
Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

Money, power, and influence, Zoey Zhou had it all… or does she? Zoey Zhou, a 28-year-old self-established businesswoman whose only talent was to earn money and to earn even more. As a woman whose years were spent chasing those money signs, Zoey had nearly forgotten that her exciting prime years were nearing its end. The reason she had gone in search of her companion for life. However, how could a 28-year-old desperate woman find her soulmate if the greatest hurdle was Zoey, herself? Was it because of her standards? Heck, no! She has no standard at all! Then why, you ask? Well, it was because of one simple reason: Zoey was particularly attracted to men who were not interested in her! And to make things worse? She loses interest once they had reciprocated the feelings! What would happen if the desperate and narcissist drama queen Zoey becomes the heroine of the mysterious and the weirdest man on earth? Will spring come forth? Or, just another disaster will ensue? *** EXCERPT: "Are you sure you're not crazy?" Zoey Zhou narrowed her eyes as she leaned closer to his imperious mien. "Hmm?" “I mean, how can you not like the pretty me? Say, should we kiss and see if it will ignite some spark?” The corner of her lips curled into a grin while her brows moved up and down suggestively. Slowly, the man raised his eyes to meet her playful countenance across the table. Blinking once, his eyes traveled from her eyes down to her lips. He stared for a moment at her red, provocative lips before he opened his mouth. “Kissing you,” he said, raising his finger to point at her lips, “means your lipstick will smear on mine. I'm afraid I must refuse.” “Lame.” Zoey Zhou scoffed as she drew away from the table. “I knew it. He’s gay, tsk.” Zoey Zhou murmured. Alas, right after she blurted out her last remarks, her wrist was grabbed by his huge hands and without missing a beat, the man pulled her back to his embrace. “I heard that. Do you want to confirm the validity of your claim?” His voice was deep and yet so alluring. He leaned his head closer to hers, his musky smell emanating sexiness as a glint flashed across his pair of playful eyes. ----- For spoilers, questions, novel discussion, join my discord server: https://discord.gg/tdSWbQK Catch me on discord: BAJJ#2931 Buy this pleb a Kofi — ko-fi.com/authorbajj *cover not mine. credits to the rightful owner

BAJJ · 都市
726 Chs

A thousand kisses

"What a heartless hubby, tss." Upon hearing the disconnected line, Zoey hissed before tossing her phone to the side out of frustration.

Zoey knew that Matthew Xi must have guessed she's in the hospital, yet he treated her like the usual. On the second thought, she teased him the moment the line connected. Therefore, she couldn't blame him.

It was her fault for being too excited. Regardless, she still felt boringly upset. Zion Kwan was still working, and Cora Ma was out of town to focus on her novel.

She couldn't bother the people in the office as they were also busy working. They would contact her if something unexpected occurred, anyway.

"Should I ask Enzo to come over?" Zoey murmured, sighing at the thought. Matthew Xi would be enrage if he knew Enzo Li was with her.

After all, Matthew Xi got all edgy and possessive about the talk last night. Moreover, Matthew Xi was adamant that their deal would be cancelled if she sees anyone — that anyone was Enzo Li, of course.

Zoey wasn't that dumb not to understand that. After all, she was certain that Matthew Xi heard a man's voice from the other end of the line and she purposely let him have a glimpse of who's calling her late at night.

"That Matthew Xi..." Thinking of her current situation, Zoey frowned. She just realized how Matthew Xi wanted to restrict her, which none ever successful in doing.

Still, she was abiding. If her interest towards him wasn't that strong, Zoey would still do whatever she wanted. Alas, she didn't want to lose Mathew Xi just yet.

Zoey was still unsure of her own feelings and whether Matthew Xi could maintain the interest she has for him. Thus, it was too soon for her to neglect their agreement.

Turning to her phone she tossed to the side, Zoey sprawled her arm and reached for it. It was Matthew Xi's fault for restricting her. Hence, he should take responsibility.

