
Will Of Fire

Alavira wishes to be free from her current life before stumbling upon an injured dragon. When the beast leaves, her village is burned to ash forcing her to move around. Years later she meets a man named Suluk. Could he be the answer to her prayers for freedom, or will her newfound hate for dragons get in the way of that? Will Suluk have enough patience to wait for her to make a decision? Come along on this adventure of self discovery, enemies to lovers, friendship, and growth. Encourage them through their struggles, and training, and cry with them through loss and discovery. These characters may capture your heart and encourage you to go outside your own comfort zone to find a new world you have yet to discover! This book is rated PG-13. There are a few curse words sprinkled in, but nothing too serious. Thank you so much for your support! This book will be entered into the Spirity Awards, so please don't forget to vote if you like it!! New chapters will be posted every Friday!

Liddia_Archer · ファンタジー
36 Chs

Chapter Four: Alavira P.O.V. 

7 years later….

Trudging through the thick, ankle deep mud while the large, overfilled backpack digs into my shoulders my focus remains solely on the person in front of me. When they move, I move. When they duck, I duck. When they stop, I stop. As long as I'm focused on them then I will survive also. The feeling of the thick, magical band around my neck just under my skin is overwhelming as we enter into hedges just before a cave. The slight sting I feel at the thought of running reminds me exactly what I am and where I belong, or more properly put who I belong to.

"Pack wench! Get over here! I need the dagger!" My new master, Kizen whisper-yells at me over his shoulder. There is barely enough room to breathe, much less stand side by side with him. I cannot object however, or else the band will become burning hot and force me to do it anyways. Walking a bit closer before turning around to present the pack to him and backing closer still, I wait until I hear the pack open doing my best to keep my footing as he rummages through the stuff before finding what he needs and pushes me away. I'm halfway through turning back around when a loud creaking sound catches our attention, making the both of us stop what we're doing and crouch low to the mud.

A large dragon slowly creeps out of the cave, looking around as if it senses us in its territory. It huffs out quickly as its tail slices through the air behind it, its eyes focused on something in the distance. My blood runs cold seeing another one. White, hot anger fills within my veins replacing a steady heartbeat I just had a moment ago. This one is not as large as the one I had come across in the woods when I was only 19 summers old, but it is just as breathtaking. Leathery skin of pure white pulled taught, ready for battle, as pale red eyes stare off into the distance. Where the other dragon's eyes were on the sides of its head, this one has its eyes in the front; they almost look feline in nature. It seems distracted by something, now is our chance. Its four legs planted firmly in the mud as its one wing and stump of where a wing used to be moves slowly, as if it wanted to fly but can no longer do so. My heart used to ache for such things, such creatures that were injured. Now it sits in a black hole, empty, and unfeeling for anything other than freedom to kill the one who destroyed my village all those years ago.

The dragon sniffs in short bursts, its nostrils flared on its long, slim face. Eyes narrowing as it growls softly. It'll know we're here soon enough. I watch closely as Kizen crouches getting ready for his attack. I shrink myself also to not get in his way. Using magic to propel himself into the air, sword and dagger in hand, he is ready to slay the beast. Its roar is deafening as it is thrown into battle with a fierce mage and adventure.


Well that was not as eventful as I expected. The injured thing didn't stand a chance against a dragon slayer like Kizen.

Leaning against a wall in the alley next to the busy walkway of the bazaar, the backpack down by my feet, watching people pass as I lazily eat an apple I can't help but think back to that day. The night when a dragon, no not just any dragon but the dragon I helped in the forest… the one I thought I could keep away from my village had I been nice to it, came and destroyed the small village I had grown to like. That night in the rain everything was burned to ash in a matter of hours, the people I called friends, gone. The next morning when the dust had settled and the rain was no more than a drizzle, and the purple flames were gone, I went to look for that dragon and just like my small pieced together happiness it too was gone. Rage fills me as I think about how foolish I was. How I should have just ran instead of going back to bury the dead and help the few of us who survived. How doing so only got me caught and back to being sold. How many owners have I gone through now? Too many….

