After being given the chance to reincarnate with a gift, watch as our MC changes the fate of the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Irregular update, secondary story that I suddenly had the inspiration to write. One chapter a week, if that.) Obligatory notice of me not owning anything.
"Nice job, Dratini." said Tobias.
"Dratini." he said lying down on the ground, clearly tired.
Currently, the two were in the same giant green pasture inside the Field card, sparring. Well not exactly.
Tobias was not physically sparring with Dratini, but rather he was using his Monster Summoning to give Dratini suitable sparring partners. He had summoned Baby Dragon, Armored Lizard, Battle Ox, and Flame Swordsman, which Dratini barely beat. And while Dratini fought one of the summoned monsters, Tobias would do some training of his own which did include fighting humanoid monster summons like Flame Swordsman.
But Dratini was making very good progress with training his moves to be more familiar with them and training new moves. He had gotten the hang of Draco Meteor enough to be able to use it twice with decent strength, and he had started working on both Dragon Rush and Dragon Dance.
Besides training his moves, another big purpose of the training was to work on Dratini's battle sense, which had also been progressing very well. Not to mention, he had also grown from 1.2 meters to 1.5 meters, which meant he was getting closer and closer to evolving.
And while Dratini's growth did seem a little fast to Tobias, he chalked it down to the natural talent of Dragon-type Pokemon. After all, Dratini is a pseudo-legendary which are a group of Pokemon considered strong enough to contend with Legendary Pokemon.
"All right, that's enough for today." said Tobias, canceling the Field card before reappearing in the forest.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up so you can rest." said Tobias as Dratini jumped up and draped itself across Tobias' neck.
"Oof, you're getting too big for this bud. But I'll allow it. It won't be long before you won't be able to." said Tobias as he rubbed Dratini's head and started walking back to the dorms, invisibility cloak on.
"Now that Midoriya is back, let's talk about work studies for real. Come on in." said Aizawa.
"Here to tell you how work studies differ from internships are some people who've gone out there and experienced it all. They're taking time out of their busy schedules to be here, so give them your full attention. Out of all the students at U.A., there are the top three reigning third-years. We call them the Big Three." said Aizawa as the door opened and three students walked in.
The first to walk in was a tall and buff blonde guy with a plain face, the second was a short and busty girl with long periwinkle-colored hair, and the last to walk in was a tall, but hunched over indigo-haired guy with ears like an elf.
"This is U.A.'s best of the best, the Big Three. So, let's get right to it. How about some introductions? Starting with you, Amajiki." said Aizawa before the one with elf ears started glaring at everyone.
"It's no good, Mirio, Hado. I was going for potatoes, but they all still look like people from the neck down. What do I do? Having trouble speaking." he said, with a scowl as he trembled.
"My mind's gone blank. It hurts. I wanna go now!" he said, before turning around to face the blackboard like a kid in timeout.
"But you're the hero course's best of the best, right?" asked Ojiro, confused.
"Isn't it funny that people call that having the heart of a flea? So weird!" said the girl.
"He's Tamaki Amajiki, the Flea, and I'm Nejire Hado. We came here today to talk to you about work studies. But hey, hey, hey. What's with that mask? You got a cold? Or is it just for fashion?" she said, looking at Shoji.
"A long time ago, I..."
"Ohh, is that Todoroki I see back there?! Hey! How'd you get that burn, anyway?!" she said, not letting Shoji answer.
"Well, I..."
"Hey, Ashido. If you broke those horns, would they grow back? Can they move?! Tell me! Asui, are you like a tree frog? Or more of a toad? And Fukushima, what if you run out of cards? Are you like a magician? So many curious things about all of you! Downright curious." she said, not letting a single person answer her questions.
"She's all over the place, it's cute." said Denki.
"She's not the most rational person, is she?" asked Aizawa.
"Not to worry, Eraser Head! I'm the main act here!" said Togata.
"The outlook's looking..." he said leaning in with his ear cupped, waiting for someone to finish his sentence.
"Grim." said Tobias.
"Grim! Nice! Thank you, Fukushima-kun!" said Togata, giving him a thumbs up.
