

Imagine if you will... A world where people are colors. A world where you are named for the color you show at puberty.

There are many different colors in the world so many different names. You have some semblance of a choice of who you want to be but your personality chooses.

If you run angry then your red. However red has many different meanings. So there can be many different shades of it as well as other colors.

Now me for an example. I am purple. I know I know that means I'm royalty but that is where you would be wrong. I am purple because I don't know what I am.

I can change. I have to hide it. To change your color is blasphemy and can get you killed. No one wants that. I try to stick with purple for my own sense. It is neutral. Has no major feelings. I'm blah. I have to laugh at myself everytime I think that.

Well I was blah. Until a few days ago when I found out my best friend orange had been murdered. Yes I said it... Murdered. Like saying it will bring her back. Sadly. It doesnt.

I have been hiding. Trying to control myself. Trying to keep my feelings blah.

I have to find out who did it. I resolved myself to discover the culprit. Not for me but for my friends family. It was a shock. I guess murders are shocks never seen coming.

My problem is... I have no idea where to start.