

She is a renowned assassin and a saying was made " the more she smiles ... The more she kill". Feng Ming is known for being ruthless not until she loses her mentor and her entire organization is wiped out and lastly she is killed. Su yuoyue is a lazy student and known as a beauty with no brain... After witnessing the affair of her fiance and her cousin , she can't face the emotional turmoil and dies on her way home... leaving behind her family . Feng Ming , now Su Yuoyue seeks revenge for both of thier grievances, while keeping her heart a mile away from him " Nangong Jingshen" We see a story of ruthless to others but accommodating to me .

Simon_Chukwu · ファンタジー
46 Chs

Not Me , But Looks like Me

 Feng Ming gradually opened her eyes , the bright light in the room, made her shut her eyes instinctively.

 She closed her eyes for a while, when she felt that her eyes had adjusted , she slowly opened her eyes , the environment was not familiar , Feng Ming was still in doubt, how was she still alive ... With that amount of internal injuries there was no way that she was alive .

 She tried to look around but her neck was stiff , Feng Ming closed her eyes , why did she feel alive when she was pretty much aware that she had died , was her will to live so strong that she was dreaming .

 Feng Ming could sense the strong smell of antiseptics and sanitizers.

 Feng Ming was sure that she was in the hospital but that was impossible ... Her body was beyond repair ... She lost too much blood and her lungs were injured , her kidneys deteriorated and her blood cells exploded , no matter how much of an expertise the doctor was he would never be able to save her .

 After a while , Feng Ming felt her limbs stabilize and her body was able move .

 She looked around and sure enough I am in the hospital , she noticed that many machine were attached to her .

 Feng Ming could reconise these machines at first glance , there were for the heart , but her body had experience internal injuries but she didn't suffer from any heart injuries .

 Feng Ming disconnected the machines from her body and walked out of the room , she opened the door but she really overestimated her body as she fell but a pair of strong arms caught her and brought her to his blossom.

 " Su Yuoyue , how many times will brother tell you to be careful " 

 Feng Ming was confused, who was Su Yuoyue and how could this man call her by another name , he might have saved her but she would not replace some random person .

 Feng Ming felt pain on her head and memories flooded her consciousness , she fainted .

  The man looked very handsome , his nose was pointed , his lips was thin , his eyes was very cold and seemed lifeless , it was like a dead sea , his hair was cut short and neat but was inky Black , this was Su Yuoyue first brother " Su Hanchen".

 Su Hanchen stared , his eyes that was usually cold carried alot of warmth and indulgence that seems to be boundless , he carried her and went back to the room .

 He laid her down gently , he called for the doctor and explained what happened, the doctor nodded and examined Feng Ming vitals .

 " She seems okay , she doesn't seem to have any side effects of being in a comatose state , her body is functioning very well" 

 Su Hanchen stared at his sister , his eyes carried so much care and love , that the nurses accompanying the doctor were stunned.

 " Brother is here , I won't let anything happen to you again , it's all my fault that you are like this .... Doctor Li , I will leave her to you " 

 The nurses still couldn't come out of the state of shock , they clearly remembered the day that two handsome men ran into the hospital with a very paled skin girl ... All of the them could reconise these two males but who was the woman .

 They recalled that he shouted at the hospital asking them to bring in the expert cardiologist in the hospital .

 Doctor Li , who was on leave was forced back to the hospital on a chopper , it was quite dramatic , when the doctor asked them to sign the agreement , they refused saying that if anything happened to their sister , no one in this hospital would survive it , when it seemed like the girl was going to die , the attending doctor and his assistants were sweating , in short the entire hospital was in chaos .

   Even though that they managed to save her , they were still in the hospital and every time she went through crisis , the entire hospital was thrown into chaos .

  Throughout the entire period that , the girl was lying in the hospital , it was either her mom or her dad , her brothers and sometimes they would be here together but after she woke up , he told them ... He was going to leave her to us .


Feng Ming was transported and memories rushed in , she saw a girl that sat down waiting for her brothers class to end ... How she would hug them and one of them would give her a piggy back.

  Feng Ming seemed a little lost cause the girl looked exactly like her , but she could tell that this was someone memories , she was sure it was that girl , what did he call her again " Su ... Su , yuo.. yue , yes it was Su Yuoyue"

  The scenes changed , it was during the girl sixth birthday , she was kidnapped and her autism got worse , her grandfather who was a retired general was forced to use his position to bring back his granddaughter , she was rescued but the girl , she seemed to having some sickness and her body slumped and she fell unconscious.

  The scenes changed and the six year old girl had just undergone a heart surgery and got a heart transplant , her parents and her family were always there with her .

  Feng Ming observed that the girl could not speak and any little thing would frighten her , Feng Ming felt strange , this girl was not like Chen Chen that would always blabber , whenever he saw an adult , the girl was too quiet only writing what was necessary on her board.

  The scenes changed , the girl autism had been reduced to some extent and so far she have undergone over three heart transplant , she would often have panic attacks and heart attack , she skipped several class and joined middle School and thanks to the girl brothers , she was able to keep up and she even surpassed other kids knowledge in the same class .

  In class, she would always keep quiet taking medicine after every meal she ate , it was correct to say that the girl life was relying on drugs .

  The scenes changed , the girl class had just ended and she wanted to go and wait for her brothers but she was stopped by bullies... One of the boys had asked her to marry him , but because she could not say many words so she simiply said ugly 

  Feng Ming smiled , indeed the boy was ugly , he was fat and huge and his nose always had mucus coming out of it , it looked disgusting .

  They took her wallet and her money and even her food and medicine , one of them wanted to splash water on her ... Feng Ming felt angry how could they bully an autistic kid to this extent , she wished that at the moment she was there she would definitely knock out all of all of they teeth for bullying her Su Yuoyue ... Feng Ming did not realize that she was feeling angry for a person that was not Chen Chen and her master she was not from the the organization or her disciples but she felt angry , Feng Ming has always been ruthless once you didn't belong to the organization , even if you were dying , she would not care, Feng Ming did not realize that she was feeling another person pain and the person responsible ?... The girl name was Su Yuoyue .