"All three of 'em are kinda weird. Didn't expect this from the Big Three, did you?" whispered Sato.
"I'm seeing a lot of faces that seem to say, "Who cares?" You've got us three third-years showing up out of nowhere here to talk to you about work studies that you don't even have to do. Doesn't make sense, right?
You all got your licenses as first-years, hmph. I guess this year's batch of first-years are real go-getters and since our talk isn't going so well, how about you all take me on?!" he said.
"Interesting." said Tobias with a smile.
"Seems rational to have them feel the full weight of our experiences firsthand! Don'tcha think so, Eraser Head?" asked Togata.
"Do as you like." said Aizawa.
"Good! Now, everyone change into your training uniform and meet me at Gym Gamma!"
"Is this for real?" asked Sero.
"Yup, sure is!" said Togata as he stretched.
"Mirio, don't do this. It'd be enough to just follow the manual and go, "We experienced this and that, and it was all super meaningful." It's not like all of them are raring to go and ready to aim for the top. We wouldn't want any to be broken beyond fixing." said Amajiki as he faced the wall.
"Hey, listen to this. There was once a kid who got discouraged, quit trying to be a hero, and caused all sorts of trouble. Didja know?! It was real bad. So you'd better think about this hard, Togata, or there's gonna be pain. True-blue pain." said Hado as she played with Mina's horns.
"Just wait a minute, we've fought against pros before, albeit with handicaps." said Tokoyami.
"And we've got experience battling real villains! Do you think we're such wimps that you gotta worry for our safety or whatever?" said Eijiro.
"Whenever you're ready, then. Come at me. Who's gonna be first?!" asked Togata.
"I'll go first!" said Midoriya, cutting off Eijiro and stepping up.
"The problem child! Right, of course, you'd step up. You've got spirit!" said Togata.
"I'm surprised you didn't go first." said Kyoka to Tobias as Midoirya stretched.
"He's part of the Big Three for a reason. And with how the other two were talking, he's the strongest. I like to have fun and fight, but I'm also not an idiot. I need to see how he fights before I fight him." said Tobias, putting his full attention on the fight that was about to occur.
"Seems like everyone's pumped up and ready to go. I'm going to join them. You should too." said Kyoka as she noticed that everyone was ready to go after Togata before she went to join them.
"Close combat squad! We'll hit him all at once! Got that, senpai? Give us your best shot." said Eijiro as everyone but Tobias readied an attack while Midoriya rushed him.
"Haha!" laughed Tobias as he saw that Togata's clothes just fell off his body as if it wasn't even there.
"His clothes just fell off!" said Eijiro, flabbergasted while the girls were blushing and looking away.
"Apologies. Fine-tuning this is tricky!" said Togata as he quickly started to put his pants back on.
At the same time, Midoriya had just reached Togata and threw a kick right at his head that ended up just passing through Togata, who finished pulling up his pants.
'Intangibility? Like Obito from Naruto? He can't attack when intangible?' thought Tobias.
"Going for the face, huh?" said Togata, not paying attention to the various long-range attacks from Class 1-A that Midoriya dodged by leaping away.
"He's gone!" said Ida, not seeing Togata after the dust cloud cleared.
"Long-range attackers go down first!" said the yet again naked Togata who was now behind Kyoka and Mina.
"He warped!" said Eijiro as Togata rushed Kyoka who had her jacks away from her after using them to launch an attack.
'No, he didn't warp. He's using his intangibility to propel himself. His clothes falling off means he can't interact with physical objects and probably can't stay in them either. So if he uses his intangibility to enter a physical object like the floor, he would be propelled forward instantly after deactivating his quirk. Thus making it seem like warping. He also holds his breath when going intangible which means his intangibility is more like separating himself from the physical plane.' thought Tobias as Togata made quick work of the long-range attackers.
"This is a great opportunity, everyone, so get that lesson beaten into you. Because Mirio Togata, as far as I know, is the closest to being the top hero even including us pros!" said Aizawa.
"Power!" said Togata as he posed after taking care of the backline.
"I've got no freaking clue what just happened! Going up against the power to phase through stuff is tough to deal with on its own, but warping too? That's just too much, man. This dude's invincible." said Ejiiro.
