
Willow by The Lord

Willow Dean is forced to flee from the place she called home, boarding a train that will soon take her to a place she never knows exist. Thing seems to be different that its appearance, Willow finds herself trapped in a world of an unknown - a world where she doesn't belong to. Things get worse and turn twisted when she catches the Lord's attention.

MortalLearner · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Woadhill Orphanage

That morning the sunlight came creeping into Willow's bedroom window. The sky looked bright and clear. It seemed like it was going to be a good day for most of the people. Sunny day would usually bring fortune.

At the dining room of the orphanage, breakfast were served for the children. Young children sat on the rectangular table in the middle of the room while some older children sat on the round tables around the room. The head of sister who was also the head of the orphanage sat with the rest of the sisters at the front, occasionally supervising the children in the room.

One of the sisters had chosen to sat the round table with one of the group of older children. She leaned closer towards the girl that sat next to her and whispered, "What are you going to do today, Willow?"

Willow, who enjoyed her chicken sandwich, shrugged upon Sister Bella's question. "I'm not sure yet. Maybe going to the town hall to see what event they have in there…"

"That sounds like a good idea." Said sister Bella. "Maybe you should take Mabel with you."

Willow's eyes automatically searched for the person whose name just got mentioned. She found her sitting on the rectangular table with other children her age, staring at her food. The little girl held solemn expression. She seemed to be in her own world while her surroundings were full of chattering and crunching noise from children talking and eating.

Mabel only joined them few days ago. She found difficulty in adjusting herself in her new environment. Not that anyone would blame her. Unlike most of children in this orphanage who had no recollection of their parents and their previous life, Mabel held strong memory of her lovely parents and wonderful life she had with them.

"It is sad that her parents passed away so suddenly. She's the only one. No relatives." Informed Sister Bella.

"Don't we all have the same fate?" Remarked Willow. It was true. No one of the children there had any relatives. They were just themselves. Although they have built relationships with most of the people in the orphanage, they still longed for parents' love. Willow lifted her glass of milk and gulped it slowly. When she finished, she told sister Bella that she would try to approach Mabel to ask her to go with her to the town hall. "But I need you to ask Sister Anne for permission. I don't want to get trouble for taking young ones outside."

"Leave it with me. I'm sure sister Anne would love that for Mabel. She has been… worry for that child." Frowned Sister Bella.

"I'll do my best to help her settle in here." Willow gave an assuring smile to sister Bella who, for the past few years, had been nothing but a dear sister to Willow.

The sister returned the smile squeezed Willow's shoulder gently. "I'm glad to have you here with us. I can't imagine what it would be like once you leave this place. It would be very lonely."

Willow looked at sister Bella with sadness in her eyes. If there was someone that she would dearly miss, it would be sister Bella. The woman had been accompanying Willow throughout her journey here. She was the first one who taught her how to stand up against others and always believe in herself. Sister Bella was the one who always comforted Willow when she was sad. It was also her who encouraged her to step into outside world and live free. Willow had bonded with Sister Bella stronger than others.

The girl then surprised the woman by hugging her. Soon sister Bella returned the hug and embraced her favourite child in the orphanage.

"I will never forget you and your kindness, sister Bella. I will come back here for you to visit you. I promise." Tears threatened to come out but Willow fought it back. She did not want to appear sad now. She still had a few months to spend here.

When Sister Bella pulled away from Willow's embrace, the woman caressed Willow's left cheek. There was nothing in her eyes but love and tenderness towards the girl she had looked after for fifteen years.

"You have grown so much. I would never forget your wonder eyes when you first arrived here fifteen years ago." Sister Bella smiled at the memory. Her eyes then shifted to Mabel who looked pitiful, sitting on the chair. "Now, you better go to the young one there. Go and rescue her."

Willow nodded her head and got up from her seat, walking towards the table in the middle of the room. She crouched down right behind the girl and said gently, "Hello Mabel. How are you doing?"

But the little girl did not bother to turn around, let alone responded to Willow. She continued to stay silent and stare at her food.

Willow pursed her lips. She then tried again, "Looks like your soup gets cold already. Would you like me to warm it up for you? Most of the children here like their pumpkin soup warm. It's more delicious." Mabel remained silent, ignoring Willow behind her.

Willow sighed softly. Instead of going round and round, she came straight to the point. "I was wondering, Mabel, if you would like to go out with me to the town hall after breakfast. What do you think?"

On hearing the word 'out' Mabel straightened her back and turned her head slightly. Even though she did not say anything, Mabel gave a nod to Willow.

"Great!" Exclaimed Willow. "I will come looking for you after I get ready." She stood up. Before she left she said to Mabel, "I think you would need the energy to go out. So, it would be great if your stomach full."

Mabel looked down on her lap. She then looked at the bowl of soup in front of her. Slowly, she started to pick up the spoon and scoop the soup into her mouth.

After seeing Mabel eating, Willow walked out of the dining room and headed towards her bedroom which was located at second floor of the building. She went through the main hall and administration office before she took the stairs that led her to second floor where most of the older children, aged from 15 to 20 years old resided. The third floor of the building is where the younger ones stayed. Three or four nurses have their own bedroom at each floor, guarding the children. It is only the head of the orphanage and her assistance who stayed at the ground floor.

This orphanage was the oldest building in town. History said that this orphanage used to be a boarding school for the elites in town. They called it Woadhill School. Although the name and the building had not changed, the place had now become the home of the orphans.

Far away from the Woadhill orphanage, the chief of police stared at the sketch of town that was found at the crime scene last night. Right at bottom of the paper, there was a name written. A name that sounded familiar yet foreign.

"Chief Boyle." Greeted the other officers upon entering the child office.

"Have you found anything, Will?" Asked Chief Boyle.

"We do, Sir. It is one of the children from the orphanage. Woadhill orphanage." Informed the officer. "Willow Dean."