
Will I Fall For You?

The most cruel and coldest mafia of the whole world! Will the normal girl from city and the mafia fall for each other? where are their fates destined to? Read to find out! With twists turns!

Diya_Srinivasan · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Too New

When Peisho slept, it was already night. It seemed she slept the whole night without realising. She got up normally but panicked after remembering about her mother. He mother had called her 48 freaking times. She didn't even realise that.

Peisho: *yawns and looks beside to check her phone* Oh fvckkkk! 48 missed calls from mom and I deadass didn't pick up, oh wait I put it on silent*she said fake crying and face palming herself*

She got up so fast and walked out of the room with her bag. She didn't notice Taehyung watching all this. Suddenly Taehyung's deep voice emerged out of nowhere…

Taehyung: where do you think you're going? *he said crossing his arms, leaning on the wall and looking straightly into her eyes*

Peisho flinched at the voice from her side

Peisho: ahhh! You didn't have to scare me like that! *she said being shocked and her hand on her chest*

Taehyung came closer to her

He asked her

Taehyung: where are you going without my permission? .

Peisho: Are you kidding me! My mom called me so many times, she must be worried by now for sure!

Taehyung: Can't you even inform me? Okay fine I'll drop you at your home *he said coldly and uninterested*

Peisho: Yeah ok cause I'm already late for my work

Taehyung: Should I drop you at work or you're house? He said as he picked up his car keys*

Peisho: My house

Taehyung: hmm ok *he said as they both got into the car*

It was an awkward silence in the car drive to her home

Peisho broke the silence with hesitation…

Peisho: By the way, thanks for letting me stay at your house, I hope I wasn't a burden or something! * she said as she looked a him driving the car*

Taehyung answered her, not even looking at her. He kept driving.

Taehyung: No you weren't, and how's your hand right now? *he said coldly, as always*

Peisho: Oh its way better than yesterday. It would probably recover by this week.

Taehyung: yeah ok take care and sorry again.

Peisho: yahh its fine, how many will you tell? *she said chuckling*

Taehyung: Nothing, its just that I feel a little bad

Peisho: It's fine, you let me rest at your house. That's more than enough! And also, What's your name?

Taehyung: That's fine, and my name is Kim Taehyung

Peisho: Ah okay!

Taehyung: hmm…

Since her house was near, they reached few minutes after this conversation.

Peisho got down

Peisho: Thank you for the ride!

Taehyung: it's okay

Peisho: Also will we meet again? *she asked hesitantly*

Taehyung looked at her for few seconds

He finally spoke

Taehyung: why? You fell for me or something? *he looked at her very coldly, that stare could pierce anyone's soul*

Peisho: yahh! W-why would I- I fall for you? We don't even know each other! *she said stammering cause he asked it all of a sudden*

Taehyung: Okay then, bye I have work.

He left with the car leaving her with so many questions

Peisho sighed and went inside her house, refreshed herself and went to work

Taehyung's house

Taehyung On a call:

Hello? Omg really? thank you so much for this opportunity! I'm so glad! I'll be there in an hour!

He cut the call being so excited, but realised something...

Peisho's place

She got ready and got a call

On the phone:

Hello? Wow yay!!! Finally we got rid of our rude and annoying boss! Thank god!

Dress nice? Oh cause he's handsome? Okay okay I will! Byeeee!

Peisho was happy cause her boss got replaced by another handsome guy, who was probably not as irritating as her previous boss.

Peisho was very dressy and wore makeup and other accessories, not as she would get ready everyday. She even wore her new expensive perfume which she never touched since she bought it, lol.

She wen to her workplace, many people were crowded and bowed to someone. She went, squeezing herself inside the crowd to see something she never had expected, NEVER.