

In her whole life she believed in love.Not only did she love but also she cared about family and every one in her life. Her life was nice or should I say she knew nothing about life for she was only 5yrs old.Her 32yr old mom and 34yr old dad did everything possible to make her feel right. She was special to them and they were special to her.But we can never define destiny. On her tenth birthday,a grand celebration was held for her;why?Some how she was not feeling right or was her conscious telling telling her something. Fear had formed in her as it sent a cold chill down her spine.After the party,it was just her parents and her.There was no smile on her mom's face and even her golden-like eyes did not glow anymore.The only thing she saw was meer pain and intense worry."Mom,what's wrong,"Sandra asked as her dad came to where they were.'George,his name was not also happy.His ocean-blue eyes were not passing her the vibe that they always did to her."Sandra,we have something to tell you,"her mom started,"this is going to be hard,"Tears rushed to the corner of her eyes as adrenaline rushed in her blood.The conversation was never to continue.Sandra had the brains of her father and the beauty of her mother.'Open this damn door,'Sandra under the bed now,'she didn't question anything for she had the talent to read people like a book.All she could see under her bed was men with guns.Stinging tears formed in her eyes as they rushed down her brown cheeks as also nodules of sweat formed on her forehead. Gun shots were heard and the bodies of her guardians fell on the cold flow gave her a stare that would forever remain inscribed in her anticipation for iternity and beyond. She watched as her parents were murdered coldly and it hurt to the core that she could do nothing but look.It was spring water clear that they had left.'Never let earthly desires fool you my child those were the last words and the last sentence that she ever heard from her mother."Be the woman I know you can be,for this world is full hatred.Trust no one and work alone."her dad said roughly as he breathed his last.