
Chapter 2

Lianne’s gaze fixed on the woman’s tight bottom as she sauntered away. Normally, she never stared so openly. But something about this woman captivated her, drawing her full attention to her every move. Lianne shifted on the bar stool, the sway of the bartender’s hips causing a sudden flutter between her thighs. The woman's ebony mane, tamed by a red headband, hung all the way to her butt, sashaying from side to side with each step she took, and brushing against her rounded backsideA nice ass at that, Lianne thought with a grin. Dazzling black wings with silver accents of glitter bounced against the bartender’s back when she walked. Her gaze drifted lower, focusing on the black leather combat boots, adorned with silver skulls. Lianne froze when she was caught staring and a flush of heat crept onto her cheeks.

Lianne’s breath caught when she met the woman’s intense stare. Cat-like emerald eyes locked on Lianne. Even though she tried, she could not bring herself to look away. The bartender’s piercing gaze made her once again uncomfortably shift on the barstool. It seemed silly, but Lianne felt violated in a way by the intensity of the stare, almost as if the woman could read her thoughts. Lianne’s eyes traveled lower, taking in the bartender’s costume. A skin tight black and red fairy dress clung to the raven-haired beauty's full hips. Black lace lined the top of the bodice and the underlying wires shoved the bartender’s bulging cleavage nearly out of the costume. Tiny black and white bows meticulously danced along the base of the skirt, while a heavy petticoat swished beneath when she walked back towards Lianne, drink in hand.

“Anything else I can get for you, honey?” The bartender grinned as she slid the drink across the counter. Leaning forward, she made certain her breasts were clearly in Lianne’s line of vision.

Lianne licked her lips, fixated on the pale ivory flesh that glistened before her. Another surge of heat radiated between her thighs as she shook her head. “No thanks,” she managed to say in a whisper. Lianne wrapped her fingertips around the glass to have somewhere to place her hand. Damn, get a grip

“So,” the woman said, still not budging from where she stood. “What’s your name, babe? Or should I just call you Riding Hood?” The bartender brushed her hair behind her shoulders, causing the sparkling red headband to slip back slightly when the mane of ebony shifted.

“Lianne,” she said with another shift on the barstool. “Lianne Perry,” she added when she saw the intense green eyes continue to stare. “You?” she asked with a timid gulp.

“Ravenna Blake,” the bartender answered with a slow smile. As she leaned forward, her breasts shifted, nearly toppling out from their meager confines when she pressed against the counter top. Piercing eyes scanned Lianne, coming to an obvious stop when they centered on her breasts. “Very nice,” she said with an appraising smile.

“Um,” Lianne gulped. She could feel the heat creep onto her cheeks when Ravenna’s gaze lingered.

“Customers,” Ravenna abruptly growled. She pushed away from the counter, strutting towards the other end of the bar while sneaking several glances at Lianne.

Lianne took in a shaky breath. She downed the double shot of whiskey in a single gulp and winced when the harsh liquid burned her throat as it slid down. Lianne slammed the glass back onto the counter top, her heart racing. When Ravenna turned, Lianne held up the empty glass and arched her brow. “Can I get another?” Lianne asked.

“You can have as many as you’d like, sugar.” Ravenna re-filled the glass and pushed it back to Lianne.

“Thanks.” Lianne exhaled as she watched the mystical beauty saunter back to the other end of the bar before she once again returned. Suddenly it was as if every single worry within Lianne’s mind had disappeared. Each time she gazed into Ravenna’s mesmerizing eyes, her troubles seemed to drift further and further away. She did not pretend to know how, but admittedly, she rather liked the feeling.

Ravenna picked up a glass of thick red liquid and took a hearty gulp from it when she came to stand in front of Lianne. She opened her eyes wide before asking, “So, gorgeous, don’t tell me you’re all alone tonight?”

“I...” Lianne swallowed. Why was it she couldn’t even recall how she’d managed to end up here tonight? “Yes,” she nodded. “I am.” When she tried to focus, it was as if her mind had gone blank on the how and why of the matter. “I can’t even remember why I’m here,” she whispered. “Wow, that’s so odd.” Her nose crinkled when she laughed, causing her blonde curls to bounce from beneath the cape.