Taking a deep breath with my eyes closed and slowly releasing it, I calm myself. Taking another bite of my apple as I watch a younger couple walk by as he helps her over a fallen box in the way I barely keep myself from scoffing. I used to have dreams of being married, being a happy wife and mother. Of the husband I would have one day. Instead I was offered up as a pretty little bargaining chip to the wolves for my fathers debt. I had hope one day I'd pay it off and be free, but reality hit hard a few winters ago that I'll never be free. I've watched my eyes go from youthful and whimsical, to hopeless and tired; eventually gaining that hope back and having a small shine with life to them; to now they are nothing more than empty and lifeless when they're not filled with rage.

How long is he going to take in there? We didn't come back with much since he filled the pack. He should be done by now? Probably arguing with the merchant again.

Tossing the apple core down the alley and crossing my arms I look up to the clear sky, sighing softly. We should have made a good few coins for the pieces of dragon we brought back, even if I'll never see a dime of that. This master might be rude, selfish, and harsh. He's not the worst one I've had. He at least lets me rest, bathe, and eat regularly. He understands that I'm useless if I'm not in peak health, then he wouldn't have anyone to carry the pack he overfills and everything else he may be bringing back.

Kizen comes practically bouncing out of the store, silk curtains flowing behind him as he does. Picking up the pack and putting it back on I'm glad he's at least in a good mood. That means I might actually get more than a potato tonight for dinner.

"Pack wench, drop the bag at the room we're in and go clean up in the river. I'll meet you outside of the inn when the sun reaches the treeline for dinner. Here. go buy you something nice even, I'm in a good mood." He tosses four silver coins behind him, making me catch them. Luckily since my last two owners have been adventures my reflexes have improved a bit.

"Thank you master. I take it the merchant paid what you wanted for the items?" A head nod is all I get in response. "May I ask where you will be, just in case I may need to get you?" I ask lowly to not disturb anyone walking by.

"I shall be at the bath house then off to get our weapons fixed up and maybe even upgrade our armor. Well see. For now go and-" his sentence is cut short as he's bumped into by another tall, large man.

"Oh, pardon me sir. I didn't see you as I was coming out of the store." The man leans down to help Kizen off the ground. I hold my breath as I wait for the outburst to happen. For Kizen to start yelling and making a scene in front of everyone about how a commoner touched him.

He takes one look at the new face and takes his hand, standing and dusting himself off as he nods to the man, looking for his bag of coins he dropped in the process. "Oh that's fine. No need for apologies for a mistake. I- wench where is the bag?" He turns to look at me as I place the pack on the ground to bend down and collect the few coins that spilled out and the bag that he lost hold of.

The new man looks around before looking down at me as I kneel on the ground collecting everything before bowing my head to hand Kizen the bag of coins back. He looks at me closely before familiarity ghosts his face for a moment. "In any case, let me buy you dinner tonight? For you and the lady here, for my clumsiness? How does that sound?" He offers, confusing the both of us. I stand quickly, tossing the pack back onto my shoulder as I look at Kizen confused, unsure how he'll answer.

"You know what, why not! I'd like to know your story, royal stranger! The crest you wear on your collar gives you away." Kizen clarifies as he pats the stranger's shoulder.

As his face goes from confused to understanding he nods happily, eyes looking every once in a while to steal a glance at me. I'm unsure how I feel about him continuously looking over my way, but it is not my place to say anything either.

"If you don't have any plans I was going to the bathhouse if you'd like to come? Best in the four cities!" Kizen smiles softly at the man. He must be trying to make a good impression since this man is associated with the royal family in some way. That makes more sense. "Wench if you're done here you may leave to do what you need." He dismisses me without so much as a glance back.

"Thank you master. Excuse me sir." I bow to both men before scurrying off to the inn, barely hearing the man tell Kizen he was busy with other matters until later, but if he was still there when he was done then he'd join him.

