

She is a renowned assassin and a saying was made " the more she smiles ... The more she kill". Feng Ming is known for being ruthless not until she loses her mentor and her entire organization is wiped out and lastly she is killed. Su yuoyue is a lazy student and known as a beauty with no brain... After witnessing the affair of her fiance and her cousin , she can't face the emotional turmoil and dies on her way home... leaving behind her family . Feng Ming , now Su Yuoyue seeks revenge for both of thier grievances, while keeping her heart a mile away from him " Nangong Jingshen" We see a story of ruthless to others but accommodating to me .

Simon_Chukwu · ファンタジー
46 Chs


Every step that she took was extremely painful , her mind was hazy and she had to bite her tongue to keep her slef awake , her eyes was unfocused but her foot steps was very steady 

 Her steps was so steady that you would doubt that she was injured but if you looked carefully you would see that her hands were clenched , to the extent that it Drew blood , her clothes was dripping with blood and her forehead had a thin layer of sweat 

 Feng Ming felt extremely tired , she was walking , but compared to her previous actions , she was as slow as a snail , her eyes fluttered as if she was about to sleep , infact Feng Ming was about to sleep but when she remembered little Chen Chen , she kept moving 

 " A little closer , a little more , few more steps " her chants were changed every few minutes 

 " Walking for Chen Chen " her steps did not flutter , it was steady , her throat felt itchy but she tried to control it anymore after a few steps.

 She vomited a mouthful of blood , and so it begins ... Every few steps Feng Ming took , she vomited a mouthful of blood , again and again , she wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth 

 " Chen Chen wait , mother is coming " despite the pain , she felt on her spleen , she kept walking .

 " A few steps , a few steps ,one meter left" right now Feng Ming had lost all her arrogance and anger ... She was sure of one thing and that was she had to get Chen Chen 

 She stood before a door and placed her bloody fingerprint on the sensor and the door opened , she stepped in and closed the door .

 A boy who seemed to be five years ago was , squatting down with his head in between his legs 

 Feng Ming blood shot eyes vanished ' he is safe ' her entire day was made worth it , her heart was relieved to the extent that she felt no pain 

 " Xiao Chen" she called out in a questioning manner , her voice that usually sounded cold seemed to have carried some emotions , it had this warmth .

 If the people killed by Feng Ming heard this voice , they would be shocked that even they ghost may die .

 The boy looked up and saw Feng Ming , his eyes seemed to have found hope and solace " Senior Sister! " 

 His little legs ran into Feng Ming embrace " Senior sister , sob sob ... I ... So ... Sorry sob sob , I could not save anyone , even dad is dead ... Senior sister ... You are ... the best ... You didn't leave Chen Chen like dad, ...sob sob no one is alive " Chen Chen cried out his grievances to Feng Ming 

 He didn't care about the bloody appearance of Feng Ming and cried out all its of sorrow . 

 Feng Ming also seemed to have realized something , her home is gone! , Her master has died ! , Her brothers and sisters have been killed ! 

 Every news was more shocking than the other , firstly who was master 

 Gu jinyun had saved her from the desert when she was still a five year old , it was said that she lived in the desert for five years of her life , when she was brought out , her body was filled with poison and different antibodies , the doctor said that if she was not brought in that year , she would have died .

 He brought her to this place and she had a place to call home for the first time in her life , taught her how to use cold weapons , taught her how to live and made her the best female assassin was gone , Chen Chen father was gone ! , Her mentor is Gone! 

 He had given her everything and when he noticed that she didn't not want to get married , he adopted Chen Chen And made him her god child 

 Feng Ming tears mixed with the dried blood , Chen Chen was sobbing while Feng Ming tears rolled down her cheeks , she had lost everything , Chen Chen had also lost everything 

 With her messed up thought , she lifted chen Chen to a piggy back and started walking to the exit , by the time she came out of the base it was already Dawn 

 But to Feng Ming , it felt like darkness had finally invaded her life , due to the rain the blood was no longer there but that didn't mean that the corpses were still there .

 Faces she reconized and those , she could not recognize at all.

 Her eyes sized up the environment and she finally found her master , his body had several daggers sticking out of his body , several bullet holes were made on his body.

 Feng Ming choked up again , Chen Chen was now sleeping .

 Feng Ming exited the base and stopped at the entrance due to the sunlight ... A very delicate face was viewed but it was smeared with blood , there were deep cut in every part of her body , her hair was disheveled and her clothes were soaked with dried blood , her face seemed extremely pale 

 Her throat felt itchy and blood flooded her mouth but she gulped it down.

 Feng Ming turned to walk away but met with the hate filled eyes of twevle men dressed in black 

 They were the last team of the Hawks assassin Creed .

 Feng Ming felt chill run through her back and fear gripped , for the first in her life .. she seemed to understand the meaning of the fear of death , but it was not her death but rather Chen Chen life 

 Her brain short-circuited , she knew that she could not let Chen Chen be killied by these men , she had killed alot of people and had seen many people die but she could not see Chen Chen die .

 Her eyes became bloodshot and she tighten her grip on Chen Chen body , he seemed to have felt the change in the body of Feng Ming and his eyes gradually opened . 

 But Feng Ming kept him in place and asked in a cold voice " what do you want from me " 

 The captain of the last team broke into an weird laugh " ha ha ha ha " his laugh was very loud and overestimated , Soon his bass voice that had been ruined by smoking " I can't believe that , one day I would meet the poisonous assassin this weak and feminine , tsk tsk tsk .. you really have a weak point " he signaled his subordinates and they least forward and took away Chen Chen From Feng Ming 

 She soon noticed that the cute boy in her back was gone , she looked up , sure enough she saw her Chen Chen in the hands of the Hawks captain and a knife was placed on his throat .

 Feng Ming felt panic , fear , anger , pity and sorrow all at the same time , her body could not take it and she vomited a mouthful of blood 

 Chen Chen was now wide awake and when he saw Feng Ming vomit blood , his eyes was filled with tears .

 ' senior sister was injured but she Piggy backed like usual .. I can not let senior sister die" 

Feeling panic , he shouted " brother , don't hurt sister , if you want to kill me .. kill me already ... Stop hurting sister" his eyes had some stubbornness that Feng Ming used to love but at the moment she hated this stubbornness more than anything 

 " Xiao Chen , you are not allowed to say that , big Sister will save you " her tears rolled down freely and her voice was choked

 The captain of the Hawks team was extremely happy with himself , he made the most powerful female assassin cry , so fun

" I going to see dad , Before he left , he told me to take care of you .. I want to protect ... Mom I love you" Chen Chen gripped the assassin hand with his little hands and exerted force 

 Feng Ming was in shock , Chen Chen called me mother ... For how long have I begged him to call me mom back then , but he refused , saying that I look like his older sister ... But he called me mom at the wrong time .... Her Chen Chen was stolen from me ... Feng Ming fell to the floor and her voice redounded " Chen Chen , Xiao Chen" her voice was pained 

 Her dagger was brought out her body and she attacked with her last strength