
Chapter 1: The newlywed young woman who lost her virginity - bewitched young woman

Everyone has everyone's misfortune and everyone's happiness, who can say that their misfortune will not be happiness. A woman's happiness is to find a good man, a good man will not be their husband.

  Women are sexually active, and are stronger than men, once exposed, the power of women is also infinite. Women should be careful, beautiful women should be more careful, beautiful young women should be more careful, because young women get it, there will be no consequences, a young woman to sue people for rape rarely, but will get their own reputation.

  There are several women in life who have been played by only one man in their lives, married women have not betrayed their husbands, a night of passion not found by their husbands, which woman does not want this.

  Bai Jie, twenty-four years old this year, graduated from a local teacher training college, teaching language in a small town in northern China middle school, which is a mix of high school and junior high school, high school dormitory, but also a part of the students rented a house outside to live, the school's promotion rate is very low, the management is also very chaotic.

  Bai Jie these days is for the evaluation of the title of things disturbed, Bai Jie graduated only two years, although the education is enough, but the qualifications are too shallow, but if the school's advanced producers can choose her, it will be much more certain. Then it all depends on the principal's recommendation.

  Just two months of marriage, Bai Jie said is a natural beauty is not too much. The skin is white and tender, giving off a healthy luster; pink face and peach cheeks, a pair of standard almond eyes, always with a light haze, as if curved with a wand of autumn water; light eyebrows, small red lips are always smiling and pursed. Not very tall, 1 meter 62 head to give the feeling is indeed slender and beautiful.

  This day she wore a white gauze skirt, red cotton T-shirt. The thin clothes under the plump and firm breasts as her body moves gently trembling. Under the short skirt rounded buttocks up a beautiful arc, slender and well-proportioned legs without stockings, white thighs naked. A pair of white moccasins, small and delicate. A breath of youth pervades the whole body, but the mature charm of the newlywed young woman and the twisting up of her waist gives her a seductive power that makes people panic.

  The principal, Gao Yi, saw Bai Jie's plump, white and vibrant figure walking past the window, and couldn't help but feel a hot current rising from his lower abdomen.


  Gao Yi was a lecherous man who used to work as an education assistant in the town government. This day a woman came to him. It turned out that this woman had been a teacher before, and then took it down, and this time hired a private teacher, so she found Gao Yi through a relative.

  This woman is not very beautiful, but the body is quite good, this day wore a black set of dresses, legs covered with black stockings, black high-heeled shoes. Gao Yi's eyes stared at the woman's thin suit under the apparently bulging breasts, mouth stammering that this matter is not easy to do. The woman to is not a light, looking at Gao Yi's eyes staring at their own breasts, they understand the mind of Gao Yi, panicked, and said a few words, Gao Yi repeatedly said to study the study.

  The woman went out of Gao Yi's office, outside the office building turned around several times, think about the days of daily exertion, and again when they used to be teachers, and several people in the school have done, although that is their own willingness, but get it up is not all the same thing. A ruthless heart, in the public phone booth to Gao Yi called a phone.

  "Assistant Gao, I am just looking for you Wang Fen, you come out and let's study and research ah."

Gao Yi heard immediately understood, and quickly went downstairs. Wang Fen saw Gao Yi, heart thumping. Gao Yi is a veteran of this, know that the woman is embarrassed, and the woman said, "Go ah, go to your home to see."

The two people soon arrived at the woman's home, once inside the house Gao Yi wrapped his arms around the woman's fleshy body, the woman did not resist, just mouth: "Hurry up, high assistant."

Gao Yi told the woman to lift up her skirt and lie down on the bed. The woman wore a pair of stockings, the root of the thighs a cut of white flesh inside a blue panties, Gao Yi dragged the woman's panties down, the two did not take off their clothes, from the rear and inserted. The woman's ass is very big, obviously had a child, the vagina is very loose, get a few water on a lot. Gao Yi hands put the woman's waist, "goo ... goo ..." to dry addiction, the woman kneeling there, constantly grunting, high heels also fell to the ground a.

  Is dry hot, the woman's husband came back. A knock on the door, Gao Yi a nervous, while pulling out while ejaculating, so that the woman's vagina, pubic hair, ass everywhere is white semen. The two people panicked to get dressed and opened the door.

  The man came in and saw that the two looked panicked, the woman's face was flushed, one foot was wearing high heels, one foot was bare, the stockings on her legs and feet had come loose, and her skirt was wrinkled. He could not help but feel some suspicion in his heart, a turn, saw a woman's blue panties thrown on the bed.

