
Wicked Schemes, second Edition.

Prepare for an adventure like no other! Born again with memories of his past, Benjamin Reed is on a quest for revenge, justice, and self-discovery. After striking a deal with the enigmatic Vanessa, he uncovers the dark secrets of the government's sinister involvement in his mother's untimely demise, and sets his sights on righting the wrongs of the world. As Benjamin trains and gains allies on his journey, he discovers a supernatural power known as The Wicked Schemes System, a gift that he must master to defend against wicked-minded people. His battles against the Qilin and other powerful supernatural creatures, such as Dragons and kraken, will leave you on the edge of your seat! With each skirmish, Benjamin develops his skills and learns more about his place in a strange new world. In a final clash of epic proportions, the king of all supernatural creatures, the Qilin, will meet his match in Benjamin Reed. But this is only the beginning, as countless other supernatural beings wait in the shadows, ready to challenge him further. Join Benjamin Reed and his allies as they take on the world in a thrilling, action-packed ride that will leave you breathless!

Benjamin_Obeng_ · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Chapter 25. Silver

Chapter 25

The Batarat roared as it flapped its mighty wings then it lashed forward within the air, as it came closer with its hands held-out.

However as the creature's claws neared Benoni, Instantly Clara pushed him making him trip on the ground while she also slid her feet forward allowing the ground to push her feet forward until her back came lying on the ground.

The claw-like hands grabbed nothing but thin air. "Come on, let's move!" She grabbed him by the hand and began to pull him.

"Go without me!" Benoni had never thought the portal would take him to a place like this.

"I give up! Let me die here" He panicked while his back was still on the ground.

"Your death will mean nothing!" She snapped. "Come you idiot, let get out of here"

But suddenly, The Batarat came back at lightning speed as it swung its mighty wings aiming to end the two but Clara bent down just as the creature swung its claws.

The Batarat grew angrier, it has missed twice.

The bat took a sudden turn in the air

but just then a shiny long-silver spear from the sky thrust through the head of the creature. The animal wiggled twice then his head spewed orange blood then it fell on the ground racing dust in the air. The attack came as a surprise to anyone close at the scene.

Surprise, Benoni looked at his side but didn't see Clara. Must have been her, but the speed the spear came was unlike anything a mere human girl could do.

Behind him was Clara, just as scared as he was lying with her face buried in the ground. And from her reaction he could tell it wasn't her. And that made him curious even more. It could be a god, a Warrior, a vampire, a werewolf… Anything!

Benoni was still staring at the Batarat that had been killed so easily with a spear.

"So if it weren't Clara that killed it then who did?"

Immediately, a smoke accompanied with fast footsteps zoomed into their direction. At first, all they wanted to do was run, but looking at the pace of the running, even the air couldn't take that much speed. Within a blink, the person was already standing beside the dead creature.

"Should we run?" Benoni whispered, staring at the lady that wore black armory and behind her back was two sharp daggers. She looked lethal with those long wavy silverd hair.

"I don't know," Clara whispered, staring at the lady. Her aura depicted danger.

Just as the two was about to move

She turned around and looked at them. Her silver eyes glistened like the sharp tip of a sword. Within a thought, she was already standing in front of them.

She grabbed Benoni with just a finger and shoved him into the sky. "What are you doing here?" She ordered, her silverd eyes piercing through his soul.

"Please don't hurt him," Clara pleaded. "We got lost and we got here. We mean no harm." She finished with her hands raised up.

Hearing this the lady's temper seemed to calm down, after a few seconds she dropped him on the ground and started walking away "Wait" Shouted Clara. "Can you take us to wherever you are going?"

Benoni quickly covered her mouth. "What are you doing? Do you know what she is"

" Yeah, she is fast and awesome. We need to follow her." Clara replied.

" Are you nuts?"Benoni whispered " Didn't you see how she nearly killed me?"

Clara turned to look at where the lady used to stand. Luckily she was walking.. "Didn't you see her speed? What if a creature like that attacks again? Huh. We still need know where Benjamin is after that we can get out of here." "

Benoni thought long and hard. "She is still dangerous, we can't trust her..." Before he finished Clara was already running to the lady.

"Psssss! Lady take us with you." The lady was pooling her javelin from the creature then."What do you need me for." She replied without looking at Clara.

"We want you to take us with you.." Clara rambled not even believing her best excuse to get her attention. But however it did. Her face glamoured with happiness then her lips drew into a reassuring smile But still it looked deadly.

"You want to join me?"

Clara didn't think twice before shyly answering. "Yes lady. We will like to walk by your side" By then Benoni had managed to catch up.

"Call me Silver." She informed them.

Clara and Benoni were speechless as they watched the lady approach the dead Batarat. Her beauty was striking and Benoni couldn't help but be captivated by her. Expressing his thoughts, he shouted, "Wow, you're gorgeous!"

The lady turned to him and gave him a strange look before returning her attention to the dead creature. With her sword, she expertly sliced deep into the Batarat's flesh with a deft stroke. Clara and Benoni watched in fascination as the lady removed a shiny crystal from the beast.

"This is the trophy for hunting beasts," she said, examining the crystal closely. Clara and Benoni were amazed at the sight of such a unique item.

Benoni was eager to ask more questions, but before he could, the lady dashed around with her speed, leaving the duo awestruck, both by her beauty and by the mysterious crystal's existence.

"But something's not right!" She said as she stood in front of them already.

."This kind of beast only appears whenever the enemy is approaching but I don't see any signs of their arrival!"

"What enemy?!" Clara questioned. A little bit trembled by the "Enemy" part.

"It's a long story. I will tell you later." Silver looked at the boy behind Clara that was constantly winking at her, " Since you know my name, why don't you tell me yours"

"I Don't mind babe. Call me Benoni." He said, waving his arm.

" I am Clara," she said, as they continued walking. "So where are you going?" She asked, suppressing her curiosity so that she won't ask what she is!

"I am recruiting students and at the same time hunting for beasts. Silver replied with pure elegance on her face. "Would you like to join the school?"

"What school?" They both replied.

" The school for the Halflings…"


While Benoni and Clara were lucky enough to join the school for the Halflings, Benjamin was about to work harder as a slave, 25 kilometers away.