Arriving at the river with a towel, some soap and an extra change of clothes I sit beside it first, dipping my feet in. Setting everything on a rock nearby as I just watch a few fish swim by once in a while. Appreciating the cool water soothing my aching feet. Only a few moments pass before rustling catches my attention. Turning my head I see the man from earlier make his way through the trees a little ways away from me, a distressed look on his face. I keep quiet and just watch as he cups his hands into the water and splashes it onto his face. It looks as though he's contemplating jumping in, but decided better. Taking a deep breath with his hands on his hips, I feel a bit odd just staring but he looks like someone of importance. Tall and in fancy clothes. Long, dark teal hair that fades into a forest green at the ends flows loosely in the breeze. The smaller pieces of hair around his face tussle closer to his eyes, making him push them back. Exposing his face more it looks as though his eyes are shining green jewels, his sun kissed skin almost has a glow to it to show off a squared off jaw and a straight nose. A small scar touches just above the crook of his jaw. His hair blows a little further up showing his ears…. His ears are slightly pointed at the ends, but adorned in jewels and a small, slim gold chain. Is he an elf? How odd…

"Oh! Hello miss! I was unaware I had company." He speaks up as he walks closer to where I sit.

Shit! I was so busy trying to figure out why his ears looked like that I hadn't even realized I'd been caught. I hope he doesn't think I'm stalking him! That would be bad if Kizen heard about this meetup…. Better be on my best behavior.

I wave, unsure what to do. I don't ever meet new people without my master, or at least not any that aren't also in the same predicament as myself. His long legs eat up the distance between us as if it's nothing and his grace and elegance doing so reminds me of a predator in the woods. I stand quickly as I realize I'm still sitting and that is considered rude. He waves me off and sits down beside where I was.

"No need for all that! Please sit! Oh, am I interrupting? I hadn't seen your things until now. I can leave if you need?" He looks between the clothes and I. I panic for a moment. Am I allowed to speak to him? I have no idea! "Please speak freely, I won't tell if you don't." He smiles softly up to me.

I sit beside him, a bit of space between us as I shake my head. "You're not interrupting anything. I was just relaxing for a moment before washing up. I'm in no hurry." I inform him as best I can. Now that he is closer I notice he has a some sort of crest or symbol hanging from his ear to match the chain.

"Oh I see. I'm glad I'm not a bother then." He smirks as he rolls up his pants to join me in dipping his feet in. I sit there stunned for a moment, this has never happened to me and I'm unaware what to do in this instance. "You don't have to be so stiff, I won't bite. Don't worry I won't tell anyone about our little accidental meetup. I'm not supposed to be here, so I'd get in trouble if I did." His joking tone catches me off guard. Who is this guy?!

"Ummm alright…. May I ask you a question then?" I wait for permission as I stick my feet back into the water. He just nods and watches me out of the corner of his eye. "If you're not supposed to be here, then why are you?" The question makes him smile as he leans back onto his hands, looking up to the sky as he sighs.

"Because I hate being confined in a small room with a bunch of stinky men who just yell at one another." He chuckles out. I can't stop it as a chuckle leaves me as well. Turning my attention quickly back to the water. "I'm more myself in nature, so when things become too hectic I like to wander out here and decompress. Does that make sense?" He looks to me lazily, laying his head on his shoulder as he does. I just nod and turn my head back to the riverside. "So what are those markings around your neck?" He asks as if he has no idea.

"You're not from here, are you?" I look at him out of the corner of my eye. Assessing his clothes and his posture again. He wears the royal crest, or at least a variation of it to show he is not of royal blood but an associate most likely. His clothes are nice, tailored to him in shades of dark green and gold. The golden vines and leaves on the edges of his sleeves and bottom of his shirt show his status before looking to the collar.

"Is it that obvious? I'm from out of town, here on business with the royal family." He sits up straighter and folds his hands in his lap as he gives me his full attention. He sure is odd.

"Do you not have slaves where you hale from?" I ask, raising a brow as I turn slightly to give him my full attention also. The look of bewilderment tells me everything I need to know. "That look says it all. You don't? How odd…" I whisper to myself, lost in thought for a moment trying to recall a kingdom or village that doesn't have them, but coming up empty.