  Sullenly called the woman and he went inside, once inside he lifted up the woman's skirt, a look at the woman did not wear panties, then anxious, hand in the woman's wet pussy a touch, a sniff under the nose, "I fuck you!"

  Men stabbed to the town, Gao Yi had to be transferred to the middle school as principal. The male teachers at the school knew that Gao Yi was flirtatious and horny, and when they saw which female teachers were often called to the office by Gao Yi, or talked alone, the male teachers rumored to each other: "Whoever got their pants pulled down again."


  When Bai Jie just graduated to school, Gao Yi thought about it, but has not had the opportunity, two months ago when Bai Jie got married, Gao Yi on fire for several days, he always suspected that Bai Jie was a virgin before marriage, did not get on her before the wedding, after the wedding, see Bai Jie day by day from a young girl's innocence into a young woman ripe for the picking, so Gao Yi heart anxious to die. Today to see Bai Jie, a plot in his heart, a trap to Bai Jie body set to.

  In the evening back home, Bai Jie dinner to the unit and her husband said, but her husband did not take it seriously. The company's husband, Wang Shen, is a teacher who teaches mathematics in another middle school, a thin person with a pair of highly myopic glasses, looks refined, but also some intellectual manners, but also the common problem of intellectuals, simply do not believe that Bai Jie can evaluate the title. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

  The two sullenly went to bed, and after a while, Wang Shen's hand came from behind her back to caress her plump, firm breasts, while pushing her bra up, rolled over and pressed down on Bai Jie, while rubbing Bai Jie's breasts, his mouth already contained Bai Jie's small pink nipples, gently sucking, licking and shivering.

  "Annoying ..." Bai Jie grunted in dissatisfaction, Wang Shen has reached his hand to Bai Jie's lower body, pulling down her panties, while reaching his hand to the bottom of Bai Jie's pubic hair touched a few times. The lower body of Bai Jie is generally very wet, and the pussy lips are very clean, tender and slippery, touch a few times, Wang Shen's penis is already hard and swollen, can not wait to part Bai Jie's legs, pressed to Bai Jie between the legs.

  The hard thing in Bai Jie's wet and slippery lower body top to top, so that Bai Jie heart straight itch, had to bend the legs up, hand reached down, holding Wang Shen's penis to their pussy door, Wang Shen down a pressure, penis inserted.

  "Mmm ..." Bai Jie hummed, her legs moved slightly.

  Wang Shen began to pump incessantly as soon as he was inserted, huffing and puffing as he undulated on Bai Jie's body.

  The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

  Just a little feeling of Bai Jie pushed down her husband lying on top of her, grabbed the toilet paper on the side of the bed in the wet pussy wiped a few times, turned over and dropped over, the heart seems to have a fire burning, get up and hit the TV, very uncomfortable all over.

  As a plump and sexy young woman, Wang Shen obviously can not meet Bai Jie's sexual desires. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

  The next day, a work Bai Jie found many people with a strange look at her. The first time I got to the classroom, I found out that this year's advanced producers had evaluated her, and that she was also evaluated as this year's model worker in the town, ready to be nominated as the city's model worker. Bai Jie was overjoyed and came to Principal Gao Yi's office. 

  Bai Jie today wore a pink shirt, and a knee-length yellow sarong, short skirt under the straight round calves wearing spring white stockings, small feet wearing a pair of white high-heeled small sandals.

  "Principal, you are looking for me?" Bai Jie couldn't hold back her excitement, and her face was still smiling.

  Gao Yi eyes stared at Bai Jie's breasts that were somewhat gently trembling under the thin clothes as Bai Jie spoke, the fullness of the rhythm that made him almost drool.

  "Principal." Bai Jie called out again.

  "Ah, Bai Jie, you are here," Gao Yi let Bai Jie sit on the sofa, while saying: "This time to evaluate you as advanced is my intention, now is not advocating the use of young people, so I am ready to promote you into the intermediate title, if there is an opportunity at the end of the year, I am ready to let you be the head of the language group. " As Bai Jie sitting on the sofa, Gao Yi from the collar of Bai Jie's shirt oblique eyes into see Bai Jie inside wearing a white with lace bra, Gao Yi looked at the plump white breasts between the deep cleavage, the lower body are a little hard.

  "Principal, I have only graduated so many years, others will not ..." Bai Jie some concern.

