man, who soon entered the shop. Turning to Fukushi, I tightened my fist before sending them into his ribs, causing him to tip over to one side. "Ack, why so hard, Mush."

Hearing him, I couldn't help but scoff at him as I left him behind and entered the shop. I turned my attention toward the main counter and saw Kotoha, the oh-so-great Omurice maker. We'll see about that. "We'll take two Omurice with some water." I raised two fingers as I walked over to a seat in the corner of the building.

Taking my seat, Fukushi soon followed, placing his phone on the table. "Ria is meant to be coming as well, but I doubt it." He gave a small shrug of his shoulder as I nodded. Ria was another one of our close friends and was the only girl in our group of four. Although we never really tried to fight her, her fighting skills were unbelievable, possessing the speed of a Peregrine Falcon and the power of an Elephant.

Each of her kicks was devastating, but for me, it was no issue, as it only fueled my lunacy in my fights with her. Fights that would turn clean alleyways into rubble of plastic and other items. Each fight with her was exhilarating, as my lunacy and pain sharer worked at maximum efficiency, giving me such harmony that each strike that landed on me only strengthened my fists, pounding into her stomach and head.

To think she had only joined us because I had beaten her five times in a row. What a pain. I stared back toward Fukushi as he enjoyed his time exploring the inside decoration of the cafe. I believe it was a cafe anyway, as it served coffee and tea, as well as all the cafe essentials.

"Man, when is she gonna get here?" I heard Fukushi impatiently tap the table as he looked toward the door every now and then, causing me to chuckle. He was impatient when it came to meeting with friends, a thing I liked about him, as it showed he actually cared about us.

Leaning back into the chair, I looked toward the ceiling as I waited for the meal to be delivered. Today was going to be the big day for deciding what schools we wanted to go to. Although I'm sure they'll most likely just follow me to the school I plan on going to, "Furin High."

Staring back down, I heard the door open behind me. "Oh, you're finally here, Ria!" Fukushi was jumping out of his seat and waving his hands around, causing a small smile to form on my face. Turning my head, I saw Ria, her blonde hair flowing in the wind, equipped with her usual scowl. A face that had scared many people who hung around her. She was pretty lonely, as the only people she hung out with were us.

I smiled toward Ria, causing her face to light up slightly as she returned a smile that showed off her fangs. "Sit with us, why don't you?" I moved up toward the left, giving space for her to sit down, as she nodded.

"Thanks, Musashi." She sat down as I leaned my back against the wall, allowing me to see both of them. "Why did Fukushi even call me here, though?" As she stared toward me, a soft smile took over her face. I simply shrugged, as I didn't know either. Fukushi was random with everything he did, making him pretty unpredictable in fights.

Fukushi stared at the ceiling, placing his fingers on his chin. "Hmm, no reason." I stared at him before sighing. What was I expecting? Of course, that was just like him to randomly invite people on an outing without any reason. "But do I need a reason to hang out with friends?" He tilted his head toward Ria, causing her to turn back to me before nodding.

This caused me to raise an eyebrow, but I didn't bother. "I guess not." She stared at Fukushi for a bit before leaning back into the chair and sighing, "This school choice is so annoying. I hate it."

"I guess it is. By the way, Fukushi," I turned toward him as I smiled, "I'm headed for Furin. I'm gonna get into as many fights as I can, then just go work at some random office job." This caused Fukushi to nod at me as he suddenly pulled out his phone and climbed out of his seat.

I stared at him as he walked off with the phone next to his ear, " Hm, wonder what he's up to? " I turned back towards Ria as she was staring at me now, " You need something? "

This had caused her to quickly turn her head away, " No, it's nothing. " Hearing her I simply just nodded as I stared back at where Kotoha was standing as she started to slowly finish prepping the dishes, " Where were you and Fukushi yesterday? "

Hearing her, I turned my attention back to her face before I gave her a strange smile if her face was anything to go off of. " We may have got into a fight. " I turned my face as I whistled as If I had done nothing wrong.

" you dumbass, why do you keep running into fights. " She gave me a small punch on my arm as I chuckled, " Stop laughing you idiot, it's not funny. "

" it kinda is, don't tell me you wanted to fight as well? " I stared at her moving my face to the point our noses had been practically touching, " If so you should've told me. " I gave her a small flick on the head causing her to recoil back.

She stared at me as her face was red like a tomato causing me to lean back and burst into laughter, " its not funny you idiot! " She kept hitting me in my stomach and arm which made me laugh even further as my ability had kicked in from the slight pain her punches were giving me.

I heard some plates be placed down on the table as I turned towards it, my mouth watering when I saw the Omurice. " Thanks for making it fast. " I gave her a slight bow as I moved the plate towards me.


Second chapter woohoo, just building up the world rn. If you have any tips, please give me some and I'll take it into account.

If you wanna see the characters appearances, check auxillary.