"So you're telling me those marks are the marks of a slave?" He asks genuinely curious and not a trace of judgment to be found, to my surprise.

"The small markings in the middle are the marks of a slave, bought and paid for. They differ to show ownership and who they belong to if they are out running errands or get lost." I clarify calmly. As he stares at the chains with snake heads, mouths open to continue to eat the chains, circling the top and bottom of the thin, elegant line around my throat, I know there is another question forming on his tongue. "The rest of it is placed by a mage if a slave is unruly." I answer without him having to ask. Keeping my spine locked and my eyes focused, trying to give off the confidence I lack in these matters.

"Unruly? As in…" He looks to me for an explanation yet again. Sighing out a breath I didn't know I was holding I think for a moment on how to answer.

"As in… some would say wild, or unbroken. Either not listening, keeping secrets, running away, talking back, or basically anything a master, or owner, would deem an undesirable characteristic. They're mostly seen on newer slaves who will fight being there for a bit, but some will be seen out of the other qualities." I clarify for him. Sending him deep into thought. His eyes look focused as he stares at the markings, as if trying to figure out something he hasn't quite realized yet.

"Is it uncomfortable?" He asks slowly, throwing me off guard for a second. "Is that not an appropriate question? Sorry… I meant no offense." He quickly looks up to my eyes as he looks worried, as if he actually cares if he offends me or not. I clear my throat and turn back to the river, hair falling over my shoulder to hide my face as I feel my cheeks heat a little.

"You may ask whatever you wish. I just- well I've never had someone ask me that. Most do not care if it is unpleasant or not." I take a moment to think, absentmindedly touching my throat right over the markings as my brows scrunch trying to think of the best answer. "It does not hurt most of the time. The initial spell did at first, but now it mainly stays quiet. Only when I do something my master finds unpleasant does it burn. My master is a mage himself, so he did this all on his own. It is also a tracker so he knows where I am at all times. If he needs me or I go too far then he can summon me using it…. That hurts the worst." I admit softly, crossing my arms in front of me so my hands hug my sides a little.

"I'm sorry to hear that miss. I'm surprised to hear a kingdom as lovely as this allows such things. What kind of man is your master, if I'm allowed to ask that without causing you any harm?" He leans up to look around my hair, his elbows on his knees as his feet move in the water to shoo a fish away that wandered too close.

"He's a powerful man. He is not only skilled with magic, but in battle as well. He wields a sword like no one I've ever seen. He is kind enough to allow me to rest, eat and even brings me to the potion maker when I am unwell." I answer matter-of-factly. It's the answer I've been told to give everyone when they ask about Kizen. Saying anything else will shut off my vocal cords until he releases the magic.

"I see. You know I never got your name? May I know it? He never called you it." He points out as he looks at me from the corner of his eye again.

"It is Alavira, good sir. Some call me Ava, so whichever you wish." I bow my head slightly to him as I place a hand over my chest in a sign of respect.

"No need for formalities, Ava. That's a wonderful name. I never gave you mine either, did I? I'm Suluk. It's nice to meet you." He smiles softly at me and returns the gesture. Shocking me and making me have a million questions. A horn blows in the distance and his face scrunches a bit at it. "I have to go. My friend has noticed I'm missing. I will see you tonight for dinner, yes?" He looks back to me as we both stand.

"Yes sir, if my master allows it. Word of advice, if I may?" I look up to him, making him turn to me with curiosity as he nods. "If you come across another slave, especially in the royal palace, around people, act as if they are not there. Masters are the only people who talk to us, besides another slave. The only time outsiders speak to us is to get a hold of our masters, or yell at us. Being nice to one will get not only them in trouble, but I fear you as well. So please be careful." I warned him. He looks me over curiously and for the first time in a long time, I almost feel as though I am a trapped rabbit. Like I am prey to a beast.

"Thank you for the advice Ava. Why are you warning me?" He stares.

"Because you are the first person who has shown me kindness in a long time."