  "Ignore those little people, jealous of talent and energy." Gao Yi's eyes almost almost drill to Bai Jie clothes to go, speak out of breath are not even: "This way, you write a work summary, personal summary, tomorrow morning ... Well, tomorrow is Saturday, tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, you send to my home, I help you look at it, Monday I will send to the city. "

"Thank you, Principal Gao, I will definitely finish writing it tomorrow." Bai Jie looked flattered.

  "My home is here." Gao Yi wrote his home address on a piece of paper and handed it to Bai Jie.

  Bai Jie is teaching the first year of high school, there is a girl named Xiao Jing in the class, this girl looks like a playful feeling, this year 19 years old, seems to be in a relationship with a young man named Zhong Wu in society. The young man is very handsome, very tall, a look at the very lean, is an armed forces veteran.

  The whole writing to eleven o'clock Bai Jie, the morning and carefully checked again, Wang Shen's enthusiasm for Bai Jie is disdain, he went to class for several years is still nothing, do not believe that Bai Jie can be assessed on what title. It just so happens that he has a classmate getting married on Sunday, and he told Bai Jie not to come back at night, and left.

  The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. The lower body is also wearing a pair of white stockings, the stockings leg root place is a lace lace. The soft fabric lined Bai Jie's breasts full and firm, slender waist, slender legs.

  Gao Yi opened the door and saw Bai Jie, his eyes were straight, "Come in, come in."

Bai Jie handed the summary to Gao Yi, Gao Yi took it but put it aside, busy giving Bai Jie a cup of cold coffee, "first a cup to quench your thirst."

  After walking this distance, Bai Jie really some thirst, took a sip, quite tasty, and drank it all down.

  Bai Jie did not notice a trace of weirdness on Gao Yi's face, and drank a few mouthfuls of coffee brought by Gao Yi again, and Gao Yi said a few words, suddenly felt a little dizzy. "My head is a little dizzy." Bai Jie stood up, just as soon as she stood up, she fell down on the sofa in a whirlwind.

  Gao Yi went over and called out a few times, "Bai Jie, teacher Bai." The first time I saw Bai Jie did not sound, boldly used his hand in Bai Jie's plump breasts pinched a little. The company is still not much movement, just gently panting.

  Gao Yi just gave Bai Jie to drink coffee in a foreign ecstasy, the drug is very strong, can last several hours, and also aphrodisiac effect. At this time, Bai Jie's face was scarlet and her pink lips were slightly open.

  After Gao Yi closed the curtains, he came to Bai Jie and couldn't wait to pounce on Bai Jie lying on the sofa.

  The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a pair of white breasts that are soft and flexible, Gao Yi contains a sucking of Bai Jie's nipples, a hand has reached under Bai Jie's skirt, stroking Bai Jie's thighs in stockings, the hand slides to Bai Jie's pussy, rubbing it with his hand. The sleepy Bai Jie gently squirmed.

  The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

  The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

  Gao Yi's hand caressed the soft pubic hair and touched Bai Jie's tender pussy lips. Wet and soft, Gao Yi put Bai Jie a thigh to the shoulder, while stroking the slippery thighs, while using his hand to put the thick penis top to Bai Jie's soft pussy lips, "beauty, I'm coming!" A jerk. "Zhi ..." a sound, inserted most of the way in, sleepy Bai Jie legs of the meat a tight.

  "Really tight ah!" Gao Yi only felt his penis was tightly wrapped by Bai Jie's vagina, feeling yet soft, Gao Yi moved back and forth a few times before inserting his penis with the root. Bai Jie's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, "Well ..." shivered all over.

  Bai Jie feet are still wearing white high heels, left foot up on Gao Yi's shoulder, right leg curled in front of the chest, white panties hanging on the right ankle, swaying in front of the chest, silk skirt are rolled in the waist, a pair of snow-white breasts quivering in front of the chest. With Gao Yi's penis pulled outward, the pink pussy lips were turned upward.

  The thick penis was pumping in Bai Jie's pussy, emitting a "coochie, coochie" sound. The sleepy Bai Jie's body trembled gently. The first time I saw it, I was in the middle of it.

  Gao Yi suddenly pumped a few times quickly, pulled out his penis, quickly inserted into Bai Jie's slightly open mouth, a stream of milky white semen from the corner of Bai Jie's mouth out.

  Gao Yi fondly pulled out of Bai Jie's mouth has been soft penis, gasping for breath and sat for a while, from the inner room took out a camera to shoot immediately, Bai Jie posed several lewd shots a dozen.