
Wicked Schemes, second Edition.

Prepare for an adventure like no other! Born again with memories of his past, Benjamin Reed is on a quest for revenge, justice, and self-discovery. After striking a deal with the enigmatic Vanessa, he uncovers the dark secrets of the government's sinister involvement in his mother's untimely demise, and sets his sights on righting the wrongs of the world. As Benjamin trains and gains allies on his journey, he discovers a supernatural power known as The Wicked Schemes System, a gift that he must master to defend against wicked-minded people. His battles against the Qilin and other powerful supernatural creatures, such as Dragons and kraken, will leave you on the edge of your seat! With each skirmish, Benjamin develops his skills and learns more about his place in a strange new world. In a final clash of epic proportions, the king of all supernatural creatures, the Qilin, will meet his match in Benjamin Reed. But this is only the beginning, as countless other supernatural beings wait in the shadows, ready to challenge him further. Join Benjamin Reed and his allies as they take on the world in a thrilling, action-packed ride that will leave you breathless!

Benjamin_Obeng_ · ファンタジー
31 Chs

14. She died a virgin

[10/30. 8/ 04/2023]

Outside room 34, opposite it was the emergency chamber. There was a girl lying on one of the the beds with almost all her body in bruises. The doctors had declared that her heart was failing and due to this condition she might not survive. But eventually something happened with her body and this morning that same doctor noticed that her heart failure had been healed. The doctors stared at the pale looking girl in front of their eyes.

"Her name is Clara, right?" He asked his college doctors, unsure whether the only detail they could gather up was just her name. "We need to inform the government about her" One of the doctors stared at her body once again before leaving the room.


" How did I get here" Benjamin asked Co-nian. He screamed within. 'What the heck did you do with my body you damn system' He wanted to hear him response but everything was just silent in his head.

"Where is Clara, is she alive?" Benjamin babbled. The last thing he recalled was hovering on top of Clara and after that nothing else.

" Don't you hurt yourself young man, you lost a little blood from the accident." A pale looking nurse pulled him back to the bed. "You need to have some rest," she consoled him.

"Rest! How can I rest? I just woke up from an endless sleep and YOU WANT ME TO GO BACK!!" Benjamin raised his voice. "Wait" He sat up. "something's not right, I feel it. Where are my friends?"

"What friends? Oh The girl next door?" The pretty nurse replied.

Benjamin's heart rested upon hearing that at least she was okay "Fine, I will rest for now" He laid his aching body back on the bed then immediately sat up again. "What about Ricky? The other boy?"

"Am sorry we did not receive any boy that day aside from you. You were the only boy we treated." She explained.

" No! don't give me that '' Benjamin shook his head. "You need to treat Ricky before his situation becomes worse. He was with me when the…" He paused.

Ricky was already outside the window when the building exploded. And Benjamin forgot all about him after he dropped him to the ground.

"Here" The nurse handed him a phone while Benjamin was sitting on the bed trying to recall everything. "It's the fire service, they wanna talk to you about something"

Benjamin took the phone. "Hello this is officer Jake speaking, I am sorry to tell you this but my records told me that there were three hostages in that building but me and my team were able to rescue you and that girl. We searched everywhere through the damage but we found nothing. And even if that boy survived he wouldn't stay alive for another second. Just accept it kid. Your friend is DEAD!

Your friend was too close to the blast and I believe if he didn't die from the blast, he might as well be melted by the hot flames that sprayed in the air. We are very sorry about this." He ended.

Crack!!! The mobile phone Benjamin was holding spread into piles of waste on the ground the moment they finished talking. Benjamin had smashed the phone in his hands without knowing.

" Why is everyone I meet keep on dying" Benjamin yelled throwing the remaining piece away. Reeds couldn't help but feel so frustrated with himself for following Clara in the first place. "No,no,no. This cannot happen again. Not to me, not to Clara! Fredrick was the only brother she had left. losing all your family at the same time, is hell itself! and I don't want to be apart of it"

Benjamin could feel the ground beneath him become cold all of a sudden. His heart was full of loss and he could not take it.

"He is lying. There is no way I am going to believe Ricky is dead." Benjamin stood up and made his way to the door.

"No you are not going anywhere ,You need to rest" The nurse tried to stop him.

Benjamin: " Rest? How can I rest knowing that Ricky needs my help. I can't feel him close to my heart, I need to rescue him. I am coming, Ricky! Someone needs to save you."

He exited the room and ran across the hallways whilst his head was bleeding nonstop. He ran towards the exit but before he could reach the final door to break free, the nurse injected him with sleeping drugs.


Clara was still in a coma while this all happened. But a few hours later Clara's body was going through a massive change. She started getting better. She was healing from all the wounds that once housed her skin.

Strange.. her eyes opened wide as she came back from the darkness that hovered over her.

The room she lied in instantly reminded her of the laboratory. She got up from the bed then began to move forward until she reached the door.

"Hello, anybody here?"

The senior nurse froze in place, after she heard Clara's voice echoing from the room. 'Why is she up right now, I thought she was madly injured and she will wake up next month but why is she looking so strong within just two hours?'

"Are you okay young girl? Do you feel any difficulty breathing?" The nurse neared her. And despite her doubts she even managed to get closer to the girl to see everything. Even her question was just a distraction to get closer to her so she could see clearly how all the blood on her body just vanished!

Clara : "I can breathe fine. Where am I? "

"Here is one of the best hospitals in Brazil so they brought you here after the blast." The nurse held her to sit down.

" Wait a minute.. they?... Who are they, that brought me?" She questioned.

"The fire service brought you both" She reassured Clara.

"Okay , Where is he then?" Referring to the dead brother.

" He is just next door" He pointed at the room opposite.

Without waiting for the seconds Clara ran to the room opposite hers.

She screamed whilst holding the nurse's neck tightly "What have you done with Ricky, where is my brother, why can't I see him?" Clara insisted.

"Wait, let me… tell you" She mumbled.

Clara released her hand from the neck impalement allowing the nurse to breathe once again.

" I am sorry kid, Your brother did not make it, the officers brought only the two of you here they told us to make sure you knew about your brother." The nurse finished patting her on the shoulders.

"What are you trying to tell me?" She demanded standing up.

" Your brother was not found when they retrieved you from the crashed site. Miss Clara, I know it hurts but don't destroy the bed, you might break it if you keep on hitting it." Said the Nurse.

Clara realized she had been hitting the bed constantly. Then turned to look at the nurse. " F*ck you insolent fool, Is this bed worth my brother's death? Answer me." She yelled. After hearing that Ricky's body wasn't found, every emotion inside her just died. All her pain just vanished. She became void.

" I am sorry Miss Clara, I didn't mean to hurt you. I know how it feels to lose someone…" The nurse tried to sit her down once again.

"Don't dare tell me you know what I am passing through bitch! Because you don't nobody does. All my family members are just dead." Clara grabbed her neck the second time. " Why is life so cruel to me alone! Let me die a virgin I don't care." She stormed out of the room totally ignoring the nurse orders.

" Stop there kid!" The senior nurse bumped into her.

" Where the heck do you think you are going ? You may be feeling better but it doesn't assure your safety. You cannot just move outside the hospital anyhow you like."

Clara paused. She was going to end her own life but eventually remembered something useful " If I tell you what I want, will you leave me alone?"

"it depends"

"It's a yes or no question!" Clara demanded.

The two nurses stood there for a while before answering.