With that thought in mind, Zoey dialed his number again, but to no avail. He rejected the call. But Zoey wasn't the person to give up easily. She'll just have to call him until he stops rejecting her calls and answer.

After several attempts — thirty eight missed calls to be exact — Matthew Xi finally had enough and answered. However, the moment the line connected, neither Zoey nor Matthew Xi spoke a word.

Two minutes had passed since Matthew Xi picked up the call and he finally broke the silence between them. "What?" Through his gritted teeth, Matthew Xi inquired.

Little did Zoey know, the people around Matthew Xi were the most affected ones by her doing. Currently, in another meeting room, Matthew Xi was with all the executives in the Xi Corporation. An oddly overwhelming aura emanating from the big boss suffocated everyone.

The CEO of the company showed signs of annoyance with every passing second. They did nothing wrong and their discussion was supposed to run smoothly.

However, Matthew Xi suddenly slammed his palm on the surface of the long table — startling everyone out of their wits. He then, without a word, picked up his phone.

Yet, even minutes after answering the call, Matthew Xi wasn't saying anything. The first word that came out from his mouth, "What?" It mortified everyone for some reason.

Matthew Xi, the big boss of the Xi Corporation, was evidently annoyed. That was the first time they witness this never before seen expression because they knew Matthew Xi to be a stoic robot... with a scandalous rumor.

"I'm bored."

"I'm in the middle of a meeting," Calming his nerves down, Matthew Xi heaved heavily. Only an insane person would be happy by this craziness. Not to mention, he already told her not to bother him if she has too much time on her plate.

"And your future Wifey is alone in the hospital with no one taking care of her nor anyone talking to her." Zoey argued lazily, still staring at the ceiling. She knew she was being inconsiderate and nothing could justify her action.

However, she didn't want to lose him nor did she want to break his terms. Therefore, Zoey came up with this 'force him' motto again.

"..." A heavy, irate sigh escaped Matthew Xi's lips as he massaged his temples. He wanted to end the call, but knowing her, she would just call him until his phone died.

"Darling, can I ask my friend to come over? I won't bother you if you sacrifice a lamb!" Zoey could sense the atmosphere from the other end of the line — just like what she wanted. Hence, to take advantage of the situation, she tempted him to have a peace of mind.

"Do whatever you like."

"Sweet! Bye~ love you~! I kiss you a thousand times, ~!" Despite the helpless answer from him, Zoey cheered and bid her gleeful farewell. Without further ado, she ended the line and dialed Enzo Li's contact number.

Meanwhile, Matthew Xi closed his eyes and leaned his head back. The next time, he would surely let Paul Qian hold his phone.

"Uhm... y — young ma- master..." One executive cleared his throat and attempted to catch his attention. However, he still stuttered, unaware of what kind of action Matthew Xi would do.

"Meeting adjourned." With his eyes still closed, Matthew Xi waved his hand off as he could no longer continue this long meeting.

As everyone was puzzled by the sudden end of the meeting, Matthew Xi slowly opened his eyes and held his phone to the side. Paul Qian who was now standing on the side accepted the pink phone.

"Track this number's location." Matthew Xi disregarded that people around could still hear him while he handed the phone. However, just as he placed it on Paul Qian's hands, he retracted it once again.

Paul Qian blinked his eyes as he only glimpsed the number on the screen. How could he track the whereabouts of the contact number if he only had a glimpse of it?

Matthew Xi gestured his assistant to give him some space which Paul Qian abided without a question. Still, Paul Qian was baffled by this secrecy on his boss's phone.

After a second, Paul Qian received a notification on his phone. "I sent the contact number. Track its location — don't bother knowing other information. Just the location."

"Yes, young master." Paul Qian blinked his eyes as he stared at Matthew Xi for a second. Not bother with other information? Was this the woman's number on his master's phone? Unbeknownst to Matthew Xi, his action only intensified Paul Qian's curiosity on this mysterious woman that suddenly hopped in Matthew Xi's life.