
Why this happened when I got into the game ?

aahem I am ryuji and i am a shut in and I don't have parents nor any friend and just like everyday I was playing games on my computer and when I was playing suddenly my computer's keyboard stopped working and I punched keyboard and I got teleported into the game I was playing oh and the game's name is lonely hero and after I got into game I yelled loud 'yes yes hell yes ' finally I got out of that crappy world and now I will have my own harem and adventure . after a while i learned many things about this world about this world first I am level 1 and I only have one skill and it is something named mud manipulation and the soil of this world is so sweet and I I tried to use my skill but nothing happened and I walked for an entire hour and I heard a sound saying report something has been caught in trap and ' just read the novel to know what happens next u Susy baka'

lostslug · ファンタジー
3 Chs


I am ryuji and I am a shut-in and I am an professional gamer and I earn through gaming and just like everyday I was playing game and my keyboard stopped working and I punched my keyboard and suddenly I got teleported into the game that I was playing and I wasn't that much shocked and sad because I got into my dream world of course and now I can have my own harem and adventure

it's been an hour since I got into this game world and I have learned many things about this world and I am level 1 just like in every game and there are skills in this world and I have mud manipulation and illusion and nothing seriously nothing more than this two skill and I am in the middle of desert and I am hungry and I have been walking for Hours and I haven't seen even one village or monster and human not even a bird and I tried to use my skill and i aimed at a big rock and used mud manipulation and nothing happened and I kept walking and suddenly I heard a voice saying a target has been captured in the trap and I said ' when did I even set a trap , what are you saying ' and that voice didn't gave me reply and I started to run toward the direction where I used mud manipulation and I saw a pig inside the hole and I picked that pig up and I released it even though I was hungry and I started walking toward south and while walking I tried illusion skill and this skill was so cool and strong because with this I could copy anyone's face and body and I can create my own illusion world where nothing can move without my permission and with mud manipulation I could make trap and I can create mud golem and I can make vehicle and those vehicle doesn't even need engine to run and those vehicle cost mp to run so I decided to walk because I was low on mp and I couldn't waste what I have and after a while of walking in desert I saw ocean and in ocean I saw megalodon shark and I I transformed into megalodon with the help of of illusion and I swimed for a while and I ate a lot of fish and I leveled up and I finally reached level 2 and I attacked an octopus who was talking and with fishes and I leveled up to 3 this time and I ate a lot of fish and other sea animal and I finally reached level 10 and I I dived deep into the ocean and I don't know what I ate but it was blue colored circular thing and after I ate that I level increased to 20 directly and I searched for more crystals like that and I suddenly saw an big hell of a big crocodile with wing and I swimed and I managed to escape from that crocodile and I reached sea shore and I transformed into my human form and I saw a big wall and I tried to climb it but I failed then I used my mid manipulation and I got on the top of that wall and I saw a big bare land and far in South I saw a castle and in North I saw many tall mountains and I ran straight toward south.