"He's not invincible. He's just good." said Tobias.
"Fukushima-kun, are you finally joining in on the fun? I thought that was enough to break you. I was a little disappointed." asked Togata.
"Not at all. I was just observing. And now I'm ready to join." said Tobias with a smile.
"Good." said Togata with a smile.
"Did you figure it out too, Tobias-kun?" asked Midoriya.
"I did."
"Figure what out? What are you two talking about?" asked Eijiro.
"The warping is not a separate quirk but rather a technique. If he goes intangible in an object like the floor, when he turns off his quirk, it'll shoot him out. Depending on his pose and angle, he could shoot out so fast that it seems like he's warping." explained Tobias.
"Oh, good job! I knew you two would be able to figure it out." said Togata.
"But even if we know that, how are we supposed to hit him?" asked Eijiro.
"That's an entirely different matter. The main one would be to exhaust his stamina which wouldn't work right now considering how unprepared everyone is to fight him. The other needs some testing." said Tobias, his arms now coated with a dark purple hue after activating a card.
"That's what All Might had on his arms." said Midoriya.
"Yes, it is. Now, let's continue." said Tobias.
"Good!" said Togata, sinking into the ground before reappearing slightly above and behind Tobias.
Tobias knowing he would do that launched a preemptive kick at his head.
"Have a taste of my special move! Blinder Touch Eyeball Crush!" said Togata as he launched an eye jab at Tobias.
Tobias, on the other hand, ignored the eye jab and instead launched an uppercut at Togata's chin, who dodged it by a hair's breadth before sinking into the ground to warp away.
"Phew, good thing I dodged that." said Togata, looking at Tobias.
"Darn, I thought you would be too reliant on your quirk." said Tobias with a smile.
"Initially I was going to ignore your punch but my instincts told me that if I did, I would get hit. Bad." he said with a serious face.
"Good to know this works on your intangibility."
"I'm excited now." said Togata before sinking back into the ground and starting to take out everyone else until only Tobias was left standing.
"Phew, now then. Shall we?" he said looking at Tobias.
"After you."
Togata sank into the ground and shot out just enough for him to appear right in front of Tobias. Tobias seeing that Togata was right in front of him, activated a card, causing a giant magic circle to appear around the two of them.
"Oof." said Togata after being punched in the face by Tobias.
"Sorry, senpai. In this field, there are no quirks. Only the body." said Tobias.
"Awesome. I have to say Fukushima-kun, your quirk is so versatile." said Togata as he stood up.
"Thanks. And call me Tobias, senpai."
"Okay then, call me Mirio."
"Sure thing."
"Good. But I think that's enough for today."
"Eh? Why?"
"This was only meant as a show of strength. To let you all see how high the ceiling really is. And even though you didn't receive the same showing as the rest of your class, I can tell you get it." he said.
"Sigh, fine."
After a long explanation of his quirk, Mirio then began to talk about the work studies.
"Experience. That's how you get stronger. Experience was the only way for me to get good at using my quirk on the fly. Experience fosters the mental ability needed for you to take your quirk to the next level. This is why we had to fight. Because experience teaches more than words ever could.
During our work studies, we weren't just guests, but genuine sidekicks! We were treated like pros! And let me tell you, it was terrifying. We dealt with life-and-death situations! But scary or not, painful or not, it was the sort of top-notch experience you can't get from school alone.
I turned my work-study experience into power that's allowing me to reach for the stars! Which is why, even if you're scared, I wholeheartedly recommend it to you first-years!" said Mirio.
After that speech, the students continued on with their school day, all the while thinking about work-study.
Once class was done, Tobias went back to his room and took out his phone before calling someone.
"Tobias? What do you want? I'm kind of busy." said Mirko before the sound of an explosion was heard through the phone.
"We're going to be allowed to do work-study pretty soon. I was calling to see if you'd take me on again." said Tobias.
"One sec." she said before the loud sounds of metal being crushed came through the phone.
"You still there?"
"I'm here."
"I'll take you on."
"Thanks, I'll call you when they give us the go-ahead."
"Okay. I have to go, this guy's getting up again." she said before hanging up the phone.