

She is a renowned assassin and a saying was made " the more she smiles ... The more she kill". Feng Ming is known for being ruthless not until she loses her mentor and her entire organization is wiped out and lastly she is killed. Su yuoyue is a lazy student and known as a beauty with no brain... After witnessing the affair of her fiance and her cousin , she can't face the emotional turmoil and dies on her way home... leaving behind her family . Feng Ming , now Su Yuoyue seeks revenge for both of thier grievances, while keeping her heart a mile away from him " Nangong Jingshen" We see a story of ruthless to others but accommodating to me .

Simon_Chukwu · ファンタジー
46 Chs

Another Chance But Confused (2)

 Ning Xi eyes became watery and she was blaming herself .

 In one scoop ,Su Zian brought her into his blossom , he hugged her in a comforting hug , "why would yuo'er think that , she understands that you let her go for her happiness ... If it had been me there was no way I would have let her ... You just didn't know that something was going to happen to our yuo'er , if you knew you would have hid her from the world , okay " his voice was very gentle and comforting as if talking to a child .

 Ning Xi lifted her head from his chest and stared at him with pitiful eyes " really , you think she won't blame me " 

 " Su Yuoyue is very reasonable , she definitely won't blame you okay and you were never at fault so stop spewing all this nonsense , okay " he patted her head in loving manner .

 Don't ask Su Hanchen and Su Linxun , they were already used to it , such scenes felt normal to them but the passer-bys could not help but take another look at the family " what a lovely family , I wish to find husband like him " 

  " The couple is really beautiful " 

" She , don't disturb they family moment " 

 " Look the family seems to be missing a girl , if a cute girl was present it would be perfect "

 "They sons are so handsome" 

 Soon Three hours passed and Su Yuoyue was moved to her ward , Feng Ming had just woken up , the room was familiar , she was back in her normal ward 

 The painkillers had already worn off , so she could feel pain but it was nothing to her , as an assassin , she had experienced pain much worse compared to this , Feng Ming held her chest and tried to get up .

 Instantly , two strong arms upheld her , helping her sit up , she gazed up at the face , rather faces ... Both of her brothers held her body in a steady manner.

 " Be careful not to tear up the guaze and stitch , you just underwent an opreation , a major one at that " Su Linxun complained with a smile .

 By memory , she could reconise these two , one was Su Hanchen and the latter was Su Linxun .

 Su Linxun had a very childish smile and his face was really well .. alot more better that those of high end celebrity could not get the solace of being able to complete with them , his much better compared to Wen Moshen .

 His dimples was in full veiw and he was smiling very brightly , his eyes was so clear Feng Ming felt like she had seen the next building across the street , his face was perfectly portioned 

 His thin lips , crescent eyes , straight nose , it was all a perfect blend but his dimples reminded her of Chen Chen so cute and deep , so she instinctively liked him 

 The other hand belonged to Su Hanchen Feng Ming liked from the day of Su Yuoyue engagement , he was also a peerless beauty but he belonged to the cold side .

 Feng Ming smiled at them , " Yuoyue , why are you smiling , does it hurt anywhere , tell brother ... Su Yuoyue are you feeling okay " Linxun was the first to feel panicked 

 " Yuoyue , wait here ... I will go get the doctor " Hanchen was already walking out of the ward

 Feng Ming mentally facepalmed , how could she forget that Su Yuoyue always gives a beautiful smile whenever she was in pain 

 Su Yuoyue mother "Ning Xi " was already at the bed side , she looked very grim "yuo'er , does it hurt anywhere , where does it Hurt " 

 Although Su Yuoyue father was not talking , he was standing by the bedside , very worried .

 " I am smiling because I am happy that I am alive " her voice was very raspy 

 Su Yuoyue father ,handed her a glass of water , her hand were not steady so Su Yuoyue mother feed her the water.

 Feng Ming had already decided to get revenge for Su Yuoyue but afterwards she would leave to get revenge for Chen Chen and her Master , she was sure that it was going to be a sucuide mission , so she decided to convey Su Yuoyue last message to her family .

 " Hanchen , I am really smiling because I am happy , very happy that I could see all of you again " .

 Hanchen stopped in his tracks of going to get the doctor and stared at her with unfathomable eyes trying to see any signs of pain but he couldn't .

 " I thought that I would need be able to see you again , I really am sorry for being childish and insisting on marrying Wen Moshen " 

 " I really thought that I would never see any of you , mom , dad I really love you with all my heart , I promise to be reasonable and to be responsible for my life " 

 " I won't make dad ,worry too much " Feng Ming conversed Su Yuoyue last wish with great care 

 Su Yuoyue last words to her father and mother were very detailed and lost , in the end Su Yuoyue was lost and died as a loner.

 The Su family were not stupid , they could notice the change ' from brother Moshen to Wen Moshen " 

 Hanchen frowned "Su Yuoyue , what happened that night " his voice was very gentle unlike his expression 

 Feng Ming was not done , so she continued 

 " Linxun , I am also very sorry for making you apologise to Wen Moshen , i realized that you are not easily provoked and he must have said something very awful ... So I hope you can forgive me"

 " Su Yuoyue ! " Hanchen angry voice rang out , his fist clenched trying to suppress his anger .

 Su Linxun was no better , Feng Ming instantly understood that Su Yuoyue had never apologized to her family , she searched her memory indeed , Su Yuoyue from Childhood to teenage years had never apologized to her family , only teachers .

 Feng Ming felt scared , Su Hanchen aura was very grim and so was Linxun, both of them were exploding with murderous aura , even Su Yuoyue , who was an assassin felt scared.

 But she still was not dond so she continued "Hanchen , I am also very sorry for accusing you for hurting Wen Moshen , I realized that I was very stupid and stubborn, I honestly hope that you can forgive me " 

" You ...are ... not ... Stupid " Su Hanchen cold voice rang out in the room 

 Linxun was equally upset "Su Yuoyue ! , How can you call yourself , stupid and stubborn , tell me what happened that night , tell me! " His dimples was gone and his face was filled with anger .

 " Su Yuoyue ! , Your dad is still alive tell us , what did Wen Moshen do to you that night " his voice was very stern, giving her no room for objection or denial . 

 Even Su Yuoyue mother smile was gone and it was replaced with a slight frown , as if thinking.

 Feng Ming felt that if Su Yuoyue was aware that her family loved her to this extent , she would not have given up that night .

 But now she was confused , was sure that she could not go on the sucuide mission to kill the Hawks , she could not Rob this family of they daughter again , cause she knew that if she was given a chance to get back her Chen Chen , she would not hesitate to do anything to get him back 

 But then , how does , she get revenge for her past life .

 She had a new life but she was very confused.... But let's solve the situation at hand .

 " Brother , I have decided to grow up , I can't forever be your little sister that called you anytime she needs something , I decided to grow up .... Yes Wen Moshen hurt me that day but I promise to hurt ten times more than what he hurt me ... I will make him regret accusing you and brother, brother ... Do you turst me"