
Chapter 15 When in Rome, do as the Romans do

翻訳者: 549690339


So, she's only doing the problems she knows and leaving the rest blank?

Doesn't that mean there's too much she doesn't know?

Xiao Qi suppressed his doubts and stood up to call Jiang Yan for dinner, but then he suddenly saw her marking Jiang Yan's test paper.

Xiao Qi: ....

Is she correcting Jiang Yan's paper for him?

"Correction can wait till we're back, let's go have dinner first."

Song Jiawen put down the test paper and stood up to join Jiang Yan and Xiao Qi as they headed out together.

Neither had gotten around to arranging their meal cards for the school cafeteria yet, and Xiao Qi's group had their fill of cafeteria food, so they all planned to eat off campus for dinner.

Since it was the end of school, there was a large flow of students, bustling about everywhere.

But Song Jiawen was like a radiant presence, drawing attention wherever she went. Her black hair was simply tied back, and her delicately beautiful features were cool and clear. The ordinary grey and white tracksuit she wore seemed high-end on her.

Passing students would do a double-take, many with looks of admiration.

Damn, when did such a character show up at school?

"Is that the transfer student from class one?"

A group from class six, strolling along leisurely, also noticed Song Jiawen, Jiang Yan, and Xiao Qi. Among them was a girl dressed in a fashionable beige trench coat and blue jeans, with her long hair cascading down her back, youthful and pretty.

Hearing her companion's words, the girl turned her head to look over at Song Jiawen and the others.

"She's just okay-looking. Class one is making a big deal out of nothing, talking about changing the 'school beauty'. She wants to be the school beauty? That's hilarious."

The girl who had just spoken now scoffed in the direction of Song Jiawen.

The girl walking beside Deng Tao chimed in, "Exactly, you need more than just a pretty face to be the school beauty. Did you hear? These two transferred from a rural middle school. Who transfers this late in the year unless they were expelled from their previous school?"

"Now that you mention it, that does seem likely. Who else would transfer this close to the gaokao? There are only four months left."

"Those who get expelled can't have good grades."

"Right, and they dare to compare themselves to Deng Tao? Doesn't she find it shameful?"

"Enough!" Deng Tao withdrew her gaze from Song Jiawen, finding it disagreeable that others were comparing her to such a girl.

Was there even a comparison to make?

It was so boring.

She didn't take Song Jiawen seriously, but the gossip still annoyed her.

Seeing Deng Tao's reaction, the other girls stopped talking about Song Jiawen and switched to topics she liked.

Meanwhile, Song Jiawen and her group quickly finished their dinner and returned to the classroom.

Whether they were boarding or day students, senior three students had to attend evening self-study, unless one had a special reason and the teacher's approval to skip it.

After returning, Jiang Yan continued to work on the test papers given by Teacher Gao, while Song Jiawen helped him correct the parts he'd finished.

Wang Xiaole turned around just in time to see Song Jiawen with Jiang Yan's paper and blurted out, "Are you planning to copy the answers? If so, you could copy mine."

Since the papers had to be handed in after the last session of the evening study, she thought Song Jiawen hadn't finished in time and wanted to copy from Jiang Yan.

But her grades should be better than Jiang Yan's, right?

So if Song Jiawen were to copy, she should copy from her.

Song Jiawen: ....

Jiang Yan snorted with laughter; they had just found out that the three sets of papers Teacher Gao initially gave them were to be handed in that evening.


Song Jiawen flipped through a pile of papers and found those three; she accepted Wang Xiaole's kindness and copied all the answers from her for the basic questions she hadn't done.

Because she was rather eye-catching, many people saw her copying during the test.

By the time the last class of the evening self-study session, English class representative and also study committee member Zhu Jin came over to collect the test papers, she greeted her with a stern face and coldly said, "If it's not finished, don't submit it. What's the point of copying?"

Jiang Yan furrowed his brows, while Song Jiawen obediently nodded and said, "Alright, I got it."

After Zhu Jin left, Jiang Yan asked Song Jiawen, "Start doing the test papers from tomorrow?"

"Let's do it. You have to follow the local customs in the first month; get familiar with the types of questions here first."

He earnestly asked her, "With their level of difficulty, how much do you think you can score?"

Song Jiawen said in surprise, "Is there a difficulty? Aren't these just the usual practice papers?" Some types of questions might be somewhat innovative, but by analyzing them a bit, she could solve them; indeed, they weren't difficult.

Jiang Yan: "...."

He knew that for a freak who could go through college calculus, there wasn't much that could stump her.

After evening self-study when they returned to the dormitory, Song Jiawen met the other two roommates besides Wang Xiaole, Zhu Jin, and Meng Qing.

But what she didn't expect was that right after she washed up and got into bed, Zhu Jin actually handed her a notebook.

"This is the English study notes I usually take during class, I'm lending it to you for a few days," Zhu Jin said.

Song Jiawen: ....

"Thank you!"

She reached out and took the notebook.

Zhu Jin thought she would start reading it right away, but Song Jiawen just put the notebook by her pillow and went to sleep.

Zhu Jin frowned, but then relaxed because she saw that Song Jiawen's bedside was bare, without a lamp.

Unlike them, each of them had a small lamp by their beds, which allowed them to study for over an hour even after lights out.

After thinking it over, Zhu Jin went back to her own bed, rummaged for a flashlight, and then went over to Song Jiawen's bed to nudge her.

Song Jiawen opened her eyes and looked over, puzzled. What was this girl trying to do, stopping her from sleeping?

"I have a flashlight here, it can last for half an hour," Zhu Jin said.

Song Jiawen was full of question marks, not understanding how Zhu Jin's flashlight lasting half an hour had anything to do with her.

At this point, Meng Qing in the bed diagonally across from her had already climbed into bed and turned on her small lamp, then took out a workbook and started doing problems while lying down.

Song Jiawen understood then, and sighed, "I'm tired and sleepy today. I can't focus on anything under these circumstances; it's not efficient."

Zhu Jin turned and walked away without expression.

Wang Xiaole spoke on behalf of Song Jiawen, "Song Jiawen is still not used to it. Give her some time to adjust."

The study atmosphere in class one was quite intense, and Zhu Jin, the study committee member, played a significant role in pushing everyone, or else their class's overall grades wouldn't be so good.

Song Jiawen didn't know before, but now she understood.

Especially after lights out in the dorm, she admired the little lamps shining at the head of their three beds.

Not to mention studying during sleeping time, even during study time she felt like sleeping. That's why she was "moved" to help him come up with three notebooks of study notes when faced with Jiang Yan's relentless problem-solving.

But now, comparing Jiang Yan with them... It seemed he was lacking a bit in intensity.

During the morning reading session the next day, Song Jiawen gave Jiang Yan Zhu Jin's English notes, "I flipped through them, and she has noted down the grammar very comprehensively, along with lots of common phrases and sentence patterns. You could say, Zhu Jin's English study method is very good, you could take a cue from it," she said.

She had already reached her limit arranging notes in physics, chemistry, and biology for him; as for subjects like English, she really didn't have the patience to organize. For things she could understand at first glance, she really didn't know how to compile them.