
Why I hate Middle Class Women

"I endured this pain day after day, drowned in the ocean of tears that weren't allowed to leave my eyes. I held on for long, but they didn't love to see that, they stepped upon my head, content to watch me drown in the emotional mess they caused." Seven relationships and all were doomed from the start. The same issues and the same outcome, all the girls he loved left him, cheated on him, stabbed him in the back. Was he hexed? Was he really the problem? Why did they never last? Chang Wu didn't know. All he knew was that, they were breaking his heart to smaller pieces every time they walked out of his life because he couldn't 'afford' them. He'd tried everything to the extent everyone called him a simp for women who wouldn't even do half of what he'd done for them. 'Why were all middle class women the same?' Why hadn't he met one that wouldn't push the burden of financial responsibilities on his shoulders. The more he thought of it, the more he bore hate, until he decided to give up on them, and aim for something higher.  Dating a rich woman was his next step. As impossible as it sounded and difficult to achieve, he thought the woman on the magazine cover that caught his attention would actually love him, not because of money because she already had that. There were problems, he had to live falsely to catch her eye and watch out for potential threats to avoid the truth from getting exposed, but how long would he pretend to be the opposite of what he truly was? How long would he lie? How long would he continue to live in fear? And most importantly, how would he put an end to the facade without getting his dream woman hurt?

SofarLunar · 都市
152 Chs

Chapter 9: ideal type

"What's wrong, Dear?" Jessica's Nanny noticed how troubled her granddaughter looked. She'd been making a ruckus ever since she got home, and she wondered if it was as a result of a bad day at work.

"Someone touched me. He dared to put his filthy hands on me!" 

"Was it intentional, or you're overreacting this time?" Jessica bit her lip then folded her arms "Well...I'm sure he had insidious aims…

"You've accused so many people of harassing you and you have a notoriety for it. You're scaring good men away."

"Men are nauseating, and evil. I can't confide in any of them." 

"I hope you find one you'll be able to."

"They're all the same. I'm not interested in finding anyone." 

Her grandma sighed "I don't want you to be single forever. Your friend is engaged, right?" 

Jessica balled her hands "Don't remind me Nanna. I have to stop it all. They're all evil and I'm sure each and everyone of them have evil intentions." 

"You should worry about yourself more and stop blindly worshipping Miss Qin all the time."

"I owe her so much respect. She was part of the few people that gave me hope after the incident." 

"I understand, but you shouldn't be a nuisance to her love life. She might get angry at you because of it."

Jessica didn't want to talk more on the matter, so she claimed she understood. The woman went back to her room to think things through. She wasn't sure if going back to Darba was safe, but important information might be there. She realised she left her notebook, and she lamented leaving her phone in the hands of that strange man. She could buy a new one, but there was a few pictures dear to her. 

"What to do?" She asked, squeezing her pillow tightly.


"Good evening father" Lijuan greeted her father immediately she answered the call.

"How are you precious Lijuan?"

"I'm In a good mood. How about you, father?"

"Your mother and I are worried about you. Are you with your boyfriend?" 

"No, I'm at my house."

"Don't you want to come home?" 

Lijuan shook her head "And have mother bother me for eternity? No chance. I love a life like this. I've never felt so free."

"She's doing this because she wants the best for you." 

"Well, it's not the best decision for me, and I'm sorry to say, if you and mom still don't realise how fake Fu Hong is… I won't step a foot in that house again. And I'll be with my boyfriend, living a happy life with someone that loves and respects me."

"I'm not against your choices, my dear. I just want you to be extra careful. I'll talk to your mom, and have her organise dinner for all of us, so we'd clear up misunderstandings." 

"No, I can't be too sure of mom's attitude if we ever have that dinner, and I don't want her to humiliate Wu." 

"I'm sure she'd be on her best behavior even if she doesn't want another man for you except Mr Fu." 

Lijuan sighed "Okay. I'll talk to you later. Love you dad" 

"Love you too precious. Have a nice evening." 

Lijuan dropped her phone on her counter and walked out of the kitchen, but stopped immediately when she noticed Fu Hong on her sofa. 

"What's the meaning of this?" She was irritated by how comfortable he was despite breaking into her home. 

She had her eyes on the man as he moved to pick up a picture frame from a small table by the corner. 

"You were so young. This place reminds me so much of when we were still a couple. We had sex for the first time in your room. Those were good times." 

"Good times?" Lijuan raised a brow, trying to comprehend the rubbish her ex was saying.

"Lijuan we were in love" He slowly approached her, a sad look on his face "Why can't we go back to how we used to be. It's not too late. We can still change a few things." 

"I don't need you anymore, Mr Fu. Don't fake wanting me back because you love me. We both know the truth." 

"But I do!" 

She rolled her eyes, not convinced despite his A class acting skills. 

"What do I need to do to get my seventeen-year-old Lijuan back? How can I get you to love me again?" 

"You're getting too close to me Mr Fu. Stay away" She said, irritated by their closeness. She looked away from him, and towards the frame.

"At first I was afraid, I was petrified. I kept thinking I could never live without you by my side. But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong, I grew strong, and I learned how to get along. And so you're back from out of states. I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face. 

I should've changed that stupid lock, I should've made you leave your keys if I'd have known for just one second you'd be back to bother me. Now go, walk out the door! Just turn around because you're not welcomed anymore. Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye? Did you think I'll crumble? Did you think I'll lay down and die? No, not I, I will survive. As long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive. I've got all my life and I've got all my love to give. I will survive without you."

"Lijuan, I can explain things. Just give me the chance."

"It took me time to find the strength to recover from all you did to me. I tried hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart. I spent so many nights just feeling sorry for myself. I used to cry, but now I hold my head up high. And You see me? Somebody knew, I'm not the chained up little girl still obsessed with you. And so you felt like dropping in, and just expect me to be free, but now I'm saving all my loving for someone who's loving me. For the last time Fu, go! Walk out that door. Turn around because you're not welcomed anymore."

"You really want me out of your life? I love you" he wanted to cup her cheeks, but she gestured for him to not touch her. "It's over." 

"It's not. I'm not giving up yet. You're mine." 

"Not anymore. So help yourself out of my house."

Fu Hong stomped out and headed for his car parked outside. He was free to pour out his frustration in there "Damn that Lijuan! I told her mom talking with her won't work. She dared to tell me to leave! Who the fuck is her boyfriend any way? I would've settled for getting rid of him, but Lijuan would know it's me. What should I do to separate them when I don't even know anything about this guy? Shit! Lijuan is making me lose my temper. I have things to do in Tokyo. I came back to marry her, but she's playing games with me. I felt like pulling my gun on her, but I won't get away with it. All I want is her Father's company. I won't let anyone beat me